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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it

Views: 466303
#W                GAPDoc                          Frank Lübeck
#Y  Copyright (C)  2000,  Frank Lübeck,  Lehrstuhl D für Mathematik,  
#Y  RWTH Aachen
## The files contain a function which allows to construct
## a GAPDoc-XML document from several source files.
## These tools can also be used for collection/extracting other types of 
## documents.

##  <#GAPDoc Label="ComposedDocument">
##  <ManSection >
##  <Func Arg="tagname, path, main, source[, info]" Name="ComposedDocument" />
##  <Func Arg="path, main, source[, info]" Name="ComposedXMLString" />
##  <Returns>a document as string, or a list with this string and
##  information about the source positions</Returns>
##  <Description>
##  The argument <A>tagname</A> is the string used for the pseudo elements
##  which mark the pieces of a document to collect. (In <Ref Sect="DistrConv"/>
##  we used <C>GAPDoc</C> as <A>tagname</A>. The second function
##  <Ref Func="ComposedXMLString"/><C>( ... )</C> is an abbreviation for
##  <Ref Func="ComposedDocument"/><C>("GAPDoc", ... )</C>.<P/>
##  The  argument <A>path</A>  must be  a  path to  some directory  (as
##  string or  directory object),  <A>main</A> the name  of a  file and
##  <A>source</A> a list  of file names. These file  names are relative
##  to <A>path</A>,  except they  start with  <C>"/"</C> to  specify an
##  absolute  path or  they  start with  <C>"gap://"</C>  to specify  a
##  file  relative  to the  &GAP;  roots  (see <Ref  Func="FilenameGAP"
##  />). The  document is  constructed via  the mechanism  described in
##  Section&nbsp;<Ref Sect="DistrConv"/>.<P/>
##  First  the   files  given   in  <A>source</A>  are   scanned  for
##  chunks of the document marked  by <C>&lt;#<A>tagname</A>
##  Label="..."></C> and  <C>&lt;/#<A>tagname</A>></C> pairs.  
##  Then the file <A>main</A> is read and all <C>&lt;#Include  ...
##  ></C>-tags are  substituted recursively by other  files or chunks
##  of documentation found in the first step, respectively.<P/>
##  If  the  optional  argument  <A>info</A>   is  given  and  set  to
##  <K>true</K>  this function  returns a  list <C>[str,  origin]</C>,
##  where <C>str</C> is a string  containing the composed document and
##  <C>origin</C> is  a sorted  list of entries  of the  form <C>[pos,
##  filename, line]</C>.  Here <C>pos</C>  runs through  all character
##  positions of starting lines or text pieces from different files in
##  <C>str</C>.  The  <C>filename</C>  and  <C>line</C>  describe  the
##  origin of this part of the collected document.<P/>
##  Without the fourth argument only the string <C>str</C> is returned.
##  <P/>
##  By default <Ref Func="ComposedDocument"/> runs  into an error if an
##  <C>&lt;#Include ...></C>-tag cannot be  substituted (because a file
##  or  chunk is  missing). This  behaviour can  be changed  by setting
##  <C>DOCCOMPOSEERROR  :=  false;</C>.  Then  the  missing  parts  are
##  substituted by a short note about  what is missing. Of course, this
##  feature is  only useful if  the resulting  document is a  valid XML
##  document (e.g., when the missing  pieces are complete paragraphs or
##  sections).<P/>
##  <Log>
##  gap> doc := ComposedDocument("GAPDoc", "/my/dir", "manual.xml", 
##  > ["../lib/", "../lib/"], true);;
##  </Log>
##  </Description>
##  </ManSection>
##  <#/GAPDoc>
# reset this if not found files or chunks should not run into an error
InstallGlobalFunction(ComposedDocument, function(arg)
  local path, main, source, info, tagname, btag, etag,
        pieces, origin, fname, str, posnl, i, j, pre, pos, name, piece, 
        b, len, Collect, res, src, f, a, usedpieces, lenb, NormalizedFilename;
  # get arguments, 5th arg is optional for compatibility with older versions
  tagname := arg[1];
  btag := Concatenation("<#", tagname, " Label=\"");
  lenb := Length(btag);
  etag := Concatenation("<#/", tagname, ">");
  path := arg[2];
  main := arg[3];
  source := arg[4];
  if Length(arg) > 4 and arg[5] = true then
    info := true;
    info := false;
  if IsString(path) then
    path := Directory(path);
  # utility
  NormalizedFilename := function(str)
    local res;
    if Length(str) > 6 and str{[1..6]} = "gap://" then
      res := FilenameGAP(str);
    elif Length(str) = 0 or str[1] <> '/' then
      res := Filename(path, str);
      res := str;
    if res = fail then
      res := str;
    return res;
  # first we fetch the chunks from the source files
  pieces := rec();
  origin := rec();
  for f in source do
    fname := NormalizedFilename(f);
    Info(InfoGAPDoc, 2, "#I ComposedDocument: Searching for chunks in ",
                          fname, "\n");
    str := StringFile(fname);
    if str = fail then
      Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "#W WARNING: no file ", fname, 
                          " to compose document.\n");
    posnl := Positions(str, '\n');
    i := PositionSublist(str, btag);
    while i <> fail do
      j := i-1;
      while j > 0 and str[j] <> '\n' do
        j := j-1;
      pre := str{[j+1..i-1]};
      pos := Position(str, '\"', i+lenb-1);
      if pos=fail then
        Error(f, ": File ends within <#", tagname, " tag.\n");
      name := str{[i+lenb..pos-1]};
      i := Position(str, '\n', pos);
      if i=fail then
        Error(f, ": File ends within <#", tagname, " piece.\n");
      pos := PositionSublist(str, etag, i);
      if pos=fail then
        Error(f, ": File ends within <#", tagname, " piece.\n");
      while str[pos-1] <> '\n' do
        pos := pos-1;
      piece := SplitString(str{[i+1..pos-1]}, "\n", "");
      for a in [1..Length(piece)] do 
        b := 1;
        len := Minimum(Length(piece[a]), Length(pre));
        while b <= len and pre[b] = piece[a][b] do
          b := b+1;
        if b > 1 then
          piece[a] := piece[a]{[b..Length(piece[a])]};
      for a in piece do 
        Add(a, '\n'); 
      Info(InfoGAPDoc, 3, "Found piece ", name, "\n");
      if IsBound(pieces.(name)) then
        Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "#W WARNING: overwriting piece with label \"",
             name,"\"\n#W   Previous occurrence: ",origin.(name)[1],
             " line ", origin.(name)[2],"\n",
             "#W   New occurrence: ",fname," line ",PositionSorted(posnl,
      pieces.(name) := Concatenation(piece);
      # for each found piece store the filename and number of the first
      # line of the piece in that file
      origin.(name) := [fname, PositionSorted(posnl, i+1)];
      i := PositionSublist(str, btag, pos);

  # we do some bookkeeping which pieces are actually used
  usedpieces := [];
  # recursive substitution of files and chunks from above
  # In this helper [cont, from] is a pair [piece, orig] from above
  # or a pair [filename, 0].
  Collect := function(res, src, cont, from)
    local posnl, pos, i, len, new, p, j, piece, fname;
    # if piece is a whole file we simulate info as in 'pieces'
    if from = 0 then
      fname := cont;
      cont := StringFile(fname);
      if cont = fail and DOCCOMPOSEERROR = true then
        Error("Cannot include file ", fname, ".\n");
      elif cont = fail then
        cont := Concatenation("MISSING FILE ", fname, "\n");
        from := [fname, 1];
        from := [fname, 1];
    posnl := Positions(cont, '\n');
    pos := 0;
    while pos <> fail do
      i := PositionSublist(cont, "<#Include ", pos);
      if i = fail then
        # in this case add the rest to res
        i := Length(cont) + 1;
      len := Length(res);
      new := cont{[pos+1..i-1]};
      Append(res, new);
      p := PositionSorted(posnl, pos+1) + from[2] - 1;
      # add entry to 'src' for first character from current piece
      Add(src, [len+1, from[1], p]);
      j := Position(new, '\n');
      while j <> fail and j < Length(new) do
        # further entries to 'src' for each new line in current piece
        Add(src, [len+j+1, from[1], p+1]);
        j := Position(new, '\n', j);
        p := p+1;
      # now include by recursive call of this function
      if i <= Length(cont) then
        pos := Position(cont, '>', i);
        if pos = fail then
          Error("Input ends within <#Include ... tag.");
        piece := SplitString(cont{[i+9..pos-1]}, "", "\"= ");
        if piece[1]="SYSTEM" then
          Collect(res, src, NormalizedFilename(piece[2]), 0);
        elif piece[1]="Label" then 
          if not IsBound(pieces.(piece[2])) and DOCCOMPOSEERROR=true then
            Error("Did not find chunk ", piece[2]);
          elif not IsBound(pieces.(piece[2])) then
            pieces.(piece[2]) := Concatenation("MISSING CHUNK ", piece[2]);
            origin.(piece[2]) := [Concatenation("MISSINGCHUNK ",piece[2]),1]; 
          Add(usedpieces, piece[2]);
          Collect(res, src, pieces.(piece[2]), origin.(piece[2]));
        pos := fail;
  res := "";
  src := [];
  # now start the recursion as #Include of the main file in empty string
  Collect(res, src, NormalizedFilename(main), 0);
  Info(InfoGAPDoc, 2, "#I Labels of chunks which were not used: ",
                      Difference(RecNames(pieces), usedpieces), "\n");
  if info then
    return [res, src];
    # we allow this for compatibility with former versions
    return res;
InstallGlobalFunction(ComposedXMLString, function(arg)
  return CallFuncList(ComposedDocument, Concatenation(["GAPDoc"], arg));
##  <#GAPDoc Label="OriginalPositionDocument">
##  <ManSection >
##  <Func Arg="srcinfo, pos" Name="OriginalPositionDocument" />
##  <Returns>A pair <C>[filename, linenumber]</C>.</Returns>
##  <Description>
##  Here <A>srcinfo</A>  must   be  a   data  structure  as   returned  as
##  second   entry   by <Ref  Func="ComposedDocument"  />   called   with
##  <A>info</A>=<K>true</K>. It returns for a given position <A>pos</A> in
##  the composed document the file name and line number from which that
##  text was collected.
##  </Description>
##  </ManSection>
##  <#/GAPDoc>
InstallGlobalFunction(OriginalPositionDocument, function(srcinfo, pos)
  local r;
  r := PositionSorted(srcinfo, [pos]);
  if not IsBound(srcinfo[r]) or srcinfo[r][1] > pos then
    r := r-1;
  return [srcinfo[r][2], srcinfo[r][3]];

##  Utility for file names
##  <#GAPDoc Label="FilenameGAP"/>
##  <ManSection >
##  <Func Arg="fname" Name="FilenameGAP"/>
##  <Returns>file name as string or fail</Returns>
##  <Description>
##  This functions  returns the full path  of a file with  name <A>fname</A>
##  relative to a  &GAP; root path, or  <K>fail</K> if such a  file does not
##  exist. The  argument <A>fname</A> can  optionally start with  the prefix
##  <C>"gap://"</C> which will be removed.
##  <Log>
##  gap> FilenameGAP("hsdkfhs.g");
##  fail
##  gap> FilenameGAP("lib/system.g");
##  "/usr/local/gap4/lib/system.g"
##  gap> FilenameGAP("gap://lib/system.g");
##  "/usr/local/gap4/lib/system.g"
##  </Log>
##  </Description>
##  </ManSection>
##  <#/GAPDoc>
InstallGlobalFunction(FilenameGAP, function(fpath)
  if Length(fpath) > 5 and fpath{[1..6]} = "gap://" then
    fpath := fpath{[7..Length(fpath)]};
  return Filename(List(GAPInfo.RootPaths, Directory), fpath);