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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it

Views: 466297
if not IsBound( VectorSpacesConstructorsLoaded ) then
  ReadPackage( "CAP", "examples/testfiles/" );

if not IsCapCategory( vecspaces ) then

  vecspaces := CreateCapCategory( "VectorSpacesCacheIssue" );

AddKernelObject( vecspaces,
      function( morphism )
        local homalg_matrix;
        homalg_matrix := morphism!.morphism;
        return QVectorSpace( NrRows( homalg_matrix ) - RowRankOfMatrix( homalg_matrix ) );
      [ ]
      function( morphism )
        return QVectorSpace( 0 );
      [ IsMonomorphism ],

AddIdentityMorphism( vecspaces,
  function( obj )

    return VectorSpaceMorphism( obj, HomalgIdentityMatrix( Dimension( obj ), VECTORSPACES_FIELD ), obj );
end );

AddIsMonomorphism( vecspaces,

  function( morphism )
    return RowRankOfMatrix( morphism!.morphism ) = Dimension( Source( morphism ) );
end );