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Real-time collaboration for Jupyter Notebooks, Linux Terminals, LaTeX, VS Code, R IDE, and more,
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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466309##################################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(SymmetricMatDisplay, function(arg) local M,t,X,V,i,j,COLOURS,tmpDir,tmpInlog,tmpIngif,tmpIn2log, mx; M:=StructuralCopy(arg[1]); t:=arg[2]; COLOURS:=["blue","red","green","yellow","brown","black"]; V:=List([1..Length(M)],i->Length(COLOURS)); if Length(arg)>2 then X:=arg[3]; if Length(X)>6 then Print("There are too many colours required.\n"); return fail; fi; for i in [1..Length(X)] do for j in X[i] do V[j]:=i; od; od; fi; tmpDir:=DirectoryTemporary(); tmpInlog:=Filename(tmpDir,"tmpIn.log"); tmpIngif:=Filename(tmpDir,"tmpIn.gif"); tmpIn2log:=Filename(tmpDir,"tmpIn2.log"); #mx:=Maximum(Maximum(M));; #for i in [1..Length(M)] do #for j in [1..Length(M)] do #if not i=j then #M[i][j]:=1+Int(M[i][j]*100/mx); #M[i][j]:=1+Int(M[i][j]); #fi; #od;od; ################ WRITE TO TMPIN.LOG ################################# #AppendTo(tmpInlog," graph G { \n size=\"4,4\" \n subgraph cluster0 {\n node [shape=ellipse, width=.2,height=.2,fixedsize=true,style=filled, color=gray35,label=\"\"] \n edge [style=\"setlinewidth(2)\"] \n"); AppendTo(tmpInlog," graph G { \n size=\"4,4\" \n subgraph cluster0 {\n node [shape=point, style=filled, label=\"\"] \n "); for i in [1..Length(M)] do AppendTo(tmpInlog,i, " [color=",COLOURS[V[i]],"] \n"); od; for i in [1..Length(M)] do for j in [i+1..Length(M)] do if M[i][j]<=t then AppendTo(tmpInlog,i," -- ", j, "[len=",M[i][j]," color= ", COLOURS[Minimum(V[i],V[j])], "] \n"); else AppendTo(tmpInlog,i," -- ", j, "[len=",M[i][j]," color=transparent] \n"); fi; od;od; AppendTo(tmpInlog," }\n subgraph cluster1 {\n node [shape=box, width=2,height=1,fixedsize=true,style=filled, color=white,fillcolor=white] \n "); AppendTo(tmpInlog,"}\n }\n"); ############### WRITTEN ############################################ Exec(Concatenation(NEATO_PATH,"-Tgif ", tmpInlog," > ", tmpIngif)); Exec(Concatenation(DISPLAY_PATH, tmpIngif)); Exec(Concatenation("rm ",tmpInlog,"; rm ",tmpIngif,"; rmdir ",Filename(tmpDir,""))); end); #####################################################################