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Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466286############################################################################# ## ## AutoDoc package ## ## Copyright 2012-2016 ## Sebastian Gutsche, University of Kaiserslautern ## Max Horn, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen ## ## Licensed under the GPL 2 or later. ## ############################################################################# ## InstallGlobalFunction( Scan_for_AutoDoc_Part, function( line, plain_text_mode ) local position, whitespace_position, command, argument; #! @DONT_SCAN_NEXT_LINE position := PositionSublist( line, "#!" ); if position = fail and plain_text_mode = false then return [ false, line ]; fi; if plain_text_mode <> true then line := StripBeginEnd( line{[ position + 2 .. Length( line ) ]}, " " ); fi; ## Scan for a command position := PositionSublist( line, "@" ); if position = fail then return [ "STRING", line ]; fi; whitespace_position := PositionSublist( line, " " ); if whitespace_position = fail then command := line{[ position .. Length( line ) ]}; argument := ""; else command := line{[ position .. whitespace_position - 1 ]}; argument := line{[ whitespace_position + 1 .. Length( line ) ]}; fi; return [ command, argument ]; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( AutoDoc_Type_Of_Item, function( current_item, type, default_chapter_data ) local item_rec, entries, has_filters, ret_val; item_rec := current_item; if PositionSublist( type, "DeclareCategory" ) <> fail then entries := [ "Filt", "categories" ]; ret_val := "<C>true</C> or <C>false</C>"; has_filters := 1; elif PositionSublist( type, "DeclareRepresentation" ) <> fail then entries := [ "Filt", "categories" ]; ret_val := "<C>true</C> or <C>false</C>"; has_filters := 1; elif PositionSublist( type, "DeclareAttribute" ) <> fail then entries := [ "Attr", "attributes" ]; has_filters := 1; elif PositionSublist( type, "DeclareProperty" ) <> fail then entries := [ "Prop", "properties" ]; ret_val := "<C>true</C> or <C>false</C>"; has_filters := 1; elif PositionSublist( type, "DeclareOperation" ) <> fail then entries := [ "Oper", "methods" ]; has_filters := "List"; elif PositionSublist( type, "DeclareConstructor" ) <> fail then ## FIXME: there should be a Constructor tag, but it is unfortunately not possible, since GAPDoc ## does not offer such a tag. Issue for this is filed here: ## ## Once this is fixed, the next line needs to be changed accordingly. entries := [ "Oper", "methods" ]; has_filters := "List"; elif PositionSublist( type, "DeclareGlobalFunction" ) <> fail then entries := [ "Func", "global_functions" ]; has_filters := "No"; if not IsBound( item_rec!.arguments ) then item_rec!.arguments := "arg"; fi; elif PositionSublist( type, "DeclareGlobalVariable" ) <> fail then entries := [ "Var", "global_variables" ]; has_filters := "No"; item_rec!.arguments := fail; item_rec!.return_value := false; elif PositionSublist( type, "DeclareFilter" ) <> fail then entries := [ "Filt", "properties" ]; has_filters := "No"; item_rec!.arguments := fail; item_rec!.return_value := false; elif PositionSublist( type, "DeclareInfoClass" ) <> fail then entries := [ "InfoClass", "info_classes" ]; has_filters := "No"; item_rec!.arguments := fail; item_rec!.return_value := false; elif PositionSublist( type, "KeyDependentOperation" ) <> fail then entries := [ "Oper", "methods" ]; has_filters := 2; else return fail; fi; item_rec!.item_type := entries[ 1 ]; item_rec!.doc_stream_type := entries[ 2 ]; if not IsBound( item_rec!.chapter_info ) or item_rec!.chapter_info = [ ] then item_rec!.chapter_info := default_chapter_data.( entries[ 2 ] ); fi; if IsBound( ret_val ) and ( item_rec!.return_value = [ ] or item_rec!.return_value = false ) then item_rec!.return_value := [ ret_val ]; fi; return has_filters; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( AutoDoc_Parser_ReadFiles, function( filename_list, tree, default_chapter_data ) local current_item, flush_and_recover, chapter_info, current_string_list, Scan_for_Declaration_part, flush_and_prepare_for_item, current_line, filestream, level_scope, scope_group, read_example, command_function_record, autodoc_read_line, current_command, was_declaration, filename, system_scope, groupnumber, chunk_list, rest_of_file_skipped, context_stack, new_man_item, add_man_item, Reset, read_code, title_item, title_item_list, plain_text_mode, current_line_unedited, ReadLineWithLineCount, Normalized_ReadLine, line_number, ErrorWithPos, create_title_item_function, current_line_positition_for_filter, read_session_example; groupnumber := 0; level_scope := 0; autodoc_read_line := false; context_stack := [ ]; chapter_info := [ ]; line_number := 0; ReadLineWithLineCount := function( stream ) line_number := line_number + 1; return ReadLine( stream ); end; Normalized_ReadLine := function( stream ) local string; string := ReadLineWithLineCount( stream ); if string = fail then return fail; fi; NormalizeWhitespace( string ); return string; end; ErrorWithPos := function(arg) local list; list := Concatenation(arg, [ ",\n", "at ", filename, ":", line_number]); CallFuncList(Error, list); end; new_man_item := function( ) local man_item; if IsBound( current_item ) and IsTreeForDocumentationNodeForManItemRep( current_item ) then return current_item; fi; man_item := DocumentationManItem( tree ); if IsBound( current_item ) then Add( context_stack, current_item ); fi; if IsBound( scope_group ) then SetGroupName( man_item, scope_group ); fi; man_item!.chapter_info := ShallowCopy( chapter_info ); man_item!.tester_names := fail; return man_item; end; add_man_item := function( ) local man_item; man_item := current_item; if context_stack <> [ ] then current_item := Remove( context_stack ); else Unbind( current_item ); fi; if IsBound( man_item!.chapter_info ) then SetChapterInfo( man_item, man_item!.chapter_info ); fi; if Length( ChapterInfo( man_item ) ) <> 2 then ErrorWithPos( "declarations must be documented within a section" ); fi; Add( tree, man_item ); end; Reset := function( ) chapter_info := [ ]; context_stack := [ ]; Unbind( current_item ); plain_text_mode := false; end; Scan_for_Declaration_part := function() local declare_position, current_type, filter_string, has_filters, position_parentesis, nr_of_attr_loops, i; ## fail is bigger than every integer declare_position := Minimum( [ PositionSublist( current_line, "Declare" ), PositionSublist( current_line, "KeyDependentOperation" ) ] ); if declare_position <> fail then current_item := new_man_item(); current_line := current_line{[ declare_position .. Length( current_line ) ]}; position_parentesis := PositionSublist( current_line, "(" ); if position_parentesis = fail then ErrorWithPos( "Something went wrong" ); fi; current_type := current_line{ [ 1 .. position_parentesis - 1 ] }; has_filters := AutoDoc_Type_Of_Item( current_item, current_type, default_chapter_data ); if has_filters = fail then ErrorWithPos( "Unrecognized scan type" ); return false; fi; current_line := current_line{ [ position_parentesis + 1 .. Length( current_line ) ] }; ## Not the funny part begins: ## try fetching the name: ## Assuming the name is in the same line as its while PositionSublist( current_line, "," ) = fail and PositionSublist( current_line, ");" ) = fail do current_line := Normalized_ReadLine( filestream ); od; current_line := StripBeginEnd( current_line, " " ); current_item!.name := current_line{ [ 1 .. Minimum( [ PositionSublist( current_line, "," ), PositionSublist( current_line, ");" ) ] ) - 1 ] }; current_item!.name := StripBeginEnd( ReplacedString( current_item!.name, "\"", "" ), " " ); current_line := current_line{ [ Minimum( [ PositionSublist( current_line, "," ), PositionSublist( current_line, ");" ) ] ) + 1 .. Length( current_line ) ] }; filter_string := "for "; ## FIXME: The next two if's can be merged at some point if IsInt( has_filters ) then for i in [ 1 .. has_filters ] do ## We now search for the filters. A filter is either followed by a ',', if there is more than one, ## or by ');' if it is the only or last one. So we search for the next delimiter. while PositionSublist( current_line, "," ) = fail and PositionSublist( current_line, ");" ) = fail do Append( filter_string, StripBeginEnd( current_line, " " ) ); current_line := ReadLineWithLineCount( filestream ); NormalizeWhitespace( current_line ); od; current_line_positition_for_filter := Minimum( [ PositionSublist( current_line, "," ), PositionSublist( current_line, ");" ) ] ) - 1; Append( filter_string, StripBeginEnd( current_line{ [ 1 .. current_line_positition_for_filter ] }, " " ) ); current_line := current_line{[ current_line_positition_for_filter + 1 .. Length( current_line ) ]}; if current_line[ 1 ] = ',' then current_line := current_line{[ 2 .. Length( current_line ) ]}; elif current_line[ 1 ] = ')' then current_line := current_line{[ 3 .. Length( current_line ) ]}; fi; ## FIXME: Refactor this whole if IsInt( has_filters ) case! if has_filters - i > 0 then Append( filter_string, ", " ); fi; od; elif has_filters = "List" then while PositionSublist( current_line, "[" ) = fail do current_line := ReadLineWithLineCount( filestream ); NormalizeWhitespace( current_line ); od; current_line := current_line{ [ PositionSublist( current_line, "[" ) + 1 .. Length( current_line ) ] }; while PositionSublist( current_line, "]" ) = fail do Append( filter_string, StripBeginEnd( current_line, " " ) ); current_line := ReadLineWithLineCount( filestream ); NormalizeWhitespace( current_line ); od; Append( filter_string, StripBeginEnd( current_line{[ 1 .. PositionSublist( current_line, "]" ) - 1 ]}, " " ) ); else filter_string := false; fi; if IsString( filter_string ) then filter_string := ReplacedString( filter_string, "\"", "" ); fi; if filter_string <> false then if current_item!.tester_names = fail and StripBeginEnd( filter_string, " " ) <> "for" then current_item!.tester_names := filter_string; fi; if StripBeginEnd( filter_string, " " ) = "for" then has_filters := "empty_argument_list"; fi; ##Adjust arguments if not IsBound( current_item!.arguments ) then if IsInt( has_filters ) then if has_filters = 1 then current_item!.arguments := "arg"; else current_item!.arguments := JoinStringsWithSeparator( List( [ 1 .. has_filters ], i -> Concatenation( "arg", String( i ) ) ), "," ); fi; elif has_filters = "List" then current_item!.arguments := List( [ 1 .. Length( SplitString( filter_string, "," ) ) ], i -> Concatenation( "arg", String( i ) ) ); if Length( current_item!.arguments ) = 1 then current_item!.arguments := "arg"; else current_item!.arguments := JoinStringsWithSeparator( current_item!.arguments, "," ); fi; elif has_filters = "empty_argument_list" then current_item!.arguments := ""; fi; fi; fi; add_man_item(); return true; fi; declare_position := Minimum( [ PositionSublist( current_line, "InstallMethod" ), PositionSublist( current_line, "InstallOtherMethod" ) ] ); ## Fail is larger than every integer. if declare_position <> fail then current_item := new_man_item(); current_item!.item_type := "Func"; current_item!.doc_stream_type := "operations"; ##Find name position_parentesis := PositionSublist( current_line, "(" ); current_line := current_line{ [ position_parentesis + 1 .. Length( current_line ) ] }; ## find next colon current_item!.name := ""; while PositionSublist( current_line, "," ) = fail do Append( current_item!.name, current_line ); current_line := Normalized_ReadLine( filestream ); od; position_parentesis := PositionSublist( current_line, "," ); Append( current_item!.name, current_line{[ 1 .. position_parentesis - 1 ]} ); NormalizeWhitespace( current_item!.name ); current_item!.name := StripBeginEnd( current_item!.name, " " ); while PositionSublist( current_line, "[" ) = fail do current_line := Normalized_ReadLine( filestream ); od; position_parentesis := PositionSublist( current_line, "[" ); current_line := current_line{[ position_parentesis + 1 .. Length( current_line ) ]}; filter_string := "for "; while PositionSublist( current_line, "]" ) = fail do Append( filter_string, current_line ); od; position_parentesis := PositionSublist( current_line, "]" ); Append( filter_string, current_line{[ 1 .. position_parentesis - 1 ]} ); current_line := current_line{[ position_parentesis + 1 .. Length( current_line )]}; NormalizeWhitespace( filter_string ); if IsString( filter_string ) then filter_string := ReplacedString( filter_string, "\"", "" ); fi; if current_item!.tester_names = fail then current_item!.tester_names := filter_string; fi; ##Maybe find some argument names if not IsBound( current_item!.arguments ) then while PositionSublist( current_line, "function(" ) = fail and PositionSublist( current_line, ");" ) = fail do current_line := Normalized_ReadLine( filestream ); od; position_parentesis := PositionSublist( current_line, "function(" ); if position_parentesis <> fail then current_line := current_line{[ position_parentesis + 9 .. Length( current_line ) ]}; filter_string := ""; while PositionSublist( current_line, ")" ) = fail do; current_line := StripBeginEnd( current_line, " " ); Append( filter_string, current_line ); current_line := Normalized_ReadLine( current_line ); od; position_parentesis := PositionSublist( current_line, ")" ); Append( filter_string, current_line{[ 1 .. position_parentesis - 1 ]} ); NormalizeWhitespace( filter_string ); filter_string := StripBeginEnd( filter_string, " " ); current_item!.arguments := filter_string; fi; fi; if not IsBound( current_item!.arguments ) then current_item!.arguments := Length( SplitString( current_item!.tester_names, "," ) ); current_item!.arguments := JoinStringsWithSeparator( List( [ 1 .. current_item!.arguments ], i -> Concatenation( "arg", String( i ) ) ), "," ); fi; add_man_item(); return true; fi; return false; end; read_code := function( ) local code, temp_curr_line, comment_pos, before_comment; code := [ ]; while true do temp_curr_line := ReadLineWithLineCount( filestream ); if temp_curr_line[ Length( temp_curr_line )] = '\n' then temp_curr_line := temp_curr_line{[ 1 .. Length( temp_curr_line ) - 1 ]}; fi; if plain_text_mode = false then comment_pos := PositionSublist( temp_curr_line, "#!" ); if comment_pos <> fail then before_comment := NormalizedWhitespace( temp_curr_line{ [ 1 .. comment_pos - 1 ] } ); if before_comment = "" then temp_curr_line := temp_curr_line{[ comment_pos + 2 .. Length( temp_curr_line ) ]}; fi; fi; fi; if filestream = fail or PositionSublist( temp_curr_line, "@EndCode" ) <> fail then break; fi; Add( code, temp_curr_line ); od; return code; end; read_example := function( is_tested_example ) local temp_string_list, temp_curr_line, temp_pos_comment, is_following_line, item_temp, example_node; example_node := DocumentationExample( tree ); example_node!.is_tested_example := is_tested_example; temp_string_list := example_node!.content; is_following_line := false; while true do temp_curr_line := ReadLineWithLineCount( filestream ); if temp_curr_line[ Length( temp_curr_line )] = '\n' then temp_curr_line := temp_curr_line{[ 1 .. Length( temp_curr_line ) - 1 ]}; fi; if filestream = fail or PositionSublist( temp_curr_line, "@EndExample" ) <> fail or PositionSublist( temp_curr_line, "@EndLog" ) <> fail then break; fi; ##if is comment, simply remove comments. #! @DONT_SCAN_NEXT_LINE temp_pos_comment := PositionSublist( temp_curr_line, "#!" ); if temp_pos_comment <> fail then temp_curr_line := temp_curr_line{[ temp_pos_comment + 3 .. Length( temp_curr_line ) ]}; Add( temp_string_list, temp_curr_line ); is_following_line := false; continue; else if is_following_line then temp_curr_line := Concatenation( "> ", temp_curr_line ); if PositionSublist( temp_curr_line, ";" ) <> fail then is_following_line := false; fi; else if temp_curr_line = "" then continue; fi; temp_curr_line := Concatenation( "gap> ", temp_curr_line ); is_following_line := PositionSublist( temp_curr_line, ";" ) = fail; fi; Add( temp_string_list, temp_curr_line ); continue; fi; od; return example_node; end; read_session_example := function( is_tested_example ) local temp_string_list, temp_curr_line, temp_pos_comment, is_following_line, item_temp, example_node; example_node := DocumentationExample( tree ); if is_tested_example = false then example_node!.is_tested_example := false; else example_node!.is_tested_example := true; fi; temp_string_list := example_node!.content; while true do temp_curr_line := ReadLineWithLineCount( filestream ); if temp_curr_line[ Length( temp_curr_line )] = '\n' then temp_curr_line := temp_curr_line{[ 1 .. Length( temp_curr_line ) - 1 ]}; fi; if filestream = fail or PositionSublist( temp_curr_line, "@EndExampleSession" ) <> fail or PositionSublist( temp_curr_line, "@EndLogSession" ) <> fail then break; fi; #! @DONT_SCAN_NEXT_LINE temp_pos_comment := PositionSublist( temp_curr_line, "#!" ); if temp_pos_comment <> fail then temp_curr_line := temp_curr_line{[ temp_pos_comment + 2 .. Length( temp_curr_line ) ]}; Add( temp_string_list, temp_curr_line ); fi; od; return example_node; end; command_function_record := rec( ## HACK: Needed for AutoDoc parser to be scanned savely. ## The lines where the AutoDoc comments are ## searched cause problems otherwise. @DONT_SCAN_NEXT_LINE := function() ReadLineWithLineCount( filestream ); end, @DoNotReadRestOfFile := function() Reset(); rest_of_file_skipped := true; end, @BeginAutoDoc := function() autodoc_read_line := fail; end, @AutoDoc := ~.@BeginAutoDoc, @EndAutoDoc := function() autodoc_read_line := false; end, @Chapter := function() local scope_chapter; scope_chapter := ReplacedString( current_command[ 2 ], " ", "_" ); current_item := ChapterInTree( tree, scope_chapter ); chapter_info[ 1 ] := scope_chapter; end, @ChapterLabel := function() local scope_chapter, label_name; if not IsBound( chapter_info[ 1 ] ) then ErrorWithPos( "found @ChapterLabel with no active chapter" ); fi; label_name := ReplacedString( current_command[ 2 ], " ", "_" ); scope_chapter := ChapterInTree( tree, chapter_info[ 1 ] ); scope_chapter!.additional_label := Concatenation( "Chapter_", label_name ); end, @Section := function() local scope_section; if not IsBound( chapter_info[ 1 ] ) then ErrorWithPos( "found @Section with no active chapter" ); fi; scope_section := ReplacedString( current_command[ 2 ], " ", "_" ); current_item := SectionInTree( tree, chapter_info[ 1 ], scope_section ); Unbind( chapter_info[ 3 ] ); chapter_info[ 2 ] := scope_section; end, @SectionLabel := function() local scope_section, label_name; if not IsBound( chapter_info[ 2 ] ) then ErrorWithPos( "found @SectionLabel with no active section" ); fi; label_name := ReplacedString( current_command[ 2 ], " ", "_" ); scope_section := SectionInTree( tree, chapter_info[ 1 ], chapter_info[ 2 ] ); scope_section!.additional_label := Concatenation( "Section_", label_name ); end, @EndSection := function() Unbind( chapter_info[ 2 ] ); Unbind( chapter_info[ 3 ] ); current_item := ChapterInTree( tree, chapter_info[ 1 ] ); end, @Subsection := function() local scope_subsection; if not IsBound( chapter_info[ 1 ] ) or not IsBound( chapter_info[ 2 ] ) then ErrorWithPos( "found @Subsection with no active section" ); fi; scope_subsection := ReplacedString( current_command[ 2 ], " ", "_" ); current_item := SubsectionInTree( tree, chapter_info[ 1 ], chapter_info[ 2 ], scope_subsection ); chapter_info[ 3 ] := scope_subsection; end, @SubsectionLabel := function() local scope_subsection, label_name; if not IsBound( chapter_info[ 3 ] ) then ErrorWithPos( "found @SubsectionLabel with no active Subsection" ); fi; label_name := ReplacedString( current_command[ 2 ], " ", "_" ); scope_subsection := SubsectionInTree( tree, chapter_info[ 1 ], chapter_info[ 2 ], chapter_info[ 3 ] ); scope_subsection!.additional_label := Concatenation( "Subsection_", label_name ); end, @EndSubsection := function() Unbind( chapter_info[ 3 ] ); current_item := SectionInTree( tree, chapter_info[ 1 ], chapter_info[ 2 ] ); end, @BeginGroup := function() local grp; if current_command[ 2 ] = "" then groupnumber := groupnumber + 1; current_command[ 2 ] := Concatenation( "AutoDoc_generated_group", String( groupnumber ) ); fi; scope_group := ReplacedString( current_command[ 2 ], " ", "_" ); end, @EndGroup := function() Unbind( scope_group ); end, @Description := function() current_item := new_man_item(); SetManItemToDescription( current_item ); NormalizeWhitespace( current_command[ 2 ] ); if current_command[ 2 ] <> "" then Add( current_item, current_command[ 2 ] ); fi; end, @Returns := function() current_item := new_man_item(); SetManItemToReturnValue( current_item ); if current_command[ 2 ] <> "" then Add( current_item, current_command[ 2 ] ); fi; end, @Arguments := function() current_item := new_man_item(); current_item!.arguments := current_command[ 2 ]; end, @Label := function() current_item := new_man_item(); current_item!.tester_names := current_command[ 2 ]; end, @Group := function() local group_name; current_item := new_man_item(); group_name := ReplacedString( current_command[ 2 ], " ", "_" ); SetGroupName( current_item, group_name ); end, @ChapterInfo := function() local current_chapter_info; current_item := new_man_item(); current_chapter_info := SplitString( current_command[ 2 ], "," ); current_chapter_info := List( current_chapter_info, i -> ReplacedString( StripBeginEnd( i, " " ), " ", "_" ) ); SetChapterInfo( current_item, current_chapter_info ); end, @BREAK := function() ErrorWithPos( current_command[ 2 ] ); end, @SetLevel := function() level_scope := Int( current_command[ 2 ] ); end, @ResetLevel := function() level_scope := 0; end, @Level := function() current_item!.level := Int( current_command[ 2 ] ); end, @InsertChunk := function() Add( current_item, DocumentationDummy( tree, current_command[ 2 ] ) ); end, @InsertSystem := ~.@InsertChunk, @BeginChunk := function() if IsBound( current_item ) then Add( context_stack, current_item ); fi; current_item := DocumentationDummy( tree, current_command[ 2 ] ); end, @Chunk := ~.@BeginChunk, @System := ~.@BeginChunk, @BeginSystem := ~.@BeginChunk, @BeginCode := function() local tmp_system; tmp_system := DocumentationCode( tree, current_command[ 2 ] ); Append( tmp_system!.content, read_code() ); end, @Code := ~.@BeginCode, @InsertCode := ~.@InsertSystem, @EndChunk := function() if autodoc_read_line = true then autodoc_read_line := false; fi; if context_stack <> [ ] then current_item := Remove( context_stack ); else Unbind( current_item ); fi; end, @EndSystem := ~.@EndChunk, @BeginExample := function() local example_node; example_node := read_example( true ); Add( current_item, example_node ); end, @Example := ~.@BeginExample, @BeginLog := function() local example_node; example_node := read_example( false ); Add( current_item, example_node ); end, @Log := ~.@BeginLog, STRING := function() local comment_pos; if not IsBound( current_item ) then return; fi; comment_pos := PositionSublist( current_line_unedited, "#!" ); if comment_pos <> fail then current_line_unedited := current_line_unedited{[ comment_pos + 2 .. Length( current_line_unedited ) ]}; fi; Add( current_item, current_line_unedited ); end, @BeginLatexOnly := function() Add( current_item, "<Alt Only=\"LaTeX\"><![CDATA[" ); if current_command[ 2 ] <> "" then Add( current_item, current_command[ 2 ] ); fi; end, @EndLatexOnly := function() if autodoc_read_line = true then autodoc_read_line := false; fi; Add( current_item, "]]></Alt>" ); end, @LatexOnly := function() Add( current_item, "<Alt Only=\"LaTeX\"><![CDATA[" ); Add( current_item, current_command[ 2 ] ); Add( current_item, "]]></Alt>" ); end, @Dependency := function() if not IsBound( tree!.worksheet_dependencies ) then tree!.worksheet_dependencies := [ ]; fi; NormalizeWhitespace( current_command[ 2 ] ); Add( tree!.worksheet_dependencies, SplitString( current_command[ 2 ], " " ) ); end, @BeginAutoDocPlainText := function() plain_text_mode := true; end, @AutoDocPlainText := ~.@BeginAutoDocPlainText, @EndAutoDocPlainText := function() plain_text_mode := false; end, @ExampleSession := function() local example_node; example_node := read_session_example( true ); Add( current_item, example_node ); end, @BeginExampleSession := ~.@ExampleSession, @LogSession := function() local example_node; example_node := read_session_example( false ); Add( current_item, example_node ); end, @BeginLogSession := ~.@LogSession ); ## The following commands are specific for worksheets. They do not have a packageinfo, ## and no place to extract those infos. So these commands are needed to make insert the ## information directly into the document. title_item_list := [ "Title", "Subtitle", "Version", "TitleComment", "Author", "Date", "Address", "Abstract", "Copyright", "Acknowledgements", "Colophon" ]; create_title_item_function := function( name ) return function() if not IsBound( tree!.TitlePage.( name ) ) then tree!.TitlePage.( name ) := [ ]; fi; current_item := tree!.TitlePage.( name ); Add( current_item, current_command[ 2 ] ); end; end; ## Note that we need to create these functions in the helper function ## create_title_item_function to ensure that the <name> variable is bound properly. ## Without this intermediate helper, the wrong closure is taken, ## and later, when the function is executed, the value for <name> will be the last ## value <title_item> had, i.e., the last entry of <title_item_list>. for title_item in title_item_list do command_function_record.( Concatenation( "@", title_item ) ) := create_title_item_function( title_item ); od; rest_of_file_skipped := false; ##Now read the files. for filename in filename_list do Reset(); ## FIXME: Is this dangerous? if PositionSublist( filename, ".autodoc" ) <> fail then plain_text_mode := true; fi; filestream := InputTextFile( filename ); if filestream = fail then Error( "could not open ", filename ); fi; line_number := 0; while true do if rest_of_file_skipped = true then rest_of_file_skipped := false; break; fi; current_line := ReadLineWithLineCount( filestream ); if current_line = fail then break; fi; current_line_unedited := ShallowCopy( current_line ); NormalizeWhitespace( current_line ); current_command := Scan_for_AutoDoc_Part( current_line, plain_text_mode ); if current_command[ 1 ] <> false then if autodoc_read_line <> fail then autodoc_read_line := true; fi; if not IsBound( command_function_record.(current_command[ 1 ]) ) then ErrorWithPos("unknown AutoDoc command ", current_command[ 1 ]); fi; command_function_record.(current_command[ 1 ])(); continue; fi; current_line := current_command[ 2 ]; if autodoc_read_line = true or autodoc_read_line = fail then was_declaration := Scan_for_Declaration_part( ); if not was_declaration and autodoc_read_line <> fail then autodoc_read_line := false; fi; fi; od; od; end );