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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 418346############################################################################# ## ## CAP project ## ## Copyright 2015, Sebastian Gutsche, TU Kaiserslautern ## Sebastian Posur, RWTH Aachen ## ############################################################################# BindGlobal( "CAP_INTERNAL_FIND_CORRECT_GENERALIZED_CATEGORY_TYPE", function( category ) if IsBound( category!.generalized_type ) then return category!.generalized_morphism_standard; else return CAP_INTERNAL!.generalized_morphism_standard; fi; end ); InstallGlobalFunction( SwitchGeneralizedMorphismStandard, function( arg ) local string, category; if Length( arg ) = 1 and IsString( arg[ 1 ] ) then category := CAP_INTERNAL; string := arg[ 1 ]; elif Length( arg ) = 2 and IsString( arg[ 1 ] ) and IsCapCategory( arg[ 2 ] ) then category := arg[ 2 ]; string := arg[ 1 ]; elif Length( arg ) = 2 and IsString( arg[ 2 ] ) and IsCapCategory( arg[ 1 ] ) then category := arg[ 1 ]; string := arg[ 2 ]; else Error( "input must be a string or a category and a string" ); return; fi; if not string in [ "threearrow", "cospan", "span" ] then Error( "string must be threearrow, cospan, or span" ); return; fi; category!.generalized_morphism_standard := string; end ); SwitchGeneralizedMorphismStandard( "threearrow" ); InstallValue( CAP_INTERNAL_GENERALIZED_MORPHISM_TRANSLATION_LIST, [ [ "GeneralizedMorphismObject", "GeneralizedMorphismByThreeArrowsObject", "GeneralizedMorphismByCospansObject", "GeneralizedMorphismBySpansObject", [ IsCapCategoryObject ] ], [ "AsGeneralizedMorphism", "AsGeneralizedMorphismByThreeArrows", "AsGeneralizedMorphismByCospan", "AsGeneralizedMorphismBySpan", [ IsCapCategoryMorphism ] ], [ "GeneralizedMorphism", "GeneralizedMorphismByThreeArrows", "GeneralizedMorphismByCospan", "GeneralizedMorphismBySpan", [ IsCapCategoryMorphism, IsCapCategoryMorphism ] ], [ "GeneralizedMorphism", "GeneralizedMorphismByThreeArrows", "GeneralizedMorphismByCospan", "GeneralizedMorphismBySpan", [ IsCapCategoryMorphism, IsCapCategoryMorphism, IsCapCategoryMorphism ] ], [ "GeneralizedInverse", "GeneralizedInverseByThreeArrows", "GeneralizedInverseByCospan", "GeneralizedInverseBySpan", [ IsCapCategoryMorphism ] ], [ "GeneralizedMorphismFromFactorToSubobject", "GeneralizedMorphismFromFactorToSubobjectByThreeArrows", "GeneralizedMorphismFromFactorToSubobjectByCospan", "GeneralizedMorphismFromFactorToSubobjectBySpan", [ IsCapCategoryMorphism, IsCapCategoryMorphism ] ], [ "IdempotentDefinedBySubobject", "IdempotentDefinedBySubobjectByThreeArrows", "IdempotentDefinedBySubobjectByCospan", "IdempotentDefinedBySubobjectBySpan", [ IsCapCategoryMorphism ] ], [ "IdempotentDefinedByFactorobject", "IdempotentDefinedByFactorobjectByThreeArrows", "IdempotentDefinedByFactorobjectByCospan", "IdempotentDefinedByFactorobjectBySpan", [ IsCapCategoryMorphism ] ], [ "GeneralizedMorphismWithRangeAid", "GeneralizedMorphismByThreeArrowsWithRangeAid", "GeneralizedMorphismByCospan", "GeneralizedMorphismBySpanWithRangeAid", [ IsCapCategoryMorphism, IsCapCategoryMorphism ] ], [ "GeneralizedMorphismWithSourceAid", "GeneralizedMorphismByThreeArrowsWithSourceAid", "GeneralizedMorphismByCospanWithSourceAid", "GeneralizedMorphismBySpan", [ IsCapCategoryMorphism, IsCapCategoryMorphism ] ] ] ); InstallMethod( GeneralizedMorphismCategory, [ IsCapCategory ], function( category ) local generalized_type; generalized_type := CAP_INTERNAL_FIND_CORRECT_GENERALIZED_CATEGORY_TYPE( category ); if generalized_type = "threearrow" then return GeneralizedMorphismCategoryByThreeArrows( category ); elif generalized_type = "cospan" then return GeneralizedMorphismCategoryByCospans( category ); elif generalized_type = "span" then return GeneralizedMorphismCategoryBySpans( category ); else Error( "generalized morphism type unrecognized" ); fi; end ); InstallMethod( SerreQuotientCategory, [ IsCapCategory, IsFunction ], function( category, func ) local generalized_type; generalized_type := CAP_INTERNAL_FIND_CORRECT_GENERALIZED_CATEGORY_TYPE( category ); if generalized_type = "threearrow" then return SerreQuotientCategoryByThreeArrows( category, func ); elif generalized_type = "cospan" then return SerreQuotientCategoryByCospans( category, func ); elif generalized_type = "span" then return SerreQuotientCategoryBySpans( category, func ); else Error( "generalized morphism type unrecognized" ); fi; end ); BindGlobal( "CAP_INTERNAL_INSTALL_METHODS_FOR_GENERALIZED_MORPHISM_SWITCHER", function( ) local method_for_switcher, current_method; method_for_switcher := function( three_arrow, cospan, span ) return function( arg ) local generalized_type; generalized_type := CAP_INTERNAL_FIND_CORRECT_GENERALIZED_CATEGORY_TYPE( CapCategory( arg[ 1 ] ) ); if generalized_type = "threearrow" then return CallFuncList( three_arrow, arg ); elif generalized_type = "cospan" then return CallFuncList( cospan, arg ); elif generalized_type = "span" then return CallFuncList( span, arg ); else Error( "generalized morphism type unrecognized" ); fi; end; end; for current_method in CAP_INTERNAL_GENERALIZED_MORPHISM_TRANSLATION_LIST do InstallMethod( ValueGlobal( current_method[ 1 ] ), current_method[ 5 ], method_for_switcher( ValueGlobal( current_method[ 2 ] ), ValueGlobal( current_method[ 3 ] ), ValueGlobal( current_method[ 4 ] ) ) ); od; end ); CAP_INTERNAL_INSTALL_METHODS_FOR_GENERALIZED_MORPHISM_SWITCHER(); InstallGlobalFunction( "SwitchGeneralizedMorphismStandardHARDCODE", function( type ) local generalized_morphism_translation_list, i; if IsString( type ) then if LowercaseString( type ) = "threearrow" then type := 2; elif LowercaseString( type ) = "cospan" then type := 3; elif LowercaseString( type ) = "span" then type := 4; fi; fi; if not IsInt( type ) or not type in [ 2, 3, 4 ] then Error( "input must be threearrow, cospan, or span" ); fi; for i in CAP_INTERNAL_GENERALIZED_MORPHISM_TRANSLATION_LIST do if IsBoundGlobal( i[ 1 ] ) then MakeReadWriteGlobal( i[ 1 ] ); UnbindGlobal( i[ 1 ] ); fi; if IsBound( i[ type ] ) then BindGlobal( i[ 1 ], ValueGlobal( i[ type ] ) ); fi; od; end );