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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it

Views: 418346
##                 Graded Modules package
##  Copyright 2008-2010, Mohamed Barakat, University of Kaiserslautern
##                       Markus Lange-Hegermann, RWTH Aachen
##  Implementations of procedures for the relative situation.

# methods for operations:

InstallMethod( RelativeRepresentationMapOfKoszulId,
        "for homalg modules",
        [ IsHomalgModule, IsHomalgRing and IsExteriorRing ],
  function( M, A )
    local presentation, certain_relations, union, S, vars, anti, param,
          m0, degrees0, pos0, AM0, max, M1, m1, degrees1, pos1, AM1, n, map;
    if IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects( M ) then
        presentation := LeftPresentationWithDegrees;
        certain_relations := CertainRows;
        union := UnionOfColumns;
        presentation := RightPresentationWithDegrees;
        certain_relations := CertainColumns;
        union := UnionOfRows;
    S := HomalgRing( M );
    vars := Indeterminates( S );
    anti := Indeterminates( A );
    param := Intersection( List( vars, Name ), List( anti, Name ) );
    vars := Filtered( vars, v -> not Name( v ) in param );
    anti := Filtered( anti, v -> not Name( v ) in param );
    ## End(A,M_0):
    m0 := PresentationMorphism( M );
    degrees0 := DegreesOfGenerators( Source( m0 ) );
    pos0 := Filtered( [ 1 .. Length( degrees0 ) ], p -> degrees0[p] = 0 );
    m0 := certain_relations( MatrixOfMap( m0 ), pos0 );
    AM0 := presentation( A * m0, -DegreesOfGenerators( M ) );
    ## End(A,M_1):
    if IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects( M ) then
        max := Subobject( vars, ( 1 * S )^0 );
        max := Subobject( vars, ( S * 1 )^0 );
    M1 := max * M;
    M1 := UnderlyingObject( M1 );
    m1 := PresentationMorphism( M1 );
    degrees1 := DegreesOfGenerators( Source( m1 ) );
    pos1 := Filtered( [ 1 .. Length( degrees1 ) ], p -> degrees1[p] = 1 );
    m1 := certain_relations( MatrixOfMap( m1 ), pos1 );
    AM1 := presentation( A * m1, -DegreesOfGenerators( M1 ) );
    ## End(E,M_0) -> End(E,M_1):
    n := NrGenerators( M );
    map := List( anti, e -> HomalgScalarMatrix( e, n, A ) );
    map := Iterated( map, union );
    map := HomalgMap( map, AM0, AM1 );
    ## check assertion
    Assert( 3, IsMorphism( map ) );
    SetIsMorphism( map, true );
    return map;
end );

InstallMethod( RelativeRepresentationMapOfKoszulId,
        "for homalg modules",
        [ IsHomalgModule ],
  function( M )
    local A;
    A := KoszulDualRing( HomalgRing( M ) );
    return RelativeRepresentationMapOfKoszulId( M, A );
end );

InstallMethod( DegreeZeroSubcomplex,
        "for homalg complexes",
        [ IsComplexOfFinitelyPresentedObjectsRep, IsHomalgRing ],
  function( T, R )
    local presentation, certain_relations, certain_generators,
          lowest, highest, objects, degrees, degrees0, morphisms, m, ranges0,
          Rpi, mor;
    if IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects( T ) then
        presentation := HomalgFreeLeftModule;
        certain_relations := CertainRows;
        certain_generators := CertainColumns;
        presentation := HomalgFreeRightModule;
        certain_relations := CertainColumns;
        certain_generators := CertainRows;
    lowest := LowestDegree( T );
    highest := HighestDegree( T );
    lowest := HomalgElementToInteger( lowest );
    highest := HomalgElementToInteger( highest );
    ## the objects:
    objects := ObjectsOfComplex( T );
    degrees := List( objects, DegreesOfGenerators );
    degrees := List( degrees, i -> List( i, HomalgElementToInteger ) );
    degrees0 := List( degrees, degs -> Filtered( degs, d -> d = 0 ) );
    objects := List( degrees0, degs -> presentation( Length( degs ), R ) );
    ## the morphisms:
    morphisms := MorphismsOfComplex( T );
    morphisms := List( morphisms, a -> R * a );
    morphisms := List( morphisms, MatrixOfMap );
    ranges0 := List( degrees, degs -> Filtered( [ 1 .. Length( degs ) ], p -> degs[p] = 0 ) );
    m := Length( morphisms );
    morphisms := List( [ 1 .. m ],
                       i ->
                       HomalgMap( certain_generators( certain_relations( morphisms[i], ranges0[i + 1] ), ranges0[i] ),
                               objects[i + 1], objects[i] )
    Rpi := HomalgComplex( morphisms[1], lowest + 1 );
    for mor in morphisms{[ 2 .. m ]} do
        Add( Rpi, mor );
    ## check assertion
    Assert( 3, IsComplex( Rpi ) );
    SetIsComplex( Rpi, true );
    return Rpi;
end );