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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466324#! @Chapter Examples and Tests #! @Section Koszul Complex LoadPackage( "ModulePresentationsForCAP" ); LoadPackage( "RingsForHomalg" ); #! @Example Q := HomalgFieldOfRationalsInSingular();; R := Q * "x,y,z";; M := HomalgMatrix( [ [ "x" ], [ "y" ], [ "z" ] ], 3, 1, R );; Ml := AsLeftPresentation( M );; eps := CoverByFreeModule( Ml );; iota1 := KernelEmbedding( eps );; Display( iota1 ); #! x, #! y, #! z #! #! A monomorphism in Category of left presentations of Q[x,y,z] Display( Source( iota1 ) ); #! 0, -z,y, #! -y,x, 0, #! -z,0, x #! #! An object in Category of left presentations of Q[x,y,z] pi1 := CoverByFreeModule( Source( iota1 ) );; d1 := PreCompose( pi1, iota1 );; Display( d1 ); #! x, #! y, #! z #! #! A morphism in Category of left presentations of Q[x,y,z] iota2 := KernelEmbedding( d1 );; Display( iota2 ); #! 0, -z,y, #! -y,x, 0, #! -z,0, x #! #! A monomorphism in Category of left presentations of Q[x,y,z] Display( Source( iota2 ) );; #! x,z,-y #! #! An object in Category of left presentations of Q[x,y,z] pi2 := CoverByFreeModule( Source( iota2 ) );; d2 := PreCompose( pi2, iota2 );; Display( d2 ); #! 0, -z,y, #! -y,x, 0, #! -z,0, x #! #! A morphism in Category of left presentations of Q[x,y,z] iota3 := KernelEmbedding( d2 );; Display( iota3 ); #! x,z,-y #! #! A monomorphism in Category of left presentations of Q[x,y,z] Display( Source( iota3 ) ); #! (an empty 0 x 1 matrix) #! #! An object in Category of left presentations of Q[x,y,z] pi3 := CoverByFreeModule( Source( iota3 ) );; d3 := PreCompose( pi3, iota3 );; Display( d3 ); #! x,z,-y #! #! A morphism in Category of left presentations of Q[x,y,z] N := HomalgMatrix( [ [ "x" ] ], 1, 1, R );; Nl := AsLeftPresentation( N );; d2Nl := TensorProductOnMorphisms( d2, IdentityMorphism( Nl ) );; d1Nl := TensorProductOnMorphisms( d1, IdentityMorphism( Nl ) );; IsZero( PreCompose( d2Nl, d1Nl ) ); #! true cycles := KernelEmbedding( d1Nl );; boundaries := ImageEmbedding( d2Nl );; boundaries_in_cyles := LiftAlongMonomorphism( cycles, boundaries );; homology := CokernelObject( boundaries_in_cyles );; LessGenFunctor := FunctorLessGeneratorsLeft( R );; homology := ApplyFunctor( LessGenFunctor, homology );; StdBasisFunctor := FunctorStandardModuleLeft( R );; homology := ApplyFunctor( StdBasisFunctor, homology );; Display( homology ); #! z, #! y, #! x #! #! An object in Category of left presentations of Q[x,y,z] #! @EndExample