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Views: 466291############################################################################# ## #W pkgvar.g GAP 4 package `browse' Thomas Breuer ## #Y Copyright (C) 2011, Lehrstuhl D für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Germany ## ############################################################################# ## #F BrowsePackageVariables( <pkgname>[, <version>][, <arec>] ) #F BrowsePackageVariables( <pkgname>, <info>[, <arec>] ) ## ## <#GAPDoc Label="BrowsePackageVariables_section"> ## <Section Label="sec:pkgvardisp"> ## <Heading>Variables defined in &GAP; packages–a Variant</Heading> ## ## A &Browse; adapted way to list the variables that are defined in a ## &GAP; package is to show the overview that is printed by the &GAP; ## function <Ref Func="ShowPackageVariables" BookName="ref"/> ## in a &Browse; table. ## ## <ManSection> ## <Func Name="BrowsePackageVariables" Arg="pkgname[, version][, arec]"/> ## ## <Returns> ## nothing. ## </Returns> ## ## <Description> ## The arguments can be the same as for ## <Ref Func="ShowPackageVariables" BookName="ref"/>, that is, ## <A>pkgname</A> is the name of a &GAP; package, ## and the optional arguments <A>version</A> and <A>arec</A> are a version ## number of this package and a record used for customizing the output, ## respectively. ## <P/> ## Alternatively, the second argument can be the output <C>info</C> of ## <Ref Func="PackageVariablesInfo" BookName="ref"/> for the package in ## question, instead of the version number. ## <P/> ## <Ref Func="BrowsePackageVariables"/> opens a browse table that shows the ## global variables that become bound and the methods that become installed ## when &GAP; loads the package <A>pkgname</A>. ## <P/> ## The table is categorized by the kinds of variables (new or redeclared ## operations, methods, info classes, synonyms, other globals). ## The column <Q>Doc.?</Q> distinguishes undocumented and documented ## variables, so one can use this column as a filter or for categorizing. ## The column <Q>Filename</Q> shows the names of the package files. ## Clicking a selected row of the table opens the relevant package file at ## the code in question. ## <P/> ## The idea behind the argument <C>info</C> is that using the same arguments ## as for <Ref Func="ShowPackageVariables" BookName="ref"/> does not allow ## one to apply <Ref Func="BrowsePackageVariables"/> to packages that have ## been loaded before the <Package>Browse</Package> package. ## Thus one can compute the underlying data <C>info</C> first, ## using <Ref Func="PackageVariablesInfo" BookName="ref"/>, ## then load the <Package>Browse</Package> package, ## and finally call <Ref Func="BrowsePackageVariables"/>. ## <P/> ## For example, the overview of package variables for ## <Package>Browse</Package> can be shown by starting &GAP; without packages ## and then entering the following lines. ## <P/> ## <Log><![CDATA[ ## gap> pkgname:= "Browse";; ## gap> info:= PackageVariablesInfo( pkgname, "" );; ## gap> LoadPackage( "Browse" );; ## gap> BrowsePackageVariables( pkgname, info ); ## ]]></Log> ## <P/> ## If the arguments are the same as for ## <Ref Func="ShowPackageVariables" BookName="ref"/> then ## this function is actually called, with the consequence that the package ## gets loaded when <Ref Func="BrowsePackageVariables"/> is called. ## This is not the case if the output of ## <Ref Func="PackageVariablesInfo" BookName="ref"/> is entered as the ## second argument. ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## </Section> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## BindGlobal( "BrowsePackageVariables", function( arg ) local pkgname, arec, info, prefix, matrix, jump, suffix, show, documented, undocumented, private, filenamewidth, namewidth, entry, subentry, nameandcomment, sel_action, t; if Length( arg ) = 0 or not IsString( arg[1] ) then Error( "usage: BrowsePackageVariables( <pkgname>[, <info>]", "[, <arec>] )" ); fi; pkgname:= LowercaseString( arg[1] ); if not IsBound( GAPInfo.PackagesInfo.( pkgname ) ) then Error( "no package with name <pkgname>" ); fi; pkgname:= GAPInfo.PackagesInfo.( pkgname )[1].PackageName; arec:= rec(); if Length( arg ) = 1 then # BrowsePackageVariables( <pkgname> ) info:= PackageVariablesInfo( pkgname, "" ); elif Length( arg ) = 2 and IsString( arg[2] ) then # BrowsePackageVariables( <pkgname>, <version> ) info:= PackageVariablesInfo( pkgname, arg[2] ); elif Length( arg ) = 2 and IsRecord( arg[2] ) then # BrowsePackageVariables( <pkgname>, <arec> ) info:= PackageVariablesInfo( pkgname, "" ); arec:= arg[2]; elif Length( arg ) = 3 and IsString( arg[2] ) and IsRecord( arg[3] ) then # BrowsePackageVariables( <pkgname>, <version>, <arec> ) info:= PackageVariablesInfo( pkgname, arg[2] ); arec:= arg[3]; elif Length( arg ) = 2 and IsList( arg[2] ) then # BrowsePackageVariables( <pkgname>, <info> ) info:= arg[2]; elif Length( arg ) = 3 and IsList( arg[2] ) and IsRecord( arg[3] ) then # BrowsePackageVariables( <pkgname>, <info>, <arec> ) info:= arg[2]; arec:= arg[3]; else Error( "usage: BrowsePackageVariables( <pkgname>[, <info>]", "[, <arec>] )" ); fi; # If nothing is in the result then probably the package was already # loaded, and we have seen a message about it. if IsEmpty( info ) then return; fi; prefix:= Filename( DirectoriesPackageLibrary( pkgname, "" ), "" ); matrix:= []; jump:= []; suffix:= function( filename ) if filename = fail then return "(unknown)"; elif Length( prefix ) < Length( filename ) and filename{ [ 1 .. Length( prefix ) ] } = prefix then return filename{ [ Length( prefix ) + 1 .. Length( filename ) ] }; else # This happens for variables that get assigned (inside the package) # to a value that was created outside the package, # for example the function `HELP_SHOW_MATCHES_LIB' in `Browse'. return "(unknown)"; fi; end; # Evaluate the optional record. if IsBound( ) and IsList( ) then show:=; else show:= List( info, entry -> entry[1] ); fi; documented:= not IsBound( arec.showDocumented ) or arec.showDocumented <> false; undocumented:= not IsBound( arec.showUndocumented ) or arec.showUndocumented <> false; private:= not IsBound( arec.showPrivate ) or arec.showPrivate <> false; # Make sure that 'namewidth' is positive. filenamewidth:= 20; namewidth:= SizeScreen()[1] - filenamewidth - 4 - 5 - 6; if namewidth < 20 then namewidth:= 20; fi; for entry in info do if entry[1] in show then for subentry in entry[2] do if ( ( documented and subentry[1][3] = "" ) or ( undocumented and subentry[1][3] = "*" ) ) and ( private or not '@' in subentry[1][1] ) then nameandcomment:= BrowseData.ReallyFormatParagraph( Concatenation( subentry[1]{ [ 1, 2 ] } ), namewidth, "left" ); if Length( subentry[1] ) = 4 and not IsEmpty( subentry[1][4] ) then Append( nameandcomment, "\n" ); Append( nameandcomment, BrowseData.ReallyFormatParagraph( subentry[1][4], namewidth, "left" ) ); fi; Add( matrix, [ # kind of the variable rec( align:= "tl", rows:= [ entry[1] ] ), # variable name, arguments, and comment rec( align:= "tl", rows:= SplitString( nameandcomment, "\n" ) ), # documented? rec( align:= "tc", rows:= [ BrowseData.ReplacedEntry( subentry[1][3], [ "*", "" ], [ "-", "+" ] ) ] ), # filename rec( align:= "tl", rows:= SplitString( BrowseData.ReallyFormatParagraph( suffix( subentry[2][1] ), filenamewidth, "left" ), "\n" ) ), ] ); fi; Add( jump, subentry[2] ); od; fi; od; # Implement the ``click'' action. # (Essentially the same function is contained in `app/profile.g' # and `app/methods.g'.) sel_action:= rec( helplines:= [ "show the file with the chosen variable in a pager" ], action:= function( t ) local pos, func, file, lines, stream; if t.dynamic.selectedEntry <> [ 0, 0 ] then pos:= t.dynamic.indexRow[ t.dynamic.selectedEntry[1] ] / 2; file:= jump[ pos ][1]; if file = fail or file = "*stdin*" or not IsReadableFile( file ) then # Show the code in a pager. lines:= ""; stream:= OutputTextString( lines, true ); PrintTo( stream, func ); CloseStream( stream ); else # Show the file in a pager. lines:= rec( lines:= StringFile( file ), start:= StartlineFunc( func ) ); fi; if BrowseData.IsDoneReplay( t.dynamic.replay ) then NCurses.Pager( lines ); NCurses.update_panels(); NCurses.doupdate(); NCurses.curs_set( 0 ); fi; fi; return t.dynamic.changed; end ); # Construct the browse table. t:= rec( work:= rec( align:= "tl", header:= t -> BrowseData.HeaderWithRowCounter( t, Concatenation( "Variables of the GAP Package ", pkgname ), Length( matrix ) ), main:= matrix, labelsCol:= [ [ rec( rows:= [ "Kind" ], align:= "l" ), rec( rows:= [ "Name" ], align:= "l" ), rec( rows:= [ "Doc.?" ], align:= "c" ), rec( rows:= [ "Filename" ], align:= "l" ), ] ], sepLabelsCol:= "=", sepRow:= "-", sepCol:= [ "| ", " | ", " | ", " | ", " |" ], # sepCategories:= "", # problem: first contents rows are not high enough! widthCol:= [ ,,, namewidth,, 5,, filenamewidth ], SpecialGrid:= BrowseData.SpecialGridLineDraw, CategoryValues:= function( t, i, j ) if j = 6 then return [ BrowseData.ReplacedEntry([ i/2 ][3].rows[1], [ "-", "+" ], [ "undocumented", "documented" ] ) ]; else return[ i/2 ][ j/2 ].rows; fi; end, Click:= rec( select_entry:= sel_action, select_row:= sel_action, ), ), dynamic:= rec( initialSteps:= "scsc", ), ); # Customize the sort parameters. BrowseData.SetSortParameters( t, "column", 1, [ "add counter on categorizing", "yes" ] ); # Show the browse table. NCurses.BrowseGeneric( t ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #E