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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 418346############################################################################# ## ## IO_ForHomalg package Thomas Bächler ## Mohamed Barakat ## Max Neunhoeffer ## Daniel Robertz ## ## Copyright 2007-2008 Lehrstuhl B für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen ## ## Implementation stuff to use the GAP4 I/O package of Max Neunhoeffer. ## ############################################################################# #################################### # # install global functions: # #################################### ## InstallGlobalFunction( SendForkingToCAS, function ( f, st ) local pid, len; IO_Flush( f ); pid := IO_fork( ); if pid = -1 then return fail; fi; if pid = 0 then len := IO_Write( f, st ); IO_Flush( f ); IO_exit( 0 ); fi; return pid; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( SendToCAS, function( s, command ) # Note that it is the responsibility of the caller of this # function to call IO_WaitPID on the resulting pid eventually, # if the result is an integer rather than fail! local cmd,pid; if command[ Length( command ) ] <> '\n' then Add( command, '\n' ); fi; if Length( command ) < 65536 then IO_Write( s.stdin,command ); IO_Write( s.stdin, "\"", s.READY, "\"", s.eoc_verbose, "\n" ); IO_Flush( s.stdin ); pid := fail; else cmd := Concatenation( command, "\"", s.READY, "\"", s.eoc_verbose, "\n" ); pid := SendForkingToCAS( s.stdin, cmd ); fi; s.lines := ""; s.errors := ""; s.casready := false; return pid; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( CheckOutputOfCAS, function( s ) local READY, READY_LENGTH, CUT_POS_BEGIN, CUT_POS_END, SEARCH_READY_TWICE, handle_output, original_lines, gotsomething, l, nr, pos, bytes, len, pos1, pos2, pos3, pos4, CAS, PID, COLOR; READY := s.READY; READY_LENGTH := s.READY_LENGTH; CUT_POS_BEGIN := s.CUT_POS_BEGIN; CUT_POS_END := s.CUT_POS_END; if IsBound( s.SEARCH_READY_TWICE ) and s.SEARCH_READY_TWICE = true then SEARCH_READY_TWICE := true; else SEARCH_READY_TWICE := false; fi; if IsBound( s.handle_output ) and s.handle_output = true then handle_output := true; else handle_output := false; fi; if IsBound( s.original_lines ) and s.original_lines = true then original_lines := true; else original_lines := false; fi; gotsomething := false; while true do # will be exited with break or return l := [ IO_GetFD( s.stdout ), IO_GetFD( s.stderr ) ]; nr := IO_select( l, [], [], 0, 0 ); #Print( "select: nr=", nr, "\n" ); if nr = 0 then if original_lines then s.LINES := ShallowCopy( s.lines ); ## for debugging purposes fi; if handle_output then ## a Singular specific len := Length( s.lines ); while len > 0 and s.lines[len] = '\n' do Remove( s.lines ); len := len - 1; od; fi; if not ( gotsomething ) then return fail; fi; # nothing new whatsoever return s.casready; fi; #Print( "select: l=", l, "\n" ); if nr = fail then continue; fi; # probably an interupted system call... if l[1] <> fail then # something on stdout pos := Length( s.lines ); bytes := IO_read( l[1], s.lines, pos, s.BUFSIZE ); if bytes > 0 then #Print( "stdout bytes:", bytes, "\n" ); gotsomething := true; pos := PositionSublist( s.lines, READY, pos - READY_LENGTH + 1 ); # ........NEWNEWNEWNEWNEW # ^ # pos if pos <> fail then s.casready := true; if handle_output then ## a Singular specific if original_lines then s.lines_original := ShallowCopy( s.lines ); ## for debugging purposes fi; s.pos := pos; len := Length( s.lines ); if s.lines[1] = '\n' then s.lines := Concatenation( s.lines{ [ 2 .. pos - 1 ] }, s.lines{ [ pos + READY_LENGTH + 1 .. len ] } ); elif s.lines[len] = '\n' then s.lines := Concatenation( s.lines{ [ 1 .. pos - 1 ] }, s.lines{ [ pos + READY_LENGTH + 1 .. len - 1 ] } ); else s.lines := Concatenation( s.lines{ [ 1 .. pos - 1 ] }, s.lines{ [ pos + READY_LENGTH + 1 .. len ] } ); fi; elif SEARCH_READY_TWICE then ## a Macaulay2 specific pos2 := PositionSublist( s.lines, READY ); pos3 := PositionSublist( s.lines, READY, pos2 + 1 ); if pos3 = fail then gotsomething := false; else ## Print("s.lines", s.lines); ## die Feuerwehr pos1 := PositionSublist( s.lines, "\n\n" ); if pos1 = fail then pos1 := 1; fi; pos3 := PositionSublist( s.lines, "\no", pos1 ); if pos3 <> fail then pos4 := PositionSublist( s.lines, "=", pos3 + 1 ); if pos4 <> fail then s.lines := Concatenation( s.lines{ [ 1 .. pos3 ] }, s.lines{ [ pos4 + 2 .. Length( s.lines ) ] } ); pos2 := pos2 - ( pos4 + 2 - pos3 ); else s.lines := Concatenation( s.lines{ [ 1 .. pos3 ] }, s.lines{ [ pos3 + 2 .. Length( s.lines ) ] } ); pos2 := pos2 - 2; fi; s.lines := s.lines{ [ pos1 + 2 .. pos2 - 2 ] }; pos3 := PositionSublist( s.lines, "\n\no" ); if pos3 <> fail then s.lines := s.lines{ [ 1 .. pos3 - 1 ] }; fi; else s.lines := s.lines{ [ pos1 + 4 .. pos2 - 2 ] }; fi; fi; else s.lines := s.lines{ [ CUT_POS_BEGIN .. Length( s.lines ) - READY_LENGTH - CUT_POS_END ] }; fi; fi; else if IsBound( ) then CAS := Concatenation(, " " ); else CAS := ""; fi; if IsBound( ) then PID := Concatenation( "(which should be running with PID ", String( ), ") " ); else PID := ""; fi; if IsBound( HOMALG_IO.color_display ) and HOMALG_IO.color_display = true then COLOR := "\033[5;31;43m"; else COLOR := ""; fi; Error( COLOR, "the external CAS ", CAS, PID, "seems to have died!", "\033[0m\n" ); fi; fi; if l[2] <> fail then # something on stderr bytes := IO_read( l[2], s.errors, Length( s.errors ), s.BUFSIZE ); if bytes > 0 then #Print( "stderr bytes:", bytes, "\n" ); gotsomething := true; else if IsBound( ) then CAS := Concatenation(, " " ); else CAS := ""; fi; if IsBound( ) then PID := Concatenation( "(which should be running with PID ", String( ), ") " ); else PID := ""; fi; if IsBound( HOMALG_IO.color_display ) and HOMALG_IO.color_display = true then COLOR := "\033[5;31;43m"; else COLOR := ""; fi; Error( COLOR, "the external CAS ", CAS, PID, "seems to have died!", "\033[0m\n" ); fi; fi; od; # never reached end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( SendBlockingToCAS, function( s, command ) local l, nr, pid; pid := SendToCAS( s, command ); repeat l := [ IO_GetFD( s.stdout ), IO_GetFD( s.stderr ) ]; nr := IO_select( l, [], [], fail, fail ); # wait for input ready! until CheckOutputOfCAS( s ) = true; if pid <> fail then IO_WaitPid(pid,true); fi; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( LaunchCAS_IO_ForHomalg, function( arg ) local nargs, HOMALG_IO_CAS, executables, options, e, s; nargs := Length( arg ); HOMALG_IO_CAS := arg[1]; executables := [ ]; if nargs > 1 and IsStringRep( arg[2] ) then Add( executables, arg[2] ); fi; if nargs > 2 and IsList( arg[3] ) then if IsString( arg[3] ) then options := [ arg[3] ]; else options := arg[3]; fi; else options := HOMALG_IO_CAS.options; fi; if IsBound( HOMALG_IO_CAS.executable ) then if IsStringRep( HOMALG_IO_CAS.executable ) then Add( executables, HOMALG_IO_CAS.executable ); elif ForAll( HOMALG_IO_CAS.executable, IsStringRep ) then Append( executables, HOMALG_IO_CAS.executable ); fi; fi; if executables = [ ] then Error( "either the name of the ",, " executable must exist as a component of the CAS specific record (normally called HOMALG_IO_",, " and which probably have been provided as the first argument), or the name must be provided as a second argument:\n", HOMALG_IO_CAS, "\n" ); fi; for e in executables do s := Filename( DirectoriesSystemPrograms( ), e ); if s <> fail then s := IO_Popen3( s, options ); fi; if s <> fail then break; fi; od; if s = fail then Error( "found no ",, " executable in PATH while searching the following list:\n", executables, "\n" ); fi; s.stdout!.rbufsize := false; # switch off buffering s.stderr!.rbufsize := false; # switch off buffering s.SendBlockingToCAS := SendBlockingToCAS; s.SendBlockingToCAS_original := SendBlockingToCAS; s.TerminateCAS := function( s ) if s.stdin <> fail then IO_Close( s.stdin ); s.stdin := fail; fi; if s.stdout <> fail then IO_Close( s.stdout ); s.stdout := fail; fi; if s.stderr <> fail then IO_Close( s.stderr ); s.stderr := fail; fi; end; return s; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( TOOLS_FOR_HOMALG_GET_REAL_TIME_OF_FUNCTION_CALL, function( arg ) local method, argument_list, first_time, second_time, result; method := arg[ 1 ]; if Length( arg ) > 1 then argument_list := arg{[ 2 .. Length( arg )]}; else argument_list := [ ]; fi; first_time := IO_gettimeofday(); first_time := first_time.tv_sec; result := CallFuncList( method, argument_list ); second_time := IO_gettimeofday(); second_time := second_time.tv_sec; return [ second_time - first_time, result ]; end );