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Views: 466309########################################################################## #0 #F SL2ZTree ## ## This function will compute a G-equivalent CW-space for ## group G=SL2Z[1/(m*p)] and a tree X associated with ## amalgamated product SL2Z[1/m]*SL2z[1/m] over ## congruence subgroup gamma 0 of level p. ## Input: A pair of positive integers (m,p) ## ## Output: A G-equivarient CW-space where G is the free ## product of two copiesof SL(1/m) amalgamated by ## its congruence group of level p ## InstallGlobalFunction(SL2ZTree, function(m,p) local t1,t2, Elts,H,K,G,Gamma, Id,ID,Idcoset,BoundaryList, Boundary,Dimension,Action,Stabilizer,Homotopy,StabGrps, pos,RemoveLoops,HtpyRec; Elts:=[[[1,0],[0,1]]]; ## In this case G=SL2Z if p=0 then H:=Group([[0,-1],[1,0]]); K:=Group([[0,-1],[1,1]]); G:=SL(2,Integers); Gamma:=Group([[-1,0],[0,-1]]); Append(Elts,Elements(H)); Append(Elts,Elements(K)); Append(Elts,Elements(Gamma)); Elts:=SSortedList(Elts); else if m=1 then H:=SL(2,Integers); K:=SL2Z(p); Gamma:=CongruenceSubgroupGamma0(p); else H:=SL2Z(1/m); K:=ConjugateSL2ZGroup(H,[[1,0],[0,p]]); Gamma:=CongruenceSubgroup(m,p); fi; G:=SL2Z(1/(m*p)); ID:=Group(One(G)); Append(Elts,GeneratorsOfGroup(H)); Append(Elts,GeneratorsOfGroup(K)); Append(Elts,GeneratorsOfGroup(Gamma)); Elts:=SSortedList(Elts); fi; SetName(Gamma,"Gamma"); Id:=Position(Elts,[[1,0],[0,1]]); ################################################################### #1 #F pos ## Find the position of an element in a list ## Input: A list Elts and a matrix g ## Output: If g in Elts return the position of g in the list, ## otherwise, add g to Elts and return the position. ## pos:=function(Elts,g) local posit; posit:=Position(Elts,g); if posit=fail then Add(Elts,g); return Length(Elts); else return posit; fi; end; ################################################################### BoundaryList:=[]; t1:=pos(Elts,CanonicalRightCountableCosetElement(H,Elts[Id]^-1)^-1); t2:=pos(Elts,CanonicalRightCountableCosetElement(K,Elts[Id]^-1)^-1); Append(BoundaryList,[[[1,t1],[-2,t2]]]); ################################################################### #1 #F Boundary ## ## This function presents the boundary map d_n: C_n -> C_{n-1} ## ## Input: a pair of integers (n,k) where n is the dimension and ## k is the position of the generator. ## Output: a list of words [g,f] ## Boundary:=function(n,k) local w; if not n=1 then return []; fi; w:=BoundaryList[AbsInt(k)]; if k>0 then return w; else return NegateWord(w); fi; end; ################################################################### #1 #F Dimension ## ## This function computes the G-rank of ZG-module C_n ## ## Input: a positive integer n ## ## Output: the G-rank of ZG-module C_n ## Dimension:=function(n) if not n in [0,1] then return 0;fi; if n=0 then return 2;fi; if n=1 then return 1;fi; end; ################################################################### ################################################################### #1 #F Action ## ## Input: a triple (n,k,l) of integers ## ## Output: 1 or -1 ## Action:=function(n,k,l); return 1; end; ################################################################### StabGrps:=[]; Add(StabGrps,[H,K]); Add(StabGrps,[Gamma]); ################################################################### #1 #F Stabilizer ## ## Input: a pair of integers (n,k) ## ## Output: the kith stabiliser subgroup in dimension n ## Stabilizer:=function(n,k); return StabGrps[n+1][k]; end; ################################################################### Idcoset:=pos(Elts, CanonicalRightCountableCosetElement(Gamma,Elts[Id]^-1)^-1); ################################################################### #1 #F RemoveLoops ## ## This function will remove loops in a path. ## ## Input: a list of integers d ## ## Output: a list of integers with no loop. ## RemoveLoops:=function(d) local i,h,j,l; l:=StructuralCopy(d); h:=[[1,0],[0,1]]; i:=1; while i<Length(d) do h:=h*d[i]; if h in H or h in K then for j in [1..i-1] do Remove(l,1); od; l[1]:=h; fi; i:=i+1; od; return l; end; ################################################################### ## Create a record for the homotopy HtpyRec:=[]; HtpyRec[1]:=[]; HtpyRec[2]:=[]; ################################################################### #1 #F Homotopy ## ## This function presents the homotopy map h_n: C_n -> C_{n+1} ## ## Input: a positive integer n and a word w. ## ## Output: a list of words. ## Homotopy:=function(n,w) local d,path,i,h,k,g,pk,r,t; if not n=0 then return []; fi; k:=w[1]; g:=w[2]; pk:=AbsInt(k); if not IsBound(HtpyRec[pk][g]) then d:=SL2ZmElementsDecomposition(Elts[g],p); r:=[]; Add(r,d[1]); for i in [2..Length(d)] do if d[i]*d[i-1] in H then r[Length(r)]:=r[Length(r)]*d[i]; else Add(r,d[i]); fi; od; d:=r; r:=[]; Add(r,d[1]); for i in [2..Length(d)] do if d[i]*d[i-1] in K then r[Length(r)]:=r[Length(r)]*d[i]; else Add(r,d[i]); fi; od; d:=StructuralCopy(r); ## kill all the loops in the path d d:=RemoveLoops(d); if (d[1] in K) and (not d[1] in Gamma) then r:=[[[1,0],[0,1]]]; Append(r,d); d:=StructuralCopy(r); fi; h:=[[1,0],[0,1]]; path:=[]; if d[Length(d)] in Gamma and Length(d)>1 then Remove(d,Length(d)); fi; if pk=1 then if d[Length(d)] in H then Remove(d,Length(d));fi; for i in [1..Length(d)] do h:=h*d[i]; t:=CanonicalRightCountableCosetElement(Gamma,h^-1)^-1; Add(path,[(-1)^(i),pos(Elts,t)]); od; else if Elts[g] in Gamma then Add(path,[-1,Idcoset]); fi; if d[Length(d)] in K then Remove(d,Length(d)); fi; for i in [1..Length(d)] do h:=h*d[i]; t:=CanonicalRightCountableCosetElement(Gamma,h^-1)^-1; Add(path,[(-1)^(i),pos(Elts,t)]); od; fi; HtpyRec[pk][g]:=path; fi; if k>0 then return HtpyRec[pk][g]; else return NegateWord(HtpyRec[pk][g]); fi; end; ####################################################################### return Objectify(HapNonFreeResolution, rec( dimension:=Dimension, boundary:=Boundary, homotopy:=Homotopy, elts:=Elts, group:=G, stabilizer:=Stabilizer, action:=Action, properties:= [["length",100], ["characteristic",0], ["type","resolution"]] )); end); ################### end of SL2ZTree ###################################### ########################################################################## #0 #F TreeOfResolutionsToSL2Zcomplex ## Input: A list of resolutions D and an arithmetic group G=SL2Z[1/m] ## ## Output: A G-equivarient CW-space ## ## InstallGlobalFunction(TreeOfResolutionsToSL2Zcomplex, function(D,G) local RH,RK,RGamma, H,K,Gamma, NameH, i,j,m,p, C,Resolutions,NamesOfGroups; RH:=D[1]; RK:=D[2]; RGamma:=D[3]; H:=RH!.group; K:=RK!.group; Gamma:=RGamma!.group; NameH:=H!.Name; if H=SL(2,Integers) then m:=1; p:=Gamma!.LevelOfCongruenceSubgroup; else i:=Position(NameH,'/'); j:=Position(NameH,']'); m:=Int(NameH{[i+1..j-1]}); p:=Gamma!.levels[2]; fi; NamesOfGroups:=[Name(H),Name(K),Name(Gamma)]; Resolutions:=[RH,RK,RGamma]; C:=SL2ZTree(m,p); C!.resolutions:=[Resolutions,NamesOfGroups]; return C; end); ################### end of TreeOfResolutionsToSL2Zcomplex ################