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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466317InstallGlobalFunction(TensorProductOfChainComplexes, function(arg) local TensorProductOfTwoChainComplexes, i,LR,R; TensorProductOfTwoChainComplexes := function(R,S) local rdim,rbound,sdim,sbound,N, Dimen,Bound,count,n,k,M,i,j,ii,jj,x,Rew,beg1,beg2,LH,LV, dim,SearchPosition,dhr,dvs, Dimension,Boundary; rdim := R!.dimension; rbound := R!.boundary; sdim := S!.dimension; sbound := S!.boundary; #N := Minimum(EvaluateProperty(R,"length"),EvaluateProperty(S,"length")); #CHANGED BY GRAHAM N := 1+EvaluateProperty(R,"length")+EvaluateProperty(S,"length"); ############################################## dim := function(i,j) if i<0 or j <0 then return 0; fi; return rdim(i)*sdim(j); end; ############################################### Dimen := []; for n in [0..N] do count := 0; for j in [0..n] do; count := count+dim(n-j,j); od; Dimen[n+1] := count; od; ###################################################### Dimension := function(n) return Dimen[n+1]; end; ################################################### ################################################### SearchPosition := function(n,k) local count,ord,j,b,x,ii,jj; if k>Dimension(n) then return fail; fi; count := 0; for j in [0..n] do ord := k-count; count := count+dim(n-j,j); if k <=count then b := sdim(j); x := Int((ord-1)/b); ii := x+1; jj := ord-x*b; return [n-j,j,ii,jj]; break; fi; od; end; ######################################################## ######################################################## dhr := function(i,j,ii,jj) local a,b,L,x,LR; if i=0 then return []; fi; a := rdim(i-1); b := sdim(j); L := List([1..a*b],x->0); LR := rbound(i,ii); for x in [1..a] do L[(x-1)*b+jj] := LR[x]; od; return L; end; ######################################################## dvs := function(i,j,ii,jj) local a,b,L,x,LS,sign; if j =0 then return []; fi; if (i mod 2)=0 then sign := 1; else sign := -1; fi; a := rdim(i); b := sdim(j-1); L := List([1..a*b],x->0); LS := sbound(j,jj); for x in [1..b] do L[(ii-1)*b+x] := sign*LS[x]; od; return L; end; ########################################################## Bound := List([0..N],x->[]); Bound[1][1] := [0]; for n in [1..N] do for k in [1..Dimension(n)] do M := SearchPosition(n,k); i := M[1]; j := M[2]; ii := M[3]; jj := M[4]; Rew := List([1..Dimension(n-1)],x->0); beg1 := 0; for x in [0..(j-2)] do beg1 := beg1+ dim((n-1)-x,x); od; beg2 := beg1+ dim(i,j-1); LV := dvs(i,j,ii,jj); LH := dhr(i,j,ii,jj); for x in [1..dim(i,j-1)]do Rew[beg1+x] := LV[x]; od; for x in [1..dim(i-1,j)] do Rew[beg2+x] := LH[x]; od; Bound[n+1][k] := Rew; od; od; ################################################################ Boundary := function(n,k) return Bound[n+1][k]; end; ################################################################ return Objectify( HapChainComplex, rec( boundary := Boundary, dimension := Dimension, properties := [ [ "length",N-1], [ "type", "chainComplex" ], [ "characteristic",0 ] ] ) ); end; ################################################################ if Length(arg)=1 then LR := arg[1]; if IsList(LR) then R := LR[1]; for i in [2..Length(LR)] do R := TensorProductOfTwoChainComplexes(R,LR[i]); od; return R; else return LR; fi; else R := arg[1]; for i in [2..Length(arg)] do R := TensorProductOfTwoChainComplexes(R,arg[i]); od; return R; fi; end);