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Views: 466306############################################################################# ## #W HAPcryst package Marc Roeder ## ## ## #H @(#)$Id:, v 0.1.11 2013/10/27 18:31:09 gap Exp $ ## #Y Copyright (C) 2006 Marc Roeder #Y #Y This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or #Y modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License #Y as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 #Y of the License, or (at your option) any later version. #Y #Y This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #Y but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #Y MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #Y GNU General Public License for more details. #Y #Y You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #Y along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software #Y Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA ## Revision.("FaceLatticeAndBoundaryBieberbachGroup_gi"):= "@(#)$Id:, v 0.1.11 2013/10/27 18:31:09 gap Exp $"; InstallMethod(FaceLatticeAndBoundaryBieberbachGroup, [IsPolymakeObject,IsGroup], function(poly,group) local removeSomeFaces, orbitDecompositionAsIndices, changeHasseEntries, reformatHD, reformatHD_GroupRing, polymakeFaceLattice, calculateBoundary, dim, starttime, vertices, hasse, codim, initialfacenumber, timetmp, faceOrbits, tmp, k, j, groupring, elts; removeSomeFaces:=function(upfaces,faces) local upfaceentries, faceindex, face; upfaceentries:=AsSet(Flat(upfaces)); for faceindex in [1..Size(faces)] do face:=faces[faceindex]; if not (IsSubset(upfaceentries,face) and ForAny(upfaces,f->IsSubset(f,face))) then Unbind(faces[faceindex]); fi; od; end; orbitDecompositionAsIndices:=function(facelist,vertexlist,group) local sortedvertices, sortperm, vertexpositionlookup, todolist, setfacelist, returnlist, thissize, list, orbit, thisorbit, fpos, fpositions; if not ForAll(facelist,IsSet) then Error("face list must be a list of sets"); fi; sortedvertices:=ShallowCopy(vertexlist); sortperm:=Sortex(sortedvertices); vertexpositionlookup:=Permuted([1..Size(sortedvertices)],sortperm); # convert all faces to vectors: todolist:=Set(facelist,i->Set(vertexlist{i})); if IsSet(facelist) then setfacelist:=facelist; else setfacelist:=AsSet(facelist); fi; returnlist:=[]; while todolist<>[] do thissize:=Size(todolist[1]); list:=Filtered(todolist,o->Size(o)=thissize); SubtractSet(todolist,list); while list<>[] do orbit:=OrbitPartAndRepresentativesInFacesStandardSpaceGroup(group,list[1],list); thisorbit:=[]; for fpos in [1..Size(orbit)] do fpositions:=Set(orbit[fpos][1],i->vertexpositionlookup[PositionSet(sortedvertices,i)]); if fpositions in setfacelist then Add(thisorbit,[Position(facelist,fpositions),orbit[fpos][2]]); fi; od; Add(returnlist,thisorbit); SubtractSet(list,List(orbit,i->i[1])); od; od; return returnlist; end; changeHasseEntries:=function(orbitsandreps,codim,vertices,hasse,group) local genIndices, faces, nrupfaces, upfaces, newhasseentry, idMat, orbit, gen, genIndex, upindices, upface, genvertices, o, oface, entry; genIndices:=[]; faces:=hasse[codim+1]; nrupfaces:=Size(hasse[codim]); upfaces:=hasse[codim]{[1..nrupfaces]}[1]; newhasseentry:=[]; idMat:=IdentityMat(Size(hasse)); for orbit in orbitsandreps do gen:=faces[orbit[1][1]]; Add(newhasseentry,[gen,[]]); genIndex:=Size(newhasseentry); upindices:=Filtered([1..nrupfaces], i->IsSubset(upfaces[i],gen)); #update boundary for faces containing new generator: for upface in upindices do AddSet(hasse[codim][upface][2],[genIndex,idMat]); od; #replace all faces in the generator-orbit with representatives: if Size(orbit)>1 then genvertices:=Set(vertices{gen}); for o in orbit{[2..Size(orbit)]} do oface:=faces[o[1]]; upindices:=Filtered([1..nrupfaces], i->IsSubset(upfaces[i],oface)); entry:=[genIndex,o[2]]; for upface in upindices do AddSet(hasse[codim][upface][2],entry); od; od; fi; od; return newhasseentry; end; #this replaces the matrices in the partial Hasse diagram with integers and # returns a list of matrices. This is done to comply with the structure # of a resolution in HAP. reformatHD:=function(hasse) local elts, faces, face, line; elts:=[]; for faces in hasse do for face in faces do for line in face[2] do Add(elts,line[2]); od; od; od; # if elts<>[] # then # elts:=Set(elts); # AddSet(elts,IdentityMat(Size(elts[1]))); # for faces in hasse # do # for face in faces # do # for line in face[2] # do # if not IsInt(line[2]) # then # line[2]:=PositionSet(elts,line[2]); # fi; # od; # od; # od; # fi; return elts; end; ## This does not generate group ring elements. The group ring is ## generated in the resolution generator. So here, we only generate ## the coefficient-group element pairs. reformatHD_GroupRing:=function(groupring,hasse) local zero, family, groupelements, dim, face, term, firstpos, firstgen, position, firspos, one, onepos; zero:=Zero(groupring); family:=FamilyObj(zero); groupelements:=[]; for dim in [2..Size(hasse)] do for face in hasse[dim] do for term in face[2] do if IsMatrix(term[2]) then Add(groupelements,term[2]); term[2]:=SignInt(term[1])* ElementOfMagmaRing(family,0,[1],[term[2]]); term[1]:=AbsInt(term[1]); fi; od; Sort(face[2]); firstpos:=1; firstgen:=face[2][firstpos][1]; for position in [2..Size(face[2])] do if face[2][position][1]=firstgen then face[2][firstpos][2]:=face[2][firstpos][2] +face[2][position][2]; Unbind(face[2][position]); else firstpos:=position; firstgen:=face[2][position][1]; fi; od; face[2]:=Compacted(face[2]); # face[2]:=vector; od; od; groupelements:=Set(groupelements); one:=One(UnderlyingMagma(groupring)); if groupelements[1]<>one then onepos:=Position(groupelements,one); groupelements[onepos]:=groupelements[1]; groupelements[1]:=one; fi; return groupelements; end; ######## patch for next genertion polymake ### ## first part polymakeFaceLattice:=function(polygon) local faces,dimlist, dim, lattice, i; faces:=Polymake(polygon,"FACES"); dimlist:=Polymake(polygon,"DIMS"); dim := Length(dimlist); lattice:=EmptyPlist(dim); ## walk through the face list from top to bottom # the dim list contains the maximal index of a face in the # respective dimension. The top face containing all vertices # has no entry in the dimlist, so we add it beforehand. ## lattice[dim] := [StructuralCopy(faces[Length(faces)])]; for i in [1..dim-1] do lattice[i] := StructuralCopy(faces{[dimlist[i]+1..dimlist[i+1]]}); od; ## The reverse probably runs every time ## panic-coding? I don't know, let's keep it... if Length(lattice[1][1]) = 1 then lattice := Reversed(lattice); fi; return lattice; end; ### end of patch ###################################################################### ###################################################################### ################################################## ## THIS IS JUST FOR BIEBERBACH GROUPS! ## ## here, hasse has to be a list contining the generators of ## dimension $k$ in the $k+1$st entry. ## each of the genertors already knows it's unoriented boundary. ## ## Signs are now assigned to the boundary to define a proper ## boundary homomorphism. ## calculateBoundary:=function(k,j,hasse) local dirLess, boundaryFromPair, face, facebound, linesdone, linestodo, linesinpoint, pointset, idMat, line, linemat, points, point, pos, firstlinepos, firstline, linesforthisrun, nextlines, pointsdone, linebound, lineboundDirless, dirlessline, pointsign, otherline, otherlinepos, otherlinebound, orientedOtherLine; dirLess:=function(face) return [AbsInt(face[1]),face[2]]; end; boundaryFromPair:=function(dim,pair,hasse) local gen, bound; gen:=hasse[dim+1][AbsInt(pair[1])]; bound:=gen[2]; return List(bound,b->[SignInt(pair[1])*b[1],b[2]*pair[2]]); end; face:=hasse[k+1][j]; ################################ ## face is of the form ## [ <verts>, <bound>] ## where ## <verts> is a list of integers enumerating the vertices of the ## fundamental domain ## ## <bound> is a list of pairs [<downfaceindex>,<mapping>] ## with an integer <downfaceindex> denoting the position of a face ## in the list hasse[k]. <mapping> is an affine matrix taking the ## ## hasse[k][downfaceindex] to the desired face. ## ## ## ## ########################### if k=1 # First, define the boundary of 1-faces then facebound:=face[2]; if facebound[1]>facebound[2] then linesdone:=[facebound[1],[-facebound[2][1],facebound[2][2]]]; else linesdone:=[[-facebound[1][1],facebound[1][2]],facebound[2]]; fi; else # #now the other faces. Note that in an n-face every # n-2 face is contained in exactly 2 n-1 faces. ############################## linestodo:=Set(face[2],i->dirLess(i)); # # the edges which are generators for this module: # GenLinesTodo:=Filtered(linestodo,i->i[2]=idMat); # # edges which are images under generators for this module: # ImLinesTodo:=Filtered(linestodo,i->i[2]<>idMat); # As the group is Bieberbach, each point has a unique name. # generate a list to look up the incident lines for each point: linesinpoint:=[]; pointset:=[]; idMat:=IdentityMat(Size(hasse)); for line in linestodo # form: line=[<pos>,<mat>] # <pos>: generator position # <mat>: matrix taking generator to actual line. do linemat:=line[2]; points:=List(hasse[k][line[1]][2],p->[AbsInt(p[1]),p[2]*linemat]); for point in points #form of point as form of line but one dimension lower do if not point in pointset then Add(linesinpoint,[point,[line]]); else pos:=PositionSet(pointset,point); AddSet(linesinpoint[pos][2],line); fi; od; UniteSet(pointset,points); Sort(linesinpoint); od; firstlinepos:=PositionProperty(linestodo,i->i[2]=idMat); if firstlinepos=fail then firstline:=Remove(linestodo); else firstline:=linestodo[firstlinepos]; Remove(linestodo,firstlinepos); fi; linesforthisrun:=[firstline]; nextlines:=[]; pointsdone:=[]; linesdone:=[]; repeat for line in linesforthisrun do linesdone:=Set(linesdone); if not ([line[1],line[2]] in linesdone or [-line[1],line[2]] in linesdone) then Add(linesdone,line); fi; linebound:=boundaryFromPair(k-1,line,hasse); lineboundDirless:=List(linebound,dirLess); SortParallel(lineboundDirless,linebound); dirlessline:=dirLess(line); points:=Difference(lineboundDirless,pointsdone); for point in points do Add(pointsdone,point); pointsign:=SignInt(linebound[PositionSet(lineboundDirless,point)][1]); otherline:=linesinpoint[PositionSet(pointset,point)]; otherline:=First(otherline[2],l->l<>dirlessline); if otherline in linestodo then RemoveSet(linestodo,otherline); otherlinebound:=boundaryFromPair(k-1,otherline,hasse); if pointsign=SignInt(First(otherlinebound,i->dirLess(i)=point)[1]) then orientedOtherLine:=[-otherline[1],otherline[2]]; else orientedOtherLine:=otherline; fi; Add(linesdone,orientedOtherLine); Add(nextlines,orientedOtherLine); fi; od; od; linesforthisrun:=ShallowCopy(nextlines); nextlines:=[]; until linesforthisrun=[]; fi; ## return new boundary entry: return Set(linesdone); end; ###################################################################### ###################################################################### if not IsStandardSpaceGroup(group) and IsAffineCrystGroupOnRight(group) then Error("<group> must be a StandardSpaceGroup acting on right"); fi; dim:=DimensionOfMatrixGroup(group)-1; starttime:=Runtime(); ## patch for next generation polymake: # second part. If you have the old polymake version, # use "FACE_LATTICE" instead of "FACES DIMS" but keep the VERTICES! Polymake(poly,"FACES DIMS VERTICES"); vertices:=Polymake(poly,"VERTICES"); MakeImmutable(vertices); if not dim=Size(vertices[1]-1) then Error("group and polyhedron do not match"); fi; ## # Add initial (top) node: # Note that the face lattice is generated top- down. So the # order has to be reversed to be ascending in dimension. ## ## patch for next generation polymake: # third part. If you have the old polymake version, # use the line where "Polymake" is called with "FACE_LATTICE" hasse:=Concatenation([[[[1..Size(vertices)],[]]]], #StructuralCopy(Polymake(poly,"FACE_LATTICE"){[1..dim]})); StructuralCopy(polymakeFaceLattice(poly){[1..dim]})); #moduleGenerators:=List([1..dim+1],i->[]); #moduleGenerators is a list of list. The i^{th} entry contains the # positions of the module generators of dimension i in the Hasse diagram. # moduleGenerators[1]:=[1];# so this means [hasse[1][1]]; #Now the next nodes: for codim in [1..dim] do #At this stage, hasse[codim+1] is a list of faces. initialfacenumber:=Size(hasse[codim+1]);########## timetmp:=Runtime();######## removeSomeFaces(List(hasse[codim],i->i[1]),hasse[codim+1]); hasse[codim+1]:=Set(hasse[codim+1]); faceOrbits:=orbitDecompositionAsIndices(hasse[codim+1],vertices,group); hasse[codim+1]:=changeHasseEntries(faceOrbits,codim,vertices,hasse,group); Info(InfoHAPcryst,3,codim,"(",Size(hasse[codim+1]),"/",initialfacenumber,"):",StringTime(Runtime()-timetmp)); od; for codim in [1..Int((dim+1)/2)] do tmp:=hasse[codim]; hasse[codim]:=hasse[dim+2-codim]; hasse[dim+2-codim]:=tmp; od; Info(InfoHAPcryst,3,"Face lattice done (",StringTime(Runtime()-starttime),"). Calculating boundary "); for k in [1..dim] do for j in [1..Size(hasse[k+1])] do hasse[k+1][j][2]:=calculateBoundary(k,j,hasse); od; od; if fail in Flat(hasse) then Error("boundary generation failed"); fi; Info(InfoHAPcryst,3,"done (",StringTime(Runtime()-timetmp),") Reformating...\c"); # elts:=reformatHD(hasse); groupring:=GroupRing(Integers,group); elts:=reformatHD_GroupRing(groupring,hasse); # elts:=[IdentityMat(dim+1)]; return rec(hasse:=hasse,elts:=elts,groupring:=groupring); end);