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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it

Views: 418346
##                                       ModulePresentationsForCAP package
##  Copyright 2014, Sebastian Gutsche, TU Kaiserslautern
##                  Sebastian Posur,   RWTH Aachen

DeclareRepresentation( "IsLeftPresentationMorphismRep",
                       IsLeftPresentationMorphism and IsAttributeStoringRep,
                       [ ] );

BindGlobal( "TheFamilyOfLeftPresentationMorphisms",
            NewFamily( "TheFamilyOfLeftPresentationMorphisms" ) );

BindGlobal( "TheTypeOfLeftPresentationMorphisms",
            NewType( TheFamilyOfLeftPresentationMorphisms,
                     IsLeftPresentationMorphismRep ) );

DeclareRepresentation( "IsRightPresentationMorphismRep",
                       IsRightPresentationMorphism and IsAttributeStoringRep,
                       [ ] );

BindGlobal( "TheFamilyOfRightPresentationMorphisms",
            NewFamily( "TheFamilyOfRightPresentationMorphisms" ) );

BindGlobal( "TheTypeOfRightPresentationMorphisms",
            NewType( TheFamilyOfRightPresentationMorphisms,
                     IsRightPresentationMorphismRep ) );

## Constructors

InstallMethod( PresentationMorphism,
               [ IsLeftOrRightPresentation, IsHomalgMatrix, IsLeftOrRightPresentation ],
  function( source, matrix, range )
    local category, left, morphism, type;
    category := CapCategory( source );
    left := IsLeftPresentation( source );
    if not IsCapCategory( source ) = IsCapCategory( range ) then
      Error( "source and range must lie in the same category" );
    if not IsIdenticalObj( UnderlyingHomalgRing( source ), HomalgRing( matrix ) ) then
        Error( "matrix can not present a morphism between these objects" );
    if left then
      if NrRows( matrix ) <> source!.nr_generators then
          Error( "the number of rows of the given matrix is incorrect" );
      if NrColumns( matrix ) <> range!.nr_generators then
        Error( "the number of columns of the given matrix is incorrect" );
      if NrColumns( matrix ) <> source!.nr_generators then
        Error( "the number of columns of the given matrix is incorrect" );
      if NrRows( matrix ) <> range!.nr_generators then
        Error( "the number of rows of the given matrix is incorrect" );
    morphism := rec( );
    if left then
        type := TheTypeOfLeftPresentationMorphisms;
        type := TheTypeOfRightPresentationMorphisms;
    ObjectifyWithAttributes( morphism, type,
                             Source, source,
                             Range, range,
                             UnderlyingHomalgRing, HomalgRing( matrix ),
                             UnderlyingMatrix, matrix );
    Add( category, morphism );
    return morphism;
end );

InstallMethod( AsMorphismBetweenFreeLeftPresentations,
               [ IsHomalgMatrix ],
  function( matrix )
    local source, range, ring;
    ring := HomalgRing( matrix );
    source := FreeLeftPresentation( NrRows( matrix ), ring );
    range := FreeLeftPresentation( NrColumns( matrix ), ring );
    return PresentationMorphism( source, matrix, range );
end );

InstallMethod( AsMorphismBetweenFreeRightPresentations,
               [ IsHomalgMatrix ],
  function( matrix )
    local source, range, ring;
    ring := HomalgRing( matrix );
    source := FreeRightPresentation( NrColumns( matrix ), ring );
    range := FreeRightPresentation( NrRows( matrix ), ring );
    return PresentationMorphism( source, matrix, range );
end );

## Arithmetics

InstallMethod( \*,
               [ IsRingElement, IsLeftPresentationMorphism ],
  function( ring_element, left_presentation )
    return PresentationMorphism( Source( left_presentation ),
                                 ring_element * UnderlyingMatrix( left_presentation ),
                                 Range( left_presentation ) );
end );

InstallMethod( \*,
               [ IsRightPresentationMorphism, IsRingElement ],
  function( right_presentation, ring_element )
    return PresentationMorphism( Source( right_presentation ),
                                 UnderlyingMatrix( right_presentation ) * ring_element,
                                 Range( right_presentation ) );
end );

## Non categorical methods

InstallMethod( StandardGeneratorMorphism,
               [ IsLeftPresentation, IsPosInt ],
  function( module_presentation, i_th_generator )
    local tensor_unit, homalg_ring, number_of_generators, matrix;
    number_of_generators := NrColumns( UnderlyingMatrix( module_presentation ) );
    if i_th_generator > number_of_generators then
      Error( Concatenation( "number of standard generators is ", 
                            String( number_of_generators ), ", which is smaller than ", String( i_th_generator ) ) );
    tensor_unit := TensorUnit( CapCategory( module_presentation ) );
    homalg_ring := UnderlyingHomalgRing( tensor_unit );
    matrix := List( [ 1 .. number_of_generators ], i -> 0 );
    matrix[ i_th_generator ] := 1;
    matrix := HomalgMatrix( matrix, 1, number_of_generators, homalg_ring );
    return PresentationMorphism( tensor_unit, matrix, module_presentation );
end );

InstallMethod( StandardGeneratorMorphism,
               [ IsRightPresentation, IsPosInt ],
  function( module_presentation, i_th_generator )
    local tensor_unit, homalg_ring, number_of_generators, matrix;
    number_of_generators := NrRows( UnderlyingMatrix( module_presentation ) );
    if i_th_generator > number_of_generators then
      Error( Concatenation( "number of standard generators is ", 
                            String( number_of_generators ), ", which is smaller than ", String( i_th_generator ) ) );
    tensor_unit := TensorUnit( CapCategory( module_presentation ) );
    homalg_ring := UnderlyingHomalgRing( tensor_unit );
    matrix := List( [ 1 .. number_of_generators ], i -> 0 );
    matrix[ i_th_generator ] := 1;
    matrix := HomalgMatrix( matrix, number_of_generators, 1, homalg_ring );
    return PresentationMorphism( tensor_unit, matrix, module_presentation );
end );

InstallMethod( CoverByFreeModule,
               [ IsLeftPresentation ],
  function( left_presentation )
    local underlying_ring, number_of_generators, free_presentation;
    underlying_ring := UnderlyingHomalgRing( left_presentation );
    number_of_generators := NrColumns( UnderlyingMatrix( left_presentation ) );
    free_presentation := FreeLeftPresentation( number_of_generators, underlying_ring );
    return PresentationMorphism( free_presentation, HomalgIdentityMatrix( number_of_generators, underlying_ring ), left_presentation );
end );

InstallMethod( CoverByFreeModule,
               [ IsRightPresentation ],
  function( right_presentation )
    local underlying_ring, number_of_generators, free_presentation;
    underlying_ring := UnderlyingHomalgRing( right_presentation );
    number_of_generators := NrRows( UnderlyingMatrix( right_presentation ) );
    free_presentation := FreeRightPresentation( number_of_generators, underlying_ring );
    return PresentationMorphism( free_presentation, HomalgIdentityMatrix( number_of_generators, underlying_ring ), right_presentation );
end );

## View

InstallMethod( Display,
               [ IsLeftOrRightPresentationMorphism ],
               # FIXME: Fix the rank in GenericView and delete this afterwards
  function( morphism )
    Display( UnderlyingMatrix( morphism ) );
    Print( "\n" );
    Print( StringMutable( morphism ) );
    Print( "\n" );
end );