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Views: 418346############################################################################# ## ## CAP package ## ## Copyright 2014, Sebastian Gutsche, TU Kaiserslautern ## Sebastian Posur, RWTH Aachen ## #! @Chapter Universal Objects ## ############################################################################# #################################### ## ## Kernel ## #################################### #################################### ## Functorial operations #################################### ## InstallMethod( KernelObjectFunctorial, [ IsList ], function( morphism_of_morphisms ) return KernelObjectFunctorialWithGivenKernelObjects( KernelObject( morphism_of_morphisms[1] ), morphism_of_morphisms[1], morphism_of_morphisms[2][1], morphism_of_morphisms[3], KernelObject( morphism_of_morphisms[3] ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( KernelObjectFunctorial, [ IsCapCategoryMorphism, IsCapCategoryMorphism, IsCapCategoryMorphism ], function( alpha, mu, alpha_prime ) return KernelObjectFunctorialWithGivenKernelObjects( KernelObject( alpha ), alpha, mu, alpha_prime, KernelObject( alpha_prime ) ); end ); #################################### ## ## Cokernel ## #################################### #################################### ## Functorial operations #################################### ## InstallMethod( CokernelObjectFunctorial, [ IsList ], function( morphism_of_morphisms ) return CokernelObjectFunctorialWithGivenCokernelObjects( CokernelObject( morphism_of_morphisms[1] ), morphism_of_morphisms[1], morphism_of_morphisms[2][2], morphism_of_morphisms[3], CokernelObject( morphism_of_morphisms[3] ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( CokernelObjectFunctorial, [ IsCapCategoryMorphism, IsCapCategoryMorphism, IsCapCategoryMorphism ], function( alpha, nu, alpha_prime ) return CokernelObjectFunctorialWithGivenCokernelObjects( CokernelObject( alpha ), alpha, nu, alpha_prime, CokernelObject( alpha_prime ) ); end ); #################################### ## ## Coproduct and Pushout ## #################################### #################################### ## ## Coproduct ## #################################### #################################### ## Convenience methods #################################### ## InstallMethod( Coproduct, [ IsList ], function( diagram ) return CoproductOp( diagram, diagram[1] ); end ); ## InstallMethod( Coproduct, [ IsCapCategoryObject, IsCapCategoryObject ], function( object_1, object_2 ) return CoproductOp( [ object_1, object_2 ], object_1 ); end ); ## InstallMethod( Coproduct, [ IsCapCategoryObject, IsCapCategoryObject, IsCapCategoryObject ], function( object_1, object_2, object_3 ) return CoproductOp( [ object_1, object_2, object_3 ], object_1 ); end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( UniversalMorphismFromCoproduct, function( arg ) local diagram; if Length( arg ) = 2 and IsList( arg[1] ) and IsList( arg[2] ) then return UniversalMorphismFromCoproductOp( arg[1], arg[2], arg[1][1] ); elif Length( arg ) = 1 and IsList( arg[ 1 ] ) then arg := arg[ 1 ]; fi; diagram := List( arg, Source ); return UniversalMorphismFromCoproductOp( diagram, arg, diagram[1] ); end ); #################################### ## Categorical methods #################################### ## InstallMethod( InjectionOfCofactorOfCoproduct, [ IsList, IsInt ], function( object_product_list, injection_number ) return InjectionOfCofactorOfCoproductOp( object_product_list, injection_number, object_product_list[1] ); end ); #################################### ## Functorial operations #################################### ## InstallMethod( CoproductFunctorial, [ IsList ], function( morphism_list ) return CoproductFunctorialWithGivenCoproducts( Coproduct( List( morphism_list, Source ) ), morphism_list, Coproduct( List( morphism_list, Range ) ) ); end ); #################################### ## ## Direct Product and FiberProduct ## #################################### #################################### ## Convenience methods #################################### #################################### ## ## Direct Product ## #################################### #################################### ## Convenience methods #################################### ## InstallGlobalFunction( UniversalMorphismIntoDirectProduct, function( arg ) local diagram; if Length( arg ) = 2 and IsList( arg[1] ) and IsList( arg[2] ) then return UniversalMorphismIntoDirectProductOp( arg[1], arg[2], arg[1][1] ); elif Length( arg ) = 1 and IsList( arg[ 1 ] ) then arg := arg[ 1 ]; fi; ##convenience: UniversalMorphismIntoDirectProduct( test_projection_1, ..., test_projection_k ) diagram := List( arg, Range ); return UniversalMorphismIntoDirectProductOp( diagram, arg, diagram[1] ); end ); #################################### ## Categorical methods #################################### ## InstallMethod( ProjectionInFactorOfDirectProduct, [ IsList, IsInt ], function( object_product_list, projection_number ) return ProjectionInFactorOfDirectProductOp( object_product_list, projection_number, object_product_list[1] ); end ); #################################### ## Functorial operations #################################### ## InstallMethod( DirectProductFunctorial, [ IsList ], function( morphism_list ) return DirectProductFunctorialWithGivenDirectProducts( DirectProduct( List( morphism_list, Source ) ), morphism_list, DirectProduct( List( morphism_list, Range ) ) ); end ); #################################### ## ## Direct sum ## #################################### #################################### ## Technical methods #################################### #################################### ## Convenience methods #################################### ## InstallMethod( ProjectionInFactorOfDirectSum, [ IsList, IsInt ], function( diagram, projection_number ) return ProjectionInFactorOfDirectSumOp( diagram, projection_number, diagram[1] ); end ); ## InstallMethod( InjectionOfCofactorOfDirectSum, [ IsList, IsInt ], function( diagram, injection_number ) return InjectionOfCofactorOfDirectSumOp( diagram, injection_number, diagram[1] ); end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( UniversalMorphismFromDirectSum, function( arg ) local diagram; if Length( arg ) = 2 and IsList( arg[1] ) and IsList( arg[2] ) then return UniversalMorphismFromDirectSumOp( arg[1], arg[2], arg[1][1] ); elif Length( arg ) = 1 and IsList( arg[ 1 ] ) then arg := arg[ 1 ]; fi; diagram := List( arg, Source ); return UniversalMorphismFromDirectSumOp( diagram, arg, diagram[1] ); end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( UniversalMorphismIntoDirectSum, function( arg ) local diagram; if Length( arg ) = 2 and IsList( arg[1] ) and IsList( arg[2] ) then return UniversalMorphismIntoDirectSumOp( arg[1], arg[2], arg[1][1] ); elif Length( arg ) = 1 and IsList( arg[ 1 ] ) then arg := arg[ 1 ]; fi; ##convenience: UniversalMorphismIntoDirectSum( test_projection_1, ..., test_projection_k ) diagram := List( arg, Range ); return UniversalMorphismIntoDirectSumOp( diagram, arg, diagram[1] ); end ); ## InstallMethod( IsomorphismFromDirectProductToDirectSum, [ IsList ], function( diagram ) return IsomorphismFromDirectProductToDirectSumOp( diagram, diagram[1] ); end ); ## InstallMethod( IsomorphismFromDirectSumToDirectProduct, [ IsList ], function( diagram ) return IsomorphismFromDirectSumToDirectProductOp( diagram, diagram[1] ); end ); ## InstallMethod( IsomorphismFromCoproductToDirectSum, [ IsList ], function( diagram ) return IsomorphismFromCoproductToDirectSumOp( diagram, diagram[1] ); end ); ## InstallMethod( IsomorphismFromDirectSumToCoproduct, [ IsList ], function( diagram ) return IsomorphismFromDirectSumToCoproductOp( diagram, diagram[1] ); end ); ## InstallMethod( DirectSumOp, [ IsList, IsCapCategory ], function( category_and_diagram, category ) local diagram; diagram := category_and_diagram[2]; if diagram = [ ] then return ZeroObject( category ); fi; return DirectSumOp( diagram, diagram[1] ); end ); #################################### ## Functorial operations #################################### ## InstallMethod( DirectSumFunctorial, [ IsList ], function( diagram ) return DirectSumFunctorialWithGivenDirectSums( DirectSum( List( diagram, Source ) ), diagram, DirectSum( List( diagram, Range ) ) ); end ); #################################### ## Add methods #################################### #################################### ## Categorical methods #################################### ## InstallMethod( MorphismBetweenDirectSums, [ IsList ], function( morphism_matrix ) local morphism_matrix_listlist, row, rows, cols; morphism_matrix_listlist := [ ]; for row in morphism_matrix do Append( morphism_matrix_listlist, row ); od; rows := Length( morphism_matrix ); cols := Length( morphism_matrix[1] ); return MorphismBetweenDirectSumsOp( morphism_matrix_listlist, rows, cols, morphism_matrix[1][1] ); end ); ## InstallMethod( MorphismBetweenDirectSums, [ IsCapCategoryObject, IsList, IsCapCategoryObject ], function( S, morphism_matrix, T ) if morphism_matrix = [ ] or morphism_matrix[1] = [ ] then return ZeroMorphism( S, T ); fi; return MorphismBetweenDirectSums( morphism_matrix ); end ); ## InstallMethodWithCacheFromObject( MorphismBetweenDirectSumsOp, [ IsList, IsInt, IsInt, IsCapCategoryMorphism ], function( morphism_matrix_listlist, rows, cols, caching_object ) local morphism_matrix, i, diagram_direct_sum_source, diagram_direct_sum_range, test_diagram_product, test_diagram_coproduct, morphism_into_product; morphism_matrix := [ ]; for i in [ 1 .. rows ] do Add( morphism_matrix, morphism_matrix_listlist{[(i-1)*cols + 1 .. i*cols]} ); od; diagram_direct_sum_source := List( morphism_matrix, row -> Source( row[1] ) ); diagram_direct_sum_range := List( morphism_matrix[1], entry -> Range( entry ) ); test_diagram_coproduct := [ ]; for test_diagram_product in morphism_matrix do Add( test_diagram_coproduct, UniversalMorphismIntoDirectSum( diagram_direct_sum_range, test_diagram_product ) ); od; return UniversalMorphismFromDirectSum( diagram_direct_sum_source, test_diagram_coproduct ); end: ArgumentNumber := 4 ); #################################### ## ## Zero Object ## #################################### #################################### ## Convenience methods #################################### ## InstallMethod( ZeroObject, [ IsCapCategoryCell ], function( cell ) return ZeroObject( CapCategory( cell ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( MorphismFromZeroObject, [ IsCapCategoryObject ], function( obj ) return UniversalMorphismFromZeroObject( obj ); end ); ## InstallMethod( MorphismIntoZeroObject, [ IsCapCategoryObject ], function( obj ) return UniversalMorphismIntoZeroObject( obj ); end ); #################################### ## ## Terminal Object ## #################################### #################################### ## Convenience methods #################################### ## InstallMethod( TerminalObject, [ IsCapCategoryCell ], function( cell ) return TerminalObject( CapCategory( cell ) ); end ); #################################### ## ## Initial Object ## #################################### #################################### ## Convenience methods #################################### ## InstallMethod( InitialObject, [ IsCapCategoryCell ], function( cell ) return InitialObject( CapCategory( cell ) ); end ); #################################### ## ## FiberProduct ## #################################### #################################### ## Convenience methods #################################### ## InstallGlobalFunction( FiberProduct, function( arg ) if Length( arg ) = 1 and IsList( arg[1] ) and ForAll( arg[1], IsCapCategoryMorphism ) then return FiberProductOp( arg[1], arg[1][1] ); fi; return FiberProductOp( arg, arg[ 1 ] ); end ); ## InstallMethod( ProjectionInFactorOfFiberProduct, [ IsList, IsInt ], function( diagram, projection_number ) return ProjectionInFactorOfFiberProductOp( diagram, projection_number, diagram[1] ); end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( UniversalMorphismIntoFiberProduct, function( arg ) local diagram, source; if Length( arg ) = 2 and IsList( arg[1] ) and IsList( arg[2] ) then return UniversalMorphismIntoFiberProductOp( arg[1], arg[2], arg[1][1] ); fi; diagram := arg[ 1 ]; source := arg{[ 2 .. Length( arg ) ]}; return UniversalMorphismIntoFiberProductOp( diagram, source, diagram[1] ); end ); ## InstallMethod( DirectSumDiagonalDifference, [ IsList ], function( diagram ) return DirectSumDiagonalDifferenceOp( diagram, diagram[1] ); end ); ## InstallMethod( FiberProductEmbeddingInDirectSum, [ IsList ], function( diagram ) return FiberProductEmbeddingInDirectSumOp( diagram, diagram[1] ); end ); ## InstallMethod( IsomorphismFromFiberProductToKernelOfDiagonalDifference, [ IsList ], function( diagram ) return IsomorphismFromFiberProductToKernelOfDiagonalDifferenceOp( diagram, diagram[1] ); end ); ## InstallMethod( IsomorphismFromKernelOfDiagonalDifferenceToFiberProduct, [ IsList ], function( diagram ) return IsomorphismFromKernelOfDiagonalDifferenceToFiberProductOp( diagram, diagram[1] ); end ); ## InstallMethod( IsomorphismFromPushoutToCokernelOfDiagonalDifference, [ IsList ], function( diagram ) return IsomorphismFromPushoutToCokernelOfDiagonalDifferenceOp( diagram, diagram[1] ); end ); ## InstallMethod( IsomorphismFromCokernelOfDiagonalDifferenceToPushout, [ IsList ], function( diagram ) return IsomorphismFromCokernelOfDiagonalDifferenceToPushoutOp( diagram, diagram[1] ); end ); #################################### ## Functorial operations #################################### ## InstallMethod( FiberProductFunctorial, [ IsList ], function( morphism_of_morphisms ) return FiberProductFunctorialWithGivenFiberProducts( FiberProduct( List( morphism_of_morphisms, elem -> elem[1] ) ), morphism_of_morphisms, FiberProduct( List( morphism_of_morphisms, elem -> elem[3] ) ) ); end ); #################################### ## ## Pushout ## #################################### #################################### ## Convenience methods #################################### ## InstallMethod( Pushout, [ IsList ], function( diagram ) return PushoutOp( diagram, diagram[1] ); end ); ## InstallMethod( Pushout, [ IsCapCategoryMorphism, IsCapCategoryMorphism ], function( mor1, mor2 ) return PushoutOp( [ mor1, mor2 ], mor1 ); end ); ## InstallMethod( InjectionOfCofactorOfPushout, [ IsList, IsInt ], function( diagram, injection_number ) return InjectionOfCofactorOfPushoutOp( diagram, injection_number, diagram[1] ); end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( UniversalMorphismFromPushout, function( arg ) local diagram, sink; if Length( arg ) = 2 and IsList( arg[1] ) and IsList( arg[2] ) then return UniversalMorphismFromPushoutOp( arg[1], arg[2], arg[1][1] ); fi; diagram := arg[ 1 ]; sink := arg{[ 2 .. Length( arg ) ]}; return UniversalMorphismFromPushoutOp( diagram, sink, diagram[1] ); end ); ## InstallMethod( DirectSumCodiagonalDifference, [ IsList ], function( diagram ) return DirectSumCodiagonalDifferenceOp( diagram, diagram[1] ); end ); ## InstallMethod( DirectSumProjectionInPushout, [ IsList ], function( diagram ) return DirectSumProjectionInPushoutOp( diagram, diagram[1] ); end ); #################################### ## Functorial operations #################################### ## InstallMethod( PushoutFunctorial, [ IsList ], function( morphism_of_morphisms ) return PushoutFunctorialWithGivenPushouts( Pushout( List( morphism_of_morphisms, elem -> elem[1] ) ), morphism_of_morphisms, Pushout( List( morphism_of_morphisms, elem -> elem[3] ) ) ); end ); #################################### ## ## Coimage ## #################################### #################################### ## Convenience methods #################################### ## InstallMethod( MorphismFromCoimageToImage, [ IsCapCategoryMorphism ], function( morphism ) return MorphismFromCoimageToImageWithGivenObjects( Coimage( morphism ), morphism, ImageObject( morphism ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( InverseMorphismFromCoimageToImage, [ IsCapCategoryMorphism ], function( morphism ) return InverseMorphismFromCoimageToImageWithGivenObjects( Coimage( morphism ), morphism, ImageObject( morphism ) ); end ); #################################### ## ## Scheme for Universal Object ## #################################### #################################### ## Add Operations #################################### #################################### ## Attributes #################################### #################################### ## Implied Operations ####################################