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Views: 466309############################################################################# ## #W HelpBookHandler.g GAPDoc Frank Lübeck ## ## #Y Copyright (C) 2000, Frank Lübeck, Lehrstuhl D für Mathematik, #Y RWTH Aachen ## ## This file contains the HELP_BOOK_HANDLER functions for the GapDocGAP ## format. This is the interface between the converter programs ## contained in the GAPDoc package and GAP's help system. ## ## We support some user preferences for the display of GAPDoc manuals from ## the GAP help system. They explain themselves. DeclareUserPreference( rec( name:= "UseMathJax", description:= [ "Change this to true, if you want to use MathJax for display of formulae \ in HTML manuals pages. This will only work if your browser supports \ javascript (e.g., help viewer \"firefox\") and if you are online (because \ the MathJax code and math fonts are loaded from a central AMS server)." ], default:= false, values:= [ true, false ], multi:= false, package:= "GAPDoc", ) ); DeclareUserPreference( rec( name:= "TextTheme", description:= [ "Influences the layout of the onscreen help (help viewers \"screen\", \ \"less\", \"more\"), this is a list of arguments for 'SetGAPDocTextTheme'; \ current choices are shown by 'SetGAPDocTextTheme(\"\");'." ], default:= [ "default" ], values:= function() return RecNames( GAPDoc2TextProcs.OtherThemes ); end, multi:= true, package:= "GAPDoc", ) ); DeclareUserPreference( rec( name:= "HTMLStyle", description:= [ "Influences the layout of the HTML manuals when called from the GAP help \ system. Only relevant if your configured browser supports javascript \ e.g., help viewer \"firefox\"). To see the current choices click on \ the [Style] link at the top of each HTML manual page. \ This is a list of arguments for 'SetGAPDocHTMLStyle'." ], default:= [ "default" ], ) ); HELP_BOOK_HANDLER.GapDocGAP := rec(); ## ## The .entries info in the GapDocGAP six-format has entries of form ## ## [ showstring, ## sectionstring, (allows searching of section numbers, like: "1.3-4") ## [chapnr, secnr, subsecnr], ## linenr (for "text" format), ## pagenr (for .dvi, .pdf-formats), ## idstring (for a link L.<idstring> in PDF file, ## searchstring (simplified lowercased version of <showstring>) ## ] ## HELPBOOKINFOSIXTMP := 0; # helper to set the text theme HELP_BOOK_HANDLER.GapDocGAP.setTextTheme := function() local theme; theme := UserPreference("GAPDoc", "TextTheme"); if IsString(theme) then theme := [theme]; fi; if theme = ["default"] then if UserPreference("UseColorsInTerminal") <> true then SetGAPDocTextTheme("none"); else SetGAPDocTextTheme(rec()); fi; else CallFuncList(SetGAPDocTextTheme, theme); fi; end; HELP_BOOK_HANDLER.GapDocGAP.setTextTheme(); # helper function for showing matches in current text theme HELP_BOOK_HANDLER.GapDocGAP.apptheme := function(res, theme) local a; if not IsBound(res.theme) or res.theme <> theme then for a in res.entries do a[1] := SubstituteEscapeSequences(a[8], theme); od; res.theme := ShallowCopy(theme); fi; end; ## <#GAPDoc Label="SetGAPDocHTMLStyle"> ## <ManSection > ## <Func Arg="[style1[, style2] ...]" Name="SetGAPDocHTMLStyle" /> ## <Returns>nothing</Returns> ## <Description> ## This utility function is for readers of the HTML version of &GAP; ## manuals which are generated by the &GAPDoc; package. It allows to ## configure the display style of the manuals. This will only have an ## effect if you are using a browser that supports ## <Package>javascript</Package>. ## There is a default which can be reset by calling this function ## without argument. <P/> ## ## The arguments <A>style1</A> and so on must be strings. You can find out ## about the valid strings by following the <B>[Style]</B> link on top ## of any manual page. (Going back to the original page, its address has a ## setting for <C>GAPDocStyle</C> which is the list of strings, separated ## by commas, you want to use here.) ## ## <Example> ## gap> # show/hide subsections in tables on contents only after click, ## gap> # and don't use colors in GAP examples ## gap> SetGAPDocHTMLStyle("toggless", "nocolorprompt"); ## </Example> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> BindGlobal("SetGAPDocHTMLStyle", function(arg) if Length(arg) = 0 then SetUserPreference("GAPDoc", "GAPDocHTMLStyle", "default"); else SetUserPreference("GAPDoc", "GAPDocHTMLStyle", JoinStringsWithSeparator(arg, ",")); fi; end); # set HTML style from gap.ini file HELP_BOOK_HANDLER.GapDocGAP.f := function() local st; st := UserPreference("GAPDoc", "HTMLStyle"); if IsString(st) then st := [st]; fi; CallFuncList(SetGAPDocHTMLStyle, st); end; HELP_BOOK_HANDLER.GapDocGAP.f(); Unbind(HELP_BOOK_HANDLER.GapDocGAP.f); HELP_BOOK_HANDLER.GapDocGAP.ReadSix := function(stream) local fname, res, bname, nam, a, apptheme; # our .six file is directly GAP-readable fname := ShallowCopy(stream![2]); #Read(stream); # this seems better on NFS file systems ... CloseStream(stream); Read(fname); res := HELPBOOKINFOSIXTMP; Unbind(HELPBOOKINFOSIXTMP); # adjust search strings to current text theme, save original in position 8 for a in res.entries do a[8] := a[1]; od; ## HELP_BOOK_HANDLER.GapDocGAP.setTextTheme(); HELP_BOOK_HANDLER.GapDocGAP.apptheme(res, GAPDocTextTheme); # in position 6 of each entry we put the corresponding search string for a in res.entries do if not IsBound(a[6]) then a[6] := SIMPLE_STRING(StripEscapeSequences(a[1])); NormalizeWhitespace(a[6]); fi; od; # We check the current availability of the different # formats. And we add the help directory. res.handler := "GapDocGAP"; := Directory(fname{[1..Length(fname)-10]}); res.types := ["text"]; # check if .dvi and .pdf files and HTML-version available bname := fname{[1..Length(fname)-4]}; nam := Concatenation(bname, ".dvi"); if IsExistingFile(nam) then res.dvifile := nam; Add(res.types, "dvi"); fi; nam := Concatenation(bname, ".pdf"); if IsExistingFile(nam) then res.pdffile := nam; Add(res.types, "pdf"); fi; nam := Concatenation(bname{[1..Length(bname)-6]}, "chap0.html"); if IsExistingFile(nam) then Add(res.types, "url"); Add(res.types, "url-text"); fi; nam := Concatenation(bname{[1..Length(bname)-6]}, "chap0_sym.html"); if IsExistingFile(nam) then Add(res.types, "url"); Add(res.types, "url-sym"); fi; nam := Concatenation(bname{[1..Length(bname)-6]}, "chap0_mml.xml"); if IsExistingFile(nam) then Add(res.types, "url"); Add(res.types, "url-mml"); fi; nam := Concatenation(bname{[1..Length(bname)-6]}, "chap0_mj.html"); if IsExistingFile(nam) then Add(res.types, "url"); Add(res.types, "url-mj"); fi; return res; end; Unbind(HELPBOOKINFOSIXTMP); # Our help output format contains the table of contents, # so we just delegate. HELP_BOOK_HANDLER.GapDocGAP.ShowChapters := function(book) local info, match; info := HELP_BOOK_INFO(book); match := Concatenation(HELP_BOOK_HANDLER.GapDocGAP.SearchMatches(book, "table of contents", true))[1]; return HELP_BOOK_HANDLER.GapDocGAP.HelpData(info, match, "text"); end; HELP_BOOK_HANDLER.GapDocGAP.ShowSections := HELP_BOOK_HANDLER.GapDocGAP.ShowChapters; # very similar to the .default handler, but we allow search for # (sub-)section numbers as well HELP_BOOK_HANDLER.GapDocGAP.SearchMatches := function (book, topic, frombegin) local info, exact, match, i; info := HELP_BOOK_INFO(book); exact := []; match := []; for i in [1..Length(info.entries)] do if topic=info.entries[i][6] or topic=info.entries[i][2] then Add(exact, i); elif frombegin = true then if MATCH_BEGIN(info.entries[i][6], topic) or MATCH_BEGIN(info.entries[i][2], topic) then Add(match, i); fi; else if IS_SUBSTRING(info.entries[i][6], topic) then Add(match, i); fi; fi; od; ## HELP_BOOK_HANDLER.GapDocGAP.setTextTheme(); HELP_BOOK_HANDLER.GapDocGAP.apptheme(info, GAPDocTextTheme); return [exact, match]; end; ## The data are all easy to get. if not IsBound(BROWSER_CAP) then BROWSER_CAP := []; fi; HELP_BOOK_HANDLER.GapDocGAP.HelpData := function(book, entrynr, type) local info, a, fname, str, formatted, enc, outenc, sline, pos, tmp, ext, label, res, st; info := HELP_BOOK_INFO(book); # we handle the special type "ref" for cross references first if type = "ref" then a := HELP_BOOK_HANDLER.HelpDataRef(info, entrynr); a[1] := StripEscapeSequences(a[1]); return a; fi; a := info.entries[entrynr]; # section number info if type = "secnr" then return a{[3,2]}; fi; if not type in info.types then return fail; fi; if type = "text" then fname := Filename(, Concatenation("chap", String(a[3][1]), ".txt")); str := StringFile(fname); if str = fail then return rec(lines := Concatenation("Sorry, file '", fname, "' seems to ", "be corrupted.\n"), formatted := true); fi; # maybe change encoding if IsBound(info.encoding) then enc := info.encoding; else # from older versions, so latin1 enc := "ISO-8859-1"; fi; if IsBound(GAPInfo.TermEncoding) then outenc := GAPInfo.TermEncoding; else outenc := "ISO-8859-1"; fi; enc := UNICODE_RECODE.NormalizedEncoding(enc); outenc := UNICODE_RECODE.NormalizedEncoding(outenc); if enc <> outenc then str := Unicode(str, enc); if outenc = "ISO-8859-1" then str := SimplifiedUnicodeString(str, "latin1"); elif outenc = "ANSI_X3.4-1968" then str := SimplifiedUnicodeString(str, "ascii"); fi; str := Encode(str, outenc); fi; sline := a[4]; # set the text theme ## HELP_BOOK_HANDLER.GapDocGAP.setTextTheme(); # substitute pseudo escape sequences via GAPDocTextTheme # split into two pieces to find new start line pos := PositionLinenumber(str, sline); tmp := SubstituteEscapeSequences(str{[1..pos-1]}, GAPDocTextTheme); str := SubstituteEscapeSequences(str{[pos..Length(str)]}, GAPDocTextTheme); sline := NumberOfLines(tmp)+1; str := Concatenation(tmp, str); return rec(lines := str, formatted := true, start := sline); fi; if type = "url" and "url" in info.types then ## # check preferred HTML version/extension ## if not IsBound(BROWSER_CAP) then ## BROWSER_CAP := []; ## fi; ## if "MathML" in BROWSER_CAP and "url-mml" in info.types then ## ext := "_mml.xml"; ## elif ("MathML" in BROWSER_CAP or "Symbol" in BROWSER_CAP) and ## "url-sym" in info.types then ## ext := "_sym.html"; ## elif "url-text" in info.types then ## ext := ".html"; ## else ## return fail; ## fi; if UserPreference("GAPDoc", "UseMathJax") = true and "url-mj" in info.types then ext := "_mj.html"; elif "url-text" in info.types then ext := ".html"; else return fail; fi; st := UserPreference("GAPDoc", "GAPDocHTMLStyle"); if st <> "default" then ext := Concatenation(ext, "?GAPDocStyle=", st); fi; fname := Filename(, Concatenation("chap", String(a[3][1]), ext)); if IsBound(a[7]) then label := a[7]; else # from older version of GAPDoc label := Concatenation("s", String(a[3][2]), "ss", String(a[3][3])); fi; # ??? return Concatenation("file:", fname, label); return Concatenation("", fname, "#", label); fi; if type = "dvi" then return rec(file := info.dvifile, page := a[5]); fi; if type = "pdf" then res := rec(file := info.pdffile, page := a[5]); if IsBound(a[7]) then res.label := Concatenation("L.", a[7]); fi; return res; fi; return fail; end; ## cache list of chapter numbers, but only if we need them HELP_BOOK_HANDLER.GapDocGAP.ChapNumbers := function(info) local l, sp; if not IsBound(info.ChapNumbers) then l := Set(List(info.entries,a->a[3][1])); sp := IntersectionSet(l, ["Bib", "Ind"]); l := Difference(l, sp); Append(l, sp); info.ChapNumbers := l; fi; end; ## for ?<<, ?>>, ?< and ?> HELP_BOOK_HANDLER.GapDocGAP.MatchPrevChap := function(book, entrynr) local info, chnums, ent, cnr, new, nr; info := HELP_BOOK_INFO(book); HELP_BOOK_HANDLER.GapDocGAP.ChapNumbers(info); chnums := info.ChapNumbers; ent := info.entries; cnr := ent[entrynr][3]; if cnr[2] <> 0 or cnr[3] <> 0 or cnr[1] = chnums[1] then new := [cnr[1], 0, 0]; else new := [chnums[Position(chnums, cnr[1])-1], 0, 0]; fi; nr := First([1..Length(ent)], i-> ent[i][3] = new); if nr = fail then # return current nr := entrynr; fi; return [info, nr]; end; HELP_BOOK_HANDLER.GapDocGAP.MatchNextChap := function(book, entrynr) local info, chnums, ent, cnr, new, nr; info := HELP_BOOK_INFO(book); HELP_BOOK_HANDLER.GapDocGAP.ChapNumbers(info); chnums := info.ChapNumbers; ent := info.entries; cnr := ent[entrynr][3]; if cnr[1] = chnums[Length(chnums)] then new := [cnr[1], 0, 0]; else new := [chnums[Position(chnums, cnr[1])+1], 0, 0]; fi; nr := First([1..Length(ent)], i-> ent[i][3] = new); if nr = fail then # return current nr := entrynr; fi; return [info, nr]; end; HELP_BOOK_HANDLER.GapDocGAP.MatchPrev := function(book, entrynr) local info, ent, old, new, nr, i; info := HELP_BOOK_INFO(book); ent := info.entries; old := ent[entrynr][3]; new := [-1,0,0]; nr := entrynr; for i in [1..Length(ent)] do if ent[i][3] < old and ent[i][3] > new and not ent[i][3][1] in ["Bib", "Ind"] then new := ent[i][3]; nr := i; fi; od; return [info, nr]; end; HELP_BOOK_HANDLER.GapDocGAP.MatchNext := function(book, entrynr) local info, ent, old, new, nr, i; info := HELP_BOOK_INFO(book); ent := info.entries; old := ent[entrynr][3]; new := ["ZZZ",0,0]; nr := entrynr; for i in [1..Length(ent)] do if ent[i][3] > old and ent[i][3] < new and not ent[i][3][1] in ["Bib", "Ind"] then new := ent[i][3]; nr := i; fi; od; return [info, nr]; end; HELP_BOOK_HANDLER.GapDocGAP.SubsectionNumber := function(info, entrynr) return info.entries[entrynr][3]; end;