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Views: 466300LoadPackage( "CAP" ); LoadPackage( "DeductiveSystemForCAP" ); LoadPackage( "MatricesForHomalg" ); #ProfileFunctionsInGlobalVariables( true ); #ProfileOperationsAndMethods( true ); #ProfileGlobalFunctions( true ); ProfileMethods( IsEqualForCache ); ################################### ## ## Types and Representations ## ################################### DeclareRepresentation( "IsHomalgRationalVectorSpaceRep", IsCapCategoryObjectRep, [ ] ); BindGlobal( "TheTypeOfHomalgRationalVectorSpaces", NewType( TheFamilyOfCapCategoryObjects, IsHomalgRationalVectorSpaceRep ) ); DeclareRepresentation( "IsHomalgRationalVectorSpaceMorphismRep", IsCapCategoryMorphismRep, [ ] ); BindGlobal( "TheTypeOfHomalgRationalVectorSpaceMorphism", NewType( TheFamilyOfCapCategoryMorphisms, IsHomalgRationalVectorSpaceMorphismRep ) ); ################################### ## ## Attributes ## ################################### DeclareAttribute( "Dimension", IsHomalgRationalVectorSpaceRep ); ####################################### ## ## Operations ## ####################################### DeclareOperation( "QVectorSpace", [ IsInt ] ); DeclareOperation( "VectorSpaceMorphism", [ IsHomalgRationalVectorSpaceRep, IsObject, IsHomalgRationalVectorSpaceRep ] ); vecspaces := CreateCapCategory( "VectorSpaces" ); SetIsAbelianCategory( vecspaces, true ); VECTORSPACES_FIELD := HomalgFieldOfRationals( ); ####################################### ## ## Categorical Implementations ## ####################################### ## InstallMethod( QVectorSpace, [ IsInt ], function( dim ) local space; space := rec( ); ObjectifyWithAttributes( space, TheTypeOfHomalgRationalVectorSpaces, Dimension, dim ); # is this the right place? Add( vecspaces, space ); return space; end ); ## InstallMethod( VectorSpaceMorphism, [ IsHomalgRationalVectorSpaceRep, IsObject, IsHomalgRationalVectorSpaceRep ], function( source, matrix, range ) local morphism; if not IsHomalgMatrix( matrix ) then morphism := HomalgMatrix( matrix, Dimension( source ), Dimension( range ), VECTORSPACES_FIELD ); else morphism := matrix; fi; morphism := rec( morphism := morphism ); ObjectifyWithAttributes( morphism, TheTypeOfHomalgRationalVectorSpaceMorphism, Source, source, Range, range ); Add( vecspaces, morphism ); return morphism; end ); AddIsEqualForMorphisms( vecspaces, function( a, b ) return a!.morphism = b!.morphism; end ); AddIsCongruentForMorphisms( vecspaces, function( a, b ) return a!.morphism = b!.morphism; end ); AddIsZeroForMorphisms( vecspaces, function( a ) return IsZero( a!.morphism ); end ); AddAdditionForMorphisms( vecspaces, function( a, b ) return VectorSpaceMorphism( Source( a ), a!.morphism + b!.morphism, Range( a ) ); end ); AddAdditiveInverseForMorphisms( vecspaces, function( a ) return VectorSpaceMorphism( Source( a ), - a!.morphism, Range( a ) ); end ); AddZeroMorphism( vecspaces, function( a, b ) return VectorSpaceMorphism( a, HomalgZeroMatrix( Dimension( a ), Dimension( b ), VECTORSPACES_FIELD ), b ); end ); ## AddIdentityMorphism( vecspaces, function( obj ) return VectorSpaceMorphism( obj, HomalgIdentityMatrix( Dimension( obj ), VECTORSPACES_FIELD ), obj ); end ); ## AddPreCompose( vecspaces, function( mor_left, mor_right ) local composition; composition := mor_left!.morphism * mor_right!.morphism; return VectorSpaceMorphism( Source( mor_left ), composition, Range( mor_right ) ); end ); ## AddZeroObject( vecspaces, function( ) return QVectorSpace( 0 ); end ); ## AddLiftAlongMonomorphism( vecspaces, function( monomorphism, test_morphism ) return VectorSpaceMorphism( Source( test_morphism ), RightDivide( test_morphism!.morphism, monomorphism!.morphism ), Source( monomorphism ) ); end ); ## AddColiftAlongEpimorphism( vecspaces, function( epimorphism, test_morphism ) return VectorSpaceMorphism( Range( epimorphism ), LeftDivide( epimorphism!.morphism, test_morphism!.morphism ), Range( test_morphism ) ); end ); ## AddKernelObject( vecspaces, function( morphism ) local homalg_matrix; homalg_matrix := morphism!.morphism; return QVectorSpace( NrRows( homalg_matrix ) - RowRankOfMatrix( homalg_matrix ) ); end ); ## AddKernelEmbedding( vecspaces, function( morphism ) local kernel_emb, kernel_obj; kernel_emb := SyzygiesOfRows( morphism!.morphism ); kernel_obj := QVectorSpace( NrRows( kernel_emb ) ); return VectorSpaceMorphism( kernel_obj, kernel_emb, Source( morphism ) ); end ); ## AddKernelEmbeddingWithGivenKernelObject( vecspaces, function( morphism, kernel ) local kernel_emb; kernel_emb := SyzygiesOfRows( morphism!.morphism ); return VectorSpaceMorphism( kernel, kernel_emb, Source( morphism ) ); end ); ## AddCokernelObject( vecspaces, function( morphism ) local homalg_matrix; homalg_matrix := morphism!.morphism; return QVectorSpace( NrColumns( homalg_matrix ) - RowRankOfMatrix( homalg_matrix ) ); end ); ## AddCokernelProjection( vecspaces, function( morphism ) local cokernel_proj, cokernel_obj; cokernel_proj := SyzygiesOfColumns( morphism!.morphism ); cokernel_obj := QVectorSpace( NrColumns( cokernel_proj ) ); return VectorSpaceMorphism( Range( morphism ), cokernel_proj, cokernel_obj ); end ); ## AddCokernelProjectionWithGivenCokernelObject( vecspaces, function( morphism, cokernel ) local cokernel_proj; cokernel_proj := SyzygiesOfColumns( morphism!.morphism ); return VectorSpaceMorphism( Range( morphism ), cokernel_proj, cokernel ); end ); # ## # AddCoproduct( vecspaces, # # function( object_product_list ) # local dim; # # dim := Sum( List( object_product_list, c -> Dimension( c ) ) ); # # return QVectorSpace( dim ); # # end ); ## ## the user may assume that Length( object_product_list ) > 1 AddInjectionOfCofactorOfDirectSum( vecspaces, function( object_product_list, injection_number ) local components, dim, dim_pre, dim_post, dim_cofactor, coproduct, number_of_objects, injection_of_cofactor; components := object_product_list; number_of_objects := Length( components ); dim := Sum( components, c -> Dimension( c ) ); dim_pre := Sum( components{ [ 1 .. injection_number - 1 ] }, c -> Dimension( c ) ); dim_post := Sum( components{ [ injection_number + 1 .. number_of_objects ] }, c -> Dimension( c ) ); dim_cofactor := Dimension( object_product_list[ injection_number ] ); coproduct := QVectorSpace( dim ); injection_of_cofactor := HomalgZeroMatrix( dim_cofactor, dim_pre ,VECTORSPACES_FIELD ); injection_of_cofactor := UnionOfColumns( injection_of_cofactor, HomalgIdentityMatrix( dim_cofactor, VECTORSPACES_FIELD ) ); injection_of_cofactor := UnionOfColumns( injection_of_cofactor, HomalgZeroMatrix( dim_cofactor, dim_post, VECTORSPACES_FIELD ) ); return VectorSpaceMorphism( object_product_list[ injection_number ], injection_of_cofactor, coproduct ); end ); ## ## the user may assume that Length( object_product_list ) > 1 AddInjectionOfCofactorOfDirectSumWithGivenDirectSum( vecspaces, function( object_product_list, injection_number, coproduct ) local components, dim_pre, dim_post, dim_cofactor, number_of_objects, injection_of_cofactor; components := object_product_list; number_of_objects := Length( object_product_list ); dim_pre := Sum( components{ [ 1 .. injection_number - 1 ] }, c -> Dimension( c ) ); dim_post := Sum( components{ [ injection_number + 1 .. number_of_objects ] }, c -> Dimension( c ) ); dim_cofactor := Dimension( object_product_list[ injection_number ] ); injection_of_cofactor := HomalgZeroMatrix( dim_cofactor, dim_pre ,VECTORSPACES_FIELD ); injection_of_cofactor := UnionOfColumns( injection_of_cofactor, HomalgIdentityMatrix( dim_cofactor, VECTORSPACES_FIELD ) ); injection_of_cofactor := UnionOfColumns( injection_of_cofactor, HomalgZeroMatrix( dim_cofactor, dim_post, VECTORSPACES_FIELD ) ); return VectorSpaceMorphism( object_product_list[ injection_number ], injection_of_cofactor, coproduct ); end ); ## AddUniversalMorphismFromDirectSum( vecspaces, function( diagram, sink ) local dim, coproduct, components, universal_morphism, morphism; components := sink; dim := Sum( components, c -> Dimension( Source( c ) ) ); coproduct := QVectorSpace( dim ); universal_morphism := sink[1]!.morphism; for morphism in components{ [ 2 .. Length( components ) ] } do universal_morphism := UnionOfRows( universal_morphism, morphism!.morphism ); od; return VectorSpaceMorphism( coproduct, universal_morphism, Range( sink[1] ) ); end ); ## AddUniversalMorphismFromDirectSumWithGivenDirectSum( vecspaces, function( diagram, sink, coproduct ) local components, universal_morphism, morphism; components := sink; universal_morphism := sink[1]!.morphism; for morphism in components{ [ 2 .. Length( components ) ] } do universal_morphism := UnionOfRows( universal_morphism, morphism!.morphism ); od; return VectorSpaceMorphism( coproduct, universal_morphism, Range( sink[1] ) ); end ); ## AddDirectSum( vecspaces, function( object_product_list ) local dim; dim := Sum( List( object_product_list, c -> Dimension( c ) ) ); return QVectorSpace( dim ); end ); # ## # AddDirectProduct( vecspaces, # # function( object_product_list ) # local dim; # # dim := Sum( List( object_product_list, c -> Dimension( c ) ) ); # # return QVectorSpace( dim ); # # end ); # # the user may assume that Length( object_product_list ) > 1 AddProjectionInFactorOfDirectSum( vecspaces, function( object_product_list, projection_number ) local components, dim, dim_pre, dim_post, dim_factor, direct_product, number_of_objects, projection_in_factor; components := object_product_list; number_of_objects := Length( components ); dim := Sum( components, c -> Dimension( c ) ); dim_pre := Sum( components{ [ 1 .. projection_number - 1 ] }, c -> Dimension( c ) ); dim_post := Sum( components{ [ projection_number + 1 .. number_of_objects ] }, c -> Dimension( c ) ); dim_factor := Dimension( object_product_list[ projection_number ] ); direct_product := QVectorSpace( dim ); projection_in_factor := HomalgZeroMatrix( dim_pre, dim_factor, VECTORSPACES_FIELD ); projection_in_factor := UnionOfRows( projection_in_factor, HomalgIdentityMatrix( dim_factor, VECTORSPACES_FIELD ) ); projection_in_factor := UnionOfRows( projection_in_factor, HomalgZeroMatrix( dim_post, dim_factor, VECTORSPACES_FIELD ) ); return VectorSpaceMorphism( direct_product, projection_in_factor, object_product_list[ projection_number ] ); end ); ## ## the user may assume that Length( object_product_list ) > 1 AddProjectionInFactorOfDirectSumWithGivenDirectSum( vecspaces, function( object_product_list, projection_number, direct_product ) local components, dim_pre, dim_post, dim_factor, number_of_objects, projection_in_factor; components := object_product_list; number_of_objects := Length( components ); dim_pre := Sum( components{ [ 1 .. projection_number - 1 ] }, c -> Dimension( c ) ); dim_post := Sum( components{ [ projection_number + 1 .. number_of_objects ] }, c -> Dimension( c ) ); dim_factor := Dimension( object_product_list[ projection_number ] ); projection_in_factor := HomalgZeroMatrix( dim_pre, dim_factor, VECTORSPACES_FIELD ); projection_in_factor := UnionOfRows( projection_in_factor, HomalgIdentityMatrix( dim_factor, VECTORSPACES_FIELD ) ); projection_in_factor := UnionOfRows( projection_in_factor, HomalgZeroMatrix( dim_post, dim_factor, VECTORSPACES_FIELD ) ); return VectorSpaceMorphism( direct_product, projection_in_factor, object_product_list[ projection_number ] ); end ); AddUniversalMorphismIntoDirectSum( vecspaces, function( diagram, sink ) local dim, direct_product, components, universal_morphism, morphism; components := sink; dim := Sum( components, c -> Dimension( Range( c ) ) ); direct_product := QVectorSpace( dim ); universal_morphism := sink[1]!.morphism; for morphism in components{ [ 2 .. Length( components ) ] } do universal_morphism := UnionOfColumns( universal_morphism, morphism!.morphism ); od; return VectorSpaceMorphism( Source( sink[1] ), universal_morphism, direct_product ); end ); AddUniversalMorphismIntoDirectSumWithGivenDirectSum( vecspaces, function( diagram, sink, direct_product ) local components, universal_morphism, morphism; components := sink; universal_morphism := sink[1]!.morphism; for morphism in components{ [ 2 .. Length( components ) ] } do universal_morphism := UnionOfColumns( universal_morphism, morphism!.morphism ); od; return VectorSpaceMorphism( Source( sink[1] ), universal_morphism, direct_product ); end ); ## AddUniversalMorphismIntoZeroObject( vecspaces, function( sink ) local morphism; morphism := VectorSpaceMorphism( sink, HomalgZeroMatrix( Dimension( sink ), 0, VECTORSPACES_FIELD ), QVectorSpace( 0 ) ); return morphism; end ); ## AddUniversalMorphismIntoZeroObjectWithGivenZeroObject( vecspaces, function( sink, terminal_object ) local morphism; morphism := VectorSpaceMorphism( sink, HomalgZeroMatrix( Dimension( sink ), 0, VECTORSPACES_FIELD ), terminal_object ); return morphism; end ); ## AddZeroObject( vecspaces, function( ) return QVectorSpace( 0 ); end ); ## AddUniversalMorphismFromZeroObject( vecspaces, function( source ) local morphism; morphism := VectorSpaceMorphism( QVectorSpace( 0 ), HomalgZeroMatrix( 0, Dimension( source ), VECTORSPACES_FIELD ), source ); return morphism; end ); ## AddUniversalMorphismFromZeroObjectWithGivenZeroObject( vecspaces, function( source, initial_object ) local morphism; morphism := VectorSpaceMorphism( initial_object, HomalgZeroMatrix( 0, Dimension( source ), VECTORSPACES_FIELD ), source ); return morphism; end ); ## AddIsWellDefinedForObjects( vecspaces, function( vectorspace ) return IsHomalgRationalVectorSpaceRep( vectorspace ) and Dimension( vectorspace ) >= 0; end ); ## AddIsWellDefinedForMorphisms( vecspaces, function( morphism ) local matrix; if not IsHomalgRationalVectorSpaceMorphismRep( morphism ) then return false; fi; matrix := morphism!.morphism; return IsHomalgMatrix( matrix ) and NrRows( matrix ) = Dimension( Source( morphism ) ) and NrColumns( matrix ) = Dimension( Range( morphism ) ); end ); # # AddIsZeroForObjects( vecspaces, # # function( obj ) # # return Dimension( obj ) = 0; # # end ); # # AddIsMonomorphism( vecspaces, # # function( morphism ) # # return RowRankOfMatrix( morphism!.morphism ) = Dimension( Source( morphism ) ); # # end ); # # AddIsEpimorphism( vecspaces, # # function( morphism ) # # return ColumnRankOfMatrix( morphism!.morphism ) = Dimension( Range( morphism ) ); # # end ); # # AddIsIsomorphism( vecspaces, # # function( morphism ) # # return Dimension( Range( morphism ) ) = Dimension( Source( morphism ) ) # and ColumnRankOfMatrix( morphism!.morphism ) = Dimension( Range( morphism ) ); # # end ); # ## # AddImageObject( vecspaces, # # function( morphism ) # # return QVectorSpace( RowRankOfMatrix( morphism!.morphism ) ); # # end ); AddIsEqualForObjects( vecspaces, function( vecspace_1, vecspace_2 ) return Dimension( vecspace_1 ) = Dimension( vecspace_2 ); end ); Finalize( vecspaces ); ####################################### ## ## View and Display ## ####################################### InstallMethod( ViewObj, [ IsHomalgRationalVectorSpaceRep ], function( obj ) Print( "<A rational vector space of dimension ", String( Dimension( obj ) ), ">" ); end ); InstallMethod( ViewObj, [ IsHomalgRationalVectorSpaceMorphismRep ], function( obj ) Print( "A rational vector space homomorphism with matrix: \n" ); # # Print( String( obj!.morphism ) ); Display( obj!.morphism ); end ); ####################################### ## ## Test ## ####################################### T := QVectorSpace( 2 ); B := QVectorSpace( 2 ); A := QVectorSpace( 1 ); C := QVectorSpace( 3 ); D := QVectorSpace( 1 ); f := VectorSpaceMorphism( B, [ [ 1 ], [ 1 ] ], A ); g := VectorSpaceMorphism( C, [ [ 1 ], [ -1 ], [ 1 ] ], A ); t1 := VectorSpaceMorphism( D, [ [ 1, 1 ] ], B ); t2 := VectorSpaceMorphism( D, [ [ 1, 0, 1 ] ], C ); # KernelLift Test: tau := VectorSpaceMorphism( T, [ [ 1, 1 ], [ 1, 1 ] ], B ); theta := VectorSpaceMorphism( A, [ [ 2, -2 ] ], T ); # KernelLift( tau, theta ); # # # Inverse Test # alpha := VectorSpaceMorphism( T, [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ] ], B ); # # Inverse( alpha ); # # #CokernelColift Test: # tau2 := VectorSpaceMorphism( B, [ [ 1, 1 ], [ 1, 1 ] ], T ); # # CokernelColift( theta, tau2 ); # Universal morphism of direct product alpha := VectorSpaceMorphism( T, [ [ 3 ], [ 4 ] ], A ); beta := VectorSpaceMorphism( T, [ [ 1, 1 ], [ 1, 1 ] ], B ); gamma := VectorSpaceMorphism( T, [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ] ], B ); ####################################### ## ## Snake-Lemma test ## ####################################### eta := VectorSpaceMorphism( T, [ [ 1, 1 ], [ 2, 2 ] ], T ); eta := InDeductiveSystem( eta ); SetIsAbelianCategory( CapCategory( eta ), true ); ####################################### ## ## Functorial methods tests ## ####################################### A := QVectorSpace( 2 ); A_p := QVectorSpace( 2 ); B := QVectorSpace( 2 ); B_p := QVectorSpace( 2 ); alpha := VectorSpaceMorphism( A, [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 1 ] ], B ); alpha_p := VectorSpaceMorphism( A_p, [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 1 ] ], B_p ); mu := VectorSpaceMorphism( A, [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ], A_p ); nu := VectorSpaceMorphism( B, [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ], B_p ); # KernelObjectFunctorial( mu, alpha, nu ); ####################################### ## ## Functors ## ####################################### Tensor_Product_For_VecSpaces := CapFunctor( "Tensor_Product_For_VecSpaces", Product( vecspaces, vecspaces ), vecspaces ); AddObjectFunction( Tensor_Product_For_VecSpaces, function( vecspace_pair ) return QVectorSpace( Dimension( vecspace_pair[ 1 ] ) * Dimension( vecspace_pair[ 2 ] ) ); end ); AddMorphismFunction( Tensor_Product_For_VecSpaces, function( new_source, morphism, new_range ) return VectorSpaceMorphism( new_source, KroneckerMat( morphism[ 1 ]!.morphism, morphism[ 2 ]!.morphism ), new_range ); end ); Change_Components := CapFunctor( "change_components", Product( vecspaces, vecspaces ), Product( vecspaces, vecspaces ) ); AddObjectFunction( Change_Components, function( vecspace_pair ) return Product( vecspace_pair[ 2 ], vecspace_pair[ 1 ] ); end ); AddMorphismFunction( Change_Components, function( new_source, morphism_pair, new_range ) return Product( morphism_pair[ 2 ], morphism_pair[ 1 ] ); end ); #################################### ## ## Generalized morphisms ## #################################### ## use tau as associated morphism # tau_source_aid := VectorSpaceMorphism( Source( tau ), [ [ 1, 1, 0 ], [ 0, 1, 1 ] ], QVectorSpace( 3 ) ); # # tau_range_aid := VectorSpaceMorphism( QVectorSpace( 3 ), [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 1, 1 ], [ 0, 1 ] ], Range( tau ) ); # # GeneralizedMorphism( tau_source_aid, tau, tau_range_aid ); # # ## # # BB := QVectorSpace( 3 ); # # factor := VectorSpaceMorphism( BB, [ [ 1, -1 ], [ 3, 7 ], [ 21, 4 ] ], QVectorSpace( 2 ) ); # # sub := VectorSpaceMorphism( QVectorSpace( 2 ), [ [ 1, -1, 2 ], [ 3, -1, 11 ] ], BB ); # # # factor := VectorSpaceMorphism( BB, [ [ 1 ], [ 3 ], [ 21 ] ], QVectorSpace( 1 ) ); # # # # sub := VectorSpaceMorphism( QVectorSpace( 2 ), [ [ 1, -1, 2 ], [ 3, -1, 11 ] ], BB ); # # # factor := VectorSpaceMorphism( BB, [ ], QVectorSpace( 0 ) ); # # # # sub := VectorSpaceMorphism( QVectorSpace( 2 ), [ [ 1, -1, 2 ], [ 3, -1, 11 ] ], BB ); # # # factor := VectorSpaceMorphism( BB, [ [ 1 ], [ 3 ], [ 21 ] ], QVectorSpace( 1 ) ); # # # # sub := VectorSpaceMorphism( QVectorSpace( 0 ), [ ], BB ); # # phi_tilde_associated := VectorSpaceMorphism( A, [ [ 1, 2, 0 ] ], C ); # # phi_tilde_source_aid := VectorSpaceMorphism( A, [ [ 1, 2 ] ], B ); # # phi_tilde := GeneralizedMorphismWithSourceAid( phi_tilde_source_aid, phi_tilde_associated ); # # psi_tilde_associated := IdentityMorphism( B ); # # psi_tilde_source_aid := VectorSpaceMorphism( B, [ [ 1, 0, 0 ] ,[ 0, 1, 0 ] ], C ); # # psi_tilde := GeneralizedMorphismWithSourceAid( psi_tilde_source_aid, psi_tilde_associated ); # # PreCompose( phi_tilde, psi_tilde ); # # phi2_tilde_associated := VectorSpaceMorphism( A, [ [ 1, 5 ] ], B ); # # phi2_tilde_range_aid := VectorSpaceMorphism( C, [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 1 ], [ 1, 1 ] ], B ); # # phi2_tilde := GeneralizedMorphismWithRangeAid( phi2_tilde_associated, phi2_tilde_range_aid ); # # psi2_tilde_associated := VectorSpaceMorphism( C, [ [ 1 ], [ 3 ], [ 4 ] ], A ); # # psi2_tilde_range_aid := VectorSpaceMorphism( B, [ [ 1 ], [ 1 ] ], A ); # # psi2_tilde := GeneralizedMorphismWithRangeAid( psi2_tilde_associated, psi2_tilde_range_aid ); # # composition := PreCompose( phi2_tilde, psi2_tilde ); # phi3_associated := VectorSpaceMorphism( B, [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 1 ] ], B ); # # phi3_range_aid := VectorSpaceMorphism( C, [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 1 ], [ 0, 0 ] ], B ); # # psi3_associated := VectorSpaceMorphism( B, [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 1 ] ], B ); # # psi3_source_aid := VectorSpaceMorphism( B, [ [ 0,1,0],[0,0,1]], C ); # # phi3 := GeneralizedMorphismWithRangeAid( phi3_associated, phi3_range_aid ); # # psi3 := GeneralizedMorphismWithSourceAid( psi3_source_aid, psi3_associated ); # # PreCompose( phi3, psi3 ); #################################### ## ## Natural transformation ## #################################### ## identity_functor := IdentityMorphism( AsCatObject( vecspaces ) ); ## zero_object := CapFunctor( "Zero functor of VectorSpaces", vecspaces, vecspaces ); AddObjectFunction( zero_object, function( obj ) return ZeroObject( obj ); end ); AddMorphismFunction( zero_object, function( zero1, morphism, zero2 ) return VectorSpaceMorphism( zero1, [ ], zero2 ); end ); id_to_zero := NaturalTransformation( "One to zero in VectorSpaces", identity_functor, zero_object ); # psi3 := GeneralizedMorphismWithSourceAid( psi3_source_aid, psi3_associated ); # # PreCompose( phi3, psi3 ); AddNaturalTransformationFunction( id_to_zero, function( one_obj, obj, zero ) return MorphismIntoZeroObject( obj ); end ); ## double_functor := CapFunctor( "Double of Vecspaces", vecspaces, vecspaces ); AddObjectFunction( double_functor, function( obj ) return QVectorSpace( 2 * Dimension( obj ) ); end ); AddMorphismFunction( double_functor, function( new_source, mor, new_range ) local matr, matr1; matr := EntriesOfHomalgMatrixAsListList( mor!.morphism ); matr := Concatenation( List( matr, i -> Concatenation( i, ListWithIdenticalEntries( Length( i ), 0 ) ) ), List( matr, i -> Concatenation( ListWithIdenticalEntries( Length( i ), 0 ), i ) ) ); return VectorSpaceMorphism( new_source, matr, new_range ); end ); id_to_double := NaturalTransformation( "Id to double in vecspaces", identity_functor, double_functor ); AddNaturalTransformationFunction( id_to_double, function( new_source, obj, new_range ) local dim, matr; dim := Dimension( obj ); matr := IdentityMat( dim ); matr := List( matr, i -> Concatenation( i, i ) ); return VectorSpaceMorphism( new_source, matr, new_range ); end ); double_swap_components := NaturalTransformation( "double swap components", double_functor, double_functor ); AddNaturalTransformationFunction( double_swap_components, function( doubled_source, obj, doubled_range ) local zero_morphism, one_morphism; zero_morphism := ZeroMorphism( obj, obj ); one_morphism := IdentityMorphism( obj ); return MorphismBetweenDirectSums( [ [ zero_morphism, one_morphism ], [ one_morphism, zero_morphism ] ] ); end ); composition_of_double_swap_components := VerticalPreCompose( double_swap_components, double_swap_components ); ApplyNaturalTransformation( composition_of_double_swap_components, A ); # theorem_string := "\alpha:Mor, \beta:Mor ~|~ \IsMonomorphism( \alpha ) \vdash \IsMonomorphism( \ProjectionInFactorOfFiberProduct( [ \alpha, \beta ], 2 ) )"; # # ADD_THEOREM_TO_CATEGORY( vecspaces, PARSE_THEOREM_FROM_LATEX( theorem_string ) ); # @Theorem # A | ( For all x in A : IsZero( x ) = true ) => IsZero( DirectProduct( A ) ) = true. # A:\Obj ~|~ \IsZero( A ) \vdash \IsInjective( A ) # @EndTheorem # @Proof # bla bla bla bla # # @EndProof # # eval_rule := rec( command := "PreCompose", # commands_to_check := [ [ [ 1 ], "UniversalMorphismIntoFiberProduct" ], # [ [ 2 ], "ProjectionInFactorOfFiberProduct" ] ], # cells_to_check := [ [ [ 1, 1, 1 ], [ 2, 1, 1 ] ], # [ [ 1, 1, 2 ], [ 2, 1, 2 ] ], # [ [ 2, 2 ], 2 ] # ], # part_to_replace := [ 1, 2, 1 ], # ## TODO: # part_for_is_well_defined := [ [ "IsCongruentForMorphisms", [ [ "PreCompose", [ [ 1, 2, 1 ], [ 1, 1, 1 ] ] ], [ "PreCompose", [ [ 1, 2, 2 ], [ 1, 1, 2 ] ] ] ] ] ] ); # # eval_rule := REMOVE_CHARACTERS_FROM_LATEX( "A, B:Obj, tau_A, tau_B:Mor |~ &()vdash &Precompose(InjectionOfCofactorOfCoproduct( [A, B], 1 ),&UniversalMorphismFromCoproduct( [A,B], [tau_A, tau_B] ) ) = tau_A" );