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Real-time collaboration for Jupyter Notebooks, Linux Terminals, LaTeX, VS Code, R IDE, and more,
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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466306BindGlobal("IP_TikzDefaultOptionsForArraysOfIntegers", rec( ####colors & highlightenings#### colors := ShuffledIP_colors, highlights := [[]], #an array of integers (all the elements of each of the #lists in the array is highlighted with a different #color; in cases of elements that appear in more than #one list a kind of gradient (made with 3 colors) is #used for the background; the number may be printed with #a fourth color and a fifth color may be used in the #border. shape_only := "false", #an option to be used when only the shape is important #when "true" is used, the nodes are empty; using a #symbol, for instance a "*", the nodes are filled #with this symbol ####Tikz options#### ##matrix options colsep := "2", # column sep rowsep := "2", # row sep ##nodes options cell_width := "30", # minimum width allow_adjust_cell_width := "10", #the number of points per digit (to avoid discrepancies # between the width of the cells when there are numbers #with different number of digits to be printed) #When the user sets the option cell_width, then #allow_adjust_cell_width is automaticaly set to "false" scale := "1", # scale inner_sep := "3", #inner sep line_width := "0", # line width line_color := "black", # draw (the color of the cell borders) #####other##### other := [] #if non empty, the complete tikz code has to be written #(it may be useful when several images are to be #produced - otherwise, changing the tikz code would #be enough) # Example: # other := ["\draw[postaction={draw,line width=1pt,red}] (-80pt,-8pt) rectangle (16pt,40pt);","\draw[postaction={draw,line width=1pt,blue}] (-16pt,8pt) rectangle (80pt,-40pt);"]; )); ##################################################################### ## A possible preamble for a latex document, using preview ## BindGlobal("IP_Preamble", Concatenation("\\documentclass{minimal}\n", "\\usepackage{amsmath}\n", "\\usepackage[active,tightpage]{preview}\n", "\\setlength\\PreviewBorder{1pt}\n", "\\usepackage{pgf}\n", "\\usepackage{tikz}\n", "\\usepgfmodule{plot}\n", "\\usepgflibrary{plothandlers}\n", "\\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric}\n", "\\usetikzlibrary{shadings}\n", "\\begin{document}\n", "\\begin{preview}\n")); ######### ## closing a latex document, using preview BindGlobal("IP_Closing", "\\end{preview}\n\\end{document}"); ##################################################################### ## the possibility of making drawings using dot is not optimized ## BindGlobal("DotIP_DefaultOptionsForArraysOfIntegers", rec( colors := #ColorsForViz, # requires viz to be loaded ["red", "green", "blue", "cyan", "magenta", "yellow", "black", "gray", "white", "darkgray", "lightgray", "brown", "lime", "olive", "orange", "pink", "purple", "teal", "violet"], border := "1", cellborder := "1", cellspacing:="2", cellpadding:="2", bgcolor:="gray", point_size := "12", cell_width := "30", allow_adjust_cell_width := "10",#the number of points per #digit "false" is also a possible option highlights := [[]],#an array of #integers (all the elements of each of the lists in the array #is highlighted with a different color; in cases of elements #that appear in more than one list are highlighted the #background an the number -- the colors corresponding to the #first two appearences are used) ));