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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 4778141[1X1 [33X[0;0YCAP Categories[133X[101X23[33X[0;0YCategories are the main GAP objects in CAP. They are used to associate GAP4objects which represent objects and morphisms with their category. By5associating a GAP object to the category, one of two filters belonging to6the category (ObjectFilter/MorphismFilter) are set to true. Via Add methods,7functions for specific existential quantifiers can be associated to the8category and after that can be applied to GAP objects in the category. A GAP9category object also knows which constructions are currently possible in10this category.[133X111213[1X1.1 [33X[0;0YCategories[133X[101X1415[1X1.1-1 IsCapCategory[101X1617[29X[2XIsCapCategory[102X( [3Xobject[103X ) [32X filter18[6XReturns:[106X [33X[0;10Y[10Xtrue[110X or [10Xfalse[110X[133X1920[33X[0;0YThe GAP category of CAP categories. Objects of this type handle the CAP21category information, the caching, and filters for objects in the CAP22category. Please note that the object itself is not related to methods, you23only need it as a handler and a presentation of the CAP category.[133X2425[1X1.1-2 IsCapCategoryCell[101X2627[29X[2XIsCapCategoryCell[102X( [3Xobject[103X ) [32X filter28[6XReturns:[106X [33X[0;10Y[10Xtrue[110X or [10Xfalse[110X[133X2930[33X[0;0YThe GAP category of CAP category cells. Every object, morphism, and [23X2[123X-cell31of a CAP category lies in this GAP category.[133X3233[1X1.1-3 IsCapCategoryObject[101X3435[29X[2XIsCapCategoryObject[102X( [3Xobject[103X ) [32X filter36[6XReturns:[106X [33X[0;10Y[10Xtrue[110X or [10Xfalse[110X[133X3738[33X[0;0YThe GAP category of CAP category objects. Every object of a CAP category39lies in this GAP category.[133X4041[1X1.1-4 IsCapCategoryMorphism[101X4243[29X[2XIsCapCategoryMorphism[102X( [3Xobject[103X ) [32X filter44[6XReturns:[106X [33X[0;10Y[10Xtrue[110X or [10Xfalse[110X[133X4546[33X[0;0YThe GAP category of CAP category morphisms. Every morphism of a CAP category47lies in this GAP category.[133X4849[1X1.1-5 IsCapCategoryTwoCell[101X5051[29X[2XIsCapCategoryTwoCell[102X( [3Xobject[103X ) [32X filter52[6XReturns:[106X [33X[0;10Y[10Xtrue[110X or [10Xfalse[110X[133X5354[33X[0;0YThe GAP category of CAP category [23X2[123X-cells. Every [23X2[123X-cell of a CAP category55lies in this GAP category.[133X565758[1X1.2 [33X[0;0YConstructor[133X[101X5960[1X1.2-1 CreateCapCategory[101X6162[29X[2XCreateCapCategory[102X( ) [32X operation63[6XReturns:[106X [33X[0;10Ya category[133X6465[33X[0;0YCreates a new CAP category from scratch. It gets a generic name.[133X6667[1X1.2-2 CreateCapCategory[101X6869[29X[2XCreateCapCategory[102X( [3Xs[103X ) [32X operation70[6XReturns:[106X [33X[0;10Ya category[133X7172[33X[0;0YThe argument is a string [23Xs[123X. This operation creates a new CAP category from73scratch. Its name is set to [23Xs[123X.[133X747576[1X1.3 [33X[0;0YInternal Attributes[133X[101X7778[33X[0;0YEach category [23XC[123X stores various filters. They are used to apply the right79functions in the method selection.[133X8081[1X1.3-1 CategoryFilter[101X8283[29X[2XCategoryFilter[102X( [3XC[103X ) [32X attribute84[6XReturns:[106X [33X[0;10Ya filter[133X8586[33X[0;0YThe argument is a cateogry [23XC[123X. The output is a filter in which [23XC[123X lies.[133X8788[1X1.3-2 CellFilter[101X8990[29X[2XCellFilter[102X( [3XC[103X ) [32X attribute91[6XReturns:[106X [33X[0;10Ya filter[133X9293[33X[0;0YThe argument is a cateogry [23XC[123X. The output is a filter in which all cells of [23XC[123X94shall lie.[133X9596[1X1.3-3 ObjectFilter[101X9798[29X[2XObjectFilter[102X( [3XC[103X ) [32X attribute99[6XReturns:[106X [33X[0;10Ya filter[133X100101[33X[0;0YThe argument is a cateogry [23XC[123X. The output is a filter in which all objects of102[23XC[123X shall lie.[133X103104[1X1.3-4 MorphismFilter[101X105106[29X[2XMorphismFilter[102X( [3XC[103X ) [32X attribute107[6XReturns:[106X [33X[0;10Ya filter[133X108109[33X[0;0YThe argument is a cateogry [23XC[123X. The output is a filter in which all morphisms110of [23XC[123X shall lie.[133X111112[1X1.3-5 TwoCellFilter[101X113114[29X[2XTwoCellFilter[102X( [3XC[103X ) [32X attribute115[6XReturns:[106X [33X[0;10Ya filter[133X116117[33X[0;0YThe argument is a cateogry [23XC[123X. The output is a filter in which all [23X2[123X-cells of118[23XC[123X shall lie.[133X119120121[1X1.4 [33X[0;0YLogic switcher[133X[101X122123[1X1.4-1 CapCategorySwitchLogicOn[101X124125[29X[2XCapCategorySwitchLogicOn[102X( [3XC[103X ) [32X function126127[33X[0;0YActivates the predicate implication logic for the category [3XC[103X.[133X128129[1X1.4-2 CapCategorySwitchLogicOff[101X130131[29X[2XCapCategorySwitchLogicOff[102X( [3XC[103X ) [32X function132133[33X[0;0YDeactivates the predicate implication logic for the category [3XC[103X.[133X134135136[1X1.5 [33X[0;0YTool functions[133X[101X137138[1X1.5-1 CanCompute[101X139140[29X[2XCanCompute[102X( [3XC[103X, [3Xs[103X ) [32X operation141[6XReturns:[106X [33X[0;10Y[10Xtrue[110X or [10Xfalse[110X[133X142143[33X[0;0YThe argument is a category [23XC[123X and a string [23Xs[123X, which should be the name of a144primitive operation, e.g., PreCompose. If applying this method is possible145in [23XC[123X, the method returns [10Xtrue[110X, [10Xfalse[110X otherwise. If the string is not the146name of a primitive operation, an error is raised.[133X147148[1X1.5-2 CheckConstructivenessOfCategory[101X149150[29X[2XCheckConstructivenessOfCategory[102X( [3XC[103X, [3Xs[103X ) [32X operation151[6XReturns:[106X [33X[0;10Ya list[133X152153[33X[0;0YThe arguments are a category [23XC[123X and a string [23Xs[123X. If [23Xs[123X is a categorical154property (e.g. [10X"IsAbelianCategory"[110X), the output is a list of strings with155basic operations which are missing in [23XC[123X to have the categorical property156constructively. If [23Xs[123X is not a categorical property, an error is raised.[133X157158159[1X1.6 [33X[0;0YWell-Definedness of Cells[133X[101X160161[1X1.6-1 IsWellDefined[101X162163[29X[2XIsWellDefined[102X( [3Xc[103X ) [32X property164[6XReturns:[106X [33X[0;10Ya boolean[133X165166[33X[0;0YThe argument is a cell [23Xc[123X. The output is [10Xtrue[110X if [23Xc[123X is well-defined, otherwise167the output is [10Xfalse[110X.[133X168169170[1X1.7 [33X[0;0YType check[133X[101X171172[1X1.7-1 DisableBasicOperationTypeCheck[101X173174[29X[2XDisableBasicOperationTypeCheck[102X( [3Xcategory[103X ) [32X function175[29X[2XEnableBasicOperationTypeCheck[102X( [3Xarg[103X ) [32X function176177[33X[0;0YMost basic operations have a prefunction, which does a (sometimes partial)178typecheck at the beginning of the operation. These functions enable or179disable this check for a category. (Enabled by default)[133X180181182183