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Views: 4662911[1X7 [33X[0;0YUtilities for Bibliographies[133X[101X23[33X[0;0YA standard for collecting references (in particular to mathematical texts)4is BibTeX ([7X[107X). A5disadvantage of BibTeX is that the format of the data is specified with the6use by LaTeX in mind. The data format is less suited for conversion to other7document types like plain text or HTML.[133X89[33X[0;0YIn the first section we describe utilities for using data from BibTeX files10in [5XGAP[105X.[133X1112[33X[0;0YIn the second section we introduce a new XML based data format BibXMLext for13bibliographies which seems better suited for other tasks than using it with14LaTeX.[133X1516[33X[0;0YAnother section will describe utilities to deal with BibXMLext data in [5XGAP[105X.[133X171819[1X7.1 [33X[0;0YParsing BibTeX Files[133X[101X2021[33X[0;0YHere are functions for parsing, normalizing and printing reference lists in22BibTeX format. The reference describing this format is [Lam85, Appendix B].[133X2324[1X7.1-1 ParseBibFiles[101X2526[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XParseBibFiles[102X( [3Xbibfile1[103X[, [3Xbibfile2[103X[, [3X...[103X]] ) [32X function[133X27[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XParseBibStrings[102X( [3Xstr1[103X[, [3Xstr2[103X[, [3X...[103X]] ) [32X function[133X28[6XReturns:[106X [33X[0;10Ylist [10X[list of bib-records, list of abbrevs, list of expansions][110X[133X2930[33X[0;0YThe first function parses the files [3Xbibfile1[103X and so on (if a file does not31exist the extension [10X.bib[110X is appended) in BibTeX format and returns a list as32follows: [10X[entries, strings, texts][110X. Here [10Xentries[110X is a list of records, one33record for each reference contained in [3Xbibfile[103X. Then [10Xstrings[110X is a list of34abbreviations defined by [10X@string[110X-entries in [3Xbibfile[103X and [10Xtexts[110X is a list35which contains in the corresponding position the full text for such an36abbreviation.[133X3738[33X[0;0YThe second function does the same, but the input is given as [5XGAP[105X strings39[3Xstr1[103X and so on.[133X4041[33X[0;0YThe records in [10Xentries[110X store key-value pairs of a BibTeX reference in the42form [10Xrec(key1 = value1, ...)[110X. The names of the keys are converted to lower43case. The type of the reference (i.e., book, article, ...) and the citation44key are stored as components [10X.Type[110X and [10X.Label[110X. The records also have a [10X.From[110X45field that says that the data are read from a BibTeX source.[133X4647[33X[0;0YAs an example consider the following BibTeX file.[133X4849[4X[32X doc/test.bib [32X[104X50[4X@string{ j = "Important Journal" }[104X51[4X@article{ AB2000, Author= "Fritz A. First and Sec, X. Y.", [104X52[4XTITLE="Short", journal = j, year = 2000 }[104X53[4X[32X[104X5455[4X[32X Example [32X[104X56[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xbib := ParseBibFiles("doc/test.bib");[127X[104X57[4X[28X[ [ rec( From := rec( BibTeX := true ), Label := "AB2000", [128X[104X58[4X[28X Type := "article", author := "Fritz A. First and Sec, X. Y."[128X[104X59[4X[28X , journal := "Important Journal", title := "Short", [128X[104X60[4X[28X year := "2000" ) ], [ "j" ], [ "Important Journal" ] ][128X[104X61[4X[32X[104X6263[1X7.1-2 NormalizedNameAndKey[101X6465[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XNormalizedNameAndKey[102X( [3Xnamestr[103X ) [32X function[133X66[6XReturns:[106X [33X[0;10Ylist of strings and names as lists[133X6768[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XNormalizeNameAndKey[102X( [3Xr[103X ) [32X function[133X69[6XReturns:[106X [33X[0;10Ynothing[133X7071[33X[0;0YThe argument [3Xnamestr[103X must be a string describing an author or a list of72authors as described in the BibTeX documentation in [Lam85, Appendix B 1.2].73The function [2XNormalizedNameAndKey[102X returns a list of the form [ normalized74name string, short key, long key, names as lists]. The first entry is a75normalized form of the input where names are written as [21Xlastname, first name76initials[121X. The second and third entry are the name parts of a short and long77key for the bibliography entry, formed from the (initials of) last names.78The fourth entry is a list of lists, one for each name, where a name is79described by three strings for the last name, the first name initials and80the first name(s) as given in the input.[133X8182[33X[0;0YThe function [2XNormalizeNameAndKey[102X gets as argument [3Xr[103X a record for a83bibliography entry as returned by [2XParseBibFiles[102X ([14X7.1-1[114X). It substitutes84[[110X and [10X.editor[110X fields of [3Xr[103X by their normalized form, the original85versions are stored in fields [10X.authororig[110X and [10X.editororig[110X.[133X8687[33X[0;0YFurthermore a short and a long citation key is generated and stored in88components [10X.printedkey[110X (only if no [10X.key[110X is already bound) and [10X.keylong[110X.[133X8990[33X[0;0YWe continue the example from [2XParseBibFiles[102X ([14X7.1-1[114X).[133X9192[4X[32X Example [32X[104X93[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xbib := ParseBibFiles("doc/test.bib");;[127X[104X94[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XNormalizedNameAndKey(bib[1][1].author);[127X[104X95[4X[28X[ "First, F. A. and Sec, X. Y.", "FS", "firstsec", [128X[104X96[4X[28X [ [ "First", "F. A.", "Fritz A." ], [ "Sec", "X. Y.", "X. Y." ] ] ][128X[104X97[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XNormalizeNameAndKey(bib[1][1]);[127X[104X98[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xbib[1][1];[127X[104X99[4X[28Xrec( From := rec( BibTeX := true ), Label := "AB2000", [128X[104X100[4X[28X Type := "article", author := "First, F. A. and Sec, X. Y.", [128X[104X101[4X[28X authororig := "Fritz A. First and Sec, X. Y.", [128X[104X102[4X[28X journal := "Important Journal", keylong := "firstsec2000", [128X[104X103[4X[28X printedkey := "FS00", title := "Short", year := "2000" )[128X[104X104[4X[32X[104X105106[1X7.1-3 WriteBibFile[101X107108[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XWriteBibFile[102X( [3Xbibfile[103X, [3Xbib[103X ) [32X function[133X109[6XReturns:[106X [33X[0;10Ynothing[133X110111[33X[0;0YThis is the converse of [2XParseBibFiles[102X ([14X7.1-1[114X). Here [3Xbib[103X either must have a112format as list of three lists as it is returned by [2XParseBibFiles[102X ([14X7.1-1[114X). Or113[3Xbib[103X can be a record as returned by [2XParseBibXMLextFiles[102X ([14X7.3-4[114X). A BibTeX114file [3Xbibfile[103X is written and the entries are formatted in a uniform way. All115given abbreviations are used while writing this file.[133X116117[33X[0;0YWe continue the example from [2XNormalizeNameAndKey[102X ([14X7.1-2[114X). The command[133X118119[4X[32X Example [32X[104X120[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XWriteBibFile("nicer.bib", bib);[127X[104X121[4X[32X[104X122123[33X[0;0Yproduces a file [11Xnicer.bib[111X as follows:[133X124125[4X[32X nicer.bib [32X[104X126[4X@string{j = "Important Journal" }[104X127[4X[104X128[4X@article{ AB2000,[104X129[4X author = {First, F. A. and Sec, X. Y.},[104X130[4X title = {Short},[104X131[4X journal = j,[104X132[4X year = {2000},[104X133[4X authororig = {Fritz A. First and Sec, X. Y.},[104X134[4X keylong = {firstsec2000},[104X135[4X printedkey = {FS00}[104X136[4X}[104X137[4X[32X[104X138139[1X7.1-4 LabelsFromBibTeX[101X140141[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XLabelsFromBibTeX[102X( [3Xpath[103X, [3Xkeys[103X, [3Xbibfiles[103X, [3Xstyle[103X ) [32X function[133X142[6XReturns:[106X [33X[0;10Ya list of pairs of strings [10X[key, label][110X[133X143144[33X[0;0YThis function uses [10Xbibtex[110X to determine the ordering of a list of references145and a label for each entry which is typeset in a document citing these146references.[133X147148[33X[0;0YThe argument [3Xpath[103X is a directory specified as string or directory object.149The argument [3Xbibfiles[103X must be a list of files in BibTeX format, each150specified by a path relative to the first argument, or an absolute path151(starting with [10X'/'[110X) or relative to the [5XGAP[105X roots (starting with [10X"gap://"[110X).152The list [3Xkeys[103X must contain strings which occur as keys in the given BibTeX153files. Finally the string [3Xstyle[103X must be the name of a bibliography style154(like [10X"alpha"[110X).[133X155156[33X[0;0YThe list returned by this function contains pairs [10X[key, label][110X where [10Xkey[110X is157one of the entries of [3Xkeys[103X and [10Xlabel[110X is a string used for citations of the158bibliography entry in a document. These pairs are ordered as the reference159list produced by BibTeX.[133X160161[4X[32X Example [32X[104X162[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xf := Filename(DirectoriesPackageLibrary("gapdoc","doc"), "test.bib");;[127X[104X163[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XLabelsFromBibTeX(".", ["AB2000"], [f], "alpha");[127X[104X164[4X[28X[ [ "AB2000", "FS00" ] ][128X[104X165[4X[32X[104X166167[1X7.1-5 InfoBibTools[101X168169[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XInfoBibTools[102X[32X info class[133X170171[33X[0;0YThe default level of this info class is 1. Functions like [2XParseBibFiles[102X172([14X7.1-1[114X), [10XStringBibAs...[110X are then printing some information. You can suppress173it by setting the level of [2XInfoBibTools[102X to 0. With level 2 there may be some174more information for debugging purposes.[133X175176177[1X7.2 [33X[0;0YThe BibXMLext Format[133X[101X178179[33X[0;0YBibliographical data in BibTeX files have the disadvantage that the actual180data are given in LaTeX syntax. This makes it difficult to use the data for181anything but for LaTeX, say for representations of the data as plain text or182HTML. For example: mathematical formulae are in LaTeX [10X$[110X environments,183non-ASCII characters can be specified in many strange ways, and how to184specify URLs for links if the output format allows them?[133X185186[33X[0;0YHere we propose an XML data format for bibliographical data which addresses187these problems, it is called BibXMLext. In the next section we describe some188tools for generating (an approximation to) this data format from BibTeX189data, and for using data given in BibXMLext format for various purposes.[133X190191[33X[0;0YThe first motivation for this development was the handling of192bibliographical data in [5XGAPDoc[105X, but the format and the tools are certainly193useful for other purposes as well.[133X194195[33X[0;0YWe started from a DTD [11Xbibxml.dtd[111X which is publicly available, say from196[7X[107X. This is essentially a reformulation of the197definition of the BibTeX format, including several of some widely used198further fields. This has already the advantage that a generic XML parser can199check the validity of the data entries, for example for missing compulsary200fields in entries. We applied the following changes and extensions to define201the DTD for BibXMLext, stored in the file [11Xbibxmlext.dtd[111X which can be found202in the root directory of this [5XGAPDoc[105X package (and in Appendix [14XC[114X):[133X203204[8Xnames[108X205[33X[0;6YLists of names in the [10Xauthor[110X and [10Xeditor[110X fields in BibTeX are difficult206to parse. Here they must be given by a sequence of [10X<name>[110X-elements207which each contain an optional [10X<first>[110X- and a [10X<last>[110X-element for the208first and last names, respectively.[133X209210[8X[10X<M>[110X[8X and [10X<Math>[110X[8X[108X211[33X[0;6YThese elements enclose mathematical formulae, the content is LaTeX212code (without the [10X$[110X). These should be handled in the same way as the213elements with the same names in [5XGAPDoc[105X, see [14X3.8-2[114X and [14X3.8-1[114X. In214particular, simple formulae which have a well defined plain text215representation can be given in [10X<M>[110X-elements.[133X216217[8XEncoding[108X218[33X[0;6YNote that in XML files we can use the full range of unicode219characters, see [7X[107X. All non-ASCII characters220should be specified as unicode characters. This makes dealing with221special characters easy for plain text or HTML, only for use with222LaTeX some sort of translation is necessary.[133X223224[8X[10X<URL>[110X[8X[108X225[33X[0;6YThese elements are allowed everywhere in the text and should be226represented by links in converted formats which allow this. It is used227in the same way as the element with the same name in [5XGAPDoc[105X, see228[14X3.5-5[114X.[133X229230[8X[10X<Alt Only="...">[110X[8X and [10X<Alt Not="...">[110X[8X[108X231[33X[0;6YSometimes information should be given in different ways, depending on232the output format of the data. This is possible with the233[10X<Alt>[110X-elements with the same definition as in [5XGAPDoc[105X, see [14X3.9-1[114X.[133X234235[8X[10X<C>[110X[8X[108X236[33X[0;6YThis element should be used to protect text from case changes by237converters (the extra [10X{}[110X characters in BibTeX title fields).[133X238239[8X[10X<string key="..." value="..."/>[110X[8X and [10X<value key="..."/>[110X[8X[108X240[33X[0;6YThe [10X<string>[110X-element defines key-value pairs which can be used in any241field via the [10X<value>[110X-element (not only for whole fields but also242parts of the text).[133X243244[8X[10X<other type="...">[110X[8X[108X245[33X[0;6YThis is a generic element for fields which are otherwise not246supported. An arbitrary number of them is allowed for each entry, so247any kind of additional data can be added to entries.[133X248249[8X[10X<Wrap Name="...">[110X[8X[108X250[33X[0;6YThis generic element is allowed inside all fields. This markup will be251just ignored (but not the element content) by our standard tools. But252it can be a useful hook for introducing arbitrary further markup (and253our tools can easily be extended to handle it).[133X254255[8XExtra entities[108X256[33X[0;6YThe DTD defines the standard XML entities ([14X2.1-10[114X and the entities257[10X [110X (non-breakable space), [10X–[110X and [10X©right;[110X. Use [10X–[110X in258page ranges.[133X259260[33X[0;0YFor further details of the DTD we refer to the file [11Xbibxmlext.dtd[111X itself261which is shown in appendix [14XC[114X. That file also recalls some information from262the BibTeX documentation on how the standard fields of entries should be263used. Which entry types and which fields are supported (and the ordering of264the fields which is fixed by a DTD) can be either read off the DTD, or265within [5XGAP[105X one can use the function [2XTemplateBibXML[102X ([14X7.3-10[114X) to get templates266for the various entry types.[133X267268[33X[0;0YHere is an example of a BibXMLext document:[133X269270[4X[32X doc/testbib.xml [32X[104X271[4X<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>[104X272[4X<!DOCTYPE file SYSTEM "bibxmlext.dtd">[104X273[4X<file>[104X274[4X<string key="j" value="Important Journal"/>[104X275[4X<entry id="AB2000"><article>[104X276[4X <author>[104X277[4X <name><first>Fritz A.</first><last>First</last></name>[104X278[4X <name><first>X. Y.</first><last>Secőnd</last></name>[104X279[4X </author> [104X280[4X <title>The <Wrap Name="Package"> <C>F</C>ritz</Wrap> package for the [104X281[4X formula <M>x^y - l_{{i+1}} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}</M></title>[104X282[4X <journal><value key="j"/></journal>[104X283[4X <year>2000</year>[104X284[4X <number>13</number>[104X285[4X <pages>13–25</pages>[104X286[4X <note>Online data at <URL Text="Bla Bla Publisher">[104X287[4X</URL></note>[104X288[4X <other type="mycomment">very useful</other>[104X289[4X</article></entry>[104X290[4X</file>[104X291[4X[104X292[4X[32X[104X293294[33X[0;0YThere is a standard XML header and a [10XDOCTYPE[110X declaration referring to the295[11Xbibxmlext.dtd[111X DTD mentioned above. Local entities could be defined in the296[10XDOCTYPE[110X tag as shown in the example in [14X2.2-3[114X. The actual content of the297document is inside a [10X<file>[110X-element, it consists of [10X<string>[110X- and298[10X<entry>[110X-elements. Several of the BibXMLext markup features are shown. We299will use this input document for some examples below.[133X300301302[1X7.3 [33X[0;0YUtilities for BibXMLext data[133X[101X303304305[1X7.3-1 [33X[0;0YTranslating BibTeX to BibXMLext[133X[101X306307[33X[0;0YFirst we describe a tool which can translate bibliography entries from308BibTeX data to BibXMLext [10X<entry>[110X-elements. It also does some validation of309the data. In some cases it is desirable to improve the result by hand310afterwards (editing formulae, adding [10X<URL>[110X-elements, translating non-ASCII311characters to unicode, ...).[133X312313[33X[0;0YSee [2XWriteBibXMLextFile[102X ([14X7.3-5[114X) below for how to write the results to a314BibXMLext file.[133X315316[1X7.3-2 HeuristicTranslationsLaTeX2XML.Apply[101X317318[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XHeuristicTranslationsLaTeX2XML.Apply[102X( [3Xstr[103X ) [32X function[133X319[6XReturns:[106X [33X[0;10Ya string[133X320321[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XHeuristicTranslationsLaTeX2XML.ApplyToFile[102X( [3Xfnam[103X[, [3Xoutnam[103X] ) [32X function[133X322[6XReturns:[106X [33X[0;10Ynothing[133X323324[33X[0;0YThese utilities translate some LaTeX code into text in UTF-8 encoding. The325input is given as a string [3Xstr[103X, or a file name [3Xfnam[103X, respectively. The first326function returns the translated string. The second function with one327argument overwrites the given file with the translated text. Optionally, the328translated file content can be written to another file, if its name is given329as second argument [3Xoutnam[103X.[133X330331[33X[0;0YThe record [10XHeuristicTranslationsLaTeX2XML[110X mainly contains translations of332LaTeX macros for special characters which were found in hundreds of BibTeX333entries from MathSciNet ([7X[107X). Just look at this334record if you want to know how it works. It is easy to extend, and if you335have improvements which may be of general interest, please send them to the336[5XGAPDoc[105X author.[133X337338[4X[32X Example [32X[104X339[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xs := "\\\"u\\'{e}\\`e{\\ss}";;[127X[104X340[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XPrint(s, "\n"); [127X[104X341[4X[28X\"u\'{e}\`e{\ss}[128X[104X342[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XPrint(HeuristicTranslationsLaTeX2XML.Apply(s),"\n");[127X[104X343[4X[28Xüéèß[128X[104X344[4X[32X[104X345346[1X7.3-3 StringBibAsXMLext[101X347348[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XStringBibAsXMLext[102X( [3Xbibentry[103X[, [3Xabbrvs[103X, [3Xvals[103X][, [3Xencoding[103X] ) [32X function[133X349[6XReturns:[106X [33X[0;10Ya string with XML code, or [9Xfail[109X[133X350351[33X[0;0YThe argument [3Xbibentry[103X is a record representing an entry from a BibTeX file,352as returned in the first list of the result of [2XParseBibFiles[102X ([14X7.1-1[114X). The353optional two arguments [3Xabbrvs[103X and [3Xvals[103X can be lists of abbreviations and354substitution strings, as returned as second and third list element in the355result of [2XParseBibFiles[102X ([14X7.1-1[114X). The optional argument [3Xencoding[103X specifies356the character encoding of the string components of [3Xbibentry[103X. If this is not357given it is checked if all strings are valid UTF-8 encoded strings, in that358case it is assumed that the encoding is UTF-8, otherwise the latin1 encoding359is assumed.[133X360361[33X[0;0YThe function [2XStringBibAsXMLext[102X creates XML code of an [10X<entry>[110X-element in362[10XBibXMLext[110X format. The result is in UTF-8 encoding and contains some363heuristic translations, like splitting name lists, finding places for364[10X<C>[110X-elements, putting formulae in [10X<M>[110X-elements, substituting some365characters. The result should always be checked and maybe improved by hand.366Some validity checks are applied to the given data, for example if all367non-optional fields are given. If this check fails the function returns368[9Xfail[109X.[133X369370[33X[0;0YIf your BibTeX input contains LaTeX markup for special characters, it can be371convenient to translate this input with [2XHeuristicTranslationsLaTeX2XML.Apply[102X372([14X7.3-2[114X) or [2XHeuristicTranslationsLaTeX2XML.ApplyToFile[102X ([14X7.3-2[114X) before parsing373it as BibTeX.[133X374375[33X[0;0YAs an example we consider again the short BibTeX file [11Xdoc/test.bib[111X shown in376the example for [2XParseBibFiles[102X ([14X7.1-1[114X).[133X377378[4X[32X Example [32X[104X379[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xbib := ParseBibFiles("doc/test.bib");;[127X[104X380[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xstr := StringBibAsXMLext(bib[1][1], bib[2], bib[3]);;[127X[104X381[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XPrint(str, "\n");[127X[104X382[4X[28X<entry id="AB2000"><article>[128X[104X383[4X[28X <author>[128X[104X384[4X[28X <name><first>Fritz A.</first><last>First</last></name>[128X[104X385[4X[28X <name><first>X. Y.</first><last>Sec</last></name>[128X[104X386[4X[28X </author> [128X[104X387[4X[28X <title>Short</title>[128X[104X388[4X[28X <journal><value key="j"/></journal>[128X[104X389[4X[28X <year>2000</year>[128X[104X390[4X[28X</article></entry>[128X[104X391[4X[32X[104X392393[33X[0;0YThe following functions allow parsing of data which are already in BibXMLext394format.[133X395396[1X7.3-4 ParseBibXMLextString[101X397398[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XParseBibXMLextString[102X( [3Xstr[103X[, [3Xres[103X] ) [32X function[133X399[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XParseBibXMLextFiles[102X( [3Xfname1[103X[, [3Xfname2[103X[, [3X...[103X]] ) [32X function[133X400[6XReturns:[106X [33X[0;10Ya record with fields [10X.entries[110X, [10X.strings[110X and [10X.entities[110X[133X401402[33X[0;0YThe first function gets a string [3Xstr[103X containing a [10XBibXMLext[110X document or a403part of it. It returns a record with the three mentioned fields. Here404[10X.entries[110X is a list of partial XML parse trees for the [10X<entry>[110X-elements in405[3Xstr[103X. The field [10X.strings[110X is a list of key-value pairs from the406[10X<string>[110X-elements in [3Xstr[103X. And [10X.strings[110X is a list of name-value pairs of the407named entities which were used during the parsing.[133X408409[33X[0;0YThe optional argument [3Xres[103X can be the result of a former call of this410function, in that case the newly parsed entries are added to this data411structure.[133X412413[33X[0;0YThe second function [2XParseBibXMLextFiles[102X uses the first on the content of all414files given by filenames [3Xfname1[103X and so on. It collects the results in a415single record.[133X416417[33X[0;0YAs an example we parse the file [11Xtestbib.xml[111X shown in [14X7.2[114X.[133X418419[4X[32X Example [32X[104X420[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xbib := ParseBibXMLextFiles("doc/testbib.xml");;[127X[104X421[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XRecNames(bib);[127X[104X422[4X[28X[ "entries", "strings", "entities" ][128X[104X423[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xbib.entries;[127X[104X424[4X[28X[ <BibXMLext entry: AB2000> ][128X[104X425[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xbib.strings;[127X[104X426[4X[28X[ [ "j", "Important Journal" ] ][128X[104X427[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xbib.entities[1]; [127X[104X428[4X[28X[ "amp", "&#38;" ][128X[104X429[4X[32X[104X430431[1X7.3-5 WriteBibXMLextFile[101X432433[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XWriteBibXMLextFile[102X( [3Xfname[103X, [3Xbib[103X ) [32X function[133X434[6XReturns:[106X [33X[0;10Ynothing[133X435436[33X[0;0YThis function writes a BibXMLext file with name [3Xfname[103X.[133X437438[33X[0;0YThere are three possibilities to specify the bibliography entries in the439argument [3Xbib[103X. It can be a list of three lists as returned by [2XParseBibFiles[102X440([14X7.1-1[114X). Or it can be just the first of such three lists in which case the441other two lists are assumed to be empty. To all entries of the (first) list442the function [2XStringBibAsXMLext[102X ([14X7.3-3[114X) is applied and the resulting strings443are written to the result file.[133X444445[33X[0;0YThe third possibility is that [3Xbib[103X is a record in the format as returned by446[2XParseBibXMLextString[102X ([14X7.3-4[114X) and [2XParseBibXMLextFiles[102X ([14X7.3-4[114X). In this case447the entries for the BibXMLext file are produced with [2XStringXMLElement[102X448([14X5.2-2[114X), and if [3Xbib[103X[10X.entities[110X is bound then it is tried to resubstitute parts449of the string by the given entities with [2XEntitySubstitution[102X ([14X5.2-3[114X).[133X450451[33X[0;0YAs an example we write back the result of the example shown for452[2XParseBibXMLextFiles[102X ([14X7.3-4[114X) to an equivalent XML file.[133X453454[4X[32X Example [32X[104X455[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xbib := ParseBibXMLextFiles("doc/testbib.xml");;[127X[104X456[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XWriteBibXMLextFile("test.xml", bib);[127X[104X457[4X[32X[104X458459460[1X7.3-6 [33X[0;0YBibliography Entries as Records[133X[101X461462[33X[0;0YFor working with BibXMLext entries we find it convenient to first translate463the parse tree of an entry, as returned by [2XParseBibXMLextFiles[102X ([14X7.3-4[114X), to a464record with the field names of the entry as components whose value is the465content of the field as string. These strings are generated with respect to466a result type. The records are generated by the following function which can467be customized by the user.[133X468469[1X7.3-7 RecBibXMLEntry[101X470471[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XRecBibXMLEntry[102X( [3Xentry[103X[, [3Xrestype[103X][, [3Xstrings[103X][, [3Xoptions[103X] ) [32X function[133X472[6XReturns:[106X [33X[0;10Ya record with fields as strings[133X473474[33X[0;0YThis function generates a content string for each field of a bibliography475entry and assigns them to record components. This content may depend on the476requested result type and possibly some given options.[133X477478[33X[0;0YThe arguments are as follows: [3Xentry[103X is the parse tree of an [10X<entry>[110X element479as returned by [2XParseBibXMLextString[102X ([14X7.3-4[114X) or [2XParseBibXMLextFiles[102X ([14X7.3-4[114X).480The optional argument [3Xrestype[103X describes the type of the result. This package481supports currently the types [10X"BibTeX"[110X, [10X"Text"[110X and [10X"HTML"[110X. The default is482[10X"BibTeX"[110X. The optional argument [3Xstrings[103X must be a list of key-value pairs as483returned in the component [10X.strings[110X in the result of [2XParseBibXMLextString[102X484([14X7.3-4[114X). The argument [3Xoptions[103X must be a record.[133X485486[33X[0;0YIf the entry contains an [10Xauthor[110X field then the result will also contain a487component [10X.authorAsList[110X which is a list containing for each author a list488with three entries of the form [10X[last name, first name initials, first name][110X489(the third entry means the first name as given in the data). Similarly, an490[10Xeditor[110X field is accompanied by a component [10X.editorAsList[110X.[133X491492[33X[0;0YThe following [3Xoptions[103X are currently supported.[133X493494[33X[0;0YIf [10Xoptions.fullname[110X is bound and set to [9Xtrue[109X then the full given first names495for authors and editors will be used, the default is to use the initials of496the first names. Also, if [10Xoptions.namefirstlast[110X is bound and set to [9Xtrue[109X497then the names are written in the form [21Xfirst-name(s) last-name[121X, the default498is the form [21Xlast-name, first-name(s)[121X.[133X499500[33X[0;0YIf [10Xoptions.href[110X is bound and set to [9Xfalse[109X then the [10X"BibTeX"[110X type result will501not use [10X\href[110X commands. The default is to produce [10X\href[110X commands from502[10X<URL>[110X-elements such that LaTeX with the [10Xhyperref[110X package can produce links503for them.[133X504505[33X[0;0YThe content of an [10X<Alt>[110X-element with [10XOnly[110X-attribute is included if [3Xrestype[103X506is given in the attribute and ignored otherwise, and vice versa in case of a507[10XNot[110X-attribute. If [10Xoptions.useAlt[110X is bound, it must be a list of strings to508which [3Xrestype[103X is added. Then an [10X<Alt>[110X-element with [10XOnly[110X-attribute is509evaluated if the intersection of [10Xoptions.useAlt[110X and the types given in the510attribute is not empty. In case of a [10XNot[110X-attribute the element is evaluated511if this intersection is empty.[133X512513[33X[0;0YIf [3Xrestype[103X is [10X"BibTeX"[110X then the string fields in the result will be recoded514with [2XEncode[102X ([14X6.2-2[114X) and target [10X"LaTeX"[110X. If [10Xoptions.hasLaTeXmarkup[110X is bound515and set to [9Xtrue[109X (for example, because the data are originally read from516BibTeX files), then the target [10X"LaTeXleavemarkup"[110X will be used.[133X517518[33X[0;0YWe use again the file shown in the example for [2XParseBibXMLextFiles[102X ([14X7.3-4[114X).[133X519520[4X[32X Example [32X[104X521[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xbib := ParseBibXMLextFiles("doc/testbib.xml");;[127X[104X522[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xe := bib.entries[1];; strs := bib.strings;;[127X[104X523[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XPrint(RecBibXMLEntry(e, "BibTeX", strs), "\n");[127X[104X524[4X[28Xrec([128X[104X525[4X[28X From := rec([128X[104X526[4X[28X BibXML := true,[128X[104X527[4X[28X options := rec([128X[104X528[4X[28X ),[128X[104X529[4X[28X type := "BibTeX" ),[128X[104X530[4X[28X Label := "AB2000",[128X[104X531[4X[28X Type := "article",[128X[104X532[4X[28X author := "First, F. A. and Sec{\\H o}nd, X. Y.",[128X[104X533[4X[28X authorAsList := [128X[104X534[4X[28X [ [ "First", "F. A.", "Fritz A." ], [128X[104X535[4X[28X [ "Sec\305\221nd", "X. Y.", "X. Y." ] ],[128X[104X536[4X[28X journal := "Important Journal",[128X[104X537[4X[28X mycomment := "very useful",[128X[104X538[4X[28X note := [128X[104X539[4X[28X "Online data at \\href {} {Bla\[128X[104X540[4X[28X Bla Publisher}",[128X[104X541[4X[28X number := "13",[128X[104X542[4X[28X pages := "13{\\textendash}25",[128X[104X543[4X[28X printedkey := "FS00",[128X[104X544[4X[28X title := [128X[104X545[4X[28X "The {F}ritz package for the \n formula $x^y - l_{{i+1}} \[128X[104X546[4X[28X\\rightarrow \\mathbb{R}$",[128X[104X547[4X[28X year := "2000" )[128X[104X548[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XPrint(RecBibXMLEntry(e, "HTML", strs).note, "\n");[127X[104X549[4X[28XOnline data at <a href="">Bla Bla\[128X[104X550[4X[28X Publisher</a>[128X[104X551[4X[32X[104X552553[1X7.3-8 AddHandlerBuildRecBibXMLEntry[101X554555[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XAddHandlerBuildRecBibXMLEntry[102X( [3Xelementname[103X, [3Xrestype[103X, [3Xhandler[103X ) [32X function[133X556[6XReturns:[106X [33X[0;10Ynothing[133X557558[33X[0;0YThe argument [3Xelementname[103X must be the name of an entry field supported by the559BibXMLext format, the name of one of the special elements [10X"C"[110X, [10X"M"[110X, [10X"Math"[110X,560[10X"URL"[110X or of the form [10X"Wrap:myname"[110X or any string [10X"mytype"[110X (which then561corresponds to entry fields [10X<other type="mytype">[110X). The string [10X"Finish"[110X has562an exceptional meaning, see below.[133X563564[33X[0;0Y[3Xrestype[103X is a string describing the result type for which the handler is565installed, see [2XRecBibXMLEntry[102X ([14X7.3-7[114X).[133X566567[33X[0;0YFor both arguments, [3Xelementname[103X and [3Xrestype[103X, it is also possible to give568lists of the described ones for installing several handler at once.[133X569570[33X[0;0YThe argument [3Xhandler[103X must be a function with five arguments of the form571[3Xhandler[103X[10X(entry, r, restype, strings, options)[110X. Here [3Xentry[103X is a parse tree of572a BibXMLext [10X<entry>[110X-element, [3Xr[103X is a node in this tree for an element573[3Xelementname[103X, and [3Xrestype[103X, [3Xstrings[103X and [3Xoptions[103X are as explained in574[2XRecBibXMLEntry[102X ([14X7.3-7[114X). The function should return a string representing the575content of the node [3Xr[103X. If [3Xelementname[103X is of the form [10X"Wrap:myname"[110X the576handler is used for elements of form [10X<Wrap Name="myname">...</Wrap>[110X.[133X577578[33X[0;0YIf [3Xelementname[103X is [10X"Finish"[110X the handler should look like above except that579now [3Xr[103X is the record generated by [2XRecBibXMLEntry[102X ([14X7.3-7[114X) just before it is580returned. Here the handler should return nothing. It can be used to581manipulate the record [3Xr[103X, for example for changing the encoding of the582strings or for adding some more components.[133X583584[33X[0;0YThe installed handler is called by [10XBuildRecBibXMLEntry([110X[3Xentry[103X, [3Xr[103X, [3Xrestype[103X,585[3Xstrings[103X, [3Xoptions[103X[10X)[110X. The string for the whole content of an element can be586generated by [10XContentBuildRecBibXMLEntry([110X[3Xentry[103X, [3Xr[103X, [3Xrestype[103X, [3Xstrings[103X,587[3Xoptions[103X[10X)[110X.[133X588589[33X[0;0YWe continue the example from [2XRecBibXMLEntry[102X ([14X7.3-7[114X) and install a handler590for the [10X<Wrap Name="Package">[110X-element such that LaTeX puts its content in a591sans serif font.[133X592593[4X[32X Example [32X[104X594[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XAddHandlerBuildRecBibXMLEntry("Wrap:Package", "BibTeX",[127X[104X595[4X[25X>[125X [27Xfunction(entry, r, restype, strings, options)[127X[104X596[4X[25X>[125X [27X return Concatenation("\\textsf{", ContentBuildRecBibXMLEntry([127X[104X597[4X[25X>[125X [27X entry, r, restype, strings, options), "}");[127X[104X598[4X[25X>[125X [27Xend);[127X[104X599[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27X[127X[104X600[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XPrint(RecBibXMLEntry(e, "BibTeX", strs).title, "\n");[127X[104X601[4X[28XThe \textsf{ {F}ritz} package for the [128X[104X602[4X[28X formula $x^y - l_{{i+1}} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$[128X[104X603[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XPrint(RecBibXMLEntry(e, "Text", strs).title, "\n"); [127X[104X604[4X[28XThe Fritz package for the [128X[104X605[4X[28X formula x^y - l_{i+1} → R[128X[104X606[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XAddHandlerBuildRecBibXMLEntry("Wrap:Package", "BibTeX", "Ignore");[127X[104X607[4X[32X[104X608609[1X7.3-9 StringBibXMLEntry[101X610611[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XStringBibXMLEntry[102X( [3Xentry[103X[, [3Xrestype[103X][, [3Xstrings[103X][, [3Xoptions[103X] ) [32X function[133X612[6XReturns:[106X [33X[0;10Ya string[133X613614[33X[0;0YThe arguments of this function have the same meaning as in [2XRecBibXMLEntry[102X615([14X7.3-7[114X) but the return value is a string representing the bibliography entry616in a format specified by [3Xrestype[103X (default is [10X"BibTeX"[110X).[133X617618[33X[0;0YCurrently, the following cases for [3Xrestype[103X are supported:[133X619620[8X[10X"BibTeX"[110X[8X[108X621[33X[0;6YA string with BibTeX source code is generated.[133X622623[8X[10X"Text"[110X[8X[108X624[33X[0;6YA text representation of the text is returned. If [10Xoptions.ansi[110X is625bound it must be a record. The components must have names [10XBib_Label[110X,626[10XBib_author[110X, and so on for all fieldnames. The value of each component627is a pair of strings which will enclose the content of the field in628the result or the first of these strings in which case the default for629the second is [10XTextAttr.reset[110X (see [2XTextAttr[102X ([14X6.1-2[114X)). If you give an630empty record here, some default ANSI color markup will be used.[133X631632[8X[10X"HTML"[110X[8X[108X633[33X[0;6YAn HTML representation of the bibliography entry is returned. The text634from each field is enclosed in markup (mostly [10X<span>[110X-elements) with635the [10Xclass[110X attribute set to the field name. This allows a detailed636layout of the code via a style sheet file. If [10Xoptions.MathJax[110X is bound637and has the value [9Xtrue[109X then formulae are encoded for display on pages638with [5XMathJax[105X support.[133X639640[33X[0;0YWe use again the file shown in the example for [2XParseBibXMLextFiles[102X ([14X7.3-4[114X).[133X641642[4X[32X Example [32X[104X643[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xbib := ParseBibXMLextFiles("doc/testbib.xml");;[127X[104X644[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xe := bib.entries[1];; strs := bib.strings;;[127X[104X645[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xebib := StringBibXMLEntry(e, "BibTeX", strs);;[127X[104X646[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XPrintFormattedString(ebib);[127X[104X647[4X[28X@article{ AB2000,[128X[104X648[4X[28X author = {First, F. A. and Sec{\H o}nd, X. Y.},[128X[104X649[4X[28X title = {The {F}ritz package for the formula $x^y -[128X[104X650[4X[28X l_{{i+1}} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$},[128X[104X651[4X[28X journal = {Important Journal},[128X[104X652[4X[28X number = {13},[128X[104X653[4X[28X year = {2000},[128X[104X654[4X[28X pages = {13{\textendash}25},[128X[104X655[4X[28X note = {Online data at \href[128X[104X656[4X[28X {} {Bla[128X[104X657[4X[28X Bla Publisher}},[128X[104X658[4X[28X mycomment = {very useful},[128X[104X659[4X[28X printedkey = {FS00}[128X[104X660[4X[28X}[128X[104X661[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xetxt := StringBibXMLEntry(e, "Text", strs);; [127X[104X662[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xetxt := SimplifiedUnicodeString(Unicode(etxt), "latin1", "single");;[127X[104X663[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xetxt := Encode(etxt, GAPInfo.TermEncoding);; [127X[104X664[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XPrintFormattedString(etxt);[127X[104X665[4X[28X[FS00] First, F. A. and Second, X. Y., The Fritz package for the[128X[104X666[4X[28Xformula x^y - l_{i+1} ? R, Important Journal, 13 (2000), 13-25,[128X[104X667[4X[28X(Online data at Bla Bla Publisher[128X[104X668[4X[28X([128X[104X669[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xehtml := StringBibXMLEntry(e, "HTML", strs, rec(MathJax := true));;[127X[104X670[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xehtml := Encode(Unicode(ehtml), GAPInfo.TermEncoding);;[127X[104X671[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XPrintFormattedString(ehtml);[127X[104X672[4X[28X<p class='BibEntry'>[128X[104X673[4X[28X[<span class='BibKey'>FS00</span>] [128X[104X674[4X[28X <b class='BibAuthor'>First, F. A. and Secőnd, X. Y.</b>,[128X[104X675[4X[28X <i class='BibTitle'>The Fritz package for the [128X[104X676[4X[28X formula \(x^y - l_{{i+1}} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\)</i>,[128X[104X677[4X[28X <span class='BibJournal'>Important Journal</span> [128X[104X678[4X[28X(<span class='BibNumber'>13</span>)[128X[104X679[4X[28X (<span class='BibYear'>2000</span>),[128X[104X680[4X[28X <span class='BibPages'>13–25</span><br />[128X[104X681[4X[28X(<span class='BibNote'>Online data at [128X[104X682[4X[28X<a href="">Bla Bla [128X[104X683[4X[28XPublisher</a></span>).[128X[104X684[4X[28X</p>[128X[104X685[4X[28X[128X[104X686[4X[32X[104X687688[33X[0;0YThe following command may be useful to generate completly new bibliography689entries in BibXMLext format. It also informs about the supported entry types690and field names.[133X691692[1X7.3-10 TemplateBibXML[101X693694[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XTemplateBibXML[102X( [[3Xtype[103X] ) [32X function[133X695[6XReturns:[106X [33X[0;10Ylist of types or string[133X696697[33X[0;0YWithout an argument this function returns a list of the supported entry698types in BibXMLext documents.[133X699700[33X[0;0YWith an argument [3Xtype[103X of one of the supported types the function returns a701string which is a template for a corresponding BibXMLext entry. Optional702field elements have a [10X*[110X appended. If an element has the word [10XOR[110X appended,703then either this element or the next must/can be given, not both. If [10XAND/OR[110X704is appended then this and/or the next can/must be given. Elements which can705appear several times have a [10X+[110X appended. Places to fill are marked by an [10XX[110X.[133X706707[4X[32X Example [32X[104X708[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XTemplateBibXML();[127X[104X709[4X[28X[ "article", "book", "booklet", "conference", "inbook", [128X[104X710[4X[28X "incollection", "inproceedings", "manual", "mastersthesis", "misc", [128X[104X711[4X[28X "phdthesis", "proceedings", "techreport", "unpublished" ][128X[104X712[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XPrint(TemplateBibXML("inbook"));[127X[104X713[4X[28X<entry id="X"><inbook>[128X[104X714[4X[28X <author>[128X[104X715[4X[28X <name><first>X</first><last>X</last></name>+[128X[104X716[4X[28X </author>OR[128X[104X717[4X[28X <editor>[128X[104X718[4X[28X <name><first>X</first><last>X</last></name>+[128X[104X719[4X[28X </editor>[128X[104X720[4X[28X <title>X</title>[128X[104X721[4X[28X <chapter>X</chapter>AND/OR[128X[104X722[4X[28X <pages>X</pages>[128X[104X723[4X[28X <publisher>X</publisher>[128X[104X724[4X[28X <year>X</year>[128X[104X725[4X[28X <volume>X</volume>*OR[128X[104X726[4X[28X <number>X</number>*[128X[104X727[4X[28X <series>X</series>*[128X[104X728[4X[28X <type>X</type>*[128X[104X729[4X[28X <address>X</address>*[128X[104X730[4X[28X <edition>X</edition>*[128X[104X731[4X[28X <month>X</month>*[128X[104X732[4X[28X <note>X</note>*[128X[104X733[4X[28X <key>X</key>*[128X[104X734[4X[28X <annotate>X</annotate>*[128X[104X735[4X[28X <crossref>X</crossref>*[128X[104X736[4X[28X <abstract>X</abstract>*[128X[104X737[4X[28X <affiliation>X</affiliation>*[128X[104X738[4X[28X <contents>X</contents>*[128X[104X739[4X[28X <copyright>X</copyright>*[128X[104X740[4X[28X <isbn>X</isbn>*OR[128X[104X741[4X[28X <issn>X</issn>*[128X[104X742[4X[28X <keywords>X</keywords>*[128X[104X743[4X[28X <language>X</language>*[128X[104X744[4X[28X <lccn>X</lccn>*[128X[104X745[4X[28X <location>X</location>*[128X[104X746[4X[28X <mrnumber>X</mrnumber>*[128X[104X747[4X[28X <mrclass>X</mrclass>*[128X[104X748[4X[28X <mrreviewer>X</mrreviewer>*[128X[104X749[4X[28X <price>X</price>*[128X[104X750[4X[28X <size>X</size>*[128X[104X751[4X[28X <url>X</url>*[128X[104X752[4X[28X <category>X</category>*[128X[104X753[4X[28X <other type="X">X</other>*+[128X[104X754[4X[28X</inbook></entry>[128X[104X755[4X[32X[104X756757758[1X7.4 [33X[0;0YGetting BibTeX entries from [5XMathSciNet[105X[101X[1X[133X[101X759760[33X[0;0YWe provide utilities to access the [5X MathSciNet[105X761([7X[107X) data base from within GAP. One condition762for this to work is that the [5XIO[105X-package [Neu07] is available. The other is,763of course, that you use these functions from a computer which has access to764[5XMathSciNet[105X.[133X765766[33X[0;0YPlease note, that the usual license for [5XMathSciNet[105X access does not allow for767automated searches in the database. Therefore, only use the [2XSearchMR[102X ([14X7.4-1[114X)768function for single queries, as you would do using your webbrowser.[133X769770[1X7.4-1 SearchMR[101X771772[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XSearchMR[102X( [3Xqurec[103X ) [32X function[133X773[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XSearchMRBib[102X( [3Xbib[103X ) [32X function[133X774[6XReturns:[106X [33X[0;10Ya list of strings, a string or [9Xfail[109X[133X775776[33X[0;0YThe first function [2XSearchMR[102X provides the same functionality as the Web777interface [5X MathSciNet[105X ([7X[107X). The query strings778must be given as a record, and the following components of this record are779recognized: [10XAuthor[110X, [10XAuthorRelated[110X, [10XTitle[110X, [10XReviewText[110X, [10XJournal[110X,780[10XInstitutionCode[110X, [10XSeries[110X, [10XMSCPrimSec[110X, [10XMSCPrimary[110X, [10XMRNumber[110X, [10XAnywhere[110X,781[10XReferences[110X and [10XYear[110X.[133X782783[33X[0;0YFurthermore, the component [10Xtype[110X can be specified. It can be one of [10X"bibtex"[110X784(the default if not given), [10X"pdf"[110X, [10X"html"[110X and probably others. In the last785cases the function returns a string with the correspondig PDF-file or web786page from [5XMathSciNet[105X. In the first case the [5XMathSciNet[105X interface returns a787web page with BibTeX entries, for convenience this function returns a list788of strings, each containing the BibTeX text for a single result entry.[133X789790[33X[0;0YThe format of a [10X.Year[110X component can be either a four digit number,791optionally preceded by one of the characters [10X'<'[110X, [10X'>'[110X or [10X'='[110X, or it can be792two four digit numbers separated by a [10X-[110X to specify a year range.[133X793794[33X[0;0YThe function [2XSearchMRBib[102X gets a record of a parsed BibTeX entry as input as795returned by [2XParseBibFiles[102X ([14X7.1-1[114X) or [2XParseBibStrings[102X ([14X7.1-1[114X). It tries to796generate some sensible input from this information for [2XSearchMR[102X and calls797that function.[133X798799[4X[32X Example [32X[104X800[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xll := SearchMR(rec(Author:="Gauss", Title:="Disquisitiones"));;[127X[104X801[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xll2 := List(ll, HeuristicTranslationsLaTeX2XML.Apply);;[127X[104X802[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xbib := ParseBibStrings(Concatenation(ll2));;[127X[104X803[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xbibxml := List(bib[1], StringBibAsXMLext);;[127X[104X804[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xbib2 := ParseBibXMLextString(Concatenation(bibxml));;[127X[104X805[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xfor b in bib2.entries do [127X[104X806[4X[25X>[125X [27X PrintFormattedString(StringBibXMLEntry(b, "Text")); od; [127X[104X807[4X[28X[Gau95] Gauss, C. F., Disquisitiones arithmeticae, Academia[128X[104X808[4X[28XColombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, Bogotá,[128X[104X809[4X[28XColección Enrique Pérez Arbeláez [Enrique Pérez Arbeláez[128X[104X810[4X[28XCollection], 10 (1995), xliv+495 pages, (Translated from the Latin[128X[104X811[4X[28Xby Hugo Barrantes Campos, Michael Josephy and Ángel Ruiz Zúñiga,[128X[104X812[4X[28XWith a preface by Ruiz Zúñiga).[128X[104X813[4X[28X[128X[104X814[4X[28X[Gau86] Gauss, C. F., Disquisitiones arithmeticae, Springer-Verlag,[128X[104X815[4X[28XNew York (1986), xx+472 pages, (Translated and with a preface by[128X[104X816[4X[28XArthur A. Clarke, Revised by William C. Waterhouse, Cornelius[128X[104X817[4X[28XGreither and A. W. Grootendorst and with a preface by Waterhouse).[128X[104X818[4X[28X[128X[104X819[4X[28X[Gau66] Gauss, C. F., Disquisitiones arithmeticae, Yale University[128X[104X820[4X[28XPress, New Haven, Conn.-London, Translated into English by Arthur A.[128X[104X821[4X[28XClarke, S. J (1966), xx+472 pages.[128X[104X822[4X[28X[128X[104X823[4X[32X[104X824825826827