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Views: 466297############################################################################# ## ## MatricesForHomalg package ## ## Copyright 2007-2012, Mohamed Barakat, University of Kaiserslautern ## Markus Lange-Hegermann, RWTH-Aachen University ## ## Implementations for MatricesForHomalg. ## ############################################################################# #################################### # # representations: # #################################### #################################### # # families and types: # #################################### #################################### # # global variables: # #################################### # a central place for configuration variables: InstallValue( HOMALG_MATRICES, rec( OtherInternalMatrixTypes := [ ], colors := rec( ## (B)asic (O)perations: BOE := "\033[1;37;40m", ## reduced (E)chelon form: RowReducedEchelonForm/Columns BOB := "\033[1;37;45m", ## (B)asis: BasisOfRow/ColumnModule BOC := "\033[1;37;45m", ## Basis: BasisOfRows/Columns(C)oeff BOD := "\033[1;37;42m", ## existence of a particular solution: (D)ecideZeroRows/Columns BOP := "\033[1;37;42m", ## (P)articular solution: DecideZeroRows/Columns(Effectively) BOH := "\033[1;37;41m", ## solutions of the (H)omogeneous system: SyzygiesGeneratorsOfRows/Columns busy := "\033[01m\033[4;31;40m", done := "\033[01m\033[4;32;40m", ), matrix_logic_infolevels := [ InfoCOLEM, InfoLIMAT ], color_display := false, PreferDenseMatrices := false, ByASmallerPresentationDoesNotDecideZero := false, Intersect_uses_ReducedBasisOfModule := true, SubQuotient_uses_Intersect := false, MaximumNumberOfResolutionSteps := 1001, RandomSource := GlobalMersenneTwister, ) ); #################################### # # global functions: # #################################### ## <#GAPDoc Label="homalgMode"> ## <ManSection> ## <Meth Arg="str[, str2]" Name="homalgMode"/> ## <Description> ## This function sets different modes which influence how much of the basic matrix operations and ## the logical matrix methods become visible (&see; Appendices <Ref Chap="Basic_Operations"/>, <Ref Chap="Logic"/>). ## Handling the string <A>str</A> is <E>not</E> case-sensitive. ## If a second string <A>str2</A> is given, then <C>homalgMode</C>( <A>str2</A> ) is invoked at the end. ## In case you let &homalg; delegate matrix operations to an external system the you might also want to ## check <C>homalgIOMode</C> in the &HomalgToCAS; package manual. ## <Table Align="l|c|l"> ## <Row> ## <Item><A>str</A></Item> ## <Item><A>str</A> (long form)</Item> ## <Item>mode description</Item> ## </Row> ## <HorLine/> ## <Row><Item></Item><Item></Item><Item></Item></Row> ## <Row> ## <Item>""</Item> ## <Item>""</Item> ## <Item>the default mode, i.e. the computation protocol won't be visible</Item> ## </Row> ## <Row> ## <Item></Item> ## <Item></Item> ## <Item>(<C>homalgMode</C>( ) is a short form for <C>homalgMode</C>( "" ))</Item> ## </Row> ## <Row><Item></Item><Item></Item><Item></Item></Row> ## <Row> ## <Item>"b"</Item> ## <Item>"basic"</Item> ## <Item>make the basic matrix operations visible + <C>homalgMode</C>( "logic" )</Item> ## </Row> ## <Row><Item></Item><Item></Item><Item></Item></Row> ## <Row> ## <Item>"d"</Item> ## <Item>"debug"</Item> ## <Item>same as "basic" but also makes <C>Row/ColumnReducedEchelonForm</C> visible</Item> ## </Row> ## <Row><Item></Item><Item></Item><Item></Item></Row> ## <Row> ## <Item>"l"</Item> ## <Item>"logic"</Item> ## <Item>make the logical methods in &LIMAT; and &COLEM; visible</Item> ## </Row> ## <Row><Item></Item><Item></Item><Item></Item></Row> ## <HorLine/> ## </Table> ## All modes other than the "default"-mode only set their specific values and leave ## the other values untouched, which allows combining them to some extent. This also means that ## in order to get from one mode to a new mode (without the aim to combine them) ## one needs to reset to the "default"-mode first. This can be done using <C>homalgMode</C>( "", new_mode ); ## <Listing Type="Code"><![CDATA[ InstallGlobalFunction( homalgMode, function( arg ) local nargs, mode, s; nargs := Length( arg ); if nargs = 0 or ( IsString( arg[1] ) and arg[1] = "" ) then mode := "default"; elif IsString( arg[1] ) then ## now we know, the string is not empty s := arg[1]; if LowercaseString( s{[1]} ) = "b" then mode := "basic"; elif LowercaseString( s{[1]} ) = "d" then mode := "debug"; elif LowercaseString( s{[1]} ) = "l" then mode := "logic"; else mode := ""; fi; else Error( "the first argument must be a string\n" ); fi; if mode = "default" then HOMALG_MATRICES.color_display := false; for s in HOMALG_MATRICES.matrix_logic_infolevels do SetInfoLevel( s, 1 ); od; SetInfoLevel( InfoHomalgBasicOperations, 1 ); elif mode = "basic" then SetInfoLevel( InfoHomalgBasicOperations, 3 ); homalgMode( "logic" ); elif mode = "debug" then SetInfoLevel( InfoHomalgBasicOperations, 4 ); homalgMode( "logic" ); elif mode = "logic" then HOMALG_MATRICES.color_display := true; for s in HOMALG_MATRICES.matrix_logic_infolevels do SetInfoLevel( s, 2 ); od; fi; if nargs > 1 and IsString( arg[2] ) then homalgMode( arg[2] ); fi; end ); ## ]]></Listing> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> InstallGlobalFunction( FFEToString, function( f, p, d, z ) local e; if IsZero( f ) then return "0"; elif IsOne( f ) then return "1"; fi; e := LogFFE( f, Z(p^d) ); if e = 1 then return z; fi; return Concatenation( z, "^", String( e ) ); end );