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Views: 466317InstallGlobalFunction(DavisComplex, function(CoxMat) local DC, GEN, STAB, BOUNDARY, COEFF, CONJ, DIMENSION, numberOfCells, irreducible, equalCoxeterMatrices, generateA, generateB, generateD, H_4, F_4, E_6, E_7, E_8, irreducibleComponents, irr, spherical, extractSpherical, canonicalGenerators, generateStabs, gens, generateBoundary, generateCoeff, generateConj, getDimension, getNumberOfSimplices, chains, DavisComplexCombinatorial, aux, ExportAsContractibleGcomplex, IsSphericalCoxeterGroup, CreateCoxeterMatrix, MaximalSpherical ; ########################################################## # DavisComplexes, a HAP sub-package in GAP # by Ruben J. Sanchez-Garcia and Alexander D. Rahm, # # containing Ruben J. Sanchez-Garcia's implementation # of the Davis complex for Coxeter groups. # ########################################################## ########################################################################## # Function IsSphericalCoxeterGroup # The input is a Coxeter matrix, the output true or false # Ruben J Sanchez-Garcia & Alexander Rahm # GAP version 4.3 (TBU) # May 2015 ########################################################################## #### SPHERICAL #### ## Check whether the Coxeter group represented by a ## Coxeter matrix M is spherical (finite) ## We need firstly the procedures irreducible, irreducibleComponents ## and equalCoxeterMatrices #### OBTAIN IRREDUCIBLE COMPONENTS OF A COXETER GROUP #### ## if irreducible returns [ true, CoxeterMatrix ] ## else returns [false, M1, M2] ] where Mi are two ## submatrices corresponding to two components, ## maybe not yet irreducible irreducible := function(CoxeterMatrix) local N, candidates, partition, tested, remove, s, c; N := Size( CoxeterMatrix ); if N = 1 then return [true, CoxeterMatrix]; fi; candidates := [2..N]; partition := [1]; tested := []; while (candidates <> []) and (not IsEqualSet(partition, tested)) do s := Difference( partition, tested )[1]; remove := []; for c in candidates do if CoxeterMatrix[s][c] <> 2 then AddSet( partition, c ); AddSet( remove, c ); fi; od; SubtractSet(candidates, remove); AddSet(tested, s); od; if candidates = [] then return [ true, CoxeterMatrix ]; else return [ false, CoxeterMatrix{partition}{partition}, CoxeterMatrix{candidates}{candidates} ]; fi; end; #### EQUAL AS COXETER MATRICES #### ## Determine whether there is a permutation p s.t. ## M1[p(i)][p(j)] = M2[i][j] all i,j equalCoxeterMatrices := function( M1, M2) local perm, N, ContinueVariable, i, j; if DimensionsMat(M1) <> DimensionsMat(M2) then return false; elif #checks whether entries(M1) = entries(M2) (IsEqualSet( Collected( Flat(M1) ), Collected( Flat(M2) ) ) = false) then return false; else N := Size(M1); for perm in SymmetricGroup(N) do ContinueVariable := true; i := 1; while ContinueVariable and (i < N) do j := i+1; while ContinueVariable and (j <= N) do if M1[i^perm][j^perm] = M2[i][j] then j := j+1; else ContinueVariable := false; fi; od; i := i+1; od; if ContinueVariable = true then return true; fi; od; return false; fi; end; #### MATRICES SPHERICAL CASES #### ## Matrices for spherical cases: A_n, B_n, D_n, generateA := function(N) local matrix, i; matrix := ( NullMat(N,N) + 2 ) - IdentityMat(N); #matrix all 2's except 1's at diagonal matrix[1][2] := 3; matrix[N][N-1] := 3; for i in [2..N-1] do matrix[i][i-1] := 3; matrix[i][i+1] := 3; od; return matrix; end; generateB := function(N) local matrix, i; matrix := ( NullMat(N,N) + 2 ) - IdentityMat(N); #matrix all 2's except 1's at diagonal matrix[1][2] := 4; matrix[N][N-1] := 4; for i in [2..N-1] do matrix[i][i-1] := 3; matrix[i][i+1] := 3; od; return matrix; end; generateD := function(N) local matrix, i; matrix := generateA(N); matrix[1][2] := 2; matrix[1][3] := 3; matrix[2][1] := 2; matrix[3][1] := 3; return matrix; end; ## Matrices for the cases H_4, F_4, E_6, E_7, E_8 H_4 := [ [1,5,2,2], [5,1,3,2], [2,3,1,3], [2,2,3,1] ]; F_4 := [ [1,3,2,2], [3,1,4,2], [2,4,1,3], [2,2,3,1] ]; E_6 := [ [1,3,2,2,2,2], [3,1,3,2,2,2], [2,3,1,3,3,2], [2,2,3,1,2,2], [2,2,3,2,1,3], [2,2,2,2,3,1] ]; E_7 := [ [1,3,2,2,2,2,2], [3,1,3,2,2,2,2], [2,3,1,3,3,2,2], [2,2,3,1,2,2,2], [2,2,3,2,1,3,2], [2,2,2,2,3,1,3], [2,2,2,2,2,3,1] ]; E_8 := [ [1,3,2,2,2,2,2,2], [3,1,3,2,2,2,2,2], [2,3,1,3,3,2,2,2], [2,2,3,1,2,2,2,2], [2,2,3,2,1,3,2,2], [2,2,2,2,3,1,3,2], [2,2,2,2,2,3,1,3], [2,2,2,2,2,2,3,1] ]; ########################################################################## # Auxiliary functions to CoxeterGroups.g # Ruben J Sanchez # University of Southampton 2001-04 # GAP version 4.3 # July 2004 ########################################################################## irreducibleComponents := function(CoxeterMatrix) local irr, comp1, comp2; irr := irreducible( CoxeterMatrix ); if irr[1] = true then return [irr[2]]; else comp1 := irreducibleComponents( irr[2] ); comp2 := irreducibleComponents( irr[3] ); return Concatenation(comp1, comp2); fi; end; #### SPHERICAL FUNCTION #### ## Check whether the Coxeter group represented ## Coxeter matrix M is spherical (finite) IsSphericalCoxeterGroup:=function(M) local N, i, j, sum, CoxeterMatrix, components, irre, comp, fourOrfive, caseA, caseB, caseD; # finite for size 0 (trivial) or 1 (cyclic order 2) N := Size(M); if N <= 1 then return true; fi; # check whether some order is infinity for i in [1..N] do for j in [i+1..N] do if M[i][j] = 0 then return false; fi; od; od; if N = 2 then return true; fi; if N = 3 then sum := 1/M[1][2] + 1/M[1][3] + 1/M[2][3]; if sum > 1 then return true; else return false; fi; fi; # if Size >= 4, get irreducible components components := irreducibleComponents( M ); irre := (Size(components) = 1); #irreducible? #if reducible, check recursively IsSphericalCoxeterGroup() on each component if not irre then for comp in components do if not IsSphericalCoxeterGroup(comp) then return false; fi; od; return true; #if irreducible, check exceptional cases else #easy checks: there is entries > 5? & #4's or 5's > 1 fourOrfive := false; for i in [1..N] do for j in [i+1..N] do if M[i][j] > 5 then return false; elif (M[i][j] = 4) or (M[i][j] = 5) then if fourOrfive = true then return false; else fourOrfive := true; fi; fi; od; od; #check exceptional cases H_4, F_4, E_6, E_7, E_8 if N <= 8 then if equalCoxeterMatrices(M, H_4) then return true; fi; if equalCoxeterMatrices(M, F_4) then return true; fi; if equalCoxeterMatrices(M, E_6) then return true; fi; if equalCoxeterMatrices(M, E_7) then return true; fi; if equalCoxeterMatrices(M, E_8) then return true; fi; fi; #check the cases A_n, B_n and D_n caseA := generateA(N); caseB := generateB(N); caseD := generateD(N); if equalCoxeterMatrices(M, caseA) then return true; fi; if equalCoxeterMatrices(M, caseB) then return true; fi; if equalCoxeterMatrices(M, caseD) then return true; fi; return false; fi; end; #### SPHERICAL FUNCTION #### ## Check whether the Coxeter group represented ## Coxeter matrix M is spherical (finite) spherical := function(M) local N, i, j, sum, CoxeterMatrix, components, irre, comp, fourOrfive, caseA, caseB, caseD; # finite for size 0 (trivial) or 1 (cyclic order 2) N := Size(M); if N <= 1 then return true; fi; # check whether some order is infinity for i in [1..N] do for j in [i+1..N] do if M[i][j] = 0 then return false; fi; od; od; if N = 2 then return true; fi; if N = 3 then sum := 1/M[1][2] + 1/M[1][3] + 1/M[2][3]; if sum > 1 then return true; else return false; fi; fi; # if Size >= 4, get irreducible components components := irreducibleComponents( M ); irre := (Size(components) = 1); #irreducible? #if reducible, check recursively spherical() on each component if not irre then for comp in components do if not spherical(comp) then return false; fi; od; return true; #if irreducible, check exceptional cases else #easy checks: there is entries > 5? & #4's or 5's > 1 fourOrfive := false; for i in [1..N] do for j in [i+1..N] do if M[i][j] > 5 then return false; elif (M[i][j] = 4) or (M[i][j] = 5) then if fourOrfive = true then return false; else fourOrfive := true; fi; fi; od; od; #check exceptional cases H_4, F_4, E_6, E_7, E_8 if N <= 8 then if equalCoxeterMatrices(M, H_4) then return true; fi; if equalCoxeterMatrices(M, F_4) then return true; fi; if equalCoxeterMatrices(M, E_6) then return true; fi; if equalCoxeterMatrices(M, E_7) then return true; fi; if equalCoxeterMatrices(M, E_8) then return true; fi; fi; #check the cases A_n, B_n and D_n caseA := generateA(N); caseB := generateB(N); caseD := generateD(N); if equalCoxeterMatrices(M, caseA) then return true; fi; if equalCoxeterMatrices(M, caseB) then return true; fi; if equalCoxeterMatrices(M, caseD) then return true; fi; return false; fi; end; #### EXTRACT SPHERICAL SIMPLICES #### ## Remove from 'allchains' all chains containing a non-spherical subset extractSpherical := function( allchains, numberOfGenerators, CoxeterMatrix ) local L, i, j, subset, element, simplices_N, localchains; localchains := ShallowCopy(allchains); L := Size(CoxeterMatrix); for i in [L,L-1..2] do for subset in Combinations([1..L], i) do if spherical( CoxeterMatrix{subset}{subset} ) = false then for j in [1..Size(localchains)] do SubtractSet( localchains[j], Filtered( localchains[j], C -> subset in C ) ); od; fi; od; od; return localchains; end; #### GENERATING MATRICES (CANONICAL REPRESENTATION) #### ## Each matrix correpond to one generator ## ## Generator s_i correspond to matrix A[i] ## ## Input: Coxeter matrix M ## canonicalGenerators := function(M) local cos, A, i, j, GEN; # auxiliary function: cos(n) = cos(Pi/n) = 1/2*(e^(Pi*I/n)-e^(Pi*I/n)^(2*n-1)) # using GAP function E(n) = e^(2*Pi*I/n) cos := function(n) if n>0 then return (1/2)*( E(2*n) + E(2*n)^(2*n-1) ); elif n = 0 then #infinity case return 1; fi; end; # generating matrices, stored in array A A := []; GEN := Size(M); for i in [1..GEN] do A[i] := IdentityMat(GEN); for j in [1..GEN] do A[i][i][j] := A[i][i][j] + 2*cos(M[i][j]); od; od; return A; end; #### GENERATE STABILIZERS #### # Generate list of stabilizers out of # an array of 'chains' (such that chains[i] = chains of length i) # with respect to the Coxeter matrix 'M' # Note.- There cannot be a empty list of i-simplices generateStabs := function( chains, M ) local L, i, j, groupStabOfChain, simplices, simplex, stabs, gens; # Returns group corresponding to stabilizer of simplex # represented by chain, with generators strored in matrix gens groupStabOfChain := function( chain, gens ) local l, smallest, set; if Size(chain[1]) < 1 then return Group( One ( gens[1] ) ); else smallest := chain[1]; l := Size(smallest); for set in chain do if Size(set) < l then smallest := set; l := Size(set); fi; od; return Group( gens{smallest} ); fi; end; L := MaximumList( List( chains, x -> Size(x[1])) ); # length of longest chain simplices := []; stabs := []; gens := canonicalGenerators(M); for i in [1..L] do j := 0; stabs[i] := []; for simplex in chains[i] do j := j+1; Add( stabs[i], groupStabOfChain( simplex, gens ) ); #stabs is NOT a set, must keep order # SetName( stabs[i][j], Concatenation("Stab", String(i-1), "_", String(j))); od; od; return stabs; end; #### GENERATE BOUNDARY #### # Generated list of boundaries of each chain in # the list of 'chains', where chains[i] = list of i-chains generateBoundary := function( chains ) local L, i, boundaryOfChain, simplices, simplex, boundary; # Returns list of chains = simplices in the boundary of N-simplex # given by chain, given by position in N-simplices boundaryOfChain := function( chain, simplices ) local L, i, boundaryComponent, solution, temp, pos; L := Size(chain); if L = 1 then return []; fi; if L < 1 then return fail; fi; solution := []; for i in Set( List( chain, Size ) ) do temp := First( chain, x -> Size(x) = i ); boundaryComponent := Difference( chain, [temp] ); pos := PositionSet( simplices, boundaryComponent ); Add( solution, pos ); od; return solution; end; L := MaximumList( List( chains, x -> Size(x[1])) ); # length of longest chain simplices := []; boundary := []; for i in [2..L] do simplices[i-1] := ShallowCopy( chains[i] ); boundary[i-1] := []; for simplex in simplices[i-1] do Add( boundary[i-1], boundaryOfChain( simplex, chains[i-1] ) ); od; od; return boundary; end; #### GENERATE COEFF AND CONJ (both 'standard') #### # Generate list COEFF = alternating +-1's and # list CONJ = constant 1's, out of list BOUNDARY (replacing # elements by appropiate +-1) generateCoeff := function( boundary ) local coeff; coeff := List( boundary, x -> List(x, y -> List (y, z -> (-1)^(Position(y,z)+1) ))); return coeff; end; generateConj := function( boundary ) local conj; conj := List( boundary, x -> List(x, y -> List (y, z -> 1))); return conj; end; #### DIMENSION AND NUMBER OF SIMPLICES (out of collection of chains 'simplices) #### getDimension := function(simplices) return MaximumList( List( simplices, x -> Size(x[1])) ) - 1; # length of longest chain end; getNumberOfSimplices := function(simplices) return List(simplices, Size); end; ########################################################## # DavisComplexes, a HAP sub-package in GAP # by Ruben J. Sanchez-Garcia and Alexander D. Rahm, # # containing Ruben J. Sanchez-Garcia's implementation # of the Davis complex for Coxeter groups. # ########################################################## CreateCoxeterMatrix:= function( numberOfGenerators, CoxeterMatrixEntries) # CreateCoxeterMatrix := function( numberOfGenerators, CoxeterMatrixEntries) local GEN, M, m, k, i, j; if IsInt(numberOfGenerators) and numberOfGenerators > 0 then GEN := numberOfGenerators; else return fail; #break; fi; if Size(CoxeterMatrixEntries) = GEN*(GEN-1)/2 then M := IdentityMat(GEN); #to be completed into a Coxeter matrix k := 1; for i in [1..GEN-1] do for j in [i+1..GEN] do m := CoxeterMatrixEntries[k]; if IsInt(m) and m > -1 then M[i][j] := Int(m); k := k+1; else return fail; #break; fi; od; od; else return fail; #break; fi; #### COMPLETE COXETER MATRIX (symmetric) #### for i in [1..GEN] do for j in [1..i-1] do M[i][j] := M[j][i]; od; od; return M; end; ########################################################################## # Program to compute the maximal spherical subgroups of a Coxeter group # The input is a Coxeter matrix M # The output is a list of subsets of the Coxeter generators labeled 1..N # Ruben J Sanchez-Garcia & Alexander Rahm # GAP version 4.3 (TBU) # May 2015 ########################################################################## MaximalSpherical:= function(M) local S, subset, max_spherical, temp_spherical, l, m, found; # Coxeter generators S := [1..Size(M)]; # if spherical return all generators if IsSphericalCoxeterGroup(M) then return [S]; fi; # if not, evaluate each subset recursively max_spherical := []; for subset in Combinations(S,Length(S)-1) do temp_spherical := MaximalSpherical(M{subset}{subset}); # for each returned spherical subset, check is not yet a subset in max_spherical for l in temp_spherical do found := false; for m in max_spherical do if IsSubset(m, subset{l}) then #use subset{l} to keep consistent numbering found := true; #break; fi; od; if not(found) then Append(max_spherical, [subset{l}]); fi; od; od; return max_spherical; end; ########################################################################## # Program to compute the combinatorial structure of the Davis complex # The input is a Coxeter matrix M # The output is a list of subsets of the Coxeter generators labeled 1..N # Ruben J Sanchez-Garcia & Alexander Rahm # GAP version 4.3 (TBU) # May 2015 ########################################################################## # Subfunction chains # computes all chains of subsets of S chains := function(S) local partialSolution, Hijos, hijo, addChainLink; # subfunction - add maximal set to the chains addChainLink := function( chains, set ) local C, newChain, solution; solution := Set(ShallowCopy(chains)); for C in chains do newChain := Set(ShallowCopy(C)); AddSet( newChain, set ); AddSet( solution, newChain ); od; AddSet( solution, [set] ); return solution; end; # Trivial case if Size(S) = 0 then return [Combinations(S)]; fi; # Reduction to smaller cases: recursive call partialSolution := []; Hijos := Combinations( S, Size(S)-1 ); for hijo in Hijos do Append( partialSolution, chains(hijo) ); od; partialSolution := addChainLink(partialSolution, S); return partialSolution; end; DavisComplexCombinatorial := function(MaxSpherical) local s, i, aux, DC, L; # adds all chains of each maximal spherical, deleting duplicates aux := []; for s in MaxSpherical do aux := Set(Concatenation(aux,chains(s))); od; # filters chains by length DC:= []; L := Maximum(List(aux,Length)); # length of longest chain for i in [1..L] do DC[i] := Filtered( aux, C -> Size(C) = i ); od; return DC; end; ExportAsContractibleGcomplex := function(CoxeterMatrix, DC, GEN, STAB, BOUNDARY, COEFF, CONJ, DIMENSION, numberOfCells) local j, CoxeterGenerators, G, StabilizerGroups, Stabilizer, lnth, dims,Dimension, Boundary, boundaryList, Elts, Rot,Stab, RotSubGroups,Action, ActionRecord, TransMat, x, n,k,s,BI,SGN,tmp, LstEl; # groupname:= Concatenation("Coxeter",String(GEN),"group"); # for i in [1..GEN-1] do # for j in [i+1..GEN] do # groupname := Concatenation( groupname,"-",String( CoxeterMatrix[i][j])); # od; # od; # name:=groupname; if HAP_GCOMPLEX_SETUP[1] then TransMat:=function(x); return x^-1; end; else TransMat:=function(x); return x; end; fi; lnth:=Size(DC)-1; dims:=List([1..lnth+1],n->Size(DC[n])); ################### Dimension:=function(n); if n>lnth then return 0; fi; return dims[n+1]; end; ################### Elts:=[IdentityMat(GEN)]; StabilizerGroups:=[]; RotSubGroups:=[]; boundaryList:=[]; ####### for n in [1..lnth+1] do boundaryList[n]:=[]; StabilizerGroups[n]:=[]; RotSubGroups[n]:=[]; for k in [1..Dimension(n-1)] do Append(Elts,Elements(STAB[n][k])); Add(StabilizerGroups[n],STAB[n][k]); Add(RotSubGroups[n],STAB[n][k]); od; od; CoxeterGenerators := []; n := lnth; ## Use the stabilisers of the ## (top-1 = n)-dimensional cells ## as generators for the Coxeter group. for k in [1..Dimension(n-1)] do Append(CoxeterGenerators,Elements(STAB[n][k])); od; #### Elts := SSortedList(Elts); CoxeterGenerators := SSortedList(CoxeterGenerators); CoxeterGenerators := Difference(CoxeterGenerators, [IdentityMat(GEN)]); ####### for n in [1..lnth+1] do ## the cell dimension is n-1. boundaryList[n]:=[]; tmp := List([]); if n-1 > 0 then for j in [1..n] do Append( tmp, [IdentityMat(GEN)]); od; fi; LstEl:=tmp; for k in [1..Dimension(n-1)] do if n-1 > 0 then BI := BOUNDARY[n-1][k]; SGN:=COEFF[n-1][k]; else BI:= []; SGN:= []; fi; for s in [1..Length(BI)] do BI[s]:=[SGN[s]*BI[s], Position(Elts,LstEl[s])]; od; Add(boundaryList[n],BI); od; od; #### ActionRecord:=[]; for n in [1..lnth+1] do ActionRecord[n]:=[]; for k in [1..Dimension(n-1)] do ActionRecord[n][k]:=[]; od; od; G:=Group(CoxeterGenerators); #################### Boundary:=function(n,k); if k>0 then return boundaryList[n+1][k]; else return NegateWord(boundaryList[n+1][-k]); fi; end; #################### #################### Stabilizer:=function(n,k); return StabilizerGroups[n+1][k]; end; #################### #################### Action:=function(n,k,g) local id,r,u,H,abk,ans; abk:=AbsInt(k); if not IsBound(ActionRecord[n+1][abk][g]) then H:=StabilizerGroups[n+1][abk]; if Order(H)=infinity then ActionRecord[n+1][abk][g]:=1; #So we are assuming that any infinite stabilizer group acts trivially!! else ###### id:=CanonicalRightCosetElement(H,Identity(H)); r:=CanonicalRightCosetElement(H,Elts[g]^-1); r:=id^-1*r; u:=r*Elts[g]; if u in RotSubGroups[n+1][abk] then ans:= 1; else ans:= -1; fi; ActionRecord[n+1][abk][g]:=ans; fi; ###### fi; return ActionRecord[n+1][abk][g]; end; ########################## return Objectify(HapNonFreeResolution, rec( dimension:=Dimension, boundary:=Boundary, homotopy:=fail, elts:=Elts, group:=G, stabilizer:=Stabilizer, action:=Action, properties:= [["length",Maximum(1000,lnth)], ["characteristic",0], ["type","resolution"], ["reduced",true]] )); end; ## end of function ExportAsContractibleGcomplex ################################################ ################################################ #InstallGlobalFunction(DavisComplex, function(CoxMat) #local DC, GEN, STAB, BOUNDARY, COEFF, CONJ, DIMENSION, numberOfCells; if not IsMatrix(CoxMat) then CoxMat:=CoxeterMatrix(CoxMat); fi; GEN := Size(CoxMat); DC:= DavisComplexCombinatorial(MaximalSpherical(CoxMat)); #### EXTRACT SPHERICAL SIMPLICES #### DC := extractSpherical( DC, GEN, CoxMat ); #### REMOVE ANY EMPTY LIST OF CHAINS #### DC := Difference( DC, [[]] ); #### GENERATE STABILIZERS #### STAB := generateStabs( DC, CoxMat ); #### GENERATE BOUNDARY #### BOUNDARY := generateBoundary( DC ); #### GENERATE COEFF AND CONJ (both 'standard') #### COEFF := generateCoeff( BOUNDARY ); CONJ := generateConj( BOUNDARY ); #### DIMENSION AND NUMBER OF SIMPLICES #### DIMENSION := getDimension(DC); numberOfCells := getNumberOfSimplices(DC); return ExportAsContractibleGcomplex(CoxeterMatrix, DC, GEN, STAB, BOUNDARY, COEFF, CONJ, DIMENSION, numberOfCells); # end; end);