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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466309############################################### ############################################### InstallGlobalFunction(HAP_PHI, function(G,NN) local N, phiRec, phiRecT, Diag,Diagrec, C2, C2G, GG, RG, RGG, RC2, RC2G, phi_0,phi,Tau,tauhom,tau,taurec,MultGG, FirstEmbedding, SecondEmbedding, Fproj, Sproj,FirstProjection, SecondProjection, n, MT; N:=NN+1; ## G is a group ## N is a positive integer ## This function will return a triple [phi,RC2G,RGG] where RC2G is a ## free resolution for C_2xG, RGG is a free resolution for GxG, and ## phi(n,a,i) is a function that inputs an integer n in [0..N], ## inputs an element a=(a1,a2) in C_2xG, and inputs an integer i ## corresponding to the i-th generator of degree n in the resolution ## RC2G. If i is negative it represents minus the i-th generator. ## The function phi(n,a,i) outputs a list of lists ## [[m_1,g_1], [m_2,g_2], ..., [m_k,g_k]] ## representing, in the usual fashion, an element of degree n in RGG. ## The function phi represents a chain map phi:RC2G --> RGG. C2:=Group((1,2)); RG:=ResolutionPrimePowerGroup(G,N); RC2:=ResolutionPrimePowerGroup(C2,N); RGG:=ResolutionFiniteDirectProduct(RG,RG); RC2G:=ResolutionFiniteDirectProduct(RC2,RG); C2G:=RC2G!.group; FirstProjection:=Projection(C2G,1); SecondProjection:=Projection(C2G,2); GG:=RGG!.group; FirstEmbedding:=Embedding(GG,1); SecondEmbedding:=Embedding(GG,2); Fproj:=Projection(GG,1); Sproj:=Projection(GG,2); tauhom:=GroupHomomorphismByFunction(GG,GG,x-> ImageElm(SecondEmbedding,ImageElm(Fproj,x))*ImageElm(FirstEmbedding,ImageElm(Sproj,x)) ); ################################ tau:=function(k); return Position(RGG!.elts,ImageElm(tauhom,RGG!.elts[k])); end; ################################ taurec:=List([1..Order(GG)],i->tau(i)); phiRec:=List([1..N+1],i->[]); phiRecT:=List([1..N+1],i->[]); ################################ Diag:=function(x); # G-->GxG, x--> (x,x) return Position(RGG!.elts,ImageElm(FirstEmbedding,x)*ImageElm(SecondEmbedding,x)); end; ################################ Diagrec:=List([1..Order(G)],i->Diag(Elements(G)[i])); Diag:=function(x); return Diagrec[Position(Elements(G),x)];end; ################################ Tau:=function(n,kk) local x,y,z,k; k:=AbsInt(kk); x:=RGG!.Int2Vector(n,k); #x=[p,q,r,s] y:=RGG!.Vector2Int(x[2],x[1],x[4],x[3]); return y; #working mod 2 so this is ok end; ################################ MT:=MultiplicationTable(GG); ################################ MultGG:=function(i,j); return MT[i][j]; end; ################################ ################################ phi_0:=function(a,ii) local w, a2,i; ## We assume that R!.dimension(0)=1. This is correct since ## R:=ResolutionFiniteGroup(G,N). For other resolutions we'll need ## to generalize this function. i:=AbsInt(ii); ## So i=1 since R!.dimension(0)=1. ## I think the appropriate embedding G --> GG is a2 --> (a2,a2). a2:=ImageElm(SecondProjection,a); w:=[ [i, Diag(a2) ] ]; return w; #ok since we work mod 2 end; ################################ ################################ phi:=function(n,a,ii) local w, a1,a2,i; ############### if n=0 then return phi_0(a,ii); fi; ############### i:=AbsInt(ii); a1:=ImageElm(FirstProjection,a); a2:=ImageElm(SecondProjection,a); ###############Don't calculate phi(n,1,i) twice! if (Order(a1)=1 and (not IsBound(phiRec[n+1][i]))) or (Order(a1)=2 and (not IsBound(phiRecT[n+1][i]))) then w:=1*RC2G!.boundary(n,i); w:=List(w,x-> phi(n-1,RC2G!.elts[x[2]],x[1])); w:=1*Concatenation(w); w:=AlgebraicReduction(w,2); ####### w:=List(w,x-> RGG!.homotopy(n-1,x)); w:=1*Concatenation(w); w:=AlgebraicReduction(w,2); ####### if Order(a1)=2 then w:=List(w,x-> [Tau(n,x[1]),taurec[x[2]]]); fi; if Order(a1)=1 then phiRec[n+1][i]:=w; else phiRecT[n+1][i]:=w; fi; fi; ############ if Order(a1)=1 then w:=1*phiRec[n+1][i]; else w:=1*phiRecT[n+1][i]; fi; Apply(w,x->[x[1],MultGG(Diag(a2),x[2])]); return w; #ok since we work mod 2 end; ################################ return [phi, RC2G, RGG, RG]; end); ############################################### ############################################### ############################################### ############################################### InstallGlobalFunction(Mod2SteenrodAlgebra, function(arg) local G,N,RG, RGG, RC2G, BasA, Bas, bas, cupgen, cup, sqr, phi, L, A, i,n,one; # This function inputs a finite 2-group G and an integer N. # It returns the steenrod algebra up to degree N, including the # cup-i product version of the Steenrod square. if Length(arg)=2 then G:=arg[1]; N:=arg[2]; fi; L:=HAP_PHI(G,N); phi:=L[1]; RC2G:=L[2]; RGG:=L[3]; one:=Identity(RC2G!.group); RG:=L[4]; A:=ModPCohomologyRing(RG); BasA:=CanonicalBasis(A); A!.maxdeg:=Maximum(List(BasA,x->A!.degree(x))); bas:=[]; Bas:=[]; for n in [0..N] do bas[n+1]:=Filtered([1..Length(BasA)],i->A!.degree(BasA[i])=n); Bas[n+1]:=Filtered(BasA,b->A!.degree(b)=n); od; ############################################### cupgen:=function(n,i,j,k,m) local v,w,a,x; # This returns the m-th coordinate of the cup-i product e_j u e_k # where e_j and e_k are generators of H^n(G). v:=RC2G!.Vector2Int(i,2*n-i,1,m); v:=phi(2*n,one,v); w:=RGG!.Vector2Int(n,n,j,k); a:=0; for x in v do if AbsInt(x[1])=w then a:=a+1 mod 2; fi; od; return a*Bas[2*n-i+1][m]; end; ############################################### ############################################### cup:=function(i,w) local n, v, c,j,k,m; v:=Zero(A); n:=A!.degree(w); if 2*n<= i then return v; fi; c:=Coefficients(BasA,w); c:=c{bas[n+1]}; c:=Filtered([1..Length(c)],i->not IsZero(c[i])); for j in c do for k in c do for m in [1..RG!.dimension(2*n-i)] do v:=v+cupgen(n,i,j,k,m); od;od;od; return v; end; ############################################### ############################################### sqr:=function(i,w) local n; if i=0 then return w; fi; n:=A!.degree(w); if n<i then return Zero(A); fi; return cup(n-i,w); end; ############################################### A!.squares:=List([0..N],i->(w->sqr(i,w))); A!.res:=RG; return A; end); ############################################### ###############################################