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Views: 466315############################################################################# ## ## Gauss package Simon Goertzen ## ## Copyright 2007-2008 Lehrstuhl B f��r Mathematik, RWTH Aachen ## ## Implementation stuff for Gauss with sparse matrices over GF(2). ## ############################################################################# ## InstallMethod( ConvertSparseMatrixToMatrix, [ IsSparseMatrixGF2Rep ], function( SM ) local indices, i, j, ring, M; if SM!.nrows = 0 then return [ ]; elif SM!.ncols = 0 then return List( [ 1 .. SM!.nrows ], i -> [] ); fi; ring := GF(2); indices := SM!.indices; M := NullMat( SM!.nrows, SM!.ncols, ring ); for i in [ 1 .. SM!.nrows ] do for j in [ 1 .. Length( indices[i] ) ] do M[ i ][ indices[i][j] ] := One( ring ); od; od; return M; end ); ## InstallMethod( CopyMat, [ IsSparseMatrixGF2Rep ], function( M ) local indices, i; indices := []; for i in [ 1 .. M!.nrows ] do indices[i] := ShallowCopy( M!.indices[i] ); od; return SparseMatrix( M!.nrows, M!.ncols, indices, GF(2) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( GetEntry, [ IsSparseMatrixGF2Rep, IsInt, IsInt ], function( M, i, j ) local p; p := PositionSet( M!.indices[i], j ); if p = fail then return Zero( GF(2) ); else return One( GF(2) ); fi; end ); ## InstallMethod( SetEntry, [ IsSparseMatrixGF2Rep, IsInt, IsInt, IsRingElement ], function( M, i, j, e ) local ring, pos; ring := GF(2); if not e in ring then Error( "the element has to be in ", ring, "!" ); fi; pos := PositionSorted( M!.indices[i], j ); if IsBound( M!.indices[i][pos] ) and M!.indices[i][pos] = j then if e = Zero( ring ) then Remove( M!.indices[i], pos ); fi; else if e <> Zero( ring ) then Add( M!.indices[i], j, pos ); fi; fi; end ); ## InstallMethod( AddToEntry, [ IsSparseMatrixGF2Rep, IsInt, IsInt, IsRingElement ], function( M, i, j, e ) local ring, pos; ring := GF(2); if not e in ring then Error( "the element has to be in ", ring, "!" ); fi; if e = Zero( ring ) then return true; fi; pos := PositionSorted( M!.indices[i], j ); if IsBound( M!.indices[i][pos] ) and M!.indices[i][pos] = j then Remove( M!.indices[i], pos ); return Zero( ring ); else Add( M!.indices[i], j, pos ); return One( ring ); fi; end ); ## InstallOtherMethod( AddToEntry, [ IsSparseMatrixGF2Rep, IsInt, IsInt ], function( M, i, j ) return AddToEntry( M, i, j, One( GF(2) ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( Display, [ IsSparseMatrixGF2Rep ], function( M ) local str, ws, last, i, j; if M!.nrows = 0 or M!.ncols = 0 then str := Concatenation( "<a ", String( M!.nrows ), " x ", String( M!.ncols ), " matrix over GF(2)>\n" ); else str := ""; ws := " "; for i in [ 1 .. M!.nrows ] do last := 0; for j in [ 1 .. Length( M!.indices[i] ) ] do str := Concatenation( str, Concatenation( ListWithIdenticalEntries( M!.indices[i][j] - 1 - last, Concatenation( ws, "." ) ) ), ws, "1" ); last := M!.indices[i][j]; od; str := Concatenation( str, Concatenation( ListWithIdenticalEntries( M!.ncols - last, Concatenation( ws, "." ) ) ), "\n" ); od; fi; Print( str ); return; end ); ## InstallMethod( PrintObj, [ IsSparseMatrixGF2Rep ], function( M ) Print( "SparseMatrix( ", M!.nrows, ", ", M!.ncols, ", ", M!.indices, ", ", M!.ring, " )" ); end ); ## InstallMethod( \=, [ IsSparseMatrixGF2Rep, IsSparseMatrixGF2Rep ], function( A, B ) return A!.nrows = B!.nrows and A!.ncols = B!.ncols and A!.indices = B!.indices; end ); ## InstallMethod( TransposedSparseMat, [ IsSparseMatrixGF2Rep ], function( M ) local T, i, j; T := SparseZeroMatrix( M!.ncols, M!.nrows, GF(2) ); for i in [ 1 .. M!.nrows ] do for j in [ 1 .. Length( M!.indices[i] ) ] do Add( T!.indices[ M!.indices[i][j] ], i ); od; od; return T; end ); ## InstallMethod( CertainRows, [ IsSparseMatrixGF2Rep, IsList ], function( M, L ) return SparseMatrix( Length( L ), M!.ncols, M!.indices{ L }, GF(2) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( CertainColumns, [ IsSparseMatrixGF2Rep, IsList ], function( M, L ) local indices, list, i, j, column, p; indices := List( [ 1 .. M!.nrows ], i -> [] ); for i in [ 1 .. M!.nrows ] do for j in [ 1 .. Length( L ) ] do column := L[j]; p := PositionSet( M!.indices[i], column); if p <> fail then Add( indices[i], j ); fi; od; od; return SparseMatrix( M!.nrows, Length( L ), indices, GF(2) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( UnionOfRows, [ IsSparseMatrixGF2Rep, IsSparseMatrixGF2Rep ], function( A, B ) return SparseMatrix( A!.nrows + B!.nrows, A!.ncols, Concatenation( A!.indices, B!.indices ), GF(2) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( UnionOfColumns, [ IsSparseMatrixGF2Rep, IsSparseMatrixGF2Rep ], function( A, B ) return SparseMatrix( A!.nrows, A!.ncols + B!.ncols, List( [ 1 .. A!.nrows ], i -> Concatenation( A!.indices[i], B!.indices[i] + A!.ncols ) ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( \*, [ IsSparseMatrixGF2Rep, IsRingElement ], function( A, a ) local i, m; if IsZero( a ) then return SparseZeroMatrix( A!.nrows, A!.ncols, GF(2) ); else #a = 1 return A; fi; end ); ## InstallMethod( \*, [ IsRingElement, IsSparseMatrixGF2Rep ], function( a, A ) local i, m; if IsZero( a ) then return SparseZeroMatrix( A!.nrows, A!.ncols, GF(2) ); else #a = 1 return A; fi; end ); ## InstallMethod( \*, [ IsSparseMatrixGF2Rep, IsSparseMatrixGF2Rep ], function( A, B ) local C, i, j, rownr, m; if A!.ncols <> B!.nrows then return fail; fi; C := SparseZeroMatrix( A!.nrows, B!.ncols, GF(2) ); for i in [ 1 .. C!.nrows ] do for j in [ 1 .. Length( A!.indices[i] ) ] do rownr := A!.indices[i][j]; C!.indices[i] := AddRow( B!.indices[rownr], C!.indices[i] ); od; od; return C; end ); ## InstallMethod( \+, [ IsSparseMatrixGF2Rep, IsSparseMatrixGF2Rep ], function( A, B ) local C, i; C := CopyMat( A ); for i in [ 1 .. C!.nrows ] do C!.indices[i] := AddRow( B!.indices[i], C!.indices[i] ); od; return C; end ); ## InstallMethod( IsSparseIdentityMatrix, [ IsSparseMatrixGF2Rep ], function( M ) local i; for i in [ 1 .. M!.nrows ] do if M!.indices[i] <> [i] then return false; fi; od; return true; end ); ## InstallMethod( SparseKroneckerProduct, [ IsSparseMatrixGF2Rep, IsSparseMatrixGF2Rep ], function( A, B ) local indices, i1, i2, rowindex, j1, j2, prod; indices := []; for i1 in [ 1 .. A!.nrows ] do for i2 in [ 1 .. B!.nrows ] do rowindex := ( i1 - 1 ) * B!.nrows + i2; indices[ rowindex ] := []; for j1 in [ 1 .. Length( A!.indices[i1] ) ] do for j2 in [ 1.. Length( B!.indices[i2] ) ] do Add( indices[ rowindex ], ( A!.indices[i1][j1] - 1 ) * B!.ncols + B!.indices[i2][j2] ); od; od; od; od; return SparseMatrix( A!.nrows * B!.nrows, A!.ncols * B!.ncols, indices, A!.ring ); end ); ## InstallOtherMethod( AddRow, #warning: this method does not have a side effect like the other AddRow! [ IsList, IsList ], function( row1, row2 ) return SYMMETRIC_DIFFERENCE_OF_ORDERED_SETS_OF_SMALL_INTEGERS( row1, row2 ); end ); ## #InstallOtherMethod( AddRow, #old method, with desired side effect! # [ IsList, IsList ], # function( row1_indices, row2_indices ) # local m, j, i, index1, index2; # # m := Length( row1_indices ); # # if m = 0 then # return rec( indices := row2_indices ); # fi; # # i := 1; # j := 1; # # while i <= m do # if j > Length( row2_indices ) then # Append( row2_indices, row1_indices{[ i .. m ]} ); # break; # fi; # # index1 := row1_indices[i]; # index2 := row2_indices[j]; # # if index1 > index2 then # j := j + 1; # elif index1 < index2 then # Add( row2_indices, index1, j ); # i := i + 1; # else #index1 = index2 # Remove( row2_indices, j ); # i := i + 1; # fi; # od; # # return rec( indices := row2_indices ); # # end # #);