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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466292## this creates the documentation, needs: GAPDoc package, latex, pdflatex, ## mkindex, dvips, gs ## SetInfoLevel( InfoGAPDoc, 2 ); pathtodoc:= "doc";; pathtopkg:= ".";; main:= "main.xml";; pkgname:= "Browse";; bookname:= "Browse";; if not IsBound(pathtoroot) then pathtoroot:= "../../.."; fi; files:= [ "../app/atlasbrowse.g", "../app/ctbldisp.g", "../app/demo.g", "../app/filetree.g", "../app/gapbibl.g", "../app/gapdata.g", "../app/knight.g", "../app/manual.g", "../app/matdisp.g", "../app/pkgvar.g", "../app/profile.g", "../app/puzzle.g", "../app/rldemo.g", "../app/rubik.g", "../app/solitair.g", "../app/sudoku.g", "../app/tmdbattr.g", "../app/tomdisp.g", "../app/userpref.g", "../lib/", "../lib/", "../lib/", "../lib/brutils.g", "../lib/", "../lib/", ];; AddHandlerBuildRecBibXMLEntry( "Wrap:Package", "BibTeX", function( entry, r, restype, strings, options ) return Concatenation( "\\textsf{", ContentBuildRecBibXMLEntry( entry, r, restype, strings, options ), "}" ); end ); AddHandlerBuildRecBibXMLEntry( "Wrap:Package", "HTML", function( entry, r, restype, strings, options ) return Concatenation( "<strong class='pkg'>", ContentBuildRecBibXMLEntry( entry, r, restype, strings, options ), "</strong>" ); end ); # Fetch GAP's current 'manualbib.xml'. bibfile:= Filename( DirectoriesLibrary( "doc" ), "manualbib.xml" ); if bibfile = fail then Error( "cannot access GAP's current 'manualbib.xml'" ); fi; Exec( Concatenation( "cp ", bibfile, " ", pathtodoc ) ); MakeGAPDocDoc( pathtodoc, main, files, bookname, pathtoroot, "MathJax" );; # Remove GAP's current 'manualbib.xml'. Exec( Concatenation( "rm ", pathtodoc, "/", "manualbib.xml" ) ); CopyHTMLStyleFiles(pathtodoc); GAPDocManualLabFromSixFile( bookname, Concatenation( pathtodoc, "/manual.six" ) ); ############################################################################# # Create/update the testfile (manual examples). pathtotst:= "tst"; tstfilename:= "test.tst"; authors:= [ "Thomas Breuer", "Frank Lübeck" ]; copyrightyear:= "2013"; tstheadertext:= Concatenation( "\ This file contains the GAP code of the examples in the package\n\ documentation files.\n\ \n\ In order to run the tests, one starts GAP from the `tst' subdirectory\n\ of the `pkg/", pkgname, "' directory, and calls `Test( \"", tstfilename, "\" );'.\n" ); ExampleFileHeader:= function( filename, pkgname, authors, copyrightyear, text, linelen ) local free1, free2, str, i; free1:= Int( ( linelen - Length( pkgname ) - 14 ) / 2 ); free2:= linelen - free1 - 14 - Length( pkgname ) - Length( authors[1] ); str:= RepeatedString( "#", linelen ); Append( str, "\n##\n#W " ); Append( str, filename ); Append( str, RepeatedString( " ", free1 - Length( filename ) - 4 ) ); Append( str, "GAP 4 package " ); Append( str, pkgname ); Append( str, RepeatedString( " ", free2 ) ); Append( str, authors[1] ); for i in [ 2 .. Length( authors ) ] do Append( str, "\n#W" ); Append( str, RepeatedString( " ", linelen - Length( authors[i] ) - 2 ) ); Append( str, authors[i] ); od; Append( str, "\n##\n#Y Copyright (C) " ); Append( str, String( copyrightyear ) ); Append( str, ", Lehrstuhl D für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Germany" ); Append( str, "\n##\n## " ); Append( str, ReplacedString( text, "\n", "\n## " ) ); Append( str, "\n\ngap> LoadPackage( \"" ); Append( str, pkgname ); Append( str, "\", false );\ntrue" ); Append( str, "\ngap> save:= SizeScreen();;" ); Append( str, "\ngap> SizeScreen( [ 72 ] );;" ); Append( str, "\ngap> START_TEST( \"Input file: " ); Append( str, filename ); Append( str, "\" );\n" ); return str; end; ExampleFileFooter:= function( filename, linelen ) local str; str:= "\n##\ngap> STOP_TEST( \""; Append( str, filename ); Append( str, "\", 10000000 );\n" ); Append( str, "gap> SizeScreen( save );;\n\n" ); Append( str, RepeatedString( "#", linelen ) ); Append( str, "\n##\n#E\n" ); return str; end; # create the test file with manual examples # (for a package: combined for all chapters) CreateManualExamplesFile:= function( pkgname, authors, copyrightyear, text, path, main, files, tstpath, tstfilename ) local linelen, str, r, l, tstfilenameold; linelen:= 77; str:= "# This file was created automatically, do not edit!\n"; Append( str, ExampleFileHeader( tstfilename, pkgname, authors, copyrightyear, text, linelen ) ); Append( str, "\n##\ngap> oldinterval:= BrowseData.defaults.dynamic.replayDefaults.replayInterval;;\ngap> BrowseData.defaults.dynamic.replayDefaults.replayInterval:= 1;;\n" ); for r in ExtractExamples( path, main, files, "Chapter" ) do for l in r do Append( str, Concatenation( "\n## ", l[2][1], " (", String( l[2][2] ), "-", String( l[2][3] ), ")" ) ); Append( str, l[1] ); od; od; Append( str, "\n##\ngap> BrowseData.defaults.dynamic.replayDefaults.replayInterval:= oldinterval;;\n" ); Append( str, ExampleFileFooter( tstfilename, linelen ) ); tstfilename:= Concatenation( tstpath, "/", tstfilename ); tstfilenameold:= Concatenation( tstfilename, "~" ); if IsExistingFile( tstfilename ) then Exec( Concatenation( "rm -f ", tstfilenameold ) ); Exec( Concatenation( "mv ", tstfilename, " ", tstfilenameold ) ); fi; FileString( tstfilename, str ); if IsExistingFile( tstfilenameold ) then Print( "#I differences in `", tstfilename, "':\n" ); Exec( Concatenation( "diff ", tstfilenameold, " ", tstfilename ) ); fi; Exec( Concatenation( "chmod 444 ", tstfilename ) ); end; CreateManualExamplesFile( pkgname, authors, copyrightyear, tstheadertext, pathtodoc, main, files, pathtotst, tstfilename ); ############################################################################# # Create the necessary `png' files. CreatePictures:= function( filenames, pathtodoc ) local filename, str, pos, pos2, sub, nam; for filename in filenames do str:= ReplacedString( StringFile( filename ), "\n## ", "\n" ); pos:= PositionSublist( str, "<!-- BP " ); pos2:= PositionSublist( str, "]]>\n<!-- EP" ); while pos <> fail and pos2 <> fail do sub:= str{ [ pos + 8 .. pos2-1 ] }; nam:= sub{ [ 1 .. Position( sub, ' ' ) - 1 ] }; pos:= Position( sub, '\n' ); pos:= Position( sub, '\n', pos ); sub:= sub{ [ pos .. Length( sub ) ] }; PrintTo( nam, "\\batchmode\\documentclass{article}\n", "\\usepackage{graphicx}\\usepackage{epsfig}\n", "\\pagestyle{empty}\\begin{document}\n", sub, "\n\\end{document}\n" ); Exec( Concatenation( "latex ", nam ) ); Exec( Concatenation( "dvips -o ", nam, ".ps ", nam ) ); Exec( Concatenation( "gs -sDEVICE=ppmraw -sOutputFile=- -sNOPAUSE -q ", nam, ".ps -c showpage -c quit | pnmcrop| pnmmargin ", "-white 10 | pnmtopng > ", nam, ".png" ) ); Exec( Concatenation( "rm -rf ", nam, " ", nam, ".aux ", nam, ".dvi ", nam, ".log ", nam, ".ps" ) ); if pathtodoc <> "." then Exec( Concatenation( "mv ", nam, ".png ", pathtodoc ) ); fi; pos:= PositionSublist( str, "<!-- BP", pos2 ); pos2:= PositionSublist( str, "]]>\n<!-- EP", pos2 ); od; od; end; CreatePictures( [ "app/rubik.g", "app/solitair.g" ], pathtodoc );