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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 418346############################################################################# ## #W tmdbatt2.g GAP 4 package `browse' Thomas Breuer ## #Y Copyright (C) 2007, Lehrstuhl D für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Germany ## ## This file contains ## - the global record `TomLibData', ## whose components are used to define the database id enumerator ## `TomLibData.IdEnumerator' and its database attributes ## (see the GAP package `Browse' for technical details) and ## - the Browse application `BrowseTomLibInfo', ## showing an overview of the GAP library of tables of marks. ## ############################################################################# ## #V TomLibData ## ## We introduce a new global variable for ``database aspects''. ## BindGlobal( "TomLibData", rec() ); ############################################################################# ## ## Provide utilities for the computation of database attribute values. ## They allow one to access table data without actually creating the tables. ## TomLibData.MyIdFunc:= function( arg ); end; TomLibData.TABLE_ACCESS_FUNCTIONS:= [ rec(), rec( # These global variables are used in the data files. LIBTOMKNOWN := rec( LOADSTATUS := rec(), UNLOAD := false, MAX := infinity ), SetActualLibFileName := TomLibData.MyIdFunc, AFLT := TomLibData.MyIdFunc, ACLT := TomLibData.MyIdFunc, LIBTOM := TomLibData.MyIdFunc, ) ]; TomLibData.SaveTableAccessFunctions := function() local name; if TomLibData.TABLE_ACCESS_FUNCTIONS[1] <> rec() then Info( InfoTom, 2, "access functions were already saved" ); return; fi; for name in RecNames( TomLibData.TABLE_ACCESS_FUNCTIONS[2] ) do TomLibData.TABLE_ACCESS_FUNCTIONS[1].( name ):= [ ValueGlobal( name ) ]; if IsReadOnlyGlobal( name ) then Add( TomLibData.TABLE_ACCESS_FUNCTIONS[1].( name ), "readonly" ); MakeReadWriteGlobal( name ); fi; UnbindGlobal( name ); ASS_GVAR( name, TomLibData.TABLE_ACCESS_FUNCTIONS[2].( name ) ); od; end; TomLibData.RestoreTableAccessFunctions := function() local name; if TomLibData.TABLE_ACCESS_FUNCTIONS[1] = rec() then Info( InfoTom, 2, "access functions were not saved" ); return; fi; for name in RecNames( TomLibData.TABLE_ACCESS_FUNCTIONS[2] ) do UnbindGlobal( name ); ASS_GVAR( name, TomLibData.TABLE_ACCESS_FUNCTIONS[1].( name )[1] ); if Length( TomLibData.TABLE_ACCESS_FUNCTIONS[1].( name ) ) = 2 then MakeReadOnlyGlobal( name ); fi; Unbind( TomLibData.TABLE_ACCESS_FUNCTIONS[1].( name ) ); od; end; ############################################################################# ## #F TomLibData.ComputeTableInfoByScanningLibraryFiles( <pairs> ) ## ## The argument <A>pairs</A> must be a list of pairs ## <C>[ <A>nam</A>, <A>fun</A> ]</C> ## where <A>nam</A> is the name of a function to be reassigned during the ## reread process (such as <C>"LIBTOM"</C>), ## and <A>fun</A> is the intended value. ## TomLibData.ComputeTableInfoByScanningLibraryFiles := function( pairs ) local pair, name; # Disable the table library access. TomLibData.SaveTableAccessFunctions(); # Define appropriate access functions. for pair in pairs do ASS_GVAR( pair[1], pair[2] ); od; # Clear the cache. TomLibData.TableInfo:= rec(); # Loop over the library files. for name in LIBTOMLIST.files do ReadPackage( "tomlib", Concatenation( "data/", name, ".tom" ) ); od; # Restore the ordinary table library access. TomLibData.RestoreTableAccessFunctions(); end; ############################################################################# ## #F TomLibData.PrepareAttributeComputation() ## TomLibData.PrepareAttributeComputation:= function() if not IsBound( TomLibData.TableInfo ) then TomLibData.ComputeTableInfoByScanningLibraryFiles( [ [ "LIBTOM", function( arg ) TomLibData.TableInfo.( arg[1] ):= rec( SubsTom:= arg[2], MarksTom:= arg[3], OrdersTom:= arg[5] ); end ] ] ); fi; end; ############################################################################# ## ## Create the database id enumerator to which the database attributes refer. ## TomLibData.IdEnumerator:= DatabaseIdEnumerator( rec( identifiers:= Set( AllLibTomNames() ), entry:= function( idenum, id ) return TableOfMarks( id ); end, isSorted:= true, viewLabel:= "G", viewSort:= function( nam1, nam2 ) return BrowseData.SplitStringIntoNumbersAndNonnumbers( nam1 ) <= BrowseData.SplitStringIntoNumbersAndNonnumbers( nam2 ); end, align:= "tl", ) );; ############################################################################# ## #V TomLibData.IdEnumerator.attributes.Size ## DatabaseAttributeAdd( TomLibData.IdEnumerator, rec( identifier:= "Size", description:= "group orders of GAP library tables of marks", type:= "values", viewLabel:= "|G|", align:= "tr", create:= function( attr, id ) local r, i; TomLibData.PrepareAttributeComputation(); if IsBound( TomLibData.TableInfo.( id ) ) then r:= TomLibData.TableInfo.( id ); if IsList( r.OrdersTom ) then return r.OrdersTom[ Length( r.OrdersTom ) ]; elif IsList( r.SubsTom ) and IsList( r.MarksTom ) then i:= Length( r.SubsTom ); return r.MarksTom[1][1] / r.MarksTom[i][ Position( r.SubsTom[i], 1 ) ]; fi; fi; return fail; end, viewSort:= BrowseData.CompareAsNumbersAndNonnumbers, sortParameters:= [ "add counter on categorizing", "yes" ], ) ); ############################################################################# ## #V TomLibData.IdEnumerator.attributes.NrClasses ## DatabaseAttributeAdd( TomLibData.IdEnumerator, rec( identifier:= "NrClasses", description:= "numbers of classes of GAP library tables of marks", type:= "values", viewLabel:= "# classes", align:= "tr", create:= function( attr, id ) local r; TomLibData.PrepareAttributeComputation(); if IsBound( TomLibData.TableInfo.( id ) ) then r:= TomLibData.TableInfo.( id ); if IsList( r.SubsTom ) then return Length( r.SubsTom ); fi; fi; return fail; end, viewSort:= BrowseData.CompareAsNumbersAndNonnumbers, sortParameters:= [ "add counter on categorizing", "yes" ], ) ); ############################################################################# ## #V TomLibData.IdEnumerator.attributes.Filename ## DatabaseAttributeAdd( TomLibData.IdEnumerator, rec( identifier:= "Filename", description:= "filenames of GAP library tables of marks", type:= "values", align:= "tl", create:= function( attr, id ) local pos; pos:= Position( LIBTOMLIST.names, LowercaseString( id ) ); if pos = fail then return fail; fi; return Concatenation( LIBTOMLIST.files[ LIBTOMLIST.positions[ pos ][1] ], ".tom" ); end, sortParameters:= [ "add counter on categorizing", "yes" ], ) ); ############################################################################# ## #V TomLibData.IdEnumerator.attributes.FusionsFrom ## DatabaseAttributeAdd( TomLibData.IdEnumerator, rec( identifier:= "FusionsFrom", description:= "fusions from other tables of marks to the given one", type:= "values", align:= "tl", categoryValue:= function( val ) if IsEmpty( val ) then return "(no fusions to these tables)"; fi; return List( val, x -> Concatenation( "fusions from ", x ) ); end, create:= function( attr, id ) # Make sure that no tables of marks are constructed here! return DuplicateFreeList( List( NotifiedFusionsToLibTom( id ), x -> x[1] ) ); end, viewValue:= x -> rec( rows:= x, align:= "tl" ), viewLabel:= "fusions -> G", sortParameters:= [ "add counter on categorizing", "yes", "split rows on categorizing", "yes" ], ) ); ############################################################################# ## #V TomLibData.IdEnumerator.attributes.FusionsTo ## DatabaseAttributeAdd( TomLibData.IdEnumerator, rec( identifier:= "FusionsTo", description:= "fusions from the given table of marks to other ones", type:= "values", align:= "tl", categoryValue:= function( val ) if IsEmpty( val ) then return "(no fusions from these tables)"; fi; return List( val, x -> Concatenation( "fusions to ", x ) ); end, create:= function( attr, id ) # Make sure that no tables of marks are constructed here! return DuplicateFreeList( List( NotifiedFusionsOfLibTom( id ), x -> x[1] ) ); end, viewValue:= x -> rec( rows:= x, align:= "tl" ), viewLabel:= "fusions G ->", sortParameters:= [ "add counter on categorizing", "yes", "split rows on categorizing", "yes" ], ) ); ############################################################################# ## #F BrowseTomLibInfo() ## #T Admit an argument, as in BrowseTransitiveGroupsInfo? ## BindGlobal( "BrowseTomLibInfo", function() NCurses.BrowseGeneric( BrowseTableFromDatabaseIdEnumerator( TomLibData.IdEnumerator, [ "self" ], [ "Size", "NrClasses", "FusionsFrom", "FusionsTo", "Filename" ], t -> BrowseData.HeaderWithRowCounter( t, "GAP Tables of Marks Library Overview", ) ) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #E