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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466312InstallGlobalFunction(CrystGcomplex, function(gens,basis) local i,x,k,combin,n,j,r,m,vect,c, B,G,T,S,Bt,Action,Sign,FinalBoundary,BoundaryList, L,kcells,cells,w,StabGrp,ActionRecord,lnth,PseudoRotSubGroup,RotSubGroupList, Dimension,SearchOrbit,pos,StabilizerOfPoint,PseudoBoundary,RotSubGroup, Elts,Boundary,Stabilizer; B:=basis[1]; c:=basis[2]; vect:=c-Sum(B)/2; G:=AffineCrystGroup(gens); T:=TranslationSubGroup(G); Bt:=T!.TranslationBasis; S:=RightTransversal(G,T); n:=DimensionOfMatrixGroup(G)-1; Elts:=[One(G)]; Append(Elts,gens); lnth:=1000; ####################### L:=[]; for k in [0..n] do L[k+1]:=[]; ### list all centers of k-cells kcells:=[]; combin:=Combinations([1..n],k); for x in combin do w:=[]; for i in [1..n] do if i in x then Add(w,[1/2]); else Add(w,[0,1]); fi; od; cells:=Cartesian(w); Append(kcells,cells*B+vect); od; ### search for k-orbits Add(L[k+1],kcells[1]); for i in [2..Length(kcells)] do r:=0; for j in [1..Length(L[k+1])] do if IsList(IsCrystSameOrbit(G,Bt,S,kcells[i],L[k+1][j])) then break; fi; r:=r+1; od; if r=Length(L[k+1]) then Add(L[k+1],kcells[i]);fi; od; od; ####################### Dimension:=function(k) if k>n then return 0;fi; return Length(L[k+1]); end; ####################### pos:=function(g) local p; p:=Position(Elts,g); if p=fail then Add(Elts,g); return Length(Elts); else return p; fi; end; ####################### SearchOrbit:=function(g,k) local i,p,h; for i in [1..Length(L[k+1])] do p:=IsCrystSameOrbit(G,Bt,S,L[k+1][i],g); if IsList(p) then h:=pos(p); return [i,h];fi; od; end; ActionRecord:=[]; for m in [1..lnth+1] do ActionRecord[m]:=[]; for k in [1..Dimension(m-1)] do ActionRecord[m][k]:=[]; od; od; ####################### # Action:=function(n,k,g) # local x,kk,l,h,i,w,r,y,H,id; # kk:=AbsInt(k); # h:=Elts[g]; # x:=(L[n+1][kk])*B^-1; # l:=[]; # for i in [1..Length(x)] do # if not IsInt(x[i]) then # Add(l,i); # fi; # od; # w:=h{l}{l}; # if IsMatrix(w) and Determinant(w)=-1 then return -1; # else return 1; # fi; # end; ####################### Action:=function(m,k,g) local id,r,u,H,abk,ans,x,h,l,i; abk:=AbsInt(k); if not IsBound(ActionRecord[m+1][abk][g]) then H:=StabGrp[m+1][abk]; if Order(H)=infinity then ActionRecord[m+1][abk][g]:=1; #So we are assuming that any infinite stabilizer group acts trivially!! else ###### id:=CanonicalRightCosetElement(H,Identity(H)); r:=CanonicalRightCosetElement(H,Elts[g]^-1); r:=id^-1*r; u:=r*Elts[g]; # r:=CanonicalRightCosetElement(H,Elts[g]); #r:=id^-1*r; # u:=r*Elts[g]^-1*id; ######## if u in RotSubGroupList[m+1][abk] then ans:= 1; else ans:= -1; fi; ActionRecord[m+1][abk][g]:=ans; fi; ###### fi; return ActionRecord[m+1][abk][g]; end; ####################### PseudoBoundary:=function(k,s) local f,x,bdry,i,Fnt,Bck,j,ss; ss:=AbsInt(s); f:=L[k+1][ss]; if k=0 then return [];fi; x:=f*B^-1; bdry:=[]; j:=0; for i in [1..n] do Fnt:=StructuralCopy(x); Bck:=StructuralCopy(x); if not IsInt(x[i]) then j:=j+1; Fnt[i]:=Fnt[i]-1/2; Bck[i]:=Bck[i]+1/2; Fnt:=Fnt*B; Bck:=Bck*B; Append(bdry,[SearchOrbit(Fnt,k-1),SearchOrbit(Bck,k-1)]); fi; od; return bdry; end; ####################### Sign:=function(m,k,g) local x,h,p,r,c,i,y,f,s,kk,e,B1,B2,w; kk:=AbsInt(k); if m=0 then return 1;fi; h:=Elts[g]; p:=CrystFinitePartOfMatrix(h); e:=L[m+1][kk]; #x:=e*B^-1; x:=e*B^-1; r:=[]; for i in [1..Length(x)] do if not IsInt(x[i]) then Add(r,i); fi; od; B1:=B{r}; B1:=B1*p; e:=Flat(e); Add(e,1); f:=e*h; Remove(f); y:=f*B^-1; c:=[]; for i in [1..Length(y)] do if not IsInt(y[i]) then Add(c,i); fi; od; B2:=B{c}; s:=[]; for i in [1..Length(B2)] do Add(s,SolutionMat(B1,B2[i])); od; #Print(s); return SignRat(Determinant(s)); end; ####################### Boundary:=function(k,s) local psbdry,j,w,bdry; psbdry:=PseudoBoundary(k,s); bdry:=[]; for j in [1..Length(psbdry)] do w:=psbdry[j]; if (j mod 4 = 3) or (j mod 4 = 2) then #if IsEvenInt(j) then Add(bdry,Negate([Sign(k-1,w[1],w[2])*w[1],w[2]])); else Add(bdry,[Sign(k-1,w[1],w[2])*w[1],w[2]]); fi; od; if s<0 then return NegateWord(bdry); else return bdry; fi; end; ######################## BoundaryList:=[]; for i in [1..n] do BoundaryList[i]:=[]; for j in [1..Dimension(i)] do BoundaryList[i][j]:=Boundary(i,j); od; od; ####################### FinalBoundary:=function(n,k) if k>0 then return BoundaryList[n][k]; else return NegateWord(BoundaryList[n][AbsInt(k)]); fi; end; ################################################## StabilizerOfPoint:=function(g) local H,stbgens,i,h,p; g:=Flat(g); Add(g,1); stbgens:=[]; for i in [1..Length(S)] do h:=g*S[i]-g; Remove(h); p:=h*Bt^-1; if IsIntList(p) then Add(stbgens,S[i]*VectorToCrystMatrix(h)^-1);fi; od; H:=Group(stbgens); return H; end; ### StabGrp:=[]; for i in [1..(n+1)] do StabGrp[i]:=[]; for j in [1..Length(L[i])] do StabGrp[i][j]:=StabilizerOfPoint(L[i][j]); od; od; ### Stabilizer:=function(m,k) local kk; kk:=AbsInt(k); return StabGrp[m+1][k]; end; ########################## PseudoRotSubGroup:=function(m,k) local x,kk,l,h,i,w,r,y,H,id,eltsH,g,RotSbGrp; kk:=AbsInt(k); RotSbGrp:=[]; H:=StabGrp[m+1][k]; eltsH:=Elements(H); for g in eltsH do if Sign(m,k,pos(g))=1 then Add(RotSbGrp,g);fi; od; RotSubGroupList[m+1][kk]:=Group(RotSbGrp); return Group(RotSbGrp); end; ####################### RotSubGroupList:=[]; for i in [1..(n+1)] do RotSubGroupList[i]:=[]; for j in [1..Length(L[i])] do RotSubGroupList[i][j]:=PseudoRotSubGroup(i-1,j); od; od; ####################### RotSubGroup:=function(m,k) local kk; kk:=AbsInt(k); return RotSubGroupList[m+1][kk]; end; ########################################### return Objectify(HapNonFreeResolution, rec( dimension:=Dimension, boundary:=FinalBoundary, PseudoBoundary:=PseudoBoundary, # RotSubGroupList:=RotSubGroupList, CellList:=L, Sign:=Sign, homotopy:=fail, elts:=Elts, group:=G, stabilizer:=Stabilizer, action:=Action, RotSubGroup:=RotSubGroup, properties:= [["length",100], ["characteristic",0], ["type","resolution"]] )); end); ############################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(ResolutionCubicalCrystGroup, function(G,n) local gens,B,C,R,Gram; Gram:=GramianOfAverageScalarProductFromFiniteMatrixGroup(PointGroup(G)); if Gram=IdentityMat(DimensionOfMatrixGroup(PointGroup(G))) then gens:=GeneratorsOfGroup(G); G:=AffineCrystGroup(gens); B:=CrystGFullBasis(G); if IsList(B) then C:=CrystGcomplex(gens,B); Apply(C!.elts,x->x^-1); R:=FreeGResolution(C,n); return R; else return fail; fi; else Print("Gramian matrix is not identity"); return fail; fi; end);