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Views: 466309############################################################################# ## #W conwaypols.g GAP 4 package `browse' Thomas Breuer ## #Y Copyright (C) 2007, Lehrstuhl D für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Germany ## ############################################################################# ## #F BrowseConwayPolynomials() ## BindGlobal( "BrowseConwayPolynomials", function() local stringpol, d, len, maxd, mat, p, pstr, dwidth, winwidth, polwidth, source, footerlength, name, sel_action, table, result; stringpol:= function( coeffs ) local str, i; str:= ""; for i in Reversed( [ 2 .. Length( coeffs ) ] ) do if coeffs[i] = 1 then Append( str, "X^" ); Append( str, String( i-1 ) ); Append( str, " + " ); elif coeffs[i] <> 0 then Append( str, String( coeffs[i] ) ); Append( str, " X^" ); Append( str, String( i ) ); Append( str, " + " ); fi; od; Append( str, String( coeffs[1] ) ); return str; end; for d in [ "1", "2", "3" ] do if CONWAYPOLYNOMIALSINFO.( Concatenation( "conwdat", d ) ) = false then ReadLib( Concatenation( "conwdat", d, ".g" ) ); fi; od; len:= LogInt( Length( CONWAYPOLDATA ), 10 ) + 1; maxd:= 1; mat:= []; for p in [ 1 .. Length( CONWAYPOLDATA ) ] do pstr:= String( p ); if IsBound( CONWAYPOLDATA[p] ) then for d in [ 1 .. Length( CONWAYPOLDATA[p] ) ] do if IsBound( CONWAYPOLDATA[p][d] ) then # Store only the first two columns now, # compute the polynomials on demand. Add( mat, [ pstr, String( d ) ] ); fi; od; maxd:= Maximum( maxd, d ); fi; od; dwidth:= LogInt( maxd, 10 ) + 1; winwidth:= NCurses.getmaxyx( 0 )[2]; polwidth:= winwidth - len - dwidth - 19; # Formatted source info. source:= rec(); footerlength:= 0; for name in RecNames( CONWAYPOLYNOMIALSINFO ) do if IsString( CONWAYPOLYNOMIALSINFO.( name ) ) then source.( name ):= SplitString( FormatParagraph( NormalizedWhitespace( CONWAYPOLYNOMIALSINFO.( name ) ), winwidth, "left" ), "\n" ); footerlength:= Maximum( footerlength, Length( source.( name ) ) ); fi; od; source.( "nothing" ):= ""; sel_action:= rec( helplines:= [ "add the Conway polynomial to the result list" ], action:= function( t ) local i; if t.dynamic.selectedEntry <> [ 0, 0 ] then i:= t.dynamic.indexRow[ t.dynamic.selectedEntry[1] ] / 2; Add( t.dynamic.Return, List([i]{ [ 1, 2 ] }, EvalString ) ); fi; end ); # Construct the browse table. table:= rec( work:= rec( align:= "ct", header:= t -> BrowseData.HeaderWithRowCounter( t, "Conway Polynomials in GAP", Length( mat ) ), footer:= rec( # Show the long form of the source. select_entry:= function( t ) local entry; entry:= "nothing"; if t.dynamic.selectedEntry = [ 0, 0 ] then entry:= First( t.dynamic.categories[2], x -> [ x.pos, x.level ] = t.dynamic.selectedCategory ).value; elif t.dynamic.indexCol[ t.dynamic.selectedEntry[2] ] = 8 then entry:= t, t.dynamic.indexRow[ t.dynamic.selectedEntry[1] ] / 2, t.dynamic.indexCol[ t.dynamic.selectedEntry[2] ] / 2 ).rows[1]; fi; if not IsBound( source.( entry ) ) then entry:= "nothing"; fi; return source.( entry ); end ), footerLength:= rec( select_entry:= footerlength, ), CategoryValues:= function( t, i, j ) if j = 2 then return [ Concatenation( "p = ",[ i/2 ][1] ) ]; elif j = 4 then return [ Concatenation( "d = ",[ i/2 ][2] ) ]; elif j = 6 then return t, i/2, j/2 ); elif j = 8 then return t, i/2, j/2 ).rows; else Error( "this should not happen" ); fi; end, # Avoid computing strings for all entries in advance. main:= mat, n:= 4, Main:= function( t, i, j ) local p, d; p:= EvalString([i][1] ); d:= EvalString([i][2] ); if j = 3 then # Avoid creating the finite field and the polynomial itself, # just evaluate the stored data. return SplitString( FormatParagraph( stringpol( ConwayPol( p, d ) ), polwidth, "left" ), "\n" ); elif j = 4 then return rec( rows:= [ CONWAYPOLDATA[p][d][2] ], align:= "l" ); else Error( "this should not happen" ); fi; end, labelsRow:= [], labelsCol:= [ [ rec( rows:= [ "p" ], align:= "r" ), rec( rows:= [ "d" ], align:= "r" ), rec( rows:= [ "polynomial" ], align:= "r" ), rec( rows:= [ "source" ], align:= "l" ), ] ], sepLabelsCol:= "=", sepRow:= "-", sepCol:= [ "| ", " | ", " | ", " | ", " |" ], widthCol:= [ , len,, dwidth,, polwidth ], SpecialGrid:= BrowseData.SpecialGridLineDraw, Click:= rec( select_entry:= sel_action, select_row:= sel_action, ), ), dynamic:= rec( sortFunctionsForColumns:= ListWithIdenticalEntries( 2, BrowseData.CompareLenLex ), Return:= [], ), ); # Show the browse table. result:= DuplicateFreeList( NCurses.BrowseGeneric( table ) ); # Construct the return value. return List( result, pair -> ConwayPolynomial( pair[1], pair[2] ) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## ## Add the Browse application to the list shown by `BrowseGapData'. ## BrowseGapDataAdd( "Conway Polynomials", BrowseConwayPolynomials, true, "\ the list of precomputed Conway polynomials, \ shown in a browse table whose columns contain the characteristic, \ the degree, the polynomial itself, \ and a short form of the source of the data \ (a long form is shown when the cell with the short form is selected)" ); ############################################################################# ## #E