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Views: 466313############################################################################# ## #W mouse.g GAP 4 package `browse' Frank Lübeck ## #Y Copyright (C) 2007, Lehrstuhl D für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Germany ## ## This demonstrates how to use mouse events in some terminals (xterm and ## related). Can also be used to see the integers returned by keyboard ## keys. ## NCurses.MouseDemo := function() local yx, hg, wd, tm, lm, win1, win2, win3, win4, win5, pan1, pan2, pan3, pan4, pan5, status, c, ev, s, a, origstatus, info; yx:= NCurses.getmaxyx( 0 ); hg:= 5; wd:= 10; tm:= QuoInt( yx[1] - 4 * hg, 2 ); lm:= QuoInt( yx[2] - 4 * wd, 2 ); win1:= NCurses.newwin( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); win2:= NCurses.newwin( 2 * hg + 1, 2 * wd + 1, tm + hg, lm ); win3:= NCurses.newwin( 2 * hg + 1, 2 * wd + 1, tm, lm + wd ); win4:= NCurses.newwin( 2 * hg + 1, 2 * wd + 1, tm + hg + 1, lm + 2 * wd ); win5:= NCurses.newwin( 2 * hg + 1, 2 * wd + 1, tm + 2 * hg, lm + wd + 1 ); pan1:= NCurses.new_panel( win1 ); pan2:= NCurses.new_panel( win2 ); pan3:= NCurses.new_panel( win3 ); pan4:= NCurses.new_panel( win4 ); pan5:= NCurses.new_panel( win5 ); NCurses.wbkgd( win2, NCurses.ColorAttr( "white", "blue" ) ); NCurses.wbkgd( win3, NCurses.ColorAttr( "black", "green" ) ); NCurses.wbkgd( win4, NCurses.ColorAttr( "white", "red" ) ); NCurses.wbkgd( win5, NCurses.ColorAttr( "black", "yellow" ) ); NCurses.wmove( win2, 1, 2 ); NCurses.waddstr( win2, String( win2 ) ); NCurses.wmove( win3, 1, 2 * wd - 2 ); NCurses.waddstr( win3, String( win3 ) ); NCurses.wmove( win4, 2 * hg - 1, 2 * wd - 2 ); NCurses.waddstr( win4, String( win4 ) ); NCurses.wmove( win5, 2 * hg - 1, 2 ); NCurses.waddstr( win5, String( win5 ) ); NCurses.noecho(); NCurses.keypad( 0, true ); NCurses.curs_set( 0 ); status:= NCurses.UseMouse(false); origstatus := status.old; s:= ""; info := "('M' to change)"; NCurses.PutLine(win1, 0, QuoInt(NCurses.getmaxyx(win1)[2], 2) - 6, "['q' to quit]"); repeat NCurses.wmove( win1, 2, 2 ); NCurses.wclrtoeol( win1 ); NCurses.PutLine( win1, 2, 2, [NCurses.attrs.NORMAL, "Catching mouse events: ", String(, " ", info] ); NCurses.wmove( win1, 4, 0 ); NCurses.wclrtoeol( win1 ); NCurses.wmove( win1, 3, 2 ); NCurses.wclrtoeol( win1 ); NCurses.waddstr( win1, s ); NCurses.update_panels(); NCurses.doupdate(); c:= NCurses.wgetch(0); if c = NCurses.keys.MOUSE then ev := NCurses.GetMouseEvent(); s:= ["MOUSE event \"", ev[1].event, "\" on panel windows in position (y, x):\n "]; for a in ev do Append(s, [String(, " (", String(a.y), ", ", String(a.x), "), "]); od; s := Concatenation(s); s := s{[1..Length(s)-2]}; ev := Filtered(ev, a-> in [win2, win3, win4, win5]); if Length(ev) > 0 then NCurses.top_panel(ev[Length(ev)].win); fi; elif c = IntChar( 'M' ) then if <> false then status := NCurses.UseMouse( false ); else status := NCurses.UseMouse( true ); fi; s:= "Trying mouse status change"; if = status.old then info := "(No mouse support in this terminal.)"; else info := "('M' to change)"; fi; elif c = IntChar( 'N' ) then # try to enable only BUTTON2 events status := NCurses.mousemask( [ 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] ); if Length( = 0 then := false; fi; s := "Trying to enable BUTTON2 events only."; if = false then info := "(no success)"; fi; else s:= Concatenation( "Keyboard input character: ", String( c ) ); fi; until c = IntChar( 'q' ); # this is to avoid strange background in non-visual state NCurses.top_panel( win1 ); NCurses.update_panels(); NCurses.doupdate(); NCurses.UseMouse( origstatus ); NCurses.del_panel( pan5 ); NCurses.del_panel( pan4 ); NCurses.del_panel( pan3 ); NCurses.del_panel( pan2 ); NCurses.del_panel( pan1 ); NCurses.delwin( win5 ); NCurses.delwin( win4 ); NCurses.delwin( win3 ); NCurses.delwin( win2 ); NCurses.delwin( win1 ); NCurses.endwin(); end;