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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it

Path: gap4r8 / pkg / Convex / gap /
Views: 418346
##         ConvexForHomalg package         Sebastian Gutsche
##  Copyright 2011 Lehrstuhl B für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen
##  Fans for ConvexForHomalg.

## Reps

DeclareRepresentation( "IsExternalFanRep",
                       IsFan and IsExternalConvexObjectRep,
                       [ ]

DeclareRepresentation( "IsPolymakeFanRep",
                       [ ]

DeclareRepresentation( "IsInternalFanRep",
                       IsFan and IsInternalConvexObjectRep,
                       [ ]

## Types and Families

BindGlobal( "TheFamilyOfFans",
        NewFamily( "TheFamilyOfFans" , IsFan ) );

BindGlobal( "TheTypeExternalFan",
        NewType( TheFamilyOfFans,
                 IsFan and IsExternalFanRep ) );

BindGlobal( "TheTypePolymakeFan",
        NewType( TheFamilyOfFans,
                 IsPolymakeFanRep ) );

BindGlobal( "TheTypeInternalFan",
        NewType( TheFamilyOfFans,
                 IsInternalFanRep ) );

## Attributes

InstallMethod( ExternalObject,
               "for external fans",
               [ IsExternalFanRep ],
  function( fan )
    if IsBound( fan!.input_cone_list ) then
        return EXT_FAN_BY_CONES( fan!.input_cone_list );
    elif IsBound( fan!.input_rays ) and IsBound( fan!.input_cones ) then
        return EXT_FAN_BY_RAYS_AND_CONES( fan!.input_rays, fan!.input_cones );
        Error( "something went wrong\n" );
end );

InstallMethod( Rays,
               "for fans.",
               [ IsFan ],
  function( fan )
    local rays;
    rays := RayGenerators( fan );
    rays := List( rays, i -> Cone( [ i ] ) );
    List( rays, function( i ) SetContainingGrid( i, ContainingGrid( fan ) ); return 0; end );
    return rays;
end );

InstallMethod( RayGenerators,
               "for external fans.",
               [ IsInternalFanRep ],
  function( fan )
    if IsBound( fan!.input_rays ) then
        return fan!.input_rays;
    elif IsBound( fan!.input_cone_list ) then
        return List( Set( Union( fan!.input_cone_list ) ) );
        Error( "Something went wrong." );
end );

InstallMethod( RayGenerators,
               "for external fans.",
               [ IsExternalFanRep ],
  function( fan )
    return EXT_RAYS_OF_FAN( ExternalObject( fan ) );
end );

InstallMethod( RaysInMaximalCones,
               "for fans",
               [ IsInternalFanRep ],
  function( fan )
    local rays, cones, i, j;
    if IsBound( fan!.input_cones ) and IsBound( fan!.input_rays ) then
        rays := RayGenerators( fan );
        cones := List( [ 1 .. Length( fan!.input_cones ) ], i -> List( [ 1 .. Length( rays ) ], j -> 0 ) );
        for i in [ 1 .. Length( fan!.input_cones ) ] do
            for j in fan!.input_cones[ i ] do
                cones[ i ][ j ] := 1;
        return cones;
    if IsBound( fan!.input_cone_list ) then
        rays := RayGenerators( fan );
        ## Dont use ListWithIdenticalEntries here since it has new sideeffects.
        cones := List( [ 1 .. Length( fan!.input_cone_list ) ], i -> List( [ 1 .. Length( rays ) ], j -> 0 ) );
        for i in [ 1 .. Length( fan!.input_cone_list ) ] do
            for j in [ 1 .. Length( rays ) ] do
                if rays[ j ] in fan!.input_cone_list[ i ] then
                    cones[ i ][ j ] := 1;
        return cones;
end );

InstallMethod( RaysInMaximalCones,
               "for external fans.",
               [ IsExternalFanRep ],
  function( fan )
    return EXT_RAYS_IN_MAXCONES_OF_FAN( ExternalObject( fan ) );
end );

InstallMethod( MaximalCones,
               "for external fans.",
               [ IsFan ],
  function( fan )
    local raylist, rays, conelist, i, lis, j;
    raylist := RaysInMaximalCones( fan );
    rays := RayGenerators( fan );
    conelist := [ ];
    for i in [ 1..Length( raylist ) ] do
        lis := [ ];
        for j in [ 1 .. Length( raylist[ i ] ) ] do
            if raylist[ i ][ j ] = 1 then
                lis := Concatenation( lis, [ rays[ j ] ] );
        conelist := Concatenation( conelist, [ lis ] );
    conelist := List( conelist, Cone );
    Perform( conelist, function( i ) SetContainingGrid( i, ContainingGrid( fan ) ); return 0; end );
    Perform( conelist, function( i ) SetIsContainedInFan( i, fan ); return 0; end );
    return conelist;
end );

InstallMethod( Dimension,
               "for fans",
               [ IsFan ],
  function( fan )
    return RankMat( RayGenerators( fan ) );
end );

InstallMethod( Dimension,
               "for external fans.",
               [ IsExternalFanRep ],
  function( fan )
    return EXT_DIM_OF_FAN( ExternalObject( fan ) );
end );

InstallMethod( AmbientSpaceDimension,
               "for fans",
               [ IsFan ],
  function( fan )
    return Length( RayGenerators( fan ) )[ 1 ];
end );

InstallMethod( AmbientSpaceDimension,
               "for external fans.",
               [ IsExternalFanRep ],
  function( fan )
    return EXT_AMBIENT_DIM_OF_FAN( ExternalObject( fan ) );
end );

## polymake needs some cosmetics.
InstallMethod( FVector,
               "for polymake fans",
               [ IsPolymakeFanRep ],
  function( fan )
    local f_vector, dim, max_cones, max_cones_dim, nr_max_dim_cones, i;
    f_vector := EXT_F_VECTOR( ExternalObject( fan ) );
    dim := Dimension( fan );
    if Length( f_vector ) <> dim then
        max_cones := MaximalCones( fan );
        max_cones_dim := List( max_cones, Dimension );
        nr_max_dim_cones := 0;
        for i in max_cones_dim do
            if i = dim then
                nr_max_dim_cones := nr_max_dim_cones + 1;
        Add( f_vector, nr_max_dim_cones );
    i := dim + 1;
    while i <= AmbientSpaceDimension( fan ) do
        Add( f_vector, 0 );
        i := i + 1;
    return f_vector;
end );

## Properties

InstallMethod( IsComplete,
               "for external fans.",
               [ IsExternalFanRep ],
  function( fan )
    return EXT_IS_COMPLETE_FAN( ExternalObject( fan ) );
end );

InstallMethod( IsPointed,
               "for fans",
               [ IsFan ],
  function( fan )
    return ForAll( MaximalCones( fan ), IsPointed );
end );

InstallMethod( IsPointed,
               "for external fans.",
               [ IsExternalFanRep ],
  function( fan )
    return EXT_IS_POINTED_FAN( ExternalObject( fan ) );
end );

InstallMethod( IsSmooth,
               "for fans",
               [ IsFan ],
  function( fan )
    return ForAll( MaximalCones( fan ), IsSmooth );
end );

InstallMethod( IsSmooth,
               "for external fans.",
               [ IsExternalFanRep ],
  function( fan )
    return EXT_IS_SMOOTH_FAN( ExternalObject( fan ) );
end );

InstallMethod( IsRegularFan,
               "whether a fan is a normalfan or not",
               [ IsFan ],
  function( fan )
    local max_cones, ambient_dim, rays, max_cones_ineqs, embed, nr_rays, nd, equations, inequations, r, L1, L0, i,
          hyper_surface, cone, index_rays;
    if not IsComplete( fan ) then
        return false;
    if AmbientSpaceDimension( fan ) <= 2 then
        return true;
    ## Algorithm is taken from the Maple Convex package.
    rays := RayGenerators( fan );
    ambient_dim := AmbientSpaceDimension( fan );
    max_cones := MaximalCones( fan );
    max_cones_ineqs := List( max_cones, DefiningInequalities );
    nr_rays := Length( rays );
    nd := ambient_dim * Length( max_cones );
    embed := function( a, b, c, d, e )
                 local return_list, e1, d1;
                 if e < c then  
                    e1 := e;
                    e := c;
                    c := e1;
                    d1 := d;
                    d := b;
                    b := d1;
                 return_list := ListWithIdenticalEntries( c, 0 );
                 return_list := Concatenation( return_list, b );
                 return_list := Concatenation( return_list, ListWithIdenticalEntries( e - Length( b ) - c, 0 ) );
                 return_list := Concatenation( return_list, d );
                 return Concatenation( return_list, ListWithIdenticalEntries( a - Length( return_list ), 0 ) );
    ## FIXME: Our convention is to handle only pointed fans. convex handles fans with lineality spaces, so the lines differ.
    equations := List( [ 1 .. Length( max_cones ) ],
                       i -> List( EqualitiesOfCone( max_cones[ i ] ), 
                                  r -> embed( nd, r, ambient_dim * ( i - 1 ), [ ], 0 ) ) );
    equations := Concatenation( equations );
    inequations := [];
    index_rays := [ 1 .. nr_rays ];
    for r in [ 1 .. nr_rays ] do
        L0 := [];
        L1 := [];
        for i in [ 1 .. Length( max_cones ) ] do
            if RayGeneratorContainedInCone( rays[ r ], max_cones[ i ] ) then
                Add( L1, i );
                Add( L0, i );
        i := ambient_dim * ( L1[ 1 ] - 1 );
        index_rays[ r ] := i;
        Remove( L1, L1[ 1 ] );
        equations := Concatenation( equations,
                                    List( L1, j -> embed( nd, rays[ r ], i, - rays[ r ], ambient_dim * ( j - 1 ) ) ) );
        inequations := Concatenation( inequations,
                                    List( L0, j -> embed( nd, rays[ r ], i, - rays[ r ], ambient_dim * ( j - 1 ) ) ) );
    hyper_surface := ConeByEqualitiesAndInequalities( equations, [ ] );
    i := AmbientSpaceDimension( hyper_surface ) - Dimension( hyper_surface );
    cone := ConeByEqualitiesAndInequalities( equations, inequations );
    r := AmbientSpaceDimension( cone ) - Dimension( cone );
    return i = r;
end );

InstallMethod( IsFullDimensional,
               "for fans",
               [ IsFan ],
  function( fan )
    return ForAny( MaximalCones( fan ), i -> Dimension( i ) = AmbientSpaceDimension( i ) );
end );

InstallMethod( IsFullDimensional,
               "for homalg cones.",
               [ IsExternalFanRep ],
  function( fan )
    return EXT_IS_FULL_DIMENSIONAL_FAN( ExternalObject( fan ) );
end );

InstallMethod( IsSimplicial,
               " for homalg fans",
               [ IsFan ],
  function( fan )
    fan := MaximalCones( fan );
    return ForAll( fan, IsSimplicial );
end );

InstallTrueMethod( HasConvexSupport, IsComplete );

## Methods

# ##
# InstallMethod( \*,
#                "for homalg fans.",
#                [ IsFan, IsFan ],
#   function( fan1, fan2 )
#     local cones1, cones2, n, m, newcones, i, k;
#     cones1 := List( MaximalCones( fan1 ), RayGenerators );
#     cones2 := List( MaximalCones( fan2 ), RayGenerators );
#     cones1 := List( cones1, i -> Concatenation( i, [ List( [ 1 .. Length( i[ 1 ] ) ], i -> 0 ) ] ) );
#     cones2 := List( cones2, i -> Concatenation( i, [ List( [ 1 .. Length( i[ 1 ] ) ], i -> 0 ) ] ) );
#     newcones := [ 1 .. Length( cones1 ) * Length( cones2 ) ];
#     for m in [ 1 .. Length( cones1 ) ] do
#         for n in [ 1 .. Length( cones2 ) ] do
#             newcones[ (m-1)*Length( cones2 ) + n ] := [ 1 .. Length( cones1[ m ] ) * Length( cones2[ n ] ) ];
#             for i in [ 1 .. Length( cones1[ m ] ) ] do
#                 for k in [ 1 .. Length( cones2[ n ] ) ] do
#                     newcones[ (m-1)*Length( cones2 ) + n ][ (i-1)*Length( cones2[ n ] ) + k ] := Concatenation( cones1[ m ][ i ], cones2[ n ][ k ] );
#                 od;
#             od;
#         od;
#     od;
#     newcones := Fan( newcones );
#     SetContainingGrid( newcones, ContainingGrid( fan1 ) + ContainingGrid( fan2 ) );
#     return newcones;
# end );

InstallMethod( \*,
               "for fans.",
               [ IsFan, IsFan ],
  function( fan1, fan2 )
    local rays1, rays2, m1, m2, new_m, new_rays, cones1, cones2, i, j, k, new_cones, akt_cone, new_fan;
    rays1 := RayGenerators( fan1 );
    rays2 := RayGenerators( fan2 );
    m1 := Rank( ContainingGrid( fan1 ) );
    m2 := Rank( ContainingGrid( fan2 ) );
    m1 := List( [ 1 .. m1 ], i -> 0 );
    m2 := List( [ 1 .. m2 ], i -> 0 );
    rays1 := List( rays1, i -> Concatenation( i, m2 ) );
    rays2 := List( rays2, i -> Concatenation( m1, i ) );
    new_rays := Concatenation( rays1, rays2 );
    cones1 := RaysInMaximalCones( fan1 );
    cones2 := RaysInMaximalCones( fan2 );
    new_cones := [ ];
    m1 := Length( rays1 );
    m2 := Length( rays2 );
    for i in cones1 do
        for j in cones2 do
            akt_cone := [ ];
            for k in [ 1 .. m1 ] do
                if i[ k ] = 1 then
                    Add( akt_cone, k );
            for k in [ 1 .. m2 ] do
                if j[ k ] = 1 then
                    Add( akt_cone, k + m1 );
            Add( new_cones, akt_cone );
    new_fan := FanWithFixedRays( new_rays, new_cones );
    SetContainingGrid( new_fan, ContainingGrid( fan1 ) + ContainingGrid( fan2 ) );
    return new_fan;
end );

InstallMethod( \*,
               "for homalg fans.",
               [ IsCone, IsFan ],
  function( cone, fan )
    return Fan( [ cone ] ) * fan;
end );

InstallMethod( \*,
               "for homalg fans.",
               [ IsFan, IsCone ],
  function( fan, cone )
    return fan * Fan( [ cone ] );
end );

InstallMethod( ToricStarFan,
               "for fans",
               [ IsFan, IsCone ],
  function( fan, cone )
    local maximal_cones, rays_of_cone, defining_inequalities, value_list, cone_list, i, j, breaker;
    maximal_cones := MaximalCones( fan );
    rays_of_cone := RayGenerators( cone );
    cone_list := [ ];
    breaker := false;
    for i in maximal_cones do
        defining_inequalities := DefiningInequalities( i );
        for j in rays_of_cone do
            value_list := List( defining_inequalities, k -> k * j );
            if not ForAll( value_list, k -> k >= 0 ) or not 0 in value_list then
                breaker := true;
        if breaker then
            breaker := false;
        Add( cone_list, cone );
    cone_list := Fan( cone_list );
    SetContainingGrid( cone_list, ContainingGrid( fan ) );
end );

## Constructors

InstallMethod( Fan,
               " for homalg fans",
               [ IsFan ],

InstallMethod( Fan,
               " for homalg fans",
               [ IsExternalObject ],
  function( point )
    local point2;
    point2 := rec( );
                             point2, TheTypePolymakeFan,
                             ExternalObject, point
    return point2;
end );

InstallMethod( PolymakeFan,
               " for lists of Cones",
               [ IsList ],
  function( cones )
    local point;
    if Length( cones ) = 0 then
        Error( "fan has to have the trivial cone\n" );
    if not IsList( cones[ 1 ] ) then
        Error( "input must be a list of rays for a cone\n" );
    point := rec( input_cone_list := cones );
        point, TheTypePolymakeFan
    if not cones[ 1 ] = [ ] and not cones[ 1 ][ 1 ] = [ ] then
        SetAmbientSpaceDimension( point, Length( cones[ 1 ][ 1 ] ) );
    return point;
end );

InstallMethod( PolymakeFan,
               "for rays and cones.",
               [ IsList, IsList ],
  function( rays, cones )
    local point;
    if Length( cones ) = 0 or Length( rays ) = 0 then
        Error( "fan has to have the trivial cone.\n" );
    point := rec( input_rays := rays, input_cones := cones );
        point, TheTypePolymakeFan
    SetAmbientSpaceDimension( point, Length( rays[ 1 ] ) );
    return point;
end );

InstallMethod( PolymakeFanWithFixedRays,
               "for rays and cones.",
               [ IsList, IsList ],
  function( rays, cones )
    local point;
    if Length( cones ) = 0 or Length( rays ) = 0 then
        Error( "fan has to have the trivial cone.\n" );
    point := rec( );
        point, TheTypePolymakeFan,
        ExternalObject, EXT_FAN_BY_RAYS_AND_CONES_UNSAVE( rays, cones )
    SetAmbientSpaceDimension( point, Length( rays[ 1 ] ) );
    return point;
end );

InstallMethod( InternalFan,
               " for lists of Cones",
               [ IsList ],
  function( cones )
    local point;
    if Length( cones ) = 0 then
        Error( "fan has to have the trivial cone\n" );
    if not IsList( cones[ 1 ] ) then
        Error( "input must be a list of rays for a cone\n" );
    point := rec( input_cone_list := cones );
        point, TheTypeInternalFan
    if not cones[ 1 ] = [ ] and not cones[ 1 ][ 1 ] = [ ] then
        SetAmbientSpaceDimension( point, Length( cones[ 1 ][ 1 ] ) );
    return point;
end );

InstallMethod( InternalFan,
               "for rays and cones.",
               [ IsList, IsList ],
  function( rays, cones )
    local point;
    if Length( cones ) = 0 or Length( rays ) = 0 then
        Error( "fan has to have the trivial cone.\n" );
    point := rec( input_rays := rays, input_cones := cones );
        point, TheTypeInternalFan
    SetAmbientSpaceDimension( point, Length( rays[ 1 ] ) );
    return point;
end );

InstallMethod( InternalFanWithFixedRays,
               "for rays and cones.",
               [ IsList, IsList ],

if IsPackageMarkedForLoading( "PolymakeInterface", "2012.03.01" ) = true then
    InstallMethod( Fan,
                  " for lists of Cones",
                  [ IsList ],
    InstallMethod( Fan,
                  " for rays and cones",
                  [ IsList, IsList ],
    InstallMethod( FanWithFixedRays,
                  " for rays and cones",
                  [ IsList, IsList ],
    InstallMethod( Fan,
                  " for lists of Cones",
                  [ IsList ],
    InstallMethod( Fan,
                  " for rays and cones",
                  [ IsList, IsList ],
    InstallMethod( FanWithFixedRays,
                  " for rays and cones",
                  [ IsList, IsList ],

## Display Methods

InstallMethod( ViewObj,
               "for homalg fans",
               [ IsFan ],
  function( fan )
    local str;
    Print( "<A" );
    if HasIsComplete( fan ) then
        if IsComplete( fan ) then
            Print( " complete" );
    if HasIsPointed( fan ) then
        if IsPointed( fan ) then
            Print( " pointed" );
    if HasIsSmooth( fan ) then
        if IsSmooth( fan ) then
            Print( " smooth" );
    Print( " fan in |R^" );
    Print( String( AmbientSpaceDimension( fan ) ) );
    if HasRays( fan ) then
        Print( " with ", String( Length( Rays( fan ) ) )," rays" );
    Print( ">" );
end );

InstallMethod( Display,
               "for homalg polytopes",
               [ IsFan ],
  function( fan )
    local str;
    Print( "A" );
    if HasIsComplete( fan ) then
        if IsComplete( fan ) then
            Print( " complete" );
    Print( " fan in |R^" );
    Print( String( AmbientSpaceDimension( fan ) ) );
    if HasRays( fan ) then
        Print( " with ", String( Length( Rays( fan ) ) )," rays" );
    Print( ".\n" );
end );