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Views: 418346############################################################################# ## ## GradedModules package ## ## Copyright 2007-2010, Mohamed Barakat, University of Kaiserslautern ## Markus Lange-Hegermann, RWTH Aachen ## ## Implementations for graded homalg modules. ## ############################################################################# #################################### # # global variables: # #################################### # a central place for configuration variables: InstallValue( HOMALG_GRADED_MODULES, rec( category := rec( description := "f.p. graded modules and their maps over computable graded rings", short_description := "_for_fp_graded_modules", TryPostDivideWithoutAids := true, # see homalg/ MorphismConstructor := GradedMap, TypeOfElements := TheTypeHomalgModuleElement, InternalHom := GradedHom, InternalExt := GradedExt, ), ModulesSave := [ ], MorphismsSave := [ ], # this sets the bound at which modules are cut of when computing ModuleOfGlobalSections. # it should be zero to ensure that global sections sets the correct transformation LowerTruncationBound := 0 ) ); #################################### # # representations: # #################################### DeclareRepresentation( "IsGradedModuleOrGradedSubmoduleRep", IsHomalgGradedModule and IsStaticFinitelyPresentedObjectOrSubobjectRep and IsHomalgGradedRingOrGradedModuleRep, [ ] ); DeclareRepresentation( "IsGradedModuleRep", IsGradedModuleOrGradedSubmoduleRep and IsStaticFinitelyPresentedObjectRep, [ "UnderlyingModule", "SetOfDegreesOfGenerators" ] ); ## DeclareRepresentation( "IsCategoryOfFinitelyPresentedGradedLeftModulesRep", IsHomalgCategoryOfLeftObjectsRep and IsCategoryOfGradedModules, [ ] ); ## DeclareRepresentation( "IsCategoryOfFinitelyPresentedGradedRightModulesRep", IsHomalgCategoryOfRightObjectsRep and IsCategoryOfGradedModules, [ ] ); #################################### # # families and types: # #################################### # a new family: BindGlobal( "TheFamilyOfHomalgGradedModules", NewFamily( "TheFamilyOfHomalgGradedModules" ) ); # two new types: BindGlobal( "TheTypeHomalgGradedLeftModule", NewType( TheFamilyOfHomalgGradedModules, IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects and IsGradedModuleRep ) ); BindGlobal( "TheTypeHomalgGradedRightModule", NewType( TheFamilyOfHomalgGradedModules, IsHomalgRightObjectOrMorphismOfRightObjects and IsGradedModuleRep ) ); # two new types: BindGlobal( "TheTypeCategoryOfFinitelyPresentedGradedLeftModules", NewType( TheFamilyOfHomalgCategories, IsCategoryOfFinitelyPresentedGradedLeftModulesRep ) ); BindGlobal( "TheTypeCategoryOfFinitelyPresentedGradedRightModules", NewType( TheFamilyOfHomalgCategories, IsCategoryOfFinitelyPresentedGradedRightModulesRep ) ); #################################### # # methods for operations: # #################################### ## InstallMethod( MapHavingCertainGeneratorsAsItsImage, "for two homalg modules, submodules, or maps", [ IsGradedModuleRep, IsList ], function( M, l ) local n, certain_part, mat; return GradedMap( MapHavingCertainGeneratorsAsItsImage( UnderlyingModule( M ), l ), "create", M ); end ); ## InstallMethod( LockObjectOnCertainPresentation, "for homalg graded modules", [ IsGradedModuleRep, IsInt ], function( M, p ) ## first save the current setting M!.LockObjectOnCertainPresentation := PositionOfTheDefaultPresentation( M ); SetPositionOfTheDefaultPresentation( M, p ); LockObjectOnCertainPresentation( UnderlyingModule( M ), p ); end ); ## InstallMethod( LockObjectOnCertainPresentation, "for homalg graded modules", [ IsGradedModuleRep ], function( M ) LockObjectOnCertainPresentation( M, PositionOfTheDefaultPresentation( M ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( UnlockObject, "for homalg graded modules", [ IsGradedModuleRep ], function( M ) UnlockObject( UnderlyingModule( M ) ); ## first restore the saved settings if IsBound( M!.LockObjectOnCertainPresentation ) then SetPositionOfTheDefaultPresentation( M, M!.LockObjectOnCertainPresentation ); Unbind( M!.LockObjectOnCertainPresentation ); fi; end ); ## InstallMethod( UnderlyingModule, "for homalg graded modules", [ IsGradedModuleRep ], function( M ) return M!.UnderlyingModule; end ); ## InstallMethod( SetOfDegreesOfGenerators, "for homalg graded modules", [ IsGradedModuleRep ], function( M ) return M!.SetOfDegreesOfGenerators; end ); ## InstallMethod( AnyParametrization, "for homalg graded modules", [ IsGradedModuleRep ], function( M ) local par; par := AnyParametrization( UnderlyingModule( M ) ); par := GradedMap( par, M, "create", HomalgRing( M ) ); Assert( 4, IsMorphism ); SetIsMorphism( par, true ); return par; end ); ## InstallMethod( MinimalParametrization, "for homalg graded modules", [ IsGradedModuleRep ], function( M ) local par; par := MinimalParametrization( UnderlyingModule( M ) ); par := GradedMap( par, M, "create", HomalgRing( M ) ); Assert( 4, IsMorphism ); SetIsMorphism( par, true ); return par; end ); ## InstallMethod( CurrentResolution, "for graded modules", [ IsInt, IsGradedModuleRep ], function( q, M ) local S, res, degrees, deg, len, CEpi, d_j, F_j, graded_res, j; S := HomalgRing( M ); res := Resolution( q, UnderlyingModule( M ) ); degrees := ObjectDegreesOfComplex( res ); len := Length( degrees ); if HasCurrentResolution( M ) then graded_res := CurrentResolution( M ); deg := ObjectDegreesOfComplex( graded_res ); j := Length( deg ); j := deg[j]; d_j := CertainMorphism( graded_res, j ); else j := res!.degrees[2]; CEpi := GradedMap( CokernelEpi( res!.(j) ), "create", M ); Assert( 3, IsMorphism( CEpi ) ); SetIsMorphism( CEpi, true ); d_j := GradedMap( res!.(j), "create", Source( CEpi ), S ); Assert( 3, IsMorphism( d_j ) ); SetIsMorphism( d_j, true ); SetCokernelEpi( d_j, CEpi ); graded_res := HomalgComplex( d_j ); SetCurrentResolution( M, graded_res ); fi; F_j := Source( d_j ); if len >= j+2 then for j in [ res!.degrees[j+2] .. res!.degrees[len] ] do if IsIdenticalObj( F_j, 0 * S ) or IsIdenticalObj( F_j, S * 0 ) then # take care not to create the graded zero morphism between distinguished zero modules again each step d_j := TheZeroMorphism( F_j, F_j ); Add( graded_res, d_j ); # no need for resetting F_j, since all other modules will be zero, too else d_j := GradedMap( res!.(j), "create", F_j, S ); Assert( 3, IsMorphism( d_j ) ); SetIsMorphism( d_j, true ); Add( graded_res, d_j ); F_j := Source( d_j ); fi; od; fi; if HasIsAcyclic( res ) and IsAcyclic( res ) then SetIsAcyclic( graded_res, true ); fi; if HasIsRightAcyclic( res ) and HasIsRightAcyclic( res ) then SetIsRightAcyclic( graded_res, true ); fi; if IsBound( res!.LengthOfResolution ) then graded_res!.LengthOfResolution := res!.LengthOfResolution; fi; return graded_res; end ); ## InstallMethod( PresentationMorphism, "for homalg modules", [ IsGradedModuleRep, IsPosInt ], function( M, pos ) local rel, pres, epi; if IsBound(M!.PresentationMorphisms.( pos )) then return M!.PresentationMorphisms.( pos ); fi; pres := PresentationMorphism( UnderlyingModule( M ), pos ); epi := GradedMap( CokernelEpi( pres ), "create", M ); Assert( 4, IsMorphism( epi ) ); SetIsMorphism( epi, true ); pres := GradedMap( pres, "create", Source( epi ) ); Assert( 4, IsMorphism( pres ) ); SetIsMorphism( pres, true ); SetCokernelEpi( pres, epi ); M!.PresentationMorphisms.( pos ) := pres; return pres; end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="MonomialMap"> ## <ManSection> ## <Oper Arg="d, M" Name="MonomialMap"/> ## <Returns>a &homalg; map</Returns> ## <Description> ## The map from a free graded module onto all degree <A>d</A> monomial generators ## of the finitely generated &homalg; module <A>M</A>. ## <#Include Label="MonomialMap:example"> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> InstallMethod( MonomialMap, "for homalg modules", [ IsInt, IsGradedModuleRep ], function( d, M ) local S, degrees, mon, i, result; S := HomalgRing( M ); degrees := DegreesOfGenerators( M ); degrees := List( degrees, HomalgElementToInteger ); mon := rec( ); for i in Set( degrees ) do mon.(String( d - i )) := MonomialMatrix( d - i, S ); od; mon := List( degrees, i -> mon.(String(d - i)) ); if IsHomalgRightObjectOrMorphismOfRightObjects( M ) then mon := List( mon, Involution ); fi; if mon <> [ ] then mon := DiagMat( mon ); else mon := HomalgZeroMatrix( 0, 0, UnderlyingNonGradedRing( S ) ); fi; mon := MatrixOverGradedRing( mon, S ); result:= GradedMap( mon, "free", M ); Assert( 4, IsMorphism( result ) ); SetIsMorphism( result, true ); return result; end ); ## InstallMethod( MonomialMap, "for homalg modules", [ IsHomalgElement, IsGradedModuleRep ], function( d, M ) return MonomialMap( HomalgElementToInteger( d ), M ); end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="RandomMatrix"> ## <ManSection> ## <Oper Arg="S,T" Name="RandomMatrix"/> ## <Returns>a &homalg; matrix</Returns> ## <Description> ## A random matrix between the graded source module <A>S</A> and the graded target module <A>T</A>. ## <#Include Label="RandomMatrix:example"> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallMethod( RandomMatrix, "for homalg modules", [ IsHomalgGradedModule, IsHomalgGradedModule ], function( S, T ) local left, degreesS, degreesT, R; left := IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects( S ); if IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects( T ) <> left then Error( "both modules must either be left or either be right modules" ); fi; degreesS := DegreesOfGenerators( S ); degreesT := DegreesOfGenerators( T ); R := HomalgRing( S ); if left then return RandomMatrixBetweenGradedFreeLeftModules( degreesS, degreesT, R ); else return RandomMatrixBetweenGradedFreeRightModules( degreesT, degreesS, R ); fi; end ); ## InstallMethod( \/, ### defines: / (SubfactorModule) "for a homalg matrix and a graded module", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsGradedModuleOrGradedSubmoduleRep ], 10000, function( mat, M ) # local B, N, gen, S, SF; local mat2, res; if IsHomalgMatrixOverGradedRingRep( mat ) then mat2 := UnderlyingMatrixOverNonGradedRing( mat ); else mat2 := mat; fi; res := mat2 / UnderlyingModule( M ); return GradedModule( res, HomalgRing( M ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( \/, ## needed by _Functor_Kernel_OnObjects since SyzygiesGenerators returns a set of relations "for a set of homalg relations and a graded module", [ IsHomalgRelations, IsGradedModuleOrGradedSubmoduleRep ], 10000, function( rel, M ) return MatrixOfRelations( rel ) / M; end ); ## InstallMethod( Annihilator, "for homalg relations", [ IsHomalgMatrixOverGradedRingRep, IsHomalgRelations ], function( mat, rel ) return GradedModule( Annihilator( UnderlyingMatrixOverNonGradedRing( mat ), rel ), HomalgRing( mat ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( CompleteComplexByLinearResolution, "for homalg cocomplexes", [ IsInt, IsCocomplexOfFinitelyPresentedObjectsRep ], function( n, C ) local i, phi, S; for i in [ 1 .. n ] do phi := LowestDegreeMorphism( C ); S := Source( phi ); phi := MatrixOfMap( phi ); if IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects( C ) then phi := LinearSyzygiesGeneratorsOfRows( phi ); else phi := LinearSyzygiesGeneratorsOfColumns( phi ); fi; phi := GradedMap( phi, "free", S ); Assert( 4, IsMorphism( phi ) ); SetIsMorphism( phi, true ); Add( phi, C ); od; return C; end ); ## InstallMethod( FittingIdeal, "for homalg graded modules", [ IsInt, IsGradedModuleRep ], function( i, M ) local Fitt, Fitt_i; if not IsBound( M!.FittingIdeals ) then M!.FittingIdeals := rec( ); fi; Fitt := M!.FittingIdeals; if IsBound( Fitt.(String( i )) ) then return Fitt.(String( i )); fi; Fitt_i := FittingIdeal( i, UnderlyingModule( M ) ); Fitt_i := GradedModule( Fitt_i, HomalgRing( M ) ); Fitt.(String( i )) := Fitt_i; return Fitt_i; end ); #################################### # # constructors: # #################################### ## InstallMethod( HomalgCategory, "constructor for module categories", [ IsHomalgGradedRing, IsString ], function( R, parity ) local A; if parity = "right" and IsBound( R!.category_of_fp_graded_right_modules ) then return R!.category_of_fp_graded_right_modules; elif IsBound( R!.category_of_fp_graded_left_modules ) then return R!.category_of_fp_graded_left_modules; fi; A := ShallowCopy( HOMALG_GRADED_MODULES.category ); A.containers := rec( ); A.ring := R; if parity = "right" then Objectify( TheTypeCategoryOfFinitelyPresentedGradedRightModules, A ); R!.category_of_fp_graded_right_modules := A; else Objectify( TheTypeCategoryOfFinitelyPresentedGradedLeftModules, A ); R!.category_of_fp_graded_left_modules := A; fi; return A; end ); ## InstallMethod( GradedModule, "for a homalg module", [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep, IsList, IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( module, degrees, S ) local degree_group, weights, i, GradedModule, setofdegrees, type, ring; if IsGradedModuleRep( module ) then return module; fi; # if not Length( degrees ) = 0 then # # if not IsHomalgElement( degrees[ 1 ] ) and not Set( degrees ) = [ 0 ] then # # weights := GeneratingElements( DegreeGroup( S ) ); # # if not IsInt( degrees[ 1 ] ) then # # if not Length( weights ) = Length( degrees[ 1 ] ) then # Error(" number of generators of DegreeGroup does not match length of degrees."); # fi; # # fi; # # for i in [ 1 .. Length( weights ) ] do # # degrees[ i ] := degrees[ i ] * weights[ i ]; # # od; # # degrees := Flat( degrees ); # # fi; # # fi; degree_group := DegreeGroup( S ); if not Length( degrees ) = 0 then weights := GeneratingElements( degree_group ); if IsInt( degrees[ 1 ] ) then if Set( degrees ) = [ 0 ] then degrees := ListWithIdenticalEntries( Length( degrees ), TheZeroElement( degree_group ) ); elif Length( weights ) = 1 then degrees := List( degrees, HomalgElementToInteger ); degrees := List( degrees, i -> i * weights[ 1 ] ); else Error( "input weights do not match generators of degree group" ); fi; elif IsList( degrees[ 1 ] ) then if Length( degrees[ 1 ] ) = Length( weights ) then degrees := List( degrees, i -> HomalgModuleElement( i, degree_group ) ); else Error( "something went terribly wrong" ); fi; elif not IsHomalgElement( degrees[ 1 ] ) then Error( "wrong input degrees" ); fi; fi; if IsBound( module!.GradedVersions ) then for i in module!.GradedVersions do if IsIdenticalObj( HomalgRing( i ), S ) and degrees = DegreesOfGenerators( i ) then return i; fi; od; fi; if not IsIdenticalObj( UnderlyingNonGradedRing( S ), HomalgRing( module ) ) and not IsIdenticalObj( S, HomalgRing( module ) ) then Error( "Underlying rings do not match" ); fi; if not ( Length( degrees ) = NrGenerators( module ) ) then Error( "The number of degrees ", Length( degrees ), " has to equal the number of Generators ", NrGenerators( module ), "\n" ); fi; if IsBound( module!.distinguished ) and module!.distinguished and HasIsZero( module ) and IsZero( module ) then if IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects( module ) then if IsBound( S!.ZeroLeftModule ) then return S!.ZeroLeftModule; fi; else if IsBound( S!.ZeroRightModule ) then return S!.ZeroRightModule; fi; fi; fi; setofdegrees := CreateSetOfDegreesOfGenerators( degrees, PositionOfTheDefaultPresentation( module ) ); GradedModule := rec( adjective := "graded", string := "module", string_plural := "modules", ring := S, Resolutions := rec( ), PresentationMorphisms := rec(), SetOfDegreesOfGenerators := setofdegrees ); if IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects( module ) then type := TheTypeHomalgGradedLeftModule; ring := LeftActingDomain; GradedModule.category := HomalgCategory( S, "left" ); else type := TheTypeHomalgGradedRightModule; ring := RightActingDomain; GradedModule.category := HomalgCategory( S, "right" ); fi; ## Objectify: ObjectifyWithAttributes( GradedModule, type, UnderlyingModule, module, ring, S ); if IsBound( module!.distinguished ) and module!.distinguished and HasIsZero( module ) and IsZero( module ) then if IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects( module ) then GradedModule!.distinguished := true; S!.ZeroLeftModule := GradedModule; else GradedModule!.distinguished := true; S!.ZeroRightModule := GradedModule; fi; fi; MatchPropertiesAndAttributes( GradedModule, module, LIGrMOD.exchangeable_properties, LIGrMOD.exchangeable_attributes ); # if AssertionLevel() >= 10 then # for i in [ 1 .. Length( HOMALG_GRADED_MODULES.ModulesSave ) ] do # Assert( 10, # not IsIdenticalObj( UnderlyingModule( HOMALG_GRADED_MODULES.ModulesSave[i] ), UnderlyingModule( GradedModule ) ) # or IsIdenticalObj( HOMALG_GRADED_MODULES.ModulesSave[i], GradedModule ), # "a module is about to be graded (at least) twice. This might be intentionally. Set AssertionLevel to 11 to get an error message" ); # Assert( 11, # not IsIdenticalObj( UnderlyingModule( HOMALG_GRADED_MODULES.ModulesSave[i] ), UnderlyingModule( GradedModule ) ) # or IsIdenticalObj( HOMALG_GRADED_MODULES.ModulesSave[i], GradedModule ) ); # od; # Add( HOMALG_GRADED_MODULES.ModulesSave, GradedModule ); # fi; if not IsBound( module!.GradedVersions ) then module!.GradedVersions := [ GradedModule ]; else Add( module!.GradedVersions, GradedModule ); fi; return GradedModule; end ); ## InstallMethod( GradedModule, "for a homalg module", [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep, IsInt, IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( module, d, S ) local gens; gens := GeneratingElements( DegreeGroup( S ) ); if Length( gens ) > 0 then gens := gens[ 1 ]; else gens := TheZeroElement( DegreeGroup( S ) ); fi; return GradedModule( module, ListWithIdenticalEntries( NrGenerators( module ), d * gens ), S ); end ); ## InstallMethod( GradedModule, "for a homalg module", [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep, IsHomalgElement, IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( module, d, S ) ## User should take care that d is element in the DegreeGroup of s. return GradedModule( module, ListWithIdenticalEntries( NrGenerators( module ), d ), S ); end ); ## InstallMethod( GradedModule, "for a homalg module", [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep, IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( module, S ) return GradedModule( module, TheZeroElement( DegreeGroup( S ) ), S ); end ); ## InstallMethod( GradedModule, "for a homalg submodule", [ IsFinitelyPresentedSubmoduleRep, IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( J, S ) local map; map := MorphismHavingSubobjectAsItsImage( J ); map := GradedMap( map, "create", ListWithIdenticalEntries( NrGenerators( Range( map ) ), TheZeroElement( DegreeGroup( S ) ) ), S ); return ImageSubobject( map ); end ); ## InstallMethod( LeftPresentationWithDegrees, "constructor for homalg graded modules", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsList, IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( mat, degrees, S ) local M; if Length( degrees ) <> NrColumns( mat ) then Error( "the number of degrees must coincide with the number of columns\n" ); fi; if IsHomalgMatrixOverGradedRingRep( mat ) then M := LeftPresentation( UnderlyingMatrixOverNonGradedRing( mat ) ); else M := LeftPresentation( mat ); fi; return GradedModule( M, degrees, S ); end ); ## InstallMethod( LeftPresentationWithDegrees, "constructor for homalg graded modules", [ IsHomalgMatrixOverGradedRingRep, IsList ], function( mat, degrees ) return LeftPresentationWithDegrees( mat, degrees, HomalgRing( mat ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( LeftPresentationWithDegrees, "constructor for homalg graded modules", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsInt, IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( mat, degree, S ) local gens; gens := GeneratingElements( DegreeGroup( S ) ); if Length( gens ) > 0 then gens := gens[ 1 ]; else gens := TheZeroElement( DegreeGroup( S ) ); fi; return LeftPresentationWithDegrees( mat, ListWithIdenticalEntries( NrColumns( mat ), degree * gens ), S ); end ); ## InstallMethod( LeftPresentationWithDegrees, "constructor for homalg graded modules", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsHomalgElement, IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( mat, degree, S ) return LeftPresentationWithDegrees( mat, ListWithIdenticalEntries( NrColumns( mat ), degree ), S ); end ); ## InstallMethod( LeftPresentationWithDegrees, "constructor for homalg graded modules", [ IsHomalgMatrixOverGradedRingRep, IsInt ], function( mat, degree ) local ring, gens; ring := HomalgRing( mat ); gens := GeneratingElements( DegreeGroup( ring ) ); if Length( gens ) > 0 then gens := gens[ 1 ]; else gens := TheZeroElement( DegreeGroup( ring ) ); fi; return LeftPresentationWithDegrees( mat, degree * gens, ring ); end ); ## InstallMethod( LeftPresentationWithDegrees, "constructor for homalg graded modules", [ IsHomalgMatrixOverGradedRingRep, IsHomalgElement ], function( mat, degree ) return LeftPresentationWithDegrees( mat, degree, HomalgRing( mat ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( LeftPresentationWithDegrees, "constructor for homalg graded modules", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( mat, S ) return LeftPresentationWithDegrees( mat, ListWithIdenticalEntries( NrColumns( mat ), TheZeroElement( DegreeGroup( S ) ) ), S ); end ); ## InstallMethod( LeftPresentationWithDegrees, "constructor for homalg graded modules", [ IsHomalgMatrixOverGradedRingRep ], function( mat ) return LeftPresentationWithDegrees( mat, HomalgRing( mat ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( RightPresentationWithDegrees, "constructor for homalg graded modules", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsList, IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( mat, degrees, S ) local M; if Length( degrees ) <> NrRows( mat ) then Error( "the number of degrees must coincide with the number of rows\n" ); fi; if IsHomalgMatrixOverGradedRingRep( mat ) then M := RightPresentation( UnderlyingMatrixOverNonGradedRing( mat ) ); else M := RightPresentation( mat ); fi; return GradedModule( M, degrees, S ); end ); ## InstallMethod( RightPresentationWithDegrees, "constructor for homalg graded modules", [ IsHomalgMatrixOverGradedRingRep, IsList ], function( mat, degrees ) return RightPresentationWithDegrees( mat, degrees, HomalgRing( mat ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( RightPresentationWithDegrees, "constructor for homalg graded modules", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsInt, IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( mat, degree, S ) local gens; gens := GeneratingElements( DegreeGroup( S ) ); if Length( gens ) > 0 then gens := gens[ 1 ]; else gens := TheZeroElement( DegreeGroup( S ) ); fi; return RightPresentationWithDegrees( mat, ListWithIdenticalEntries( NrRows( mat ), degree * gens ), S ); end ); ## InstallMethod( RightPresentationWithDegrees, "constructor for homalg graded modules", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsHomalgElement, IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( mat, degree, S ) return RightPresentationWithDegrees( mat, ListWithIdenticalEntries( NrRows( mat ), degree ), S ); end ); ## InstallMethod( RightPresentationWithDegrees, "constructor for homalg graded modules", [ IsHomalgMatrixOverGradedRingRep, IsInt ], function( mat, degree ) return RightPresentationWithDegrees( mat, degree, HomalgRing( mat ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( RightPresentationWithDegrees, "constructor for homalg graded modules", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( mat, S ) return RightPresentationWithDegrees( mat, ListWithIdenticalEntries( NrRows( mat ), TheZeroElement( DegreeGroup( S ) ) ), S ); end ); ## InstallMethod( RightPresentationWithDegrees, "constructor for homalg graded modules", [ IsHomalgMatrixOverGradedRingRep ], function( mat ) return RightPresentationWithDegrees( mat, HomalgRing( mat ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( FreeLeftModuleWithDegrees, "constructor for homalg graded free modules", [ IsHomalgGradedRingRep, IsList ], function( S, degrees ) return GradedModule( HomalgFreeLeftModule( Length( degrees ), UnderlyingNonGradedRing( S ) ), degrees, S ); end ); ## InstallMethod( FreeLeftModuleWithDegrees, "constructor for homalg graded free modules", [ IsList, IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( degrees, S ) return GradedModule( HomalgFreeLeftModule( Length( degrees ), UnderlyingNonGradedRing( S ) ), degrees, S ); end ); ## InstallMethod( FreeLeftModuleWithDegrees, "constructor for homalg graded free modules", [ IsHomalgRing, IsList ], function( S, degrees ) return LeftPresentationWithDegrees( HomalgZeroMatrix( 0, Length( degrees ), S ), degrees ); end ); ## InstallMethod( FreeLeftModuleWithDegrees, "constructor for homalg graded free modules", [ IsInt, IsHomalgRing, IsInt ], function( rank, S, degree ) return FreeLeftModuleWithDegrees( S, ListWithIdenticalEntries( rank, degree ) ); end ); InstallMethod( FreeLeftModuleWithDegrees, "constructor for homalg graded free modules", [ IsInt, IsHomalgRing, IsHomalgElement ], function( rank, S, degree ) return FreeLeftModuleWithDegrees( S, ListWithIdenticalEntries( rank, degree ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( FreeLeftModuleWithDegrees, "constructor for homalg graded free modules", [ IsInt, IsHomalgRing ], function( rank, S ) return FreeLeftModuleWithDegrees( rank, S, 0 ); end ); ## InstallMethod( FreeRightModuleWithDegrees, "constructor for homalg graded free modules", [ IsHomalgGradedRingRep, IsList ], function( S, degrees ) return GradedModule( HomalgFreeRightModule( Length( degrees ), UnderlyingNonGradedRing( S ) ), degrees, S ); end ); ## InstallMethod( FreeRightModuleWithDegrees, "constructor for homalg graded free modules", [ IsList, IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( degrees, S ) return GradedModule( HomalgFreeRightModule( Length( degrees ), UnderlyingNonGradedRing( S ) ), degrees, S ); end ); ## InstallMethod( FreeRightModuleWithDegrees, "constructor for homalg graded free modules", [ IsHomalgRing, IsList ], function( S, degrees ) return RightPresentationWithDegrees( HomalgZeroMatrix( Length( degrees ), 0, S ), degrees ); end ); ## InstallMethod( FreeRightModuleWithDegrees, "constructor for homalg graded free modules", [ IsInt, IsHomalgRing, IsInt ], function( rank, S, degree ) return FreeRightModuleWithDegrees( S, ListWithIdenticalEntries( rank, degree ) ); end ); InstallMethod( FreeRightModuleWithDegrees, "constructor for homalg graded free modules", [ IsInt, IsHomalgRing, IsHomalgElement ], function( rank, S, degree ) return FreeRightModuleWithDegrees( S, ListWithIdenticalEntries( rank, degree ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( FreeRightModuleWithDegrees, "constructor for homalg graded free modules", [ IsInt, IsHomalgRing ], function( rank, S ) return FreeRightModuleWithDegrees( rank, S, 0 ); end ); ## InstallMethod( ZeroLeftModule, "for homalg rings", [ IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( S ) if IsBound(S!.ZeroLeftModule) then return S!.ZeroLeftModule; fi; return GradedModule( 0 * UnderlyingNonGradedRing( S ), S ); end ); ## InstallMethod( ZeroRightModule, "for homalg rings", [ IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( S ) if IsBound(S!.ZeroRightModule) then return S!.ZeroRightModule; fi; return GradedModule( UnderlyingNonGradedRing( S ) * 0, S ); end ); ## InstallMethod( PresentationWithDegrees, "constructor for homalg graded modules", [ IsGeneratorsOfFinitelyGeneratedModuleRep, IsRelationsOfFinitelyPresentedModuleRep, IsList, IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( gen, rel, degrees, S ) local module; module := Presentation( gen, rel ); return GradedModule( module, degrees, S ); end ); ## InstallMethod( PresentationWithDegrees, "constructor for homalg graded modules", [ IsGeneratorsOfFinitelyGeneratedModuleRep, IsRelationsOfFinitelyPresentedModuleRep, IsInt, IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( gen, rel, degree, S ) local module, degree_group; degree_group := DegreeGroup( S ); module := Presentation( gen, rel ); return GradedModule( module, HomalgModuleElement( [ degree ], degree_group ), S ); end ); ## InstallMethod( PresentationWithDegrees, "constructor for homalg graded modules", [ IsGeneratorsOfFinitelyGeneratedModuleRep, IsRelationsOfFinitelyPresentedModuleRep, IsHomalgElement, IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( gen, rel, degree, S ) local module; module := Presentation( gen, rel ); return GradedModule( module, degree, S ); end ); ## InstallMethod( PresentationWithDegrees, "constructor for homalg graded modules", [ IsGeneratorsOfFinitelyGeneratedModuleRep, IsRelationsOfFinitelyPresentedModuleRep, IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( gen, rel, S ) local module; module := Presentation( gen, rel ); return GradedModule( module, S ); end ); ## InstallOtherMethod( Zero, "for homalg modules", [ IsGradedModuleRep and IsHomalgRightObjectOrMorphismOfRightObjects ], 10001, ## FIXME: is it O.K. to use such a high ranking function( M ) return ZeroRightModule( HomalgRing( M ) ); end ); ## InstallOtherMethod( Zero, "for homalg modules", [ IsGradedModuleRep and IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects ], 10001, ## FIXME: is it O.K. to use such a high ranking function( M ) return ZeroLeftModule( HomalgRing( M ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( \*, "constructor for homalg free graded modules", [ IsInt, IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( rank, S ) if rank = 0 then return ZeroLeftModule( S ); elif rank = 1 then return AsLeftObject( S ); elif rank > 1 then return FreeLeftModuleWithDegrees( rank, S ); fi; Error( "virtual modules are not supported (yet)\n" ); end ); ## InstallMethod( \*, "constructor for homalg free graded modules", [ IsHomalgGradedRingRep, IsInt ], function( S, rank ) if rank = 0 then return ZeroRightModule( S ); elif rank = 1 then return AsRightObject( S ); elif rank > 1 then return FreeRightModuleWithDegrees( rank, S ); fi; Error( "virtual modules are not supported (yet)\n" ); end ); ## InstallMethod( AsLeftObject, "for homalg graded rings", [ IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( S ) local left; if IsBound(S!.AsGradedLeftObject) then return S!.AsGradedLeftObject; fi; left := GradedModule( 1 * UnderlyingNonGradedRing( S ), S ); left!.distinguished := true; left!.not_twisted := true; S!.AsGradedLeftObject := left; return left; end ); ## InstallMethod( AsRightObject, "for homalg rings", [ IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( S ) local right; if IsBound(S!.AsRightObject) then return S!.AsRightObject; fi; right := GradedModule( UnderlyingNonGradedRing( S ) * 1, S ); right!.distinguished := true; right!.not_twisted := true; S!.AsRightObject := right; return right; end ); ## InstallMethod( POW, "constructor for homalg graded free modules of rank 1", [ IsGradedModuleRep, IsInt ], function( M, twist ) ## M must be either 1 * R or R * 1 local S, G, w1, t, On; S := HomalgRing( M ); G := DegreeGroup( S ); t := HomalgModuleElement( ListWithIdenticalEntries( NrGenerators( G ), twist ), G ); if IsIdenticalObj( M, 1 * S ) then if not IsBound( S!.left_twists ) then S!.left_twists := rec( ); fi; if not IsBound( S!.left_twists.(String( t )) ) then On := GradedModule( 1 * UnderlyingNonGradedRing( S ), -t, S ); On!.distinguished := true; if twist = 0 then On!.not_twisted := true; fi; S!.left_twists.(String( t )) := On; fi; return S!.left_twists.(String( t )); elif IsIdenticalObj( M, S * 1 ) then if not IsBound( S!.right_twists ) then S!.right_twists := rec( ); fi; if not IsBound( S!.right_twists.(String( t )) ) then On := GradedModule( UnderlyingNonGradedRing( S ) * 1, -t, S ); On!.distinguished := true; if twist = 0 then On!.not_twisted := true; fi; S!.right_twists.(String( t )) := On; fi; return S!.right_twists.(String( t )); fi; TryNextMethod( ); end ); ## InstallMethod( POW, "constructor for homalg graded free modules", [ IsGradedModuleRep, IsList ], function( M, twist ) local S, G, twist_set, weights, On; S := HomalgRing( M ); G := DegreeGroup( S ); twist_set := Set( Flat( twist ) ); weights := GeneratingElements( G ); if Length( twist ) <> NrGenerators( G ) then Error( "something went terribly wrong\n" ); fi; twist := HomalgModuleElement( twist, G ); if IsIdenticalObj( M, 1 * S ) then if not IsBound( S!.left_twists ) then S!.left_twists := rec( ); fi; if not IsBound( S!.left_twists.(String( twist )) ) then On := FreeLeftModuleWithDegrees( S, -twist ); On!.distinguished := true; if twist_set = [ 0 ] then On!.not_twisted := true; fi; S!.left_twists.(String( twist )) := On; fi; return S!.left_twists.(String( twist )); elif IsIdenticalObj( M, S * 1 ) then if not IsBound( S!.right_twists ) then S!.right_twists := rec( ); fi; if not IsBound( S!.right_twists.(String( twist )) ) then On := FreeRightModuleWithDegrees( S, -twist ); On!.distinguished := true; if twist_set = [ 0 ] then On!.not_twisted := true; fi; S!.right_twists.(String( twist )) := On; fi; return S!.right_twists.(String( twist )); fi; TryNextMethod( ); end ); InstallMethod( POW, "constructor for homalg graded free modules", [ IsGradedModuleRep, IsHomalgElement ], function( M, twist ) local S, G, w1, t, On; S := HomalgRing( M ); t := twist; if IsIdenticalObj( M, 1 * S ) then if not IsBound( S!.left_twists ) then S!.left_twists := rec( ); fi; if not IsBound( S!.left_twists.(String( t )) ) then On := GradedModule( 1 * UnderlyingNonGradedRing( S ), -t, S ); On!.distinguished := true; if twist = 0 then On!.not_twisted := true; fi; S!.left_twists.(String( t )) := On; fi; return S!.left_twists.(String( t )); elif IsIdenticalObj( M, S * 1 ) then if not IsBound( S!.right_twists ) then S!.right_twists := rec( ); fi; if not IsBound( S!.right_twists.(String( t )) ) then On := GradedModule( UnderlyingNonGradedRing( S ) * 1, -t, S ); On!.distinguished := true; if twist = 0 then On!.not_twisted := true; fi; S!.right_twists.(String( t )) := On; fi; return S!.right_twists.(String( t )); fi; TryNextMethod( ); end ); ## InstallMethod( POW, "constructor for homalg graded free modules of rank 1", [ IsHomalgGradedRingRep, IsInt ], function( S, twist ) return ( 1 * S )^twist; end ); ## InstallMethod( POW, "constructor for homalg graded free modules", [ IsHomalgGradedRingRep, IsList ], function( S, twist ) return ( 1 * S )^twist; end ); ## InstallMethod( POW, "constructor for homalg graded free modules", [ IsHomalgGradedRingRep, IsHomalgElement ], function( S, twist ) return ( 1 * S )^twist; end ); ## InstallMethod( Pullback, "for a ring map and a graded module", [ IsHomalgRingMap, IsGradedModuleRep ], function( phi, M ) local rel, degrees, weights; rel := MatrixOfRelations( M ); rel := Pullback( phi, rel ); degrees := DegreesOfGenerators( M ); weights := Set( List( ImagesOfRingMap( phi ), Degree ) ); if Length( weights ) <> 1 then Error( "different weights are not supported yet\n" ); fi; weights := HomalgElementToInteger( weights[1] ); degrees := List( degrees, i -> HomalgElementToInteger( i ) * weights ); if IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects( M ) then return LeftPresentationWithDegrees( rel, degrees ); else return RightPresentationWithDegrees( rel, degrees ); fi; end ); #################################### # # View, Print, and Display methods: # #################################### ## InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for categories of graded modules", [ IsCategoryOfGradedModules ], function( C ) local parity; if IsCategoryOfFinitelyPresentedGradedLeftModulesRep( C ) then parity := "left"; else parity := "right"; fi; Print( "<The Abelian category of f.p. graded ", parity, " modules over the ring " ); ViewObj( C!.ring ); Print( ">" ); end ); ## InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for graded homalg modules", [ IsGradedModuleOrGradedSubmoduleRep ], function( o ) if IsBound( o!.distinguished ) then Print( "<The graded" ); else Print( "<A graded" ); fi; Print( ViewString( UnderlyingModule( o ) ) ); Print( ">" ); end ); ## InstallMethod( Display, "for graded homalg modules", [ IsGradedModuleOrGradedSubmoduleRep ], function( o ) local deg; deg := DegreesOfGenerators( o ); if Length( deg ) > 1 then Display( UnderlyingModule( o ) ); Print( "\n(graded, degrees of generators: "); ViewObj( deg ); Print( ")\n" ); elif Length( deg ) = 1 then Display( UnderlyingModule( o ) ); Print( "\n(graded, degree of generator: "); ViewObj( deg[ 1 ] ); Print( ")\n" ); else Display( UnderlyingModule( o ) ); Print( "\n(graded)\n" ); fi; end );