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Views: 466297############################################################################# ## ## MatricesForHomalg package Mohamed Barakat ## ## Copyright 2007-2008 Lehrstuhl B für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen ## ## Implementations for homalg matrices. ## ############################################################################# #################################### # # representations: # #################################### ## DeclareRepresentation( "IshomalgInternalMatrixHullRep", IsInternalMatrixHull, [ ] ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="IsHomalgInternalMatrixRep"> ## <ManSection> ## <Filt Type="Representation" Arg="A" Name="IsHomalgInternalMatrixRep"/> ## <Returns><C>true</C> or <C>false</C></Returns> ## <Description> ## The internal representation of &homalg; matrices. <P/> ## (It is a representation of the &GAP; category <Ref Filt="IsHomalgMatrix"/>.) ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## DeclareRepresentation( "IsHomalgInternalMatrixRep", IsHomalgMatrix, [ ] ); #################################### # # families and types: # #################################### # two new family: BindGlobal( "TheFamilyOfInternalMatrixHulls", NewFamily( "TheFamilyOfInternalMatrixHulls" ) ); BindGlobal( "TheFamilyOfHomalgMatrices", NewFamily( "TheFamilyOfHomalgMatrices" ) ); # two new types: BindGlobal( "TheTypeInternalMatrixHull", NewType( TheFamilyOfInternalMatrixHulls, IshomalgInternalMatrixHullRep ) ); BindGlobal( "TheTypeHomalgInternalMatrix", NewType( TheFamilyOfHomalgMatrices, IsHomalgInternalMatrixRep ) ); #################################### # # compatibility code for the new # IsMatrixObj interface # #################################### InstallMethod( Length, [ IsHomalgMatrix ], 0, NrColumns ); #################################### # # methods for operations: # #################################### ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # put all methods to trace errors in with the very high priority 10001 # ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## InstallMethod( Rank, "for homalg matrices", [ IsInternalMatrixHull ], function( M ) return Rank( M!.matrix ); end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="HomalgRing:matrix"> ## <ManSection> ## <Oper Arg="mat" Name="HomalgRing" Label="for matrices"/> ## <Returns>a &homalg; ring</Returns> ## <Description> ## The &homalg; ring of the &homalg; matrix <A>mat</A>. ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> ZZ := HomalgRingOfIntegers( ); ## Z ## gap> d := HomalgDiagonalMatrix( [ 2 .. 4 ], ZZ ); ## <An unevaluated diagonal 3 x 3 matrix over an internal ring> ## gap> R := HomalgRing( d ); ## Z ## gap> IsIdenticalObj( R, ZZ ); ## true ## ]]></Example> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallMethod( HomalgRing, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix ], function( M ) return M!.ring; end ); ## InstallMethod( BaseDomain, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix ], HomalgRing ); ## InstallMethod( BlindlyCopyMatrixProperties, ## under construction "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsHomalgMatrix ], function( S, T ) ## if the new ring only interprets the 1x1 submatrices as elements ## then it is safe to at least copy the following attributes if HasNrRows( S ) then SetNrRows( T, NrRows( S ) ); fi; if HasNrColumns( S ) then SetNrColumns( T, NrColumns( S ) ); fi; end ); ## InstallMethod( ShallowCopy, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix ], function( M ) local R, RP, MM; R := HomalgRing( M ); RP := homalgTable( R ); if IsBound(RP!.ShallowCopy) then MM := HomalgMatrixWithAttributes( [ Eval, RP!.ShallowCopy( M ), NrRows, NrRows( M ), NrColumns, NrColumns( M ), ], R ); MatchPropertiesAndAttributes( M, MM, LIMAT.intrinsic_properties, LIMAT.intrinsic_attributes, LIMAT.intrinsic_components ); return MM; fi; ## we have no other choice return M; end ); ## InstallMethod( MutableCopyMat, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix ], function( M ) local R, RP, MM; R := HomalgRing( M ); RP := homalgTable( R ); if IsBound(RP!.ShallowCopy) then MM := HomalgMatrixWithAttributes( [ Eval, RP!.ShallowCopy( M ), NrRows, NrRows( M ), NrColumns, NrColumns( M ), ], R ); SetIsMutableMatrix( MM, true ); return MM; fi; ## we have no other choice TryNextMethod( ); end ); ## InstallMethod( ShallowCopy, "for homalg internal matrices", [ IsHomalgInternalMatrixRep ], function( M ) local R, RP, MM; R := HomalgRing( M ); RP := homalgTable( R ); if IsBound(RP!.ShallowCopy) then MM := HomalgMatrixWithAttributes( [ Eval, RP!.ShallowCopy( M ), NrRows, NrRows( M ), NrColumns, NrColumns( M ), ], R ); if not IsIdenticalObj( Eval( M ), Eval( MM ) ) then MatchPropertiesAndAttributes( M, MM, LIMAT.intrinsic_properties, LIMAT.intrinsic_attributes, LIMAT.intrinsic_components ); return MM; fi; fi; if not IsInternalMatrixHull( Eval( M ) ) then TryNextMethod( ); fi; return HomalgMatrix( One( R ) * Eval( M )!.matrix, NrRows( M ), NrColumns( M ), R ); end ); ## InstallMethod( MutableCopyMat, "for homalg internal matrices", [ IsHomalgInternalMatrixRep ], function( M ) local R, RP, MM; R := HomalgRing( M ); RP := homalgTable( R ); if IsBound(RP!.ShallowCopy) then MM := HomalgMatrixWithAttributes( [ Eval, RP!.ShallowCopy( M ), NrRows, NrRows( M ), NrColumns, NrColumns( M ), ], R ); if not IsIdenticalObj( Eval( M ), Eval( MM ) ) then SetIsMutableMatrix( MM, true ); return MM; fi; fi; if not IsInternalMatrixHull( Eval( M ) ) then TryNextMethod( ); fi; MM := HomalgMatrix( One( R ) * Eval( M )!.matrix, NrRows( M ), NrColumns( M ), R ); SetIsMutableMatrix( MM, true ); return MM; end ); ## InstallMethod( ShallowCopy, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix and IsOne ], function( M ) return HomalgIdentityMatrix( NrRows( M ), HomalgRing( M ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( MutableCopyMat, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix and IsOne ], function( M ) ## do not use HomalgIdentityMatrix since ## we might want to alter the result return HomalgInitialIdentityMatrix( NrRows( M ), HomalgRing( M ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( ShallowCopy, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix and IsZero ], function( M ) return HomalgZeroMatrix( NrRows( M ), NrColumns( M ), HomalgRing( M ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( MutableCopyMat, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix and IsZero ], function( M ) ## do not use HomalgZeroMatrix since ## we might want to alter the result return HomalgInitialMatrix( NrRows( M ), NrColumns( M ), HomalgRing( M ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( SetConvertHomalgMatrixViaSparseString, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsBool ], function( M, b ) M!.ConvertHomalgMatrixViaSparseString := b; end ); ## InstallMethod( SetConvertHomalgMatrixViaFile, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsBool ], function( M, b ) M!.ConvertHomalgMatrixViaFile := b; end ); ## InstallMethod( SetMatElm, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix and IsMutable, IsPosInt, IsPosInt, IsString, IsHomalgRing ], function( M, r, c, s, R ) SetMatElm( M, r, c, s / R, R ); end ); ## InstallMethod( SetMatElm, "for homalg internal matrices", [ IsHomalgInternalMatrixRep and IsMutable, IsPosInt, IsPosInt, IsString, IsHomalgInternalRingRep ], function( M, r, c, s, R ) SetMatElm( M, r, c, One( R ) * EvalString( s ), R ); end ); ## InstallMethod( SetMatElm, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsPosInt, IsPosInt, IsString ], function( M, r, c, s ) Error( "the homalg matrix is write-protected\n" ); end ); ## InstallMethod( SetMatElm, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix and IsMutable, IsPosInt, IsPosInt, IsString ], function( M, r, c, s ) SetMatElm( M, r, c, s, HomalgRing( M ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( SetMatElm, "for homalg internal matrices", [ IsHomalgInternalMatrixRep and IsMutable, IsPosInt, IsPosInt, IsRingElement, IsHomalgInternalRingRep ], function( M, r, c, a, R ) if not IsInternalMatrixHull( Eval( M ) ) then TryNextMethod( ); fi; Eval( M )!.matrix[r][c] := One( R ) * a; end ); ## InstallMethod( SetMatElm, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsPosInt, IsPosInt, IsRingElement ], function( M, r, c, a ) Error( "the homalg matrix is write-protected\n" ); end ); ## InstallMethod( SetMatElm, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix and IsMutable, IsPosInt, IsPosInt, IsRingElement ], function( M, r, c, a ) SetMatElm( M, r, c, a, HomalgRing( M ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( AddToMatElm, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsPosInt, IsPosInt, IsRingElement ], function( M, r, c, a ) Error( "the homalg matrix is write-protected\n" ); end ); ## InstallMethod( AddToMatElm, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix and IsMutable, IsPosInt, IsPosInt, IsRingElement, IsHomalgRing ], function( M, r, c, a, R ) SetMatElm( M, r, c, a + MatElm( M, r, c, R ), R ); end ); ## InstallMethod( AddToMatElm, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix and IsMutable, IsPosInt, IsPosInt, IsRingElement ], function( M, r, c, a ) AddToMatElm( M, r, c, a, HomalgRing( M ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( MatElmAsString, "for homalg internal matrices", [ IsHomalgInternalMatrixRep, IsPosInt, IsPosInt, IsHomalgInternalRingRep ], function( M, r, c, R ) return String( MatElm( M, r, c ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( MatElmAsString, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsPosInt, IsPosInt ], function( M, r, c ) return MatElmAsString( M, r, c, HomalgRing( M ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( MatElm, "for homalg internal matrices", [ IsHomalgInternalMatrixRep, IsPosInt, IsPosInt, IsHomalgInternalRingRep ], function( M, r, c, R ) if IsInternalMatrixHull( Eval( M ) ) then return Eval( M )!.matrix[r][c]; fi; TryNextMethod( ); end ); ## InstallMethod( MatElm, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsPosInt, IsPosInt ], function( M, r, c ) return MatElm( M, r, c, HomalgRing( M ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( GetListOfMatrixAsString, "for matrices", [ IsList ], function( M ) M := List( M, row -> List( row, String ) ); M := List( M, JoinStringsWithSeparator ); M := JoinStringsWithSeparator( M ); return Concatenation( "[", M, "]" ); end ); ## InstallMethod( GetListListOfStringsOfMatrix, "for matrices and a homalg internal ring", [ IsList, IsHomalgInternalRingRep ], function( M, R ) local c, d, z; if not ForAll( M, IsList ) then TryNextMethod( ); fi; if not HasCharacteristic( R ) then Error( "characteristic not set\n" ); fi; c := Characteristic( R ); if HasCoefficientsRing( R ) then TryNextMethod( ); elif c = 0 then return List( M, a -> List( a, String ) ); elif IsPrime( c ) then if HasDegreeOverPrimeField( R ) and DegreeOverPrimeField( R ) > 1 then d := DegreeOverPrimeField( R ); z := R!.NameOfPrimitiveElement; return List( M, a -> List( a, b -> FFEToString( b, c, d, z ) ) ); fi; return List( M, a -> List( a, b -> String( IntFFE( b ) ) ) ); fi; return List( M, a -> List( a, b -> String( b![1] ) ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( GetListListOfStringsOfHomalgMatrix, "for homalg internal matrices", [ IsHomalgInternalMatrixRep, IsHomalgInternalRingRep ], function( M, R ) if not IsInternalMatrixHull( Eval( M ) ) then TryNextMethod( ); fi; return GetListListOfStringsOfMatrix( Eval( M )!.matrix, R ); end ); ## InstallMethod( GetListOfHomalgMatrixAsString, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix ], function( M ) return GetListOfHomalgMatrixAsString( M, HomalgRing( M ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( GetListOfHomalgMatrixAsString, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsHomalgRing ], function( M, R ) local c, s; c := NrColumns( M ); s := List( [ 1 .. NrRows( M ) ], i -> List( [ 1 .. c ], j -> MatElmAsString( M, i, j ) ) ); s := JoinStringsWithSeparator( Concatenation( s ) ); return Concatenation( "[", s, "]" ); end ); ## InstallMethod( GetListOfHomalgMatrixAsString, "for homalg internal matrices", [ IsHomalgInternalMatrixRep, IsHomalgInternalRingRep ], function( M, R ) local s, m; if not IsInternalMatrixHull( Eval( M ) ) then TryNextMethod( ); fi; s := Eval( M )!.matrix; if HasCharacteristic( R ) then m := Characteristic( R ); if m > 0 and not HasCoefficientsRing( R ) then ## FIXME: we can only deal with Z/mZ and GF(p): m = Size( R ) !!! if IsPrime( m ) then s := List( s, a -> List( a, IntFFE ) ); else s := List( s, a -> List( a, b -> b![1] ) ); fi; fi; fi; s := String( Concatenation( s ) ); RemoveCharacters( s, "\\\n " ); return s; end ); ## InstallMethod( GetListListOfHomalgMatrixAsString, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix ], function( M ) return GetListListOfHomalgMatrixAsString( M, HomalgRing( M ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( GetListListOfHomalgMatrixAsString, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsHomalgRing ], function( M, R ) local c, s; c := NrColumns( M ); s := List( [ 1 .. NrRows( M ) ], i -> List( [ 1 .. c ], j -> MatElmAsString( M, i, j ) ) ); s := JoinStringsWithSeparator( List( s, JoinStringsWithSeparator ), "],[" ); return Concatenation( "[[", s, "]]" ); end ); ## InstallMethod( GetListListOfHomalgMatrixAsString, "for homalg internal matrices", [ IsHomalgInternalMatrixRep, IsHomalgInternalRingRep ], function( M, R ) local s; s := GetListListOfStringsOfHomalgMatrix( M, R ); s := List( List( s, JoinStringsWithSeparator ), r -> Concatenation( "[", r, "]" ) ); s := JoinStringsWithSeparator( s ); return Concatenation( "[", s, "]" ); end ); ## InstallMethod( GetSparseListOfHomalgMatrixAsString, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix ], function( M ) return GetSparseListOfHomalgMatrixAsString( M, HomalgRing( M ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( GetSparseListOfHomalgMatrixAsString, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsHomalgRing ], function( M, R ) local c, s, i, j, e; c := NrColumns( M ); s := [ ]; for i in [ 1 .. NrRows( M ) ] do for j in [ 1 .. c ] do e := MatElm( M, i, j ); if not IsZero( e ) then Add( s, [ String( i ), String( j ), String( e ) ] ); fi; od; od; s := JoinStringsWithSeparator( List( s, JoinStringsWithSeparator ), "],[" ); return Concatenation( "[[", s, "]]" ); end ); ## InstallMethod( GetSparseListOfHomalgMatrixAsString, "for homalg internal matrices", [ IsHomalgInternalMatrixRep, IsHomalgInternalRingRep ], function( M, R ) local s, m, r, c, z; if not IsInternalMatrixHull( Eval( M ) ) then TryNextMethod( ); fi; s := Eval( M )!.matrix; if HasCharacteristic( R ) then m := Characteristic( R ); if m > 0 and not HasCoefficientsRing( R ) then ## FIXME: we can only deal with Z/mZ and GF(p): m = Size( R ) !!! if IsPrime( m ) then s := List( s, a -> List( a, IntFFE ) ); else s := List( s, a -> List( a, b -> b![1] ) ); fi; fi; fi; r := NrRows( M ); c := NrColumns( M ); z := Zero( R ); s := List( [ 1 .. r ], a -> Filtered( List( [ 1 .. c ], function( b ) if s[a][b] <> z then return [ a, b, s[a][b] ]; else return 0; fi; end ), x -> x <> 0 ) ); s := Concatenation( s ); s := String( s ); RemoveCharacters( s, "\\\n " ); return s; end ); ## InstallMethod( EntriesOfHomalgMatrixAsListList, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix ], function( M ) local cols; cols := [ 1 .. NrColumns( M ) ]; return List( [ 1 .. NrRows( M ) ], r -> List( cols, c -> MatElm( M, r, c ) ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( EntriesOfHomalgMatrix, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix ], function( M ) return Flat( EntriesOfHomalgMatrixAsListList( M ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( GetUnitPosition, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix ], function( M ) return GetUnitPosition( M, [ ] ); end ); ## InstallMethod( GetCleanRowsPositions, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix ], function( M ) return GetCleanRowsPositions( M, [ 1 .. NrColumns( M ) ] ); end ); ## InstallMethod( GetColumnIndependentUnitPositions, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix ], function( M ) return GetColumnIndependentUnitPositions( M, [ ] ); end ); ## InstallMethod( GetRowIndependentUnitPositions, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix ], function( M ) return GetRowIndependentUnitPositions( M, [ ] ); end ); ## InstallMethod( AreComparableMatrices, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsHomalgMatrix ], function( M1, M2 ) if HasNrRows( M1 ) or HasNrRows( M2 ) then ## trigger as few as possible operations return IsIdenticalObj( HomalgRing( M1 ), HomalgRing( M2 ) ) and NrRows( M1 ) = NrRows( M2 ) and NrColumns( M1 ) = NrColumns( M2 ); else ## no other choice return IsIdenticalObj( HomalgRing( M1 ), HomalgRing( M2 ) ) and NrColumns( M1 ) = NrColumns( M2 ) and NrRows( M1 ) = NrRows( M2 ); fi; end ); ## InstallMethod( \=, "for internal matrix hulls", [ IsInternalMatrixHull, IsInternalMatrixHull ], function( M1, M2 ) if M1!.matrix = M2!.matrix then return true; fi; return false; end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="EQ:matrix"> ## <ManSection> ## <Oper Arg="A, B" Name="\=" Label="for matrices"/> ## <Returns><C>true</C> or <C>false</C></Returns> ## <Description> ## Check if the &homalg; matrices <A>A</A> and <A>B</A> are equal (enter: <A>A</A> <C>=</C> <A>B</A>;), ## taking possible ring relations into account.<P/> ## (for the installed standard method see <Ref Meth="AreEqualMatrices" Label="homalgTable entry"/>) ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> ZZ := HomalgRingOfIntegers( ); ## Z ## gap> A := HomalgMatrix( "[ 1 ]", ZZ ); ## <A 1 x 1 matrix over an internal ring> ## gap> B := HomalgMatrix( "[ 3 ]", ZZ ); ## <A 1 x 1 matrix over an internal ring> ## gap> Z2 := ZZ / 2; ## Z/( 2 ) ## gap> A := Z2 * A; ## <A 1 x 1 matrix over a residue class ring> ## gap> B := Z2 * B; ## <A 1 x 1 matrix over a residue class ring> ## gap> Display( A ); ## [ [ 1 ] ] ## ## modulo [ 2 ] ## gap> Display( B ); ## [ [ 3 ] ] ## ## modulo [ 2 ] ## gap> A = B; ## true ## ]]></Example> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallMethod( \=, "for homalg comparable matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsHomalgMatrix ], 10001, function( M1, M2 ) if not AreComparableMatrices( M1, M2 ) then return false; fi; TryNextMethod( ); end ); ## InstallMethod( \=, "for homalg comparable internal matrices", [ IsHomalgInternalMatrixRep, IsHomalgInternalMatrixRep ], function( M1, M2 ) local RP; RP := homalgTable( HomalgRing( M1 ) ); if IsBound( RP!.AreEqualMatrices ) then if RP!.AreEqualMatrices( M1, M2 ) then ## do not touch mutable matrices if not ( IsMutable( M1 ) or IsMutable( M2 ) ) then MatchPropertiesAndAttributes( M1, M2, LIMAT.intrinsic_properties, LIMAT.intrinsic_attributes, LIMAT.intrinsic_components ); fi; return true; fi; elif Eval( M1 ) = Eval( M2 ) then ## do not touch mutable matrices if not ( IsMutable( M1 ) or IsMutable( M2 ) ) then MatchPropertiesAndAttributes( M1, M2, LIMAT.intrinsic_properties, LIMAT.intrinsic_attributes, LIMAT.intrinsic_components ); fi; return true; fi; return false; end ); ## InstallMethod( ZeroMutable, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix ], function( M ) return HomalgZeroMatrix( NrRows( M ), NrColumns( M ), HomalgRing( M ) ); end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="Involution"> ## <ManSection> ## <Meth Arg="M" Name="Involution" Label="for matrices"/> ## <Returns>a &homalg; matrix</Returns> ## <Description> ## The twisted transpose of the &homalg; matrix <A>M</A>.<P/> ## (for the installed standard method see <Ref Meth="Eval" Label="for matrices created with Involution"/>) ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallMethod( Involution, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix ], function( M ) local C; C := HomalgMatrixWithAttributes( [ EvalInvolution, M, NrRows, NrColumns( M ), NrColumns, NrRows( M ), ], HomalgRing( M ) ); SetItsInvolution( M, C ); return C; end ); ## InstallMethod( Involution, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix and HasItsInvolution ], function( M ) return ItsInvolution( M ); end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="CertainRows"> ## <ManSection> ## <Meth Arg="M, plist" Name="CertainRows" Label="for matrices"/> ## <Returns>a &homalg; matrix</Returns> ## <Description> ## The matrix of which the <M>i</M>-th row is the <M>k</M>-th row of the &homalg; matrix <A>M</A>, ## where <M>k=</M><A>plist</A><M>[i]</M>.<P/> ## (for the installed standard method see <Ref Meth="Eval" Label="for matrices created with CertainRows"/>) ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallMethod( CertainRows, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsList ], function( M, plist ) return HomalgMatrixWithAttributes( [ EvalCertainRows, [ M, plist ], NrRows, Length( plist ), NrColumns, NrColumns( M ) ], HomalgRing( M ) ); end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="CertainColumns"> ## <ManSection> ## <Meth Arg="M, plist" Name="CertainColumns" Label="for matrices"/> ## <Returns>a &homalg; matrix</Returns> ## <Description> ## The matrix of which the <M>j</M>-th column is the <M>l</M>-th column of the &homalg; matrix <A>M</A>, ## where <M>l=</M><A>plist</A><M>[i]</M>.<P/> ## (for the installed standard method see <Ref Meth="Eval" Label="for matrices created with CertainColumns"/>) ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallMethod( CertainColumns, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsList ], function( M, plist ) return HomalgMatrixWithAttributes( [ EvalCertainColumns, [ M, plist ], NrColumns, Length( plist ), NrRows, NrRows( M ) ], HomalgRing( M ) ); end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="UnionOfRows"> ## <ManSection> ## <Meth Arg="A, B" Name="UnionOfRows" Label="for matrices"/> ## <Returns>a &homalg; matrix</Returns> ## <Description> ## Stack the two &homalg; matrices <A>A</A> and <A>B</A>.<P/> ## (for the installed standard method see <Ref Meth="Eval" Label="for matrices created with UnionOfRows"/>) ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallMethod( UnionOfRows, "of two homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsHomalgMatrix ], function( A, B ) return HomalgMatrixWithAttributes( [ EvalUnionOfRows, [ A, B ], NrRows, NrRows( A ) + NrRows( B ), NrColumns, NrColumns( A ) ], HomalgRing( A ) ); end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="UnionOfColumns"> ## <ManSection> ## <Meth Arg="A, B" Name="UnionOfColumns" Label="for matrices"/> ## <Returns>a &homalg; matrix</Returns> ## <Description> ## Augment the two &homalg; matrices <A>A</A> and <A>B</A>.<P/> ## (for the installed standard method see <Ref Meth="Eval" Label="for matrices created with UnionOfColumns"/>) ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallMethod( UnionOfColumns, "of two homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsHomalgMatrix ], function( A, B ) return HomalgMatrixWithAttributes( [ EvalUnionOfColumns, [ A, B ], NrRows, NrRows( A ), NrColumns, NrColumns( A ) + NrColumns( B ) ], HomalgRing( A ) ); end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="DiagMat"> ## <ManSection> ## <Meth Arg="list" Name="DiagMat" Label="for matrices"/> ## <Returns>a &homalg; matrix</Returns> ## <Description> ## Build the block diagonal matrix out of the &homalg; matrices listed in <A>list</A>. ## An error is issued if <A>list</A> is empty or if one of the arguments is not a &homalg; matrix.<P/> ## (for the installed standard method see <Ref Meth="Eval" Label="for matrices created with DiagMat"/>) ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallMethod( DiagMat, "of two homalg matrices", [ IsHomogeneousList ], function( list ) if IsEmpty( list ) then Error( "the given list of diagonal blocks is empty\n" ); elif not ForAll( list, IsHomalgMatrix ) then Error( "expected a list of homalg matrices\n" ); fi; return HomalgMatrixWithAttributes( [ EvalDiagMat, list, NrRows, Sum( List( list, NrRows ) ), NrColumns, Sum( List( list, NrColumns ) ) ], HomalgRing( list[1] ) ); end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="KroneckerMat"> ## <ManSection> ## <Meth Arg="A, B" Name="KroneckerMat" Label="for matrices"/> ## <Returns>a &homalg; matrix</Returns> ## <Description> ## The Kronecker (or tensor) product of the two &homalg; matrices <A>A</A> and <A>B</A>.<P/> ## (for the installed standard method see <Ref Meth="Eval" Label="for matrices created with KroneckerMat"/>) ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallMethod( KroneckerMat, "of two homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsHomalgMatrix ], function( A, B ) return HomalgMatrixWithAttributes( [ EvalKroneckerMat, [ A, B ], NrRows, NrRows( A ) * NrRows( B ), NrColumns, NrColumns( A ) * NrColumns ( B ) ], HomalgRing( A ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( \*, "for internal matrix hulls", [ IsRingElement, IsInternalMatrixHull ], 1001, ## it could otherwise run into the method ``PROD: negative integer * additive element with inverse'', value: 24 function( a, A ) return homalgInternalMatrixHull( a * A!.matrix ); end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="MulMat"> ## <ManSection> ## <Meth Arg="a, A" Name="\*" Label="for ring elements and matrices"/> ## <Returns>a &homalg; matrix</Returns> ## <Description> ## The product of the ring element <A>a</A> with the &homalg; matrix <A>A</A> (enter: <A>a</A> <C>*</C> <A>A</A>;).<P/> ## (for the installed standard method see <Ref Meth="Eval" Label="for matrices created with MulMat"/>) ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallMethod( \*, "for a homalg matrix and a homalg ring element", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsRingElement ], 1001, ## it could otherwise run into the method ``PROD: negative integer * additive element with inverse'', value: 24 (if this value is increased, the corresonding values for \* in LIMAT, COLEM, and below must be increased as well!!!) function( A, a ) return HomalgMatrixWithAttributes( [ EvalMulMatRight, [ A, a ], NrRows, NrRows( A ), NrColumns, NrColumns( A ) ], HomalgRing( A ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( \*, "for a homalg ring element and a homalg matrix", [ IsRingElement, IsHomalgMatrix ], 1001, ## it could otherwise run into the method ``PROD: negative integer * additive element with inverse'', value: 24 (if this value is increased, the corresonding values for \* in LIMAT, COLEM, and below must be increased as well!!!) function( a, A ) return HomalgMatrixWithAttributes( [ EvalMulMat, [ a, A ], NrRows, NrRows( A ), NrColumns, NrColumns( A ) ], HomalgRing( A ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( \+, "for pairs of internal matrix hulls", [ IsInternalMatrixHull, IsInternalMatrixHull ], function( A, B ) return homalgInternalMatrixHull( A!.matrix + B!.matrix ); end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="AddMat"> ## <ManSection> ## <Meth Arg="A, B" Name="\+" Label="for matrices"/> ## <Returns>a &homalg; matrix</Returns> ## <Description> ## The sum of the two &homalg; matrices <A>A</A> and <A>B</A> (enter: <A>A</A> <C>+</C> <A>B</A>;).<P/> ## (for the installed standard method see <Ref Meth="Eval" Label="for matrices created with AddMat"/>) ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallMethod( \+, "for pairs of homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsHomalgMatrix ], function( A, B ) return HomalgMatrixWithAttributes( [ EvalAddMat, [ A, B ], NrRows, NrRows( A ), NrColumns, NrColumns( A ) ], HomalgRing( A ) ); end ); ## a synonym of `-<elm>': InstallMethod( AdditiveInverseMutable, "for internal matrix hulls", [ IsInternalMatrixHull ], function( A ) return homalgInternalMatrixHull( -A!.matrix ); end ); ## a synonym of `-<elm>': InstallMethod( AdditiveInverseMutable, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix ], function( A ) local R, C; R := HomalgRing( A ); C := MinusOne( R ) * A; if HasIsZero( A ) then SetIsZero( C, IsZero( A ) ); fi; return C; end ); ## a synonym of `-<elm>': InstallMethod( AdditiveInverseMutable, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix and IsZero ], function( A ) return A; end ); ## InstallMethod( \-, "for pairs of internal matrix hulls", [ IsInternalMatrixHull, IsInternalMatrixHull ], function( A, B ) return homalgInternalMatrixHull( A!.matrix - B!.matrix ); end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="SubMat"> ## <ManSection> ## <Meth Arg="A, B" Name="\-" Label="for matrices"/> ## <Returns>a &homalg; matrix</Returns> ## <Description> ## The difference of the two &homalg; matrices <A>A</A> and <A>B</A> (enter: <A>A</A> <C>-</C> <A>B</A>;).<P/> ## (for the installed standard method see <Ref Meth="Eval" Label="for matrices created with SubMat"/>) ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallMethod( \-, "for pairs of of homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsHomalgMatrix ], function( A, B ) return HomalgMatrixWithAttributes( [ EvalSubMat, [ A, B ], NrRows, NrRows( A ), NrColumns, NrColumns( A ) ], HomalgRing( A ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( \*, "for pairs of internal matrix hulls", [ IsInternalMatrixHull, IsInternalMatrixHull ], function( A, B ) return homalgInternalMatrixHull( A!.matrix * B!.matrix ); end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="Compose:matrix"> ## <ManSection> ## <Meth Arg="A, B" Name="\*" Label="for composable matrices"/> ## <Returns>a &homalg; matrix</Returns> ## <Description> ## The matrix product of the two &homalg; matrices <A>A</A> and <A>B</A> (enter: <A>A</A> <C>*</C> <A>B</A>;).<P/> ## (for the installed standard method see <Ref Meth="Eval" Label="for matrices created with Compose"/>) ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallMethod( \*, "for pairs of homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsHomalgMatrix ], 14001, ## it could otherwise run into the method ``PROD: IsRingElement * IsHomalgMatrix'', value: 1001 (if this value is increased, the corresonding values in LIMAT must be increased as well!!!) function( A, B ) return HomalgMatrixWithAttributes( [ EvalCompose, [ A, B ], NrRows, NrRows( A ), NrColumns, NrColumns( B ) ], HomalgRing( A ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( POW, "for homalg maps", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsInt ], function( A, pow ) local R; if NrRows( A ) <> NrColumns( A ) then Error( "the matrix is not quadratic\n" ); fi; R := HomalgRing( A ); if pow < 0 then Error( "not implemented yet\n" ); elif pow = 0 then return HomalgIdentityMatrix( NrRows( A ), R ); elif pow = 1 then return A; else return Iterated( ListWithIdenticalEntries( pow, A ), \* ); fi; end ); ## InstallMethod( NonZeroRows, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix ], function( C ) local zero_rows; zero_rows := ZeroRows( C ); return Filtered( [ 1 .. NrRows( C ) ], x -> not x in zero_rows ); end ); ## InstallMethod( NonZeroColumns, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix ], function( C ) local zero_columns; zero_columns := ZeroColumns( C ); return Filtered( [ 1 .. NrColumns( C ) ], x -> not x in zero_columns ); end ); ## InstallMethod( AdjunctMatrix, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix ], function( C ) local R, m, A; R := HomalgRing( C ); if not HasIsCommutative( R ) then Error( "the ring is not known to be commutative\n" ); elif not IsCommutative( R ) then Error( "the ring is not commutative\n" ); fi; m := NrRows( C ); if not m = NrColumns( C ) then Error( "the input ", m, "x", NrColumns( C ), "-matrix is not quadratic\n" ); fi; m := [ 1 .. m ]; A := List( m, c -> List( m, r -> (-1)^(r+c) * Determinant( CertainRows( CertainColumns( C, Difference( m, [ c ] ) ), Difference( m, [ r ] ) ) ) ) ); return HomalgMatrix( A, R ); end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="LeftInverseLazy"> ## <ManSection> ## <Oper Arg="M" Name="LeftInverseLazy" Label="for matrices"/> ## <Returns>a &homalg; matrix</Returns> ## <Description> ## A lazy evaluated left inverse <M>C</M> of the matrix <A>M</A>. If no left inverse exists then ## <C>Eval</C>( <A>C</A> ) will issue an error.<P/> ## (for the installed standard method see <Ref Meth="Eval" Label="for matrices created with LeftInverseLazy"/>) ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallMethod( LeftInverseLazy, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix ], function( M ) local C; ## we assume the LeftInverse exists C := HomalgMatrixWithAttributes( [ EvalLeftInverse, M, NrRows, NrColumns( M ), NrColumns, NrRows( M ) ], HomalgRing( M ) ); ## check assertion Assert( 6, not IsBool( Eval( C ) ) ); ## SetLeftInverse( M, C ) will cause a infinite loop return C; end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="RightInverseLazy"> ## <ManSection> ## <Oper Arg="M" Name="RightInverseLazy" Label="for matrices"/> ## <Returns>a &homalg; matrix</Returns> ## <Description> ## A lazy evaluated right inverse <M>C</M> of the matrix <A>M</A>. If no right inverse exists then ## <C>Eval</C>( <A>C</A> ) will issue an error.<P/> ## (for the installed standard method see <Ref Meth="Eval" Label="for matrices created with RightInverseLazy"/>) ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallMethod( RightInverseLazy, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix ], function( M ) local C; ## we assume the RightInverse exists C := HomalgMatrixWithAttributes( [ EvalRightInverse, M, NrColumns, NrRows( M ), NrRows, NrColumns( M ) ], HomalgRing( M ) ); ## check assertion Assert( 6, not IsBool( Eval( C ) ) ); ## SetRightInverse( M, C ) will cause a infinite loop return C; end ); ## InstallMethod( DiagonalEntries, "of homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix ], function( M ) local m; m := Minimum( NrRows( M ), NrColumns( M ) ); return List( [ 1 .. m ], a -> MatElm( M, a, a ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( Minors, "of homalg matrices", [ IsInt, IsHomalgMatrix ], function( d, M ) local R, r, c, l; R := HomalgRing( M ); if not HasIsCommutative( R ) then Error( "the ring is not known to be commutative\n" ); elif not IsCommutative( R ) then Error( "the ring is not commutative\n" ); fi; if d <= 0 then return [ One( R ) ]; fi; r := NrRows( M ); c := NrColumns( M ); if d > Minimum( r, c ) then return [ Zero( R ) ]; fi; l := Cartesian( Combinations( [ 1 .. r ], d ), Combinations( [ 1 .. c ], d ) ); l := List( l, rc -> Determinant( CertainColumns( CertainRows( M, rc[1] ), rc[2] ) ) ); l := Filtered( l, m -> not IsZero( m ) ); if l = [ ] then return [ Zero( R ) ]; fi; return DuplicateFreeList( l ); end ); ## InstallMethod( MaximalMinors, "of homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix ], function( M ) return Minors( Minimum( NrRows( M ), NrColumns( M ) ), M ); end ); ## InstallMethod( PostMakeImmutable, "for homalg internal matrices", [ IsHomalgInternalMatrixRep and HasEval ], function( A ) MakeImmutable( Eval( A )!.matrix ); end ); ## InstallMethod( SetIsMutableMatrix, "for homalg matrices and a Boolean", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsBool ], function( M, b ) if b = true then; SetFilterObj( M, IsMutable ); else ResetFilterObj( M, IsMutable ); fi; end ); ## InstallMethod( SetIsMutableMatrix, "for homalg matrices and a Boolean", [ IsHomalgMatrix and IsEmptyMatrix, IsBool ], 1001, function( M, b ) ## do nothing end ); ## InstallMethod( Iterator, "of homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix ], function( M ) local R, c, d, rank, iter, save, F, r; R := HomalgRing( M ); if not IsFieldForHomalg( R ) or ( not HasCharacteristic( R ) or Characteristic( R ) = 0 ) or ( not HasDegreeOverPrimeField( R ) or not IsInt( DegreeOverPrimeField( R ) ) ) then TryNextMethod( ); fi; c := Characteristic( R ); d := DegreeOverPrimeField( R ); M := BasisOfRows( M ); if not IsLeftRegular( M ) then TryNextMethod( ); fi; rank := RowRankOfMatrix( M ); iter := Iterator( GF(c^d)^rank ); if IsHomalgInternalRingRep( R ) then F := R; else F := HomalgRingOfIntegers( c, d ); fi; r := rec( ring := R, iter := iter, matrix := M, rank := rank, GF := F, NextIterator := function( i ) local mat; mat := HomalgMatrix( NextIterator( i!.iter ), 1, i!.rank, i!.GF ); SetNrRows( mat, 1 ); ## should be obsolete SetNrColumns( mat, i!.rank ); ## should be obsolete return ( i!.ring * mat ) * i!.matrix; end, IsDoneIterator := function( i ) return IsDoneIterator( i!.iter ); end, ShallowCopy := function( i ); return rec( ring := i!.ring, iter := ShallowCopy( i!.iter ), matrix := i!.matrix, rank := i!.rank, GF := i!.GF, NextIterator := i!.NextIterator, IsDoneIterator := i!.IsDoneIterator, ShallowCopy := i!.ShallowCopy ); end ); return IteratorByFunctions( r ); end ); ## InstallMethod( Select, "for a matrix and a list", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsList ], function( M, L ) local R, indets, zero, map, N; R := HomalgRing( M ); if HasRelativeIndeterminatesOfPolynomialRing( R ) then indets := RelativeIndeterminatesOfPolynomialRing( R ); elif HasIndeterminatesOfPolynomialRing( R ) then indets := IndeterminatesOfPolynomialRing( R ); else TryNextMethod( ); fi; if not IsSubset( indets, L ) then Error( "the second argument is not a subset of the list of indeterminates\n" ); fi; zero := Zero( R ); map := List( indets, function( a ) if a in L then return a; else return zero; fi; end ); map := RingMap( map, R, R ); N := Pullback( map, M ); return CertainRows( M, ZeroRows( M - N ) ); end ); #################################### # # constructor functions and methods: # #################################### ## InstallGlobalFunction( homalgInternalMatrixHull, function( M ) return Objectify( TheTypeInternalMatrixHull, rec( matrix := M ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( ConvertHomalgMatrixViaListListString, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsHomalgRing ], function( M, R ) local s; s := GetListListOfHomalgMatrixAsString( M ); return CreateHomalgMatrixFromString( s, R ); end ); ## InstallMethod( ConvertHomalgMatrixViaListListString, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsInt, IsInt, IsHomalgRing ], function( M, r, c, R ) local s; s := GetListListOfHomalgMatrixAsString( M ); return CreateHomalgMatrixFromString( s, R ); end ); ## InstallMethod( ConvertHomalgMatrixViaListString, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsHomalgRing ], function( M, R ) local r, c, s; r := NrRows( M ); c := NrColumns( M ); s := GetListOfHomalgMatrixAsString( M ); return CreateHomalgMatrixFromString( s, r, c, R ); end ); ## InstallMethod( ConvertHomalgMatrixViaListString, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsInt, IsInt, IsHomalgRing ], function( M, r, c, R ) local s; s := GetListOfHomalgMatrixAsString( M ); return CreateHomalgMatrixFromString( s, r, c, R ); end ); ## InstallMethod( ConvertHomalgMatrixViaSparseString, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsHomalgRing ], function( M, R ) local r, c, s; r := NrRows( M ); c := NrColumns( M ); s := GetSparseListOfHomalgMatrixAsString( M ); return CreateHomalgMatrixFromSparseString( s, r, c, R ); end ); ## InstallMethod( ConvertHomalgMatrixViaSparseString, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsInt, IsInt, IsHomalgRing ], function( M, r, c, R ) local s; s := GetSparseListOfHomalgMatrixAsString( M ); return CreateHomalgMatrixFromSparseString( s, r, c, R ); end ); ## InstallMethod( ConvertHomalgMatrix, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsHomalgRing ], function( M, R ) if IsBound( M!.ConvertHomalgMatrixViaSparseString ) and M!.ConvertHomalgMatrixViaSparseString = true then return ConvertHomalgMatrixViaSparseString( M, R ); fi; return ConvertHomalgMatrixViaListListString( M, R ); end ); ## InstallMethod( ConvertHomalgMatrix, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsInt, IsInt, IsHomalgRing ], function( M, r, c, R ) if IsBound( M!.ConvertHomalgMatrixViaSparseString ) and M!.ConvertHomalgMatrixViaSparseString = true then return ConvertHomalgMatrixViaSparseString( M, r, c, R ); fi; return ConvertHomalgMatrixViaListString( M, r, c, R ); end ); ## InstallMethod( CreateHomalgMatrixFromString, "constructor for homalg matrices", [ IsString, IsHomalgInternalRingRep ], function( S, R ) local s; s := ShallowCopy( S ); RemoveCharacters( s, "\\\n\" " ); return HomalgMatrix( EvalString( s ), R ); end ); ## InstallMethod( CreateHomalgMatrixFromString, "constructor for homalg matrices", [ IsString, IsInt, IsInt, IsHomalgInternalRingRep ], function( S, r, c, R ) local s; s := ShallowCopy( S ); RemoveCharacters( s, "\\\n\" " ); s := EvalString( s ); if IsMatrix( s ) then return HomalgMatrix( s, r, c, R ); elif IsHomogeneousList( s ) then return HomalgMatrix( ListToListList( s, r, c ), r, c, R ); else Error( "the evaluated string is not in {IsMatrix, IsHomogeneousList}\n" ); fi; end ); ## InstallMethod( CreateHomalgMatrixFromSparseString, "constructor for homalg matrices", [ IsString, IsInt, IsInt, IsHomalgRing ], function( S, r, c, R ) local s, M, e; s := ShallowCopy( S ); RemoveCharacters( s, "[]\\\n\" " ); M := HomalgInitialMatrix( r, c, R ); s := SplitString( s, "," ); s := ListToListList( s, Length( s ) / 3, 3 ); Perform( s, function( a ) SetMatElm( M, Int( a[1] ), Int( a[2] ), a[3], R ); end ); ResetFilterObj( M, IsMutable ); return M; end ); ## InstallMethod( CreateHomalgMatrixFromSparseString, "constructor for homalg matrices", [ IsString, IsInt, IsInt, IsHomalgInternalRingRep ], function( S, r, c, R ) local s, M, e; s := ShallowCopy( S ); RemoveCharacters( s, "\\\n\" " ); M := List( [ 1 .. r ], a -> List( [ 1 .. c ], b -> Zero( R ) ) ); for e in EvalString( s ) do M[e[1]][e[2]] := e[3]; od; return HomalgMatrix( M, r, c, R ); end ); ## InstallMethod( CreateHomalgMatrixFromList, "constructor for homalg matrices", [ IsList, IsHomalgRing ], function( L, R ) local M; if IsList( L[1] ) then M := List( L, r -> List( r, String ) ); M := Concatenation( "[[", JoinStringsWithSeparator( List( M, r -> JoinStringsWithSeparator( r ) ), "],[" ), "]]" ); else ## this resembles NormalizeInput in Maple's homalg ( a legacy ;) ) M := Concatenation( "[[", JoinStringsWithSeparator( List( L, String ), "],[" ), "]]" ); ## What is the use case for this? Wouldn't it be better to replace this by an error message? # Error( "the number of rows and columns must be specified to construct a matrix from a list" ); fi; return CreateHomalgMatrixFromString( M, R ); end ); ## InstallMethod( CreateHomalgMatrixFromList, "constructor for homalg matrices", [ IsList, IsInt, IsInt, IsHomalgRing ], function( L, r, c, R ) local M; if IsList( L[1] ) then M := List( Concatenation( L ), String ); M := Concatenation( "[", JoinStringsWithSeparator( M ), "]" ); else M := Concatenation( "[", JoinStringsWithSeparator( List( L, String ) ), "]" ); fi; return CreateHomalgMatrixFromString( M, r, c, R ); end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="HomalgMatrix"> ## <ManSection> ## <Func Arg="llist, R" Name="HomalgMatrix" Label="constructor for matrices using a listlist"/> ## <Func Arg="list, m, n, R" Name="HomalgMatrix" Label="constructor for matrices using a list"/> ## <Func Arg="str_llist, R" Name="HomalgMatrix" Label="constructor for matrices using a string of a listlist"/> ## <Func Arg="str_list, m, n, R" Name="HomalgMatrix" Label="constructor for matrices using a string of a list"/> ## <Returns>a &homalg; matrix</Returns> ## <Description> ## An immutable evaluated <M><A>m</A> \times <A>n</A></M> &homalg; matrix over the &homalg; ring <A>R</A>. ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> ZZ := HomalgRingOfIntegers( ); ## Z ## gap> m := HomalgMatrix( [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 4, 5, 6 ] ], ZZ ); ## <A 2 x 3 matrix over an internal ring> ## gap> Display( m ); ## [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], ## [ 4, 5, 6 ] ] ## ]]></Example> ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> m := HomalgMatrix( [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 4, 5, 6 ] ], 2, 3, ZZ ); ## <A 2 x 3 matrix over an internal ring> ## gap> Display( m ); ## [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], ## [ 4, 5, 6 ] ] ## ]]></Example> ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> m := HomalgMatrix( [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ], 2, 3, ZZ ); ## <A 2 x 3 matrix over an internal ring> ## gap> Display( m ); ## [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], ## [ 4, 5, 6 ] ] ## ]]></Example> ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> m := HomalgMatrix( "[ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 4, 5, 6 ] ]", ZZ ); ## <A 2 x 3 matrix over an internal ring> ## gap> Display( m ); ## [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], ## [ 4, 5, 6 ] ] ## ]]></Example> ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> m := HomalgMatrix( "[ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 4, 5, 6 ] ]", 2, 3, ZZ ); ## <A 2 x 3 matrix over an internal ring> ## gap> Display( m ); ## [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], ## [ 4, 5, 6 ] ] ## ]]></Example> ## It is nevertheless recommended to use the following form to create &homalg; matrices. This ## form can also be used to define external matrices. Since whitespaces ## (&see; <Ref Label="Whitespaces" BookName="Ref"/>) are ignored, ## they can be used as optical delimiters: ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> m := HomalgMatrix( "[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]", 2, 3, ZZ ); ## <A 2 x 3 matrix over an internal ring> ## gap> Display( m ); ## [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], ## [ 4, 5, 6 ] ] ## ]]></Example> ## One can split the input string over several lines using the backslash character '\' to end each line ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> m := HomalgMatrix( "[ \ ## > 1, 2, 3, \ ## > 4, 5, 6 \ ## > ]", 2, 3, ZZ ); ## <A 2 x 3 matrix over an internal ring> ## gap> Display( m ); ## [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], ## [ 4, 5, 6 ] ] ## ]]></Example> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallGlobalFunction( HomalgMatrix, function( arg ) local nargs, M, R, RP, type, matrix, nr_rows, nr_columns; nargs := Length( arg ); M := arg[1]; R := arg[nargs]; if nargs > 1 and M <> [ ] then if HasConstructorForHomalgMatrices( R ) then return CallFuncList( ConstructorForHomalgMatrices( R ), arg ); fi; if IsString( M ) then return CallFuncList( CreateHomalgMatrixFromString, arg ); elif not IsHomalgInternalRingRep( R ) and ## the ring R is not internal, ( IsList( M ) or ## while M is either a list of ring elements, IsMatrix( M ) ) then ## or a matrix of (hopefully) ring elements return CallFuncList( CreateHomalgMatrixFromList, arg ); fi; fi; if not IsHomalgRing( R ) then Error( "the last argument must be an IsHomalgRing\n" ); fi; ## here we take care of the degenerate input M = [ ] for all rings if M = [ ] then ## CreateHomalgMatrixFromString also covers M = "", "[]", etc. if nargs = 2 then return HomalgZeroMatrix( 0, 0, R ); else return CallFuncList( HomalgZeroMatrix, arg{[ 2 .. nargs ]} ); fi; fi; if HasTypeOfHomalgMatrix( R ) then type := TypeOfHomalgMatrix( R ); elif IsHomalgInternalRingRep( R ) then type := TheTypeHomalgInternalMatrix; else Error( "the homalg ring must contain the type of the matrices as the attribute TypeOfHomalgMatrix\n" ); fi; matrix := rec( ring := R ); ## here we take care of the case when only the ring is given if nargs = 1 then ## Objectify: Objectify( type, matrix ); ## an empty matrix return matrix; fi; RP := homalgTable( R ); if IsList( M ) and Length( M ) > 0 and not IsList( M[1] ) and ForAll( M, IsRingElement ) then if Length( arg ) > 2 and arg[2] in NonnegativeIntegers then M := ListToListList( M, arg[2], Length( M ) / arg[2] ); else M := List( M, a -> [ a ] ); ## this resembles NormalizeInput in Maple's homalg ( a legacy ;) ) fi; if IsBound(RP!.ImportMatrix) then M := RP!.ImportMatrix( M, R ); fi; elif IsInternalMatrixHull( M ) then ## why are we doing this? for ShallowCopy? if IsMatrix( M!.matrix ) then M := M!.matrix; else M := homalgInternalMatrixHull( M!.matrix ); fi; elif IsMatrix( M ) and IsBound(RP!.ImportMatrix) then M := RP!.ImportMatrix( M, R ); else M := ShallowCopy( M ); ## by this we are sure that possible changes to a mutable GAP matrix arg[1] does not destroy the logic of homalg fi; if IsHomalgInternalRingRep( R ) and not IsInternalMatrixHull( M ) then ## TheTypeHomalgInternalMatrix if IsMatrix( M ) then ## Objectify: ObjectifyWithAttributes( matrix, type, NrRows, Length( M ), NrColumns, Length( M[1] ), Eval, homalgInternalMatrixHull( M ) ); elif IsList( M ) then ## Objectify: ObjectifyWithAttributes( matrix, type, Eval, homalgInternalMatrixHull( M ) ); if M = [ ] then SetNrRows( matrix, 0 ); SetNrColumns( matrix, 0 ); elif M[1] = [] then SetNrRows( matrix, Length( M ) ); SetNrColumns( matrix, 0 ); fi; else if Length( arg ) > 2 and arg[2] in NonnegativeIntegers then nr_rows := true; else nr_rows := false; fi; if Length( arg ) > 3 and arg[3] in NonnegativeIntegers then nr_columns := true; else nr_columns := false; fi; if nr_rows and nr_columns then ## Objectify: ObjectifyWithAttributes( matrix, type, NrRows, arg[2], NrColumns, arg[3], Eval, M ); else ## Objectify: ObjectifyWithAttributes( matrix, type, Eval, M ); if nr_rows then SetNrRows( matrix, arg[2] ); fi; if nr_columns then SetNrColumns( matrix, arg[3] ); fi; fi; fi; else if Length( arg ) > 2 and arg[2] in NonnegativeIntegers then nr_rows := true; else nr_rows := false; fi; if Length( arg ) > 3 and arg[3] in NonnegativeIntegers then nr_columns := true; else nr_columns := false; fi; if nr_rows and nr_columns then ## Objectify: ObjectifyWithAttributes( matrix, type, NrRows, arg[2], NrColumns, arg[3], Eval, M ); else ## Objectify: ObjectifyWithAttributes( matrix, type, Eval, M ); if nr_rows then SetNrRows( matrix, arg[2] ); fi; if nr_columns then SetNrColumns( matrix, arg[3] ); fi; fi; fi; return matrix; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( HomalgMatrixWithAttributes, function( attributes, R ) local matrix; ## for performance reasons this internal function ## should not perform syntax checks matrix := rec( ring := R ); ## ObjectifyWithAttributes: CallFuncList( ObjectifyWithAttributes, Concatenation( [ matrix, TypeOfHomalgMatrix( R ) ], attributes ) ); return matrix; end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="HomalgZeroMatrix"> ## <ManSection> ## <Func Arg="m, n, R" Name="HomalgZeroMatrix" Label="constructor for zero matrices"/> ## <Returns>a &homalg; matrix</Returns> ## <Description> ## An immutable unevaluated <M><A>m</A> \times <A>n</A></M> &homalg; zero matrix over the &homalg; ring <A>R</A>. ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> ZZ := HomalgRingOfIntegers( ); ## Z ## gap> z := HomalgZeroMatrix( 2, 3, ZZ ); ## <An unevaluated 2 x 3 zero matrix over an internal ring> ## gap> Display( z ); ## [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], ## [ 0, 0, 0 ] ] ## gap> z; ## <A 2 x 3 zero matrix over an internal ring> ## ]]></Example> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallGlobalFunction( HomalgZeroMatrix, function( arg ) ## the zero matrix local R, type, matrix, nr_rows, nr_columns; R := arg[Length( arg )]; if not IsHomalgRing( R ) then Error( "the last argument must be an IsHomalgRing\n" ); fi; if HasTypeOfHomalgMatrix( R ) then type := TypeOfHomalgMatrix( R ); elif IsHomalgInternalRingRep( R ) then type := TheTypeHomalgInternalMatrix; else Error( "the homalg ring must contain the type of the matrices as the attribute TypeOfHomalgMatrix\n" ); fi; matrix := rec( ring := R ); if Length( arg ) > 1 and arg[1] in NonnegativeIntegers then nr_rows := true; else nr_rows := false; fi; if Length( arg ) > 2 and arg[2] in NonnegativeIntegers then nr_columns := true; else nr_columns := false; fi; if nr_rows and nr_columns then ## cache the 1 x 1 zero matrix if nr_rows = 1 and nr_columns = 1 then if IsBound( R!.OneByOneZeroMatrix ) then return R!.OneByOneZeroMatrix; else R!.OneByOneZeroMatrix := matrix; fi; fi; ## Objectify: ObjectifyWithAttributes( matrix, type, NrRows, arg[1], NrColumns, arg[2], IsZero, true ); else ## Objectify: ObjectifyWithAttributes( matrix, type, IsZero, true ); if nr_rows then SetNrRows( matrix, arg[1] ); fi; if nr_columns then SetNrColumns( matrix, arg[2] ); fi; fi; return matrix; end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="HomalgIdentityMatrix"> ## <ManSection> ## <Func Arg="m, R" Name="HomalgIdentityMatrix" Label="constructor for identity matrices"/> ## <Returns>a &homalg; matrix</Returns> ## <Description> ## An immutable unevaluated <M><A>m</A> \times <A>m</A></M> &homalg; identity matrix over the &homalg; ring <A>R</A>. ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> ZZ := HomalgRingOfIntegers( ); ## Z ## gap> id := HomalgIdentityMatrix( 3, ZZ ); ## <An unevaluated 3 x 3 identity matrix over an internal ring> ## gap> Display( id ); ## [ [ 1, 0, 0 ], ## [ 0, 1, 0 ], ## [ 0, 0, 1 ] ] ## gap> id; ## <A 3 x 3 identity matrix over an internal ring> ## ]]></Example> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallGlobalFunction( HomalgIdentityMatrix, function( arg ) ## the identity matrix local R, type, matrix; R := arg[Length( arg )]; if not IsHomalgRing( R ) then Error( "the last argument must be an IsHomalgRing\n" ); fi; if HasTypeOfHomalgMatrix( R ) then type := TypeOfHomalgMatrix( R ); elif IsHomalgInternalRingRep( R ) then type := TheTypeHomalgInternalMatrix; else Error( "the homalg ring must contain the type of the matrices as the attribute TypeOfHomalgMatrix\n" ); fi; matrix := rec( ring := R ); if Length( arg ) > 1 and arg[1] in NonnegativeIntegers then ## Objectify: ObjectifyWithAttributes( matrix, type, NrRows, arg[1], NrColumns, arg[1], IsOne, true ); else ## Objectify: ObjectifyWithAttributes( matrix, type, IsOne, true ); fi; return matrix; end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="HomalgInitialMatrix"> ## <ManSection> ## <Func Arg="m, n, R" Name="HomalgInitialMatrix" Label="constructor for initial matrices filled with zeros"/> ## <Returns>a &homalg; matrix</Returns> ## <Description> ## A mutable unevaluated initial <M><A>m</A> \times <A>n</A></M> &homalg; matrix filled with zeros ## over the &homalg; ring <A>R</A>. This construction is useful in case one wants to define a matrix ## by assigning its nonzero entries. ## The property <Ref Prop="IsInitialMatrix"/> is reset as soon as the matrix is evaluated. ## New computed properties or attributes of the matrix won't be cached, ## until the matrix is explicitly made immutable using (&see; <Ref Func="MakeImmutable" ## BookName="Reference" Style="Number"/>). ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> ZZ := HomalgRingOfIntegers( ); ## Z ## gap> z := HomalgInitialMatrix( 2, 3, ZZ ); ## <An initial 2 x 3 matrix over an internal ring> ## gap> HasIsZero( z ); ## false ## gap> IsZero( z ); ## true ## gap> z; ## <A 2 x 3 mutable matrix over an internal ring> ## gap> HasIsZero( z ); ## false ## ]]></Example> ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> n := HomalgInitialMatrix( 2, 3, ZZ ); ## <An initial 2 x 3 matrix over an internal ring> ## gap> SetMatElm( n, 1, 1, "1" ); ## gap> SetMatElm( n, 2, 3, "1" ); ## gap> MakeImmutable( n ); ## <A 2 x 3 matrix over an internal ring> ## gap> Display( n ); ## [ [ 1, 0, 0 ], ## [ 0, 0, 1 ] ] ## gap> IsZero( n ); ## false ## gap> n; ## <A non-zero 2 x 3 matrix over an internal ring> ## ]]></Example> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallGlobalFunction( HomalgInitialMatrix, function( arg ) ## an initial matrix having the flag IsInitialMatrix local R, type, matrix, nr_rows, nr_columns; ## and filled with zeros BUT NOT marked as an IsZero R := arg[Length( arg )]; if not IsHomalgRing( R ) then Error( "the last argument must be an IsHomalgRing\n" ); fi; if HasTypeOfHomalgMatrix( R ) then type := TypeOfHomalgMatrix( R ); elif IsHomalgInternalRingRep( R ) then type := TheTypeHomalgInternalMatrix; else Error( "the homalg ring must contain the type of the matrices as the attribute TypeOfHomalgMatrix\n" ); fi; matrix := rec( ring := R ); if Length( arg ) > 1 and arg[1] in NonnegativeIntegers then nr_rows := true; else nr_rows := false; fi; if Length( arg ) > 2 and arg[2] in NonnegativeIntegers then nr_columns := true; else nr_columns := false; fi; if nr_rows and nr_columns then ## Objectify: ObjectifyWithAttributes( matrix, type, NrRows, arg[1], NrColumns, arg[2], IsInitialMatrix, true ); else ## Objectify: ObjectifyWithAttributes( matrix, type, IsInitialMatrix, true ); if nr_rows then SetNrRows( matrix, arg[1] ); fi; if nr_columns then SetNrColumns( matrix, arg[2] ); fi; fi; SetIsMutableMatrix( matrix, true ); return matrix; end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="HomalgInitialIdentityMatrix"> ## <ManSection> ## <Func Arg="m, R" Name="HomalgInitialIdentityMatrix" Label="constructor for initial quadratic matrices with ones on the diagonal"/> ## <Returns>a &homalg; matrix</Returns> ## <Description> ## A mutable unevaluated initial <M><A>m</A> \times <A>m</A></M> &homalg; quadratic matrix with ones ## on the diagonal over the &homalg; ring <A>R</A>. This construction is useful in case one wants to define ## an elementary matrix by assigning its off-diagonal nonzero entries. ## The property <Ref Prop="IsInitialIdentityMatrix"/> is reset as soon as the matrix is evaluated. ## New computed properties or attributes of the matrix won't be cached, ## until the matrix is explicitly made immutable using (&see; <Ref Func="MakeImmutable" ## BookName="Reference" Style="Number"/>). ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> ZZ := HomalgRingOfIntegers( ); ## Z ## gap> id := HomalgInitialIdentityMatrix( 3, ZZ ); ## <An initial identity 3 x 3 matrix over an internal ring> ## gap> HasIsOne( id ); ## false ## gap> IsOne( id ); ## true ## gap> id; ## <A 3 x 3 mutable matrix over an internal ring> ## gap> HasIsOne( id ); ## false ## ]]></Example> ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> e := HomalgInitialIdentityMatrix( 3, ZZ ); ## <An initial identity 3 x 3 matrix over an internal ring> ## gap> SetMatElm( e, 1, 2, "1" ); ## gap> SetMatElm( e, 2, 1, "-1" ); ## gap> MakeImmutable( e ); ## <A 3 x 3 matrix over an internal ring> ## gap> Display( e ); ## [ [ 1, 1, 0 ], ## [ -1, 1, 0 ], ## [ 0, 0, 1 ] ] ## gap> IsOne( e ); ## false ## gap> e; ## <A 3 x 3 matrix over an internal ring> ## ]]></Example> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallGlobalFunction( HomalgInitialIdentityMatrix, function( arg ) ## a square initial matrix having the flag IsInitialIdentityMatrix local R, type, matrix; ## and filled with an identity matrix BUT NOT marked as an IsOne R := arg[Length( arg )]; if not IsHomalgRing( R ) then Error( "the last argument must be an IsHomalgRing\n" ); fi; if HasTypeOfHomalgMatrix( R ) then type := TypeOfHomalgMatrix( R ); elif IsHomalgInternalRingRep( R ) then type := TheTypeHomalgInternalMatrix; else Error( "the homalg ring must contain the type of the matrices as the attribute TypeOfHomalgMatrix\n" ); fi; matrix := rec( ring := R ); if Length( arg ) > 1 and arg[1] in NonnegativeIntegers then ## Objectify: ObjectifyWithAttributes( matrix, type, NrRows, arg[1], NrColumns, arg[1], IsInitialIdentityMatrix, true ); else ## Objectify: ObjectifyWithAttributes( matrix, type, IsInitialIdentityMatrix, true ); fi; SetIsMutableMatrix( matrix, true ); return matrix; end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="HomalgVoidMatrix"> ## <ManSection> ## <Func Arg="[ m,][ n,] R" Name="HomalgVoidMatrix" Label="constructor for void matrices"/> ## <Returns>a &homalg; matrix</Returns> ## <Description> ## A void <M><A>m</A> \times <A>n</A></M> &homalg; matrix. ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallGlobalFunction( HomalgVoidMatrix, function( arg ) ## a void matrix filled with nothing having the flag IsVoidMatrix local R, type, matrix, nr_rows, nr_columns; R := arg[Length( arg )]; if not IsHomalgRing( R ) then Error( "the last argument must be an IsHomalgRing\n" ); fi; if HasTypeOfHomalgMatrix( R ) then type := TypeOfHomalgMatrix( R ); elif IsHomalgInternalRingRep( R ) then type := TheTypeHomalgInternalMatrix; else Error( "the homalg ring must contain the type of the matrices as the attribute TypeOfHomalgMatrix\n" ); fi; matrix := rec( ring := R ); if Length( arg ) > 1 and arg[1] in NonnegativeIntegers then nr_rows := true; else nr_rows := false; fi; if Length( arg ) > 2 and arg[2] in NonnegativeIntegers then nr_columns := true; else nr_columns := false; fi; if nr_rows and nr_columns then ## Objectify: ObjectifyWithAttributes( matrix, type, NrRows, arg[1], NrColumns, arg[2], IsVoidMatrix, true ); else ## Objectify: ObjectifyWithAttributes( matrix, type, IsVoidMatrix, true ); if nr_rows then SetNrRows( matrix, arg[1] ); fi; if nr_columns then SetNrColumns( matrix, arg[2] ); fi; fi; return matrix; end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="HomalgDiagonalMatrix"> ## <ManSection> ## <Func Arg="diag, R" Name="HomalgDiagonalMatrix" Label="constructor for diagonal matrices"/> ## <Returns>a &homalg; matrix</Returns> ## <Description> ## An immutable unevaluated diagonal &homalg; matrix over the &homalg; ring <A>R</A>. The diagonal ## consists of the entries of the list <A>diag</A>. ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> ZZ := HomalgRingOfIntegers( ); ## Z ## gap> d := HomalgDiagonalMatrix( [ 1, 2, 3 ], ZZ ); ## <An unevaluated diagonal 3 x 3 matrix over an internal ring> ## gap> Display( d ); ## [ [ 1, 0, 0 ], ## [ 0, 2, 0 ], ## [ 0, 0, 3 ] ] ## gap> d; ## <A diagonal 3 x 3 matrix over an internal ring> ## ]]></Example> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallGlobalFunction( HomalgDiagonalMatrix, function( arg ) ## the diagonal matrix local nargs, R, diag, d, M; nargs := Length( arg ); if nargs = 0 then Error( "no arguments provided\n" ); fi; if IsHomalgRing( arg[nargs] ) then R := arg[nargs]; fi; if IsRingElement( arg[1] ) then diag := [ arg[1] ]; elif ForAll( arg[1], IsRingElement ) then diag := arg[1]; fi; if not IsBound( R ) and IsBound( diag ) and diag <> [ ] and IsHomalgRingElement( diag[1] ) then R := HomalgRing( diag[1] ); fi; if not IsBound( diag ) then return CallFuncList( DiagMat, arg ); elif not IsBound( R ) then Error( "no homalg ring provided\n" ); fi; if diag = [ ] then return HomalgZeroMatrix( 0, 0, R ); fi; diag := List( diag, a -> HomalgMatrix( [ a ], 1, 1, R ) ); ## a listlist would screw Singular M := DiagMat( diag ); d := Length( diag ); if nargs > 1 and IsInt( arg[2] ) then if arg[2] > d then M := UnionOfRows( M, HomalgZeroMatrix( arg[2] - d, d, R ) ); elif arg[2] < d then M := CertainRows( M, [ 1 .. arg[2] ] ); fi; fi; if nargs > 2 and IsInt( arg[3] ) then if arg[3] > d then M := UnionOfColumns( M, HomalgZeroMatrix( NrRows( M ), arg[3] - d, R ) ); elif arg[3] < d then M := CertainColumns( M, [ 1 .. arg[3] ] ); fi; fi; return M; end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="HomalgScalarMatrix"> ## <ManSection> ## <Func Arg="r, n, R" Name="HomalgScalarMatrix" Label="constructor for scalar matrices"/> ## <Returns>a &homalg; matrix</Returns> ## <Description> ## An immutable unevaluated <M><A>n</A> \times <A>n</A></M> scalar &homalg; matrix over the &homalg; ring <A>R</A> with ## the ring element <A>r</A> as diagonal scalar. ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> ZZ := HomalgRingOfIntegers( ); ## Z ## gap> d := HomalgScalarMatrix( 2, 3, ZZ ); ## <An unevaluated scalar 3 x 3 matrix over an internal ring> ## gap> Display( d ); ## [ [ 2, 0, 0 ], ## [ 0, 2, 0 ], ## [ 0, 0, 2 ] ] ## gap> d; ## <A scalar 3 x 3 matrix over an internal ring> ## ]]></Example> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallGlobalFunction( HomalgScalarMatrix, function( arg ) ## the scalar matrix local nargs, r, n, R, diag, d, M; nargs := Length( arg ); if nargs = 0 then Error( "no arguments provided\n" ); fi; if IsRingElement( arg[1] ) then r := arg[1]; else Error( "the first argument must be a ring element\n" ); fi; if IsInt( arg[2] ) and arg[2] >= 0 then n := arg[2]; else Error( "the second argument must be a non-negative integer\n" ); fi; if IsHomalgRing( arg[nargs] ) then R := arg[nargs]; fi; if not IsBound( R ) then if IsHomalgRingElement( r ) then R := HomalgRing( r ); else Error( "no homalg ring provided\n" ); fi; fi; if n = 0 then return HomalgZeroMatrix( 0, 0, R ); fi; diag := ListWithIdenticalEntries( n, HomalgMatrix( [ r ], 1, 1, R ) ); ## a listlist would screw Singular M := DiagMat( diag ); SetIsScalarMatrix( M, true ); return M; end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="\*:MatrixBaseChange"> ## <ManSection> ## <Oper Arg="R, mat" Name="\*" Label="copy a matrix over a different ring"/> ## <Oper Arg="mat, R" Name="\*" Label="copy a matrix over a different ring (right)"/> ## <Returns>a &homalg; matrix</Returns> ## <Description> ## An immutable evaluated &homalg; matrix over the &homalg; ring <A>R</A> having the ## same entries as the matrix <A>mat</A>. Syntax: <A>R</A> <C>*</C> <A>mat</A> or <A>mat</A> <C>*</C> <A>R</A> ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> ZZ := HomalgRingOfIntegers( ); ## Z ## gap> Z4 := ZZ / 4; ## Z/( 4 ) ## gap> Display( Z4 ); ## <A residue class ring> ## gap> d := HomalgDiagonalMatrix( [ 2 .. 4 ], ZZ ); ## <An unevaluated diagonal 3 x 3 matrix over an internal ring> ## gap> d2 := Z4 * d; ## or d2 := d * Z4; ## <A 3 x 3 matrix over a residue class ring> ## gap> Display( d2 ); ## [ [ 2, 0, 0 ], ## [ 0, 3, 0 ], ## [ 0, 0, 4 ] ] ## ## modulo [ 4 ] ## gap> d; ## <A diagonal 3 x 3 matrix over an internal ring> ## gap> ZeroRows( d ); ## [ ] ## gap> ZeroRows( d2 ); ## [ 3 ] ## gap> d; ## <A non-zero diagonal 3 x 3 matrix over an internal ring> ## gap> d2; ## <A non-zero 3 x 3 matrix over a residue class ring> ## ]]></Example> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallMethod( \*, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgRing, IsHomalgMatrix ], function( R, m ) local RP, mat; RP := homalgTable( R ); if IsIdenticalObj( HomalgRing( m ), R ) then ## make a copy over the same ring mat := ShallowCopy( m ); if not IsIdenticalObj( m, mat ) then return mat; fi; fi; mat := ConvertHomalgMatrix( m, R ); BlindlyCopyMatrixProperties( m, mat ); return mat; end ); ## InstallMethod( \*, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgRing, IsHomalgMatrix and IsZero ], 10001, function( R, m ) return HomalgZeroMatrix( NrRows( m ), NrColumns( m ), R ); end ); ## InstallMethod( \*, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgRing, IsHomalgMatrix and IsOne ], 10001, function( R, m ) return HomalgIdentityMatrix( NrRows( m ), R ); end ); ## InstallMethod( \*, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsHomalgRing ], function( M, R ) return R * M; end ); ## InstallMethod( RingMap, "for homalg rings", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsHomalgRing, IsHomalgRing ], function( images, S, T ) if not ( NrRows( images ) = 1 or NrColumns( images ) = 1 ) then Error( "the matrix must either has one row or one column\n" ); fi; return RingMap( EntriesOfHomalgMatrix( images ), S, T ); end ); ## InstallMethod( RingMap, "constructor for homalg ring maps", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsHomalgRing ], function( mat, R ) local r, indets; r := NrRows( mat ); if NrColumns( mat ) <> r then Error( "the matrix is not quadratic\n" ); fi; indets := Indeterminates( R ); if Length( indets ) <> r then Error( "the number of indeterminates does not match the number of rows of the matrix\n" ); fi; indets := HomalgMatrix( indets, r, 1, R ); if not IsIdenticalObj( R, HomalgRing( mat ) ) then mat := R * mat; fi; return RingMap( mat * indets, R, R ); end ); ## InstallMethod( RingMap, "constructor for homalg ring maps", [ IsHomalgMatrix ], function( mat ) return RingMap( mat, HomalgRing( mat ) ); end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( ListToListList, function( L, r, c ) local M, i; M := [ ]; for i in [ 1 .. r ] do Append( M, [ L{[ (i-1)*c+1 .. i*c ]} ] ); od; return M; end ); #################################### # # View, Print, and Display methods: # #################################### ## InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for weak pointer containers of identity matrices", [ IsContainerForWeakPointersOnIdentityMatricesRep ], function( o ) Print( "<A container for weak pointers on identity matrices: counter = ", o!.counter, ", cache_hits = ", o!.cache_hits, ">" ); end ); ## InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for interal matrix hulls", [ IsInternalMatrixHull ], function( o ) Print( "<A hull for a homalg internal matrix>" ); end ); ## InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix ], function( o ) local R, first_attribute, not_row_or_column_matrix; R := HomalgRing( o ); first_attribute := true; if HasIsVoidMatrix( o ) and IsVoidMatrix( o ) then Print( "<A void" ); elif HasIsInitialMatrix( o ) and IsInitialMatrix( o ) then Print( "<An initial" ); elif HasIsInitialIdentityMatrix( o ) and IsInitialIdentityMatrix( o ) then Print( "<An initial identity" ); elif not HasEval( o ) then Print( "<An unevaluated" ); else Print( "<A" ); first_attribute := false; fi; if not ( HasIsSubidentityMatrix( o ) and IsSubidentityMatrix( o ) ) and HasIsZero( o ) then ## if this method applies and HasIsZero is set we already know that o is a non-zero homalg matrix Print( " non-zero" ); first_attribute := true; fi; not_row_or_column_matrix := not ( ( HasNrRows( o ) and NrRows( o ) = 1 ) or ( HasNrColumns( o ) and NrColumns( o ) = 1 ) ); if not ( HasNrRows( o ) and NrRows( o ) = 1 and HasNrColumns( o ) and NrColumns( o ) = 1 ) then if HasIsDiagonalMatrix( o ) and IsDiagonalMatrix( o ) then Print( " diagonal" ); elif HasIsUpperStairCaseMatrix( o ) and IsUpperStairCaseMatrix( o ) and not_row_or_column_matrix then if not first_attribute then Print( "n upper staircase" ); else Print( " upper staircase" ); fi; elif HasIsStrictUpperTriangularMatrix( o ) and IsStrictUpperTriangularMatrix( o ) then Print( " strict upper triangular" ); elif HasIsLowerStairCaseMatrix( o ) and IsLowerStairCaseMatrix( o ) and not_row_or_column_matrix then Print( " lower staircase" ); elif HasIsStrictLowerTriangularMatrix( o ) and IsStrictLowerTriangularMatrix( o ) then Print( " strict lower triangular" ); elif HasIsUpperTriangularMatrix( o ) and IsUpperTriangularMatrix( o ) and not ( HasNrRows( o ) and NrRows( o ) = 1 ) then if not first_attribute then Print( "n upper triangular" ); else Print( " upper triangular" ); fi; elif HasIsLowerTriangularMatrix( o ) and IsLowerTriangularMatrix( o ) and not ( HasNrColumns( o ) and NrColumns( o ) = 1 ) then Print( " lower triangular" ); elif HasIsTriangularMatrix( o ) and IsTriangularMatrix( o ) and not_row_or_column_matrix then Print( " triangular" ); elif not first_attribute then first_attribute := fail; fi; if first_attribute <> fail then first_attribute := true; else first_attribute := false; fi; if HasIsInvertibleMatrix( o ) and IsInvertibleMatrix( o ) then if not first_attribute then Print( "n invertible" ); else Print( " invertible" ); fi; else if HasIsRightInvertibleMatrix( o ) and IsRightInvertibleMatrix( o ) then Print( " right invertible" ); elif HasIsLeftRegular( o ) and IsLeftRegular( o ) then Print( " left regular" ); fi; if HasIsLeftInvertibleMatrix( o ) and IsLeftInvertibleMatrix( o ) then Print( " left invertible" ); elif HasIsRightRegular( o ) and IsRightRegular( o ) then Print( " right regular" ); fi; fi; fi; if HasIsSubidentityMatrix( o ) and IsSubidentityMatrix( o ) then Print( " sub-identity" ); fi; if HasNrRows( o ) then Print( " ", NrRows( o ), " " ); if not HasNrColumns( o ) then Print( "x ?" ); fi; fi; if HasNrColumns( o ) then if not HasNrRows( o ) then Print( " ? " ); fi; Print( "x ", NrColumns( o ) ); fi; if IsMutable( o ) and HasEval( o ) then Print( " mutable" ); fi; Print( " matrix over a" ); if IsBound( R!.description ) then Print( R!.description ); elif IsHomalgInternalMatrixRep( o ) then Print( "n internal" ); fi; Print( " ring>" ); end ); ## InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix and IsPermutationMatrix ], function( o ) local R; R := HomalgRing( o ); if HasEval( o ) then Print( "<A " ); else Print( "<An unevaluated " ); fi; if HasNrRows( o ) then Print( NrRows( o ), " " ); if not HasNrColumns( o ) then Print( "x ?" ); fi; fi; if HasNrColumns( o ) then if not HasNrRows( o ) then Print( "? " ); fi; Print( "x ", NrColumns( o ) ); fi; Print( " permutation matrix over a" ); if IsBound( R!.description ) then Print( R!.description ); elif IsHomalgInternalMatrixRep( o ) then Print( "n internal" ); fi; Print( " ring>" ); end ); ## InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix and IsOne ], function( o ) local R; R := HomalgRing( o ); if HasEval( o ) then Print( "<A " ); else Print( "<An unevaluated " ); fi; if HasNrRows( o ) then Print( NrRows( o ), " " ); if not HasNrColumns( o ) then Print( "x ?" ); fi; fi; if HasNrColumns( o ) then if not HasNrRows( o ) then Print( "? " ); fi; Print( "x ", NrColumns( o ) ); fi; Print( " identity matrix over a" ); if IsBound( R!.description ) then Print( R!.description ); elif IsHomalgInternalMatrixRep( o ) then Print( "n internal" ); fi; Print( " ring>" ); end ); ## InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix and IsZero ], function( o ) local R; R := HomalgRing( o ); if HasEval( o ) then Print( "<A " ); else Print( "<An unevaluated " ); fi; if HasNrRows( o ) then Print( NrRows( o ), " " ); if not HasNrColumns( o ) then Print( "x ?" ); fi; fi; if HasNrColumns( o ) then if not HasNrRows( o ) then Print( "? " ); fi; Print( "x ", NrColumns( o ) ); fi; Print( " zero matrix over a" ); if IsBound( R!.description ) then Print( R!.description ); elif IsHomalgInternalMatrixRep( o ) then Print( "n internal" ); fi; Print( " ring>" ); end ); ## InstallMethod( Display, "for internal matrix hulls", [ IsInternalMatrixHull ], function( o ) Display( o!.matrix ); end ); ## InstallMethod( Display, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgInternalMatrixRep ], function( o ) Display( Eval( o ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( Display, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix and IsEmptyMatrix ], 10001, function( o ) Print( "(an empty ", NrRows( o ), " x ", NrColumns( o ), " matrix)\n" ); end );