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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 418346############################################################################# ## ## CAP package ## ## Copyright 2016, Sebastian Gutsche, TU Kaiserslautern ## Sebastian Posur, RWTH Aachen ## ############################################################################# InstallValue( CAP_INTERNAL_CATEGORY_PROPERTY_RANK_AND_STRING, rec( ) ); BindGlobal( "__CAP_INTERNAL_RANK_CATEGORY_FROM_METHOD_RECORD", function( ) local list_of_names, i, current, caps_positions, name_list, j, return_list, entries, added; list_of_names := ShallowCopy( RecNames( CAP_INTERNAL_CONSTRUCTIVE_CATEGORIES_RECORD ) ); Remove( list_of_names, Position( list_of_names, "EveryCategory" ) ); name_list := [ ]; for i in list_of_names do current := ShallowCopy( i ); current := current{[ 3 .. Length( current ) ]}; if EndsWith( current, "Category" ) then current := current{[ 1 .. Length( current ) - 8 ]}; fi; caps_positions := Filtered( [ 1 .. Length( current ) ], j -> current[ j ] in "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" ); if 1 in caps_positions then Remove( caps_positions, Position( caps_positions, 1 ) ); fi; current := LowercaseString( current ); for j in Reversed( caps_positions ) do current := Concatenation( current{[ 1 .. j - 1 ]}, " ", current{[ j .. Length( current ) ]} ); od; Add( name_list, [ i, current ] ); od; return_list := [ ]; for i in name_list do entries := CAP_INTERNAL_CONSTRUCTIVE_CATEGORIES_RECORD.( i [ 1 ] ); added := false; for j in return_list do if ForAll( j, k -> IsSubset( CAP_INTERNAL_CONSTRUCTIVE_CATEGORIES_RECORD.( k[ 1 ] ), entries ) or IsSubset( entries, CAP_INTERNAL_CONSTRUCTIVE_CATEGORIES_RECORD.( k[ 1 ] ) ) ) then Add( j, i ); added := true; break; fi; od; if not added then Add( return_list, [ i ] ); fi; od; for i in return_list do Sort( i, function( j, k ) return IsSubset( CAP_INTERNAL_CONSTRUCTIVE_CATEGORIES_RECORD.( j[ 1 ] ), CAP_INTERNAL_CONSTRUCTIVE_CATEGORIES_RECORD.( k[ 1 ] ) ); end ); od; # Some cosmetics for the lists: # Write Abel with a capital, its the man ;). # Change the order so that the list with Abelian is at the end. for i in return_list do for j in i do j[ 2 ] := ReplacedString( j[ 2 ], "abelian", "Abelian" ); od; od; for i in [ 1 .. Length( return_list ) ] do if ForAny( return_list[ i ], j -> j[2] = "Abelian" ) then return_list := Concatenation( return_list{[ 1 .. i - 1 ]}, return_list{[ i + 1 .. Length( return_list ) ]}, [ return_list[ i ] ] ); fi; od; return return_list; end ); CAP_INTERNAL_CATEGORY_PROPERTY_RANK_AND_STRING.sorted_list := __CAP_INTERNAL_RANK_CATEGORY_FROM_METHOD_RECORD(); InstallGlobalFunction( InfoOfInstalledOperationsOfCategory, function( category ) local prim_operations, derived_operations, adjectives, current_stack, current_property, current_adjective; if not IsCapCategory( category ) then Error( "first argument must be a category" ); return; fi; prim_operations := ListPrimitivelyInstalledOperationsOfCategory( category ); derived_operations := ListInstalledOperationsOfCategory( category ); prim_operations := Length( prim_operations ); derived_operations := Length( derived_operations ); adjectives := [ ]; for current_stack in CAP_INTERNAL_CATEGORY_PROPERTY_RANK_AND_STRING.sorted_list do for current_property in current_stack do if Length( CheckConstructivenessOfCategory( category, current_property[ 1 ] ) ) = 0 then Add( adjectives, current_property[ 2 ] ); break; fi; od; od; Print( String( prim_operations ) ); Print( " primitive operations were used to derive " ); Print( String( derived_operations ) ); Print( " basic ones for this " ); for current_adjective in adjectives do Print( current_adjective ); Print( " " ); od; Print( "category" ); end );