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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it

Views: 466324
##           GaussForHomalg package        Simon Goertzen
##  Copyright 2007-2008 Lehrstuhl B für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen
##  Homalg Table for Q in GAP with the Gauss package

# constructor functions and methods:

InstallMethod( CreateHomalgTable,
        "for Q",
        [ IsRationals ],
  function( R )
    local RP, RP_default, RP_specific, component;
    if IsBound( HOMALG_MATRICES.PreferDenseMatrices ) and HOMALG_MATRICES.PreferDenseMatrices = true then
        RP := rec( );
        RP := ShallowCopy( CommonHomalgTableForGaussTools );
    RP_default := ShallowCopy( CommonHomalgTableForGaussBasic );
    RP_specific := rec( 
               ## Must be defined if other functions are not defined
               RowReducedEchelonForm := #compute the reduced row echelon form N of M and, if nargs=2, transformation matrix U
                 function( arg )
                   local M, R, nargs, result, N, H;
                   M := arg[1];
                   R := HomalgRing( M );
                   nargs := Length( arg );
                   if nargs > 1 and IsHomalgMatrix( arg[2] ) then
                       ## compute N and U:
                       result := EchelonMatTransformation( MyEval( M ) );
                       N := result.vectors;
                       ## assign U:
                       SetMyEval( arg[2], UnionOfRows( result.coeffs, result.relations ) );
                       ResetFilterObj( arg[2], IsVoidMatrix );
                       SetNrRows( arg[2], NrRows( M ) );
                       SetNrColumns( arg[2], NrRows( M ) );
                       SetIsInvertibleMatrix( arg[2], true );
                       ## compute N only:
                       N := EchelonMat( MyEval( M ) ).vectors;
                   if N = [ ] then
                       H := HomalgZeroMatrix( 0, NrColumns( M ), R );
                       H := HomalgMatrix( N, R ); ## and since this is not i.g. triangular:
                   SetNrColumns( H, NrColumns( M ) );
                   SetRowRankOfMatrix( H, NrRows( H ) );
                   SetIsUpperTriangularMatrix( H, true );
                   return H;
		 RowRankOfMatrix :=
		   function( M )
		     return Rank( MyEval( M ) );
    for component in NamesOfComponents( RP_default ) do
        RP.(component) := RP_default.(component);
    for component in NamesOfComponents( RP_specific ) do
        RP.(component) := RP_specific.(component);
    Objectify( TheTypeHomalgTable, RP );
    return RP;
end );

## create a globally defined field of rationals
HOMALG_MATRICES.QQ := HomalgFieldOfRationals( );