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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466324############################################################################# ## #W HAPcryst package Marc Roeder ## ## ## #H @(#)$Id:, v 0.1.11 2013/10/27 18:31:09 gap Exp $ ## #Y Copyright (C) 2006 Marc Roeder #Y #Y This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or #Y modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License #Y as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 #Y of the License, or (at your option) any later version. #Y #Y This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #Y but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #Y MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #Y GNU General Public License for more details. #Y #Y You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #Y along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software #Y Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA ## Revision.("FundamentalDomain_gi"):= "@(#)$Id:, v 0.1.11 2013/10/27 18:31:09 gap Exp $"; ############################################################################# ## #O FundamentalDomainStandardSpaceGroup ## InstallMethod(FundamentalDomainStandardSpaceGroup, [IsGroup], function(group) local dim; if not (IsStandardSpaceGroup(group) and IsAffineCrystGroupOnRight(group)) then Error("group must be a StandardSpaceGroup acting on right"); fi; dim:=DimensionOfMatrixGroup(group)-1; return FundamentalDomainStandardSpaceGroup(0*[1..dim],group); end); ############################################################################# ## #O FundamentalDomainStandardSpaceGroup ## InstallMethod(FundamentalDomainStandardSpaceGroup, [IsVector,IsGroup], function(center,group) local dim, gram, orbitstab; if not (IsStandardSpaceGroup(group) and IsAffineCrystGroupOnRight(group)) then Error("group must be a StandardSpaceGroup acting on right"); fi; dim:=Size(Representative(group))-1; gram:=GramianOfAverageScalarProductFromFiniteMatrixGroup( PointGroup(group)); if not IsTrivial(StabilizerOnSetsStandardSpaceGroup(group,[center])) then Error("center point not in general position"); fi; return FundamentalDomainBieberbachGroupNC(center,group,gram); end); ############################################################################# ## #O IsFundamentalDomainStandardSpaceGroup ## InstallMethod(IsFundamentalDomainStandardSpaceGroup, [IsPolymakeObject,IsGroup], function(poly,group) local vertices, vertexset, dim, box, vertex, orbitstab, orbitpart, i, j, facets, polystab, facet, orbit, facetstab, staborbit; if not (IsStandardSpaceGroup(group) and IsAffineCrystGroupOnRight(group)) then Error("group must be a StandardSpaceGroup acting on right"); fi; vertices:=Polymake(poly,"VERTICES"); vertexset:=Set(vertices); dim:=Size(Representative(vertices)); ### First check that the images of <poly> do not overlap: box:=List([1..dim],i->[Minimum(List(vertices,v->v[i])),Maximum(List(vertices,v->v[i]))]); while vertexset<>[] do vertex:=Remove(vertexset); orbitstab:=OrbitStabilizerInUnitCubeOnRight(group,VectorModOne(vertex)); # orbitpart:=Concatenation(List(orbitstab.orbit,i->List(TranslationsToBox(i,box),j->i+j))); orbitpart:=[]; for i in orbitstab.orbit do for j in TranslationsToBox(i,box) do Add(orbitpart,i+j); od; od; if ForAny(orbitpart,v->RelativePositionPointAndPolygon(v,poly) in ["INSIDE","FACET"]) then return false; else SubtractSet(vertexset,orbitpart); fi; od; ### Now find out if the orbit covers the whole space. ### For this, we check whether every facet "has an image of the fundamental domain ### on either side": vertexset:=Set(vertices); facets:=Set(Polymake(poly,"VERTICES_IN_FACETS"),i->Set(i,j->vertices[j])); polystab:=StabilizerOnSetsStandardSpaceGroup(group,Set(vertices)); while facets<>[] do facet:=facets[1]; orbit:=OrbitPartInVertexSetsStandardSpaceGroup(group,facet,vertexset); if not ForAll(orbit,i-> i in facets) then return false; fi; if Size(polystab)=1 then if Size(orbit)=1 then facetstab:=StabilizerOnSetsStandardSpaceGroup(group,facet); if Size(facetstab)=1 then #no image of <poly> can be on the other side of <facet>. # If <facetstab> <>1, it contains an element flipping # <poly> to the other side of <facet>. return false; fi; #If |orbit|>1, there must be another facet f' which gets mapped to # <facet>. As polystab=1, this maps <poly> tho the opposite side of # <facet>. So we are done in this case. fi; else staborbit:=Orbit(polystab,Set(facet,i->Concatenation(i,[1])),OnSets); # now there are two kinds of facets in <orbit>: # 1. those which are images under polystab # 2. the other ones. ## The second ones are ok. For the other ones, we have to ## check if there is an element of the facet stabilizer ## swapping <poly> to the other side of <facet>. if Size(staborbit)<Size(orbit) then facetstab:=StabilizerOnSetsStandardSpaceGroup(group,facet); if IsSubgroup(polystab,facetstab) then return false; fi; fi; ## OK. This should be it. fi; SubtractSet(facets,orbit); od; return true; end); ############################################################################# ## #O IsFundamentalDomainBieberbachGroup ## InstallMethod(IsFundamentalDomainBieberbachGroup, [IsPolymakeObject,IsGroup], function(poly,group) local isfd, phi, vertices, facelattice, faces, face, stab; isfd:=IsFundamentalDomainStandardSpaceGroup(poly,group); if not isfd then return false; elif IsPolycyclicGroup(group) then phi:=IsomorphismPcpGroup(group); if IsTorsionFree(Image(phi)) then return true; else return fail; fi; else vertices:=Polymake(poly,"VERTICES"); facelattice:=Polymake(poly,"FACE_LATTICE"); for faces in facelattice do for face in faces do stab:=StabilizerOnSetsStandardSpaceGroup(group,Set(vertices{face})); if not IsTrivial(stab) then return fail; fi; od; od; fi; return true; end);