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Views: 466303############################################################################# ## #W Make.g GAPDoc Frank Lübeck ## ## #Y Copyright (C) 2000, Frank Lübeck, Lehrstuhl D für Mathematik, #Y RWTH Aachen ## ## This file contains a function which may be used for building all ## output versions of a GAPDoc XML document which are provided by the ## GAPDoc package. ## ## args: ## path, main, files, bookname[, gaproot][, "MathML"][, "Tth"][, "MathJax"] BindGlobal("MakeGAPDocDoc", function(arg) local htmlspecial, path, main, files, bookname, gaproot, str, r, t, l, latex, null, log, pos, h, i, j; htmlspecial := Filtered(arg, a-> a in ["MathML", "Tth", "MathJax"]); if Length(htmlspecial) > 0 then arg := Filtered(arg, a-> not a in ["MathML", "Tth", "MathJax"]); fi; path := arg[1]; main := arg[2]; files := arg[3]; bookname := arg[4]; if IsBound(arg[5]) then gaproot := arg[5]; else gaproot := false; fi; # ensure that path is directory object if IsString(path) then path := Directory(path); fi; # ensure that .xml is stripped from name of main file if Length(main)>3 and main{[Length(main)-3..Length(main)]} = ".xml" then main := main{[1..Length(main)-4]}; fi; # compose the XML document Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "#I Composing XML document . . .\n"); str := ComposedDocument("GAPDoc", path, Concatenation(main, ".xml"), files, true); # parse the XML document Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "#I Parsing XML document . . .\n"); r := ParseTreeXMLString(str[1], str[2]); # clean the result Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "#I Checking XML structure . . .\n"); CheckAndCleanGapDocTree(r); # produce text version Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "#I Text version (also produces labels for hyperlinks):\n"); t := GAPDoc2Text(r, path); GAPDoc2TextPrintTextFiles(t, path); # produce LaTeX version Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "#I Constructing LaTeX version and calling pdflatex:\n"); r.bibpath := path; l := GAPDoc2LaTeX(r); Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "#I Writing LaTeX file, \c"); Info(InfoGAPDoc, 2, Concatenation(main, ".tex"), "\n#I "); FileString(Filename(path, Concatenation(main, ".tex")), l); if Filename(DirectoriesSystemPrograms(), "pdflatex") = fail then Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "\n#W WARNING: cannot find 'pdflatex', please install TeX.\n"); Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "#W WARNING: will NOT produce pdf version from LaTeX file.\n"); else # call latex and pdflatex (with bibtex, makeindex and dvips) latex := "latex -interaction=nonstopmode "; # sh-syntax for redirecting stderr and stdout to /dev/null null := " > /dev/null 2>&1 "; Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "4 x pdflatex with bibtex and makeindex, \c"); Exec(Concatenation("sh -c \" cd ", Filename(path,""), "; rm -f ", main, ".aux ", main, ".pdf ", main, ".log ", "; pdf", latex, main, null, "; bibtex ", main, null, "; pdf", latex, main, null, "; makeindex ", main, null, "; pdf", latex, main, null, "; pdf", latex, main, null,"\"")); # check log file for errors, warning, overfull boxes log := Filename(path, Concatenation(main, ".log")); log := StringFile(log); if log = fail then Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "\n#W WARNING: Something wrong, don't find log file ", Filename(path, Concatenation(main, ".log")), "\n"); else log := SplitString(log, "\n", ""); pos := Filtered([1..Length(log)], i-> Length(log[i]) > 0 and log[i][1] = '!'); if Length(pos) > 0 then Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "\n#W There were LaTeX errors:\n"); for i in pos do for j in [i..Minimum(i+2, Length(log))] do Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, log[j], "\n"); od; Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "____________________\n"); od; fi; pos := Filtered([1..Length(log)], i-> Length(log[i]) > 13 and log[i]{[1..14]} = "LaTeX Warning:"); if Length(pos) > 0 then Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "\n#W There were LaTeX Warnings:\n"); for i in pos do for j in [i..Minimum(i+2, Length(log))] do Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, log[j], "\n"); od; Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "____________________\n"); od; fi; pos := Filtered([1..Length(log)], i-> Length(log[i]) > 7 and log[i]{[1..8]} = "Overfull"); if Length(pos) > 0 then Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "\n#W There are overfull boxes:\n"); for i in pos do Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, log[i], "\n"); od; fi; fi; # check for BibTeX warnings log := StringFile(Filename(path, Concatenation(main, ".blg"))); if log <> fail then log := SplitString(log, "\n", ""); log := Filtered(log, z-> PositionSublist(z, "Warning--") = 1); if Length(log) > 0 then Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "\n#W BibTeX had warnings:\n", JoinStringsWithSeparator(log, "\n")); fi; fi; if not IsExistingFile(Filename(path, Concatenation(main, ".pdf"))) then Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "\n#I ERROR: no .pdf file produced (and no .six file)"); else Exec(Concatenation("sh -c \" cd ", Filename(path,""), "; mv ", main, ".pdf manual.pdf; ", "\"")); Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "\n"); # read page number information for .six file Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "#I Writing manual.six file ... \c"); Info(InfoGAPDoc, 2, Filename(path, "manual.six"), "\n"); Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "\n"); AddPageNumbersToSix(r, Filename(path, Concatenation(main, ".pnr"))); # print manual.six file PrintSixFile(Filename(path, "manual.six"), r, bookname); fi; fi; # produce html version Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "#I Finally the HTML version . . .\n"); # if MathJax version is also produced we include links to them if "MathJax" in htmlspecial then r.LinkToMathJax := true; fi; h := GAPDoc2HTML(r, path, gaproot); GAPDoc2HTMLPrintHTMLFiles(h, path); Unbind(r.LinkToMathJax); if "Tth" in htmlspecial then Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "#I - also HTML version with 'tth' translated formulae . . .\n"); h := GAPDoc2HTML(r, path, gaproot, "Tth"); GAPDoc2HTMLPrintHTMLFiles(h, path); fi; if "MathML" in htmlspecial then Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "#I - also HTML + MathML version with 'ttm' . . .\n"); h := GAPDoc2HTML(r, path, gaproot, "MathML"); GAPDoc2HTMLPrintHTMLFiles(h, path); fi; if "MathJax" in htmlspecial then Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "#I - also HTML version for MathJax . . .\n"); h := GAPDoc2HTML(r, path, gaproot, "MathJax"); GAPDoc2HTMLPrintHTMLFiles(h, path); fi; return r; end);