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Views: 466317############################################################################# ## ## Gauss package Simon Goertzen ## ## Copyright 2007-2008 Lehrstuhl B f��r Mathematik, RWTH Aachen ## ## Implementation stuff for performing Gauss algorithms on sparse matrices. ## ############################################################################# ######################################################## ## Gaussian Algorithms: ######################################################## ## InstallMethod( EchelonMatDestructive, "generic method for matrices", [ IsSparseMatrix ], function( mat ) local nrows, # number of rows in <mat> ncols, # number of columns in <mat> indices, entries, vectors, # list of basis vectors heads, # list of pivot positions in 'vectors' i, # loop over rows j, # loop over columns head, x, rank, list, row_indices, row_entries, p, a; nrows := mat!.nrows; ncols := mat!.ncols; indices := mat!.indices; entries := mat!.entries; heads := ListWithIdenticalEntries( ncols, 0 ); vectors := rec( indices := [], entries := [] ); for i in [ 1 .. nrows ] do row_indices := indices[i]; # Reduce the row with the known basis vectors. for j in [ 1 .. ncols ] do head := heads[j]; if head <> 0 then p := PositionSet( row_indices, j ); if p <> fail then row_entries := entries[i]; x := - row_entries[p]; AddRow( vectors.indices[ head ], vectors.entries[ head ] * x, row_indices, row_entries ); fi; fi; od; if Length( row_indices ) > 0 then j := row_indices[1]; row_entries := entries[i]; # We found a new basis vector. x := Inverse( row_entries[1] ); if x = fail then TryNextMethod(); fi; Add( vectors.indices, row_indices ); Add( vectors.entries, row_entries * x ); heads[j]:= Length( vectors.indices ); fi; od; # gauss upwards: list := Filtered( heads, x->x<>0 ); rank := Length( list ); for j in [ncols,ncols-1..1] do head := heads[j]; if head <> 0 then a := Difference( [1..head-1], heads{[j+1..ncols]} ); for i in a do row_indices := vectors.indices[i]; p := PositionSet( row_indices, j ); if p <> fail then row_entries := vectors.entries[i]; x := - row_entries[p]; AddRow( vectors.indices[ head ], vectors.entries[ head ] * x, row_indices, row_entries ); fi; od; fi; od; #order rows: vectors.indices := vectors.indices{list}; vectors.entries := vectors.entries{list}; list := Filtered( [1..ncols], j -> heads[j] <> 0 ); heads{list} := [1..rank]; #just for compatibility, vectors are ordered already return rec( heads := heads, vectors := SparseMatrix( rank, ncols, vectors.indices, vectors.entries, mat!.ring ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( EchelonMatTransformationDestructive, "method for sparse matrices", [ IsSparseMatrix ], function( mat ) local nrows, # number of rows in <mat> ncols, # number of columns in <mat> indices, entries, vectors, # list of basis vectors heads, # list of pivot positions in 'vectors' coeffs, relations, ring, i, # loop over rows j, # loop over columns T, head, x, rank, list, p; nrows := mat!.nrows; ncols := mat!.ncols; indices := mat!.indices; entries := mat!.entries; heads := ListWithIdenticalEntries( ncols, 0 ); vectors := rec( indices := [], entries := [] ); coeffs := rec( indices := [], entries := [] ); relations := rec( indices := [], entries := [] ); ring := mat!.ring; if ring = "unknown" then ring := Rationals; fi; T := rec( indices := List( [ 1 .. nrows ], i -> [i] ), entries := List( [ 1 .. nrows ], i -> [ One( ring ) ] ) ); for i in [ 1 .. nrows ] do # Reduce the row with the known basis vectors. p := 1; while p<=Length(indices[i]) do j := indices[i][p]; head := heads[j]; if head=0 then # move to next entry in row mat[i] p := p+1; else # clear up mat[i][j] x := - entries[i][p]; AddRow(coeffs.indices[ head ], coeffs.entries[ head ] * x, T.indices, T.entries, i); AddRow(vectors.indices[ head ], vectors.entries[ head ] * x, indices, entries, i); fi; od; if Length( indices[i] ) > 0 then # We found a new basis vector. x := Inverse( entries[i][1] ); Add( coeffs.indices, T.indices[ i ] ); Add( coeffs.entries, T.entries[ i ] * x ); Add( vectors.indices, indices[i] ); Add( vectors.entries, entries[i] * x ); heads[indices[i][1]] := Length( vectors.indices ); else Add( relations.indices, T.indices[ i ] ); Add( relations.entries, T.entries[ i ] ); fi; od; #order rows: list := Filtered( heads, IsPosInt ); rank := Length( list ); # not needed heads{Filtered( [1..ncols], j -> heads[j] <> 0 )} := [1..rank]; vectors.indices := vectors.indices{list}; vectors.entries := vectors.entries{list}; coeffs.indices := coeffs.indices{list}; coeffs.entries := coeffs.entries{list}; # gauss upwards: for i in [1..rank] do # subtract vectors in j=[i+1..rank] from vector i to clear head entries p := 1; j := i+1; while p<=Length(vectors.indices[i]) and j<=rank do if vectors.indices[i][p]<vectors.indices[j][1] then p := p+1; continue; # move to next entry in row i fi; if vectors.indices[i][p]>vectors.indices[j][1] then j := j+1; continue; # move to next vector fi; x := -vectors.entries[i][p]; AddRow(coeffs.indices[j], coeffs.entries[j] * x, coeffs.indices, coeffs.entries, i); AddRow(vectors.indices[j], vectors.entries[j] * x, vectors.indices, vectors.entries, i); od; od; return rec( heads := heads, vectors := SparseMatrix( rank, ncols, vectors.indices, vectors.entries, ring ), coeffs := SparseMatrix( rank, nrows, coeffs.indices, coeffs.entries, ring ), relations := SparseMatrix( nrows - rank, nrows, relations.indices, relations.entries, ring ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( ReduceMatWithEchelonMat, "for sparse matrices over a ring, second argument must be in REF", [ IsSparseMatrix, IsSparseMatrix ], function( mat, N ) local nrows1, ncols, nrows2, M, i, j, k, x, p, row1_indices, row1_entries, row2_indices; nrows1 := mat!.nrows; nrows2 := N!.nrows; if nrows1 = 0 or nrows2 = 0 then return rec( reduced_matrix := mat ); fi; ncols := mat!.ncols; if ncols <> N!.ncols then return fail; elif ncols = 0 then return rec( reduced_matrix := mat ); fi; M := CopyMat( mat ); for i in [ 1 .. nrows2 ] do row2_indices := N!.indices[i]; if Length( row2_indices ) > 0 then j := row2_indices[1]; for k in [ 1 .. nrows1 ] do row1_indices := M!.indices[k]; row1_entries := M!.entries[k]; p := PositionSet( row1_indices, j ); if p <> fail then x := - row1_entries[p]; AddRow( row2_indices, N!.entries[i] * x, row1_indices, row1_entries ); fi; od; fi; od; return rec( reduced_matrix := M ); end ); ## InstallMethod( ReduceMatWithEchelonMatTransformation, "for sparse matrices over a ring, second argument must be in REF", [ IsSparseMatrix, IsSparseMatrix ], function( mat, N ) local nrows1, nrows2, ring, M, T, i, j, k, x, p, row2_indices; nrows1 := mat!.nrows; nrows2 := N!.nrows; ring := mat!.ring; T := SparseZeroMatrix( nrows1, nrows2, ring ); if nrows1 = 0 or nrows2 = 0 then return rec( reduced_matrix := mat, transformation := T ); fi; if mat!.ncols <> N!.ncols then return fail; elif mat!.ncols = 0 then return rec( reduced_matrix := mat, transformation := T ); fi; M := CopyMat( mat ); for i in [ 1 .. nrows2 ] do row2_indices := N!.indices[i]; if Length( row2_indices ) > 0 then j := row2_indices[1]; for k in [ 1 .. nrows1 ] do p := PositionSet( M!.indices[k], j ); if p <> fail then x := - M!.entries[k][p]; AddRow( row2_indices, N!.entries[i] * x, M!.indices, M!.entries, k); Add( T!.indices[k], i ); Add( T!.entries[k], x ); fi; od; fi; od; return rec( reduced_matrix := M, transformation := T ); end ); ## InstallMethod( KernelEchelonMatDestructive, "method for sparse matrices", [ IsSparseMatrix, IsList ], function( mat, L ) local nrows, ncols, indices, entries, vectors, heads, coeffs, relations, ring, i, j, T, head, x, rank, list, row_indices, row_entries, p, e; nrows := mat!.nrows; ncols := mat!.ncols; indices := mat!.indices; entries := mat!.entries; heads := ListWithIdenticalEntries( ncols, 0 ); vectors := rec( indices := [], entries := [] ); coeffs := rec( indices := [], entries := [] ); relations := rec( indices := [], entries := [] ); ring := mat!.ring; if ring = "unknown" then ring := Rationals; fi; T := rec( indices := List( [ 1 .. nrows ] , i -> [] ), entries := List( [ 1 .. nrows ], i -> [] ) ); for i in [ 1 .. Length( L ) ] do T.indices[L[i]] := [i]; T.entries[L[i]] := [ One( ring ) ]; od; for i in [ 1 .. nrows ] do row_indices := indices[i]; # Reduce the row with the known basis vectors. for j in [ 1 .. ncols ] do head := heads[j]; if head <> 0 then p := PositionSet( row_indices, j ); if p <> fail then row_entries := entries[i]; x := - row_entries[p]; AddRow( vectors.indices[ head ], vectors.entries[ head ] * x, row_indices, row_entries ); AddRow( coeffs.indices[ head ], coeffs.entries[ head ] * x, T.indices[i], T.entries[i] ); fi; fi; od; if Length( row_indices ) > 0 then j := row_indices[1]; row_entries := entries[i]; # We found a new basis vector. x := Inverse( row_entries[1] ); if x = fail then TryNextMethod(); fi; Add( vectors.indices, row_indices ); Add( vectors.entries, row_entries * x ); heads[j]:= Length( vectors.indices ); Add( coeffs.indices, T.indices[ i ] ); Add( coeffs.entries, T.entries[ i ] * x ); else Add( relations.indices, T.indices[ i ] ); Add( relations.entries, T.entries[ i ] ); fi; od; return rec( relations := SparseMatrix( Length( relations.indices ), Length( L ), relations.indices, relations.entries, ring ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( RankDestructive, "method for sparse matrices", [ IsSparseMatrix, IsInt ], function( mat, upper_boundary ) local nrows, ncols, indices, entries, vectors, heads, coeffs, relations, ring, i, j, T, head, x, rank, list, row_indices, row_entries, p; nrows := mat!.nrows; ncols := mat!.ncols; indices := mat!.indices; entries := mat!.entries; heads := ListWithIdenticalEntries( ncols, 0 ); vectors := rec( indices := [], entries := [] ); ring := mat!.ring; if ring = "unknown" then ring := Rationals; fi; for i in [ 1 .. nrows ] do row_indices := indices[i]; # Reduce the row with the known basis vectors. for j in [ 1 .. ncols ] do head := heads[j]; if head <> 0 then p := PositionSet( row_indices, j ); if p <> fail then row_entries := entries[i]; x := - row_entries[p]; AddRow( vectors.indices[ head ], vectors.entries[ head ] * x, row_indices, row_entries ); fi; fi; od; if Length( row_indices ) > 0 then j := row_indices[1]; row_entries := entries[i]; # We found a new basis vector. x := Inverse( row_entries[1] ); if x = fail then TryNextMethod(); fi; Add( vectors.indices, row_indices ); Add( vectors.entries, row_entries * x ); heads[j] := Length( vectors.indices ); if heads[j] = upper_boundary then return upper_boundary; fi; fi; od; return Length( vectors.indices ); end );