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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466305################################################## InstallGlobalFunction(LeibnizQuasiCoveringHomomorphism, function(L) local BasisL, lenBL, SCTL, lisabelian, K, SCTC, u1, u2, u3, u4, l1, l2, index1, index2, C, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, i, j, k, m, p, vectorsI, vectorsII,w1,w2, zr1, mr1, zr2, mr2, derayeh1, derayeh2, derayeh3, derayeh4, derayeh5, derayeh6, derayeh7, derayeh8, derayeh9, derayeh10, derayeh11, derayeh12, lenv1, lenv2, lenv3, lenv4, lenv5, lenv6, e, q, w, v1, v2, lzr1, lzr2, lmr1, lmr2, q1, q2, tt1, tt2, ww, h, LTL, LVL, t, v7, I, II, bL, bLTL, g, MLTL, v, vv1, BI, I1, I2, I3, LenBI, BLTL, BBLTL, liltl, llzr1, II1,II2,II3,BII,LenBII, LL,f,L2,dlab,nn,Tens,pif,BL2,l,vpif,Bvpif,lenbvpif,sp,KK, imagesp,bimagesp,MLAB,LenBL2,BLAB,BBLAB,IIII,LAB,BL,pi,imgpi, BLAB1,LAB1,preimgpi,BJL,n,LS,SCTLStar1, h1,h2,LTLJ,BLTLJ,k1,hh,k2,kt,zz1,zz2,zz3,zz4,vls1,vls2, b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,o1,o2,ts,r,g1,bL1,kk1,ZStarL; lisabelian:=0; if IsLieAbelian(L) then lisabelian:=1; fi; K:=L!.LeftActingDomain; BasisL:=Basis(L); lenBL:=Length(BasisL); SCTL:=StructureConstantsTable(BasisL); SCTC:=EmptySCTable(lenBL^2,0*One(K),"antisymmetric"); for u1 in [1..lenBL] do for u2 in [1..lenBL] do for u3 in [1..lenBL] do for u4 in [1..lenBL] do l1:=Length(SCTL[u1][u2][1]); l2:=Length(SCTL[u3][u4][1]); if l1<>0 then if l2<>0 then index1:=(u1-1)*lenBL+u2; index2:=(u3-1)*lenBL+u4; derayeh1:=[]; for t1 in [1..l1] do for t2 in [1..l2] do i:=SCTL[u1][u2][1][t1]; j:=SCTL[u3][u4][1][t2]; m:=(i-1)*lenBL+j; p:=SCTL[u1][u2][2][t1]*SCTL[u3][u4][2][t2]; Add(derayeh1,p*One(K)); Add(derayeh1,m); od; od; SetEntrySCTable(SCTC,index1,index2,derayeh1); fi; fi; od; od; od; od; C:=AlgebraByStructureConstants(K,SCTC); vectorsI:=[]; for u1 in [1..lenBL] do for u2 in [1..lenBL] do for u3 in [1..lenBL] do zr1:=[]; mr1:=[]; zr2:=[]; mr2:=[]; lenv1:=Length(SCTL[u1][u2][1]); if lenv1<>0 then for t1 in [1..lenv1] do i:=SCTL[u1][u2][1][t1]; j:=u3; m:=(i-1)*lenBL+j; p:=SCTL[u1][u2][2][t1]*1; Add(zr1,p*One(K)); Add(mr1,m); od; fi; lenv2:=Length(SCTL[u2][u3][1]); if lenv2<>0 then for t2 in [1..lenv2] do i:=u1; j:=SCTL[u2][u3][1][t2]; m:=(i-1)*lenBL+j; p:=1*SCTL[u2][u3][2][t2]; e:=0; if Length(zr1)<>0 then for q in [1..Length(zr1)] do if mr1[q]=m then zr1[q]:=zr1[q]-p*One(K); e:=1; fi; od; if e=0 then Add(zr1,-1*p*One(K)); Add(mr1,m); fi; fi; if Length(zr1)=0 then Add(zr1,-1*p*One(K)); Add(mr1,m); fi; od; fi; lenv3:=Length(SCTL[u1][u3][1]); if lenv3<>0 then for t3 in [1..lenv3] do i:=u2; j:=SCTL[u1][u3][1][t3]; m:=(i-1)*lenBL+j; p:=1*SCTL[u1][u3][2][t3]; e:=0; if Length(zr1)<>0 then for q in [1..Length(zr1)] do if mr1[q]=m then zr1[q]:=zr1[q]+p*One(K); e:=1; fi; od; if e=0 then Add(zr1,p*One(K)); Add(mr1,m); fi; fi; if Length(zr1)=0 then Add(zr1,p*One(K)); Add(mr1,m); fi; od; fi; lenv4:=Length(SCTL[u2][u3][1]); if lenv4<>0 then for t4 in [1..lenv2] do i:=u1; j:=SCTL[u2][u3][1][t4]; m:=(i-1)*lenBL+j; p:=1*SCTL[u2][u3][2][t4]; Add(zr2,p*One(K)); Add(mr2,m); od; fi; lenv5:=Length(SCTL[u3][u1][1]); if lenv5<>0 then for t5 in [1..lenv5] do i:=SCTL[u3][u1][1][t5]; j:=u2; m:=(i-1)*lenBL+j; p:=SCTL[u3][u1][2][t5]*1; e:=0; if Length(zr2)<>0 then for q in [1..Length(zr2)] do if mr2[q]=m then zr2[q]:=zr2[q]-p*One(K); e:=1; fi; od; if e=0 then Add(zr2,-1*p*One(K)); Add(mr2,m); fi; fi; if Length(zr2)=0 then Add(zr2,-1*p*One(K)); Add(mr2,m); fi; od; fi; lenv6:=Length(SCTL[u2][u1][1]); if lenv6<>0 then for t6 in [1..lenv6] do i:=SCTL[u2][u1][1][t6]; j:=u3; m:=(i-1)*lenBL+j; p:=SCTL[u2][u1][2][t6]*1; e:=0; if Length(zr2)<>0 then for q in [1..Length(zr2)] do if mr2[q]=m then zr2[q]:=zr2[q]+p*One(K); e:=1; fi; od; if e=0 then Add(zr2,p*One(K)); Add(mr2,m); fi; fi; if Length(zr2)=0 then Add(zr2,p*One(K)); Add(mr2,m); fi; od; fi; lzr1:=Length(zr1); lmr1:=Length(mr1); v1:=0; if lzr1<>0 then v1:=zr1[1]*(Elements(Basis(C))[lenBL^2-mr1[1]+1]); for q1 in [2..lzr1] do if zr1[q1]<>0 then v1:=v1+zr1[q1]*(Elements(Basis(C))[lenBL^2-mr1[q1]+1]); fi; od; fi; tt1:=0; for ww in [1..Length(Basis(C))] do if v1=0*Elements(Basis(C))[ww] then tt1:=1; fi; od; w:=0; for h in [1..Length(vectorsI)] do if v1=vectorsI[h] then w:=1; fi; if -1*v1=vectorsI[h] then w:=1; fi; od; if v1<>0 then if w=0 then if tt1=0 then Add(vectorsI,v1); fi; fi; fi; lzr2:=Length(zr2); lmr2:=Length(mr2); v2:=0; if lzr2<>0 then v2:=zr2[1]*(Elements(Basis(C))[lenBL^2-mr2[1]+1]); for q2 in [2..lzr2] do if zr2[q2]<>0 then v2:=v2+zr2[q2]*(Elements(Basis(C))[lenBL^2-mr2[q2]+1]); fi; od; fi; tt2:=0; for ww in [1..Length(Basis(C))] do if v2=0*Elements(Basis(C))[ww] then tt2:=1; fi; od; w:=0; for h in [1..Length(vectorsI)] do if v2=vectorsI[h] then w:=1; fi; if -1*v2=vectorsI[h] then w:=1; fi; od; if v2<>0 then if w=0 then if tt2=0 then Add(vectorsI,v2); fi; fi; fi; od; od; od; I:=Ideal(C,vectorsI); LTL:=C/I; MLTL:=[]; for i in [1..Length(Basis(C))] do v:=Elements(Basis(C))[lenBL^2-i+1]; if not (v in I) then Add(MLTL,v); fi; od; BI:=Basis(I); LenBI:=Length(BI); BLTL:=[]; BBLTL:=[]; for j in [1..LenBI] do Add(BBLTL,Elements(BI)[j]); od; for i in [1..Length(MLTL)] do Add(BLTL,MLTL[i]); Add(BBLTL,MLTL[i]); I1:=VectorSpace(K,BBLTL); if Dimension(I1)=LenBI+1 then LenBI:=LenBI+1; else Remove(BLTL); Remove(BBLTL); fi; if Length(BLTL)=Dimension(C) then break; fi; od; I2:=VectorSpace(K,BLTL); I3:=VectorSpace(K,Basis(LTL)); liltl:=[]; for i in [1..Length(BLTL)] do for j in [1..Length(Basis(C))] do if BLTL[i]=Elements(Basis(C))[lenBL^2-j+1] then Add(liltl,j); break; fi; od; od; bL:=[]; for k in [1..Length(liltl)] do u1:=Int(liltl[k]/lenBL)+1; u2:= liltl[k] mod lenBL; if u2=0 then u2:=lenBL; u1:=u1-1; fi; u3:=SCTL[u1][u2]; llzr1:=Length(SCTL[u1][u2][1]); vv1:=0*Elements(BasisL)[1]; if llzr1<>0 then vv1:=SCTL[u1][u2][2][1]*Elements(BasisL)[lenBL-SCTL[u1][u2][1][1]+1]; for i in [2..llzr1] do vv1:=vv1+SCTL[u1][u2][2][i]*Elements(BasisL)[lenBL-SCTL[u1][u2][1][i]+1]; od; fi; Add(bL,vv1); od; bLTL:=Basis(LTL); g:= AlgebraHomomorphismByImages( LTL, L, bLTL , bL );; LL:=LieDerivedSubalgebra(L); f:= AlgebraHomomorphismByImages( LTL, LL, bLTL , bL ); L2:=Image(f); LL:=LieDerivedSubalgebra(L); dlab:=0; nn:=Dimension(L)-Dimension(LL); if nn=0 then dlab:=1; fi; Tens:=Source(f); pif:=[]; BL2:=Basis(L2); l:=Length(BL2); if l<>0 then for i in [1..l] do v:=Random(PreImagesElm(f,Basis(LL)[i])); Add(pif,v); od; vpif:=VectorSpace(K,pif); Bvpif:=Basis(vpif); lenbvpif:=Length(Bvpif); KK:=Elements(Bvpif); sp:=LeftModuleHomomorphismByImages(LL,LTL,Basis(LL),pif); imagesp:=Image(sp); bimagesp:=Basis(imagesp); fi; pi:= NaturalHomomorphismByIdeal( L, LL ); imgpi:=Image(pi); BLAB1:=Basis(imgpi); LAB1:=VectorSpace(K,BLAB1); preimgpi:=[]; BJL:=[]; l:=Length(BLAB1); if l<>0 then for i in [1..l] do v:=Random(PreImagesElm(pi,BLAB1[i])); Add(preimgpi,v); od; fi; MLAB:=[]; for i in [1..Length(Basis(L))] do v:=Elements(Basis(L))[i]; if not (v in L2) then Add(MLAB,v); fi; od; LenBL2:=Length(BL2); BLAB:=[]; BBLAB:=[]; for j in [1..LenBL2] do Add(BBLAB,Elements(BL2)[j]); od; for i in [1..Length(MLAB)] do Add(BLAB,MLAB[i]); Add(BBLAB,MLAB[i]); IIII:=VectorSpace(K,BBLAB); if Dimension(IIII)=LenBL2+1 then LenBL2:=LenBL2+1; else Remove(BLAB); Remove(BBLAB); fi; if Length(BBLAB)=Dimension(L) then break; fi; od; LAB:=VectorSpace(K,BLAB); l:=Length(BLAB); if l<>0 then for i in [1..l] do Add(BJL,BLAB[i]); od; fi; v1:=[]; v2:=[]; l:=Length(BL2); if l<>0 then for i in [1..Length(bLTL)] do v:=Image(f,bLTL[i]); h1:=1; if p<>0 then for r in [1..l] do if v=0*BL2[r] then h1:=0; fi; od; if h1=1 then Add(BJL,v); Add(v1,v); Add(v2,i); fi; fi; od; fi; if Length(BLAB1)>0 then t:=LeftModuleHomomorphismByImages(LAB1,L,BLAB1,preimgpi); fi; m:=Dimension(LTL); n:=Length(BLAB1); p:=Length(BL2); SCTLStar1:=EmptySCTable(m+n,0*One(K),"antisymmetric"); h:=NaturalHomomorphismByIdeal(C,I);; LTLJ:=Image(h); BLTLJ:=Basis(LTLJ); for i in [1..n+m] do for j in [i..n+m] do if i<=m then k1:=Image(f,bLTL[i]); h1:=1; if p<>0 then for r in [1..p] do if k1=0*Basis(L2)[r] then h1:=0; fi; od; if h1=1 then for hh in [1..Length(v1)] do if v1[hh]=k1 then k1:=BJL[n+hh]; fi; od; fi; else h1:=0; fi; else k1:=BJL[i-m]; h1:=1; fi; if j<=m then k2:=Image(f,bLTL[j]); h2:=1; if p<>0 then for r in [1..p] do if k2=0*Basis(L2)[r] then h2:=0; fi; od; if h2=1 then for hh in [1..Length(v1)] do if v1[hh]=k2 then k2:=BJL[n+hh]; fi; od; fi; else h2:=0; fi; else k2:=BJL[j-m]; h2:=1; fi; if h1=1 and h2=1 then zz1:=Coefficients(BasisL, k1 ); zz2:=Coefficients(BasisL, k2 ); vls1:=[]; for b4 in [1..m] do Add(vls1,0); od; for b1 in [1..Length(zz1)] do for b2 in [1..Length(zz2)] do o1:=(b1-1)*lenBL+b2; o2:=zz1[b1]*zz2[b2]; if o2<>0 then kt:=Image(h,Basis(C)[o1]); zz3:=Coefficients(BLTLJ,kt); for b3 in [1..m] do vls1[b3]:=vls1[b3]+o2*zz3[b3]; od; fi; od; od; vls2:=[]; for b5 in [1..m] do if vls1[b5]<>0 then Add(vls2,vls1[b5]); Add(vls2,b5); fi; od; if Length(vls2)>0 then SetEntrySCTable( SCTLStar1, i, j, vls2 ); fi; fi; od; od; LS:=LieAlgebraByStructureConstants(K,SCTLStar1); bL1:=[]; for i in [1..Length(bL)] do Add(bL1,bL[i]); od; for i in [1..n] do Add(bL1,BJL[i]); od; #bL1:=[]; #for i in [1..Length(BasisL)] do # Add(bL1,BasisL[i]); #od; #for i in [1..(Length(bLTL)-p)] do # Add(bL1,0*BasisL[1]); #od; g1:= AlgebraHomomorphismByImages( LS, L, Basis(LS) , bL1 ); return g1; end);