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Views: 418346############################################################################# ## ## HomalgToCAS package Mohamed Barakat ## ## Copyright 2007-2008 Lehrstuhl B für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen ## ## Implementation stuff for external rings. ## ############################################################################# ## DeclareRepresentation( "IshomalgExternalRingObjectRep", IshomalgExternalObjectRep, [ ] ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="IsHomalgExternalRingRep"> ## <ManSection> ## <Filt Type="Representation" Arg="R" Name="IsHomalgExternalRingRep"/> ## <Returns><C>true</C> or <C>false</C></Returns> ## <Description> ## The internal representation of &homalg; rings. <P/> ## (It is a representation of the &GAP; category <C>IsHomalgRing</C>.) ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## DeclareRepresentation( "IsHomalgExternalRingRep", IsHomalgRing and IsHomalgRingOrFinitelyPresentedModuleRep, [ "ring", "homalgTable" ] ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="IsHomalgExternalRingElementRep"> ## <ManSection> ## <Filt Type="Representation" Arg="r" Name="IsHomalgExternalRingElementRep"/> ## <Returns><C>true</C> or <C>false</C></Returns> ## <Description> ## The representation of elements of external &homalg; rings. <P/> ## (It is a representation of the &GAP; category <Ref Filt="IsHomalgRingElement"/>.) ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## DeclareRepresentation( "IsHomalgExternalRingElementRep", IsHomalgRingElement, [ ] ); # a new subrepresentation of the representation IsContainerForWeakPointersRep: DeclareRepresentation( "IsContainerForWeakPointersOnHomalgExternalRingsRep", IsContainerForWeakPointersRep, [ "weak_pointers", "streams", "counter", "deleted" ] ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="IsHomalgExternalMatrixRep"> ## <ManSection> ## <Filt Type="Representation" Arg="A" Name="IsHomalgExternalMatrixRep"/> ## <Returns><C>true</C> or <C>false</C></Returns> ## <Description> ## The external representation of &homalg; matrices. <P/> ## (It is a representation of the &GAP; category <Ref Filt="IsHomalgMatrix"/>.) ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## DeclareRepresentation( "IsHomalgExternalMatrixRep", IsHomalgMatrix, [ ] ); #################################### # # families and types: # #################################### # a new type: BindGlobal( "TheTypeHomalgExternalRing", NewType( TheFamilyOfHomalgRings, IsHomalgExternalRingRep ) ); # three new types: BindGlobal( "TheTypeHomalgExternalRingElement", NewType( TheFamilyOfHomalgRingElements, IsHomalgExternalRingElementRep ) ); BindGlobal( "TheTypeHomalgExternalMatrix", NewType( TheFamilyOfHomalgMatrices, IsHomalgExternalMatrixRep ) ); # a new family: BindGlobal( "TheFamilyOfContainersForWeakPointersOnHomalgExternalRings", NewFamily( "TheFamilyOfContainersForWeakPointersOnHomalgExternalRings" ) ); # a new type: BindGlobal( "TheTypeContainerForWeakPointersOnHomalgExternalRings", NewType( TheFamilyOfContainersForWeakPointersOnHomalgExternalRings, IsContainerForWeakPointersOnHomalgExternalRingsRep ) ); #################################### # # methods for operations: # #################################### ## InstallMethod( homalgPointer, "for homalg external rings", [ IsHomalgExternalRingRep ], function( R ) return homalgPointer( R!.ring ); end ); ## InstallMethod( homalgExternalCASystem, "for homalg external rings", [ IsHomalgExternalRingRep ], function( R ) return homalgExternalCASystem( R!.ring ); end ); ## InstallMethod( homalgExternalCASystemVersion, "for homalg external rings", [ IsHomalgExternalRingRep ], function( R ) return homalgExternalCASystemVersion( R!.ring ); end ); ## InstallMethod( homalgStream, "for homalg external rings", [ IsHomalgExternalRingRep ], function( R ) return homalgStream( R!.ring ); end ); ## InstallMethod( homalgExternalCASystemPID, "for homalg external rings", [ IsHomalgExternalRingRep ], function( R ) return homalgExternalCASystemPID( R!.ring ); end ); ## InstallMethod( homalgLastWarning, "for homalg external rings", [ IsHomalgExternalRingRep ], function( R ) homalgLastWarning( R!.ring ); end ); ## InstallMethod( homalgNrOfWarnings, "for homalg external rings", [ IsHomalgExternalRingRep ], function( R ) return homalgNrOfWarnings( R!.ring ); end ); ## InstallMethod( homalgPointer, "for homalg external ring elements", [ IsHomalgExternalRingElementRep ], function( r ) local e; e := EvalRingElement( r ); ## here we must evaluate if IshomalgExternalObjectRep( e ) then return homalgPointer( e ); elif IsString( e ) or IsFunction( e ) then return e; fi; Error( "the value of EvalRingElement of an external ring element must be either an external object, a string, or a function\n" ); end ); ## InstallMethod( homalgExternalCASystem, "for homalg external ring elements", [ IsHomalgExternalRingElementRep ], function( r ) local R; R := HomalgRing( r ); if IsHomalgExternalRingRep( R ) then return homalgExternalCASystem( R ); ## avoid evaluating the ring element else return homalgExternalCASystem( EvalRingElement( r ) ); fi; end ); ## InstallMethod( homalgExternalCASystemVersion, "for homalg external ring elements", [ IsHomalgExternalRingElementRep ], function( r ) local R; R := HomalgRing( r ); if IsHomalgExternalRingRep( R ) then return homalgExternalCASystemVersion( R ); ## avoid evaluating the ring element else return homalgExternalCASystemVersion( EvalRingElement( r ) ); fi; end ); ## InstallMethod( homalgStream, "for homalg external ring elements", [ IsHomalgExternalRingElementRep ], function( r ) local R; R := HomalgRing( r ); if IsHomalgExternalRingRep( R ) then return homalgStream( R ); ## avoid evaluating the ring element else return homalgStream( EvalRingElement( r ) ); fi; end ); ## InstallMethod( homalgExternalCASystemPID, "for homalg external ring elements", [ IsHomalgExternalRingElementRep ], function( r ) local R; R := HomalgRing( r ); if IsHomalgExternalRingRep( R ) then return homalgExternalCASystemPID( R ); ## avoid evaluating the ring element else return homalgExternalCASystemPID( EvalRingElement( r ) ); fi; end ); ## InstallMethod( String, "for homalg external ring elements", [ IsHomalgExternalRingElementRep ], Name ); ## InstallMethod( homalgSetName, "for homalg external ring elements", [ IsHomalgExternalRingElementRep, IsString, IsHomalgExternalRingRep ], function( r, name, R ) SetName( r, homalgSendBlocking( [ r ], "need_output", HOMALG_IO.Pictograms.homalgSetName ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( homalgSetName, "for homalg external ring elements", [ IsHomalgExternalRingElementRep, IsString ], function( r, name ) homalgSetName( r, name, HomalgRing( r ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( \=, "for homalg external ring elements", [ IsHomalgExternalRingElementRep, IsHomalgExternalRingElementRep ], function( r1, r2 ) if not IsIdenticalObj( homalgStream( r1 ), homalgStream( r2 ) ) then return false; elif EvalRingElement( r1 ) = EvalRingElement( r2 ) then return true; fi; TryNextMethod( ); end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( LetWeakPointerListOnExternalObjectsContainRingCreationNumbers, function( R ) local container; container := homalgStream( R ).homalgExternalObjectsPointingToVariables; if not IsBound( container!.ring_creation_numbers ) then container!.ring_creation_numbers := [ ]; fi; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( AppendTohomalgTablesOfCreatedExternalRings, function( homalgTableForCAS, filter ) local weak_pointers, i, R; if not IsBound( HOMALG_MATRICES.ContainerForWeakPointersOnHomalgExternalRings ) then return; fi; weak_pointers := HOMALG_MATRICES.ContainerForWeakPointersOnHomalgExternalRings!.weak_pointers; for i in [ 1 .. Length( weak_pointers ) ] do R := ElmWPObj( weak_pointers, i ); if R <> fail then if filter( R ) then AppendToAhomalgTable( homalgTable( R ), homalgTableForCAS ); fi; fi; od; end ); ## InstallMethod( \/, "for a homalg external ring element and a homalg external ring", [ IsHomalgExternalRingElementRep, IsHomalgExternalRingRep ], function( r, R ) local RP; RP := homalgTable( R ); if not IsIdenticalObj( HomalgRing( r ), R ) and IsHomalgExternalRingRep( HomalgRing( r ) ) and IsIdenticalObj( homalgStream( HomalgRing( r ) ), homalgStream( R ) ) and IsBound( RP!.CopyElement ) then ## make a "copy" over a different ring return HomalgExternalRingElement( RP!.CopyElement( r, R ), R ); fi; TryNextMethod( ); end ); #################################### # # constructor functions and methods: # #################################### ## InstallGlobalFunction( CreateHomalgExternalRing, function( arg ) local nargs, r, l, HOMALG_IO_CAS, nar, stream, ring_type, ar, R, container, weak_pointers, deleted, streams; nargs := Length( arg ); if nargs < 2 then Error( "expecting a ring object or arguments to pass to homalgSendBlocking as the first argument and a ring type as the second argument\n" ); fi; r := arg[1]; if IsList( r ) then l := 4; HOMALG_IO_CAS := arg[3]; nar := Length( r ); ## check whether the last argument already has a stream pointing to a running ## instance of the external CAS if nargs > 1 then if IsRecord( r[nar] ) and IsBound( r[nar].lines ) and IsBound( r[nar].pid ) then stream := r[nar]; elif IshomalgExternalObjectRep( r[nar] ) or IsHomalgExternalRingRep( r[nar] ) then stream := homalgStream( r[nar] ); fi; fi; ## if no such stream is found in the last argument, start and initialize ## a new instance of the external CAS if not IsBound( stream ) then if IsString( HOMALG_IO_CAS ) and IsBound( ValueGlobal( HOMALG_IO_CAS ).common_stream ) then HOMALG_IO_CAS := ValueGlobal( HOMALG_IO_CAS ); ## use the stream stored in HOMALG_IO_CAS to ## avoid launching a new instance of the external CAS ## (suggested by Oleksandr Motsak) stream := HOMALG_IO_CAS.common_stream; elif IsRecord( HOMALG_IO_CAS ) and IsBound( HOMALG_IO_CAS.common_stream ) then ## use the stream stored in HOMALG_IO_CAS to ## avoid launching a new instance of the external CAS ## (suggested by Oleksandr Motsak) stream := HOMALG_IO_CAS.common_stream; else stream := LaunchCAS( HOMALG_IO_CAS ); if IsString( HOMALG_IO_CAS ) then HOMALG_IO_CAS := ValueGlobal( HOMALG_IO_CAS ); fi; if IsBound( stream.init_string ) then ## send the init string homalgSendBlocking( stream.init_string, "need_command", stream, HOMALG_IO.Pictograms.initialize ); fi; ## initialize the macros if IsBound( stream.InitializeCASMacros ) then stream.InitializeCASMacros( stream ); fi; ## store stream as a common stream for later rings to ## avoid launching a new instance of the external CAS ## (suggested by Oleksandr Motsak) if ( IsBound( HOMALG_IO_CAS.use_common_stream ) and HOMALG_IO_CAS.use_common_stream = true ) or ( not ( IsBound( HOMALG_IO_CAS.use_common_stream ) and HOMALG_IO_CAS.use_common_stream = false ) and IsBound( HOMALG_IO.use_common_stream ) and HOMALG_IO.use_common_stream = true ) then HOMALG_IO_CAS.common_stream := stream; fi; fi; else r := r{[ 1 .. nar - 1 ]}; fi; Append( r, [ stream, HOMALG_IO.Pictograms.CreateHomalgRing ] ); r := CallFuncList( homalgSendBlocking, r ); else l := 3; fi; ring_type := arg[2]; ar := [ r, [ ring_type, TheTypeHomalgExternalMatrix ], HomalgExternalRingElement ]; ar := Concatenation( ar, arg{[ l .. nargs ]} ); ## create the external ring R := CallFuncList( CreateHomalgRing, ar ); ## for the view methods: ## <A matrix over an external ring> R!.description := "n external"; if not IsBound( HOMALG_MATRICES.ContainerForWeakPointersOnHomalgExternalRings ) then HOMALG_MATRICES.ContainerForWeakPointersOnHomalgExternalRings := ContainerForWeakPointers( TheTypeContainerForWeakPointersOnHomalgExternalRings, [ "streams", [ ] ] ); fi; container := HOMALG_MATRICES.ContainerForWeakPointersOnHomalgExternalRings; weak_pointers := container!.weak_pointers; l := container!.counter; deleted := Filtered( [ 1 .. l ], i -> not IsBoundElmWPObj( weak_pointers, i ) ); container!.deleted := deleted; l := l + 1; container!.counter := l; SetElmWPObj( weak_pointers, l, R ); streams := container!.streams; if not homalgExternalCASystemPID( R ) in List( streams, s -> ) then Add( streams, homalgStream( R ) ); fi; return R; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( HomalgExternalRingElement, function( arg ) local nargs, el, pointer, ring, cas, ar, properties, r; nargs := Length( arg ); if nargs = 0 then Error( "empty input\n" ); fi; if IsHomalgExternalRingElementRep( arg[1] ) then el := arg[1]; ## rebuild an external ring element ## only if it does not already contain a ring and ## if a ring is provided as a second argument if not IsBound( el!.ring ) and nargs > 1 and IsHomalgRing( arg[2] ) then pointer := homalgPointer( el ); ring := arg[2]; if IsFunction( pointer ) then pointer := pointer( ring ); fi; cas := homalgExternalCASystem( ring ); ar := [ pointer, cas, ring ]; properties := KnownTruePropertiesOfObject( el ); Append( ar, List( properties, ValueGlobal ) ); return CallFuncList( HomalgExternalRingElement, ar ); fi; ## otherwise simply return it return el; fi; properties := [ ]; for ar in arg{[ 2 .. nargs ]} do if not IsBound( cas ) and IsString( ar ) then cas := ar; elif not IsBound( ring ) and IsHomalgExternalRingRep( ar ) then ring := ar; cas := homalgExternalCASystem( ring ); elif IsFilter( ar ) then Add( properties, ar ); else Error( "this argument (now assigned to ar) should be in { IsString, IsHomalgExternalRingRep, IsFilter }\n" ); fi; od; if IsString( arg[1] ) then pointer := function( R ) local RP; RP := homalgTable( R ); if IsBound( RP!.RingElement ) then return RP!.RingElement( R )( arg[1] ); else return arg[1]; fi; end; else pointer := arg[1]; fi; if IsBound( ring ) then if IsFunction( pointer ) then pointer := pointer( ring ); fi; r := rec( cas := cas, ring := ring ); else r := rec( cas := cas ); fi; ## Objectify: ObjectifyWithAttributes( r, TheTypeHomalgExternalRingElement, EvalRingElement, pointer ); if properties <> [ ] then for ar in properties do Setter( ar )( r, true ); od; fi; return r; end ); ## InstallMethod( \in, "for a finite field element and an external ring", [ IsRingElement, IsHomalgExternalRingRep ], function( r, R ) if not IsHomalgExternalRingElementRep( r ) then return false; elif not IsIdenticalObj( HomalgRing( r ), R ) then return false; fi; return true; end ); ## InstallMethod( \/, "for a finite field element and an external ring", [ IsFFE, IsHomalgExternalRingRep ], function( r, R ) local k, c, d, z; if HasCoefficientsRing( R ) then k := CoefficientsRing( R ); else k := R; fi; if not ( HasCharacteristic( k ) and HasDegreeOverPrimeField( k ) ) then TryNextMethod( ); fi; c := Characteristic( k ); d := DegreeOverPrimeField( k ); if d = 1 then return HomalgRingElement( String( Int( r ) ), R ); fi; if not IsBound( k!.NameOfPrimitiveElement ) then Error( "no NameOfPrimitiveElement bound\n" ); fi; z := k!.NameOfPrimitiveElement; return HomalgRingElement( FFEToString( r, c, d, z ), R ); end ); #################################### # # View, Print, and Display methods: # #################################### ## InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for homalg external ring objects", [ IshomalgExternalRingObjectRep ], function( o ) Print( "<A homalg external ring object residing in the CAS " ); Print( homalgExternalCASystem( o ), ">" ); end ); ## InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for homalg external rings", [ IsHomalgExternalRingRep ], function( o ) local ring, stream, display_color, esc; ring := RingName( o ); stream := homalgStream( o ); if IsBound( stream.color_display ) then display_color := stream.color_display; esc := "\033[0m"; else display_color := ""; ## esc must be empty, otherwise GAPDoc's TestManualExamples will complain esc := ""; fi; Print( display_color, ring, esc ); end ); ## InstallMethod( Display, "for homalg external rings", [ IsHomalgExternalRingRep ], function( o ) Print( "<An external " ); if IsPreHomalgRing( o ) then Print( "pre-homalg " ); fi; Print( "ring" ); if not ( IsBound( HOMALG_IO.suppress_CAS ) and HOMALG_IO.suppress_CAS = true ) then Print( " residing in the CAS " ); if IsBound( homalgStream( o ).color_display ) then Print( "\033[1m" ); fi; Print( homalgExternalCASystem( o ) ); if not ( IsBound( HOMALG_IO.suppress_PID ) and HOMALG_IO.suppress_PID = true ) then Print( "\033[0m running with pid ", homalgExternalCASystemPID( o ) ); fi; fi; Print( ">", "\n" ); end ); ## InstallMethod( Name, "for homalg external ring elements", [ IsHomalgExternalRingElementRep ], function( o ) local pointer; pointer := homalgPointer( o ); if not IsFunction( pointer ) then homalgSetName( o, pointer ); return Name( o ); fi; TryNextMethod( ); end ); ## InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for containers of weak pointers on homalg external rings", [ IsContainerForWeakPointersOnHomalgExternalRingsRep ], function( o ) local del; del := Length( o!.deleted ); Print( "<A container of weak pointers on homalg external rings: active = ", o!.counter - del, ", deleted = ", del, ">" ); end ); ## InstallMethod( Display, "for containers of weak pointers on homalg external rings", [ IsContainerForWeakPointersOnHomalgExternalRingsRep ], function( o ) local weak_pointers; weak_pointers := o!.weak_pointers; Print( List( [ 1 .. LengthWPObj( weak_pointers ) ], function( i ) if IsBoundElmWPObj( weak_pointers, i ) then return i; else return 0; fi; end ), "\n" ); end );