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<Chapter Label="install">
<Heading>Installation of the &GradedRingForHomalg; Package</Heading>
To install this package just extract the package's archive file to the
&GAP; <F>pkg</F> directory. &GradedRingForHomalg; also needs the package &homalg;.<P/>
By default the &GradedRingForHomalg; package is not automatically loaded by &GAP;
when it is installed. You must load the package with <Br/><Br/>
<C>LoadPackage("GradedRingForHomalg");</C> <Br/><Br/>
before its functions become available.<P/>
Please, send me us e-mail if you have any questions, remarks,
suggestions, etc. concerning this package. Also, we would be pleased to
hear about applications of this package. <Br/><Br/><Br/>
Mohamed Barakat and Markus Lange-Hegermann