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Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466303############################################################################# ## ## Modules package Mohamed Barakat ## ## Copyright 2007-2010 Mohamed Barakat, RWTH Aachen ## ## Implementation stuff for some tool functors. ## ############################################################################# #################################### # # install global functions/variables: # #################################### ## ## Cokernel ## ## InstallGlobalFunction( _Functor_Cokernel_OnModules, ### defines: Cokernel(Epi) function( phi ) local R, T, p, rel, gen, coker, id, epi, gen_iso, img_emb, emb; if HasCokernelEpi( phi ) then return Range( CokernelEpi( phi ) ); fi; R := HomalgRing( phi ); T := Range( phi ); ## this is probably obsolete but clarifies our idea: p := PositionOfTheDefaultSetOfGenerators( T ); ## avoid future possible side effects of the following command(s) rel := UnionOfRelations( phi ); gen := GeneratorsOfModule( T ); gen := UnionOfRelations( gen, rel * gen ); coker := Presentation( gen, rel ); ## the identity matrix is the matrix of the natural epimorphism ## w.r.t. the p-th set of relations of T and the first set of relations of coker: id := HomalgIdentityMatrix( NrGenerators( gen ), R ); ## the natural epimorphism: epi := HomalgMap( id, [ T, p ], [ coker, 1 ] ); ## for graded modules we need to know on which presentation the cokernel was computed epi!.DefaultPresentationOfCokernelEpi := [ p, 1 ]; ## even if IsMorphism( phi ) = false, in this data structure IsMorphism( epi ) = true SetIsMorphism( epi, true ); ## we cannot check this assertion, since ## checking it would cause an infinite loop SetIsEpimorphism( epi, true ); ## set the attribute CokernelEpi (specific for Cokernel): SetCokernelEpi( phi, epi ); ## the generalized inverse of the natural epimorphism ## (cf. [Bar, Cor. 4.8]) gen_iso := HomalgMap( id, [ coker, 1 ], [ T, p ] ); ## set the morphism aid map SetMorphismAid( gen_iso, phi ); ## set the generalized inverse of the natural epimorphism SetInverseOfGeneralizedMorphismWithFullDomain( epi, gen_iso ); ## we cannot check this assertion, since ## checking it would cause an infinite loop SetIsGeneralizedIsomorphism( gen_iso, true ); #=====# end of the core procedure #=====# ## abelian category: [HS, Prop. II.9.6] if HasImageObjectEmb( phi ) then img_emb := ImageObjectEmb( phi ); SetKernelEmb( epi, img_emb ); if not HasCokernelEpi( img_emb ) then SetCokernelEpi( img_emb, epi ); fi; elif HasIsMonomorphism( phi ) and IsMonomorphism( phi ) then SetKernelEmb( epi, phi ); fi; ## this is in general NOT a morphism, ## BUT it is one modulo the image of phi in T, and then even a monomorphism: ## this is enough for us since we will always view it this way (cf. [BR08, 3.1.1,(2), 3.1.2] ) emb := HomalgMap( id, [ coker, 1 ], [ T, p ] ); SetMorphismAid( emb, phi ); ## we cannot check this assertion, since ## checking it would cause an infinite loop SetIsGeneralizedIsomorphism( emb, true ); ## save the natural embedding in the cokernel (thanks GAP): coker!.NaturalGeneralizedEmbedding := emb; return coker; end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="functor_Cokernel:code"> ## <Listing Type="Code"><![CDATA[ InstallValue( functor_Cokernel_for_fp_modules, CreateHomalgFunctor( [ "name", "Cokernel" ], [ "category", HOMALG_MODULES.category ], [ "operation", "Cokernel" ], [ "natural_transformation", "CokernelEpi" ], [ "special", true ], [ "number_of_arguments", 1 ], [ "1", [ [ "covariant" ], [ IsMapOfFinitelyGeneratedModulesRep, [ IsHomalgChainMorphism, IsImageSquare ] ] ] ], [ "OnObjects", _Functor_Cokernel_OnModules ] ) ); ## ]]></Listing> ## <#/GAPDoc> functor_Cokernel_for_fp_modules!.ContainerForWeakPointersOnComputedBasicMorphisms := true; ## ## ImageObject ## InstallGlobalFunction( _Functor_ImageObject_OnModules, ### defines: ImageObject(Emb) function( phi ) local T, p, img, emb, coker_epi, img_submodule; if HasImageObjectEmb( phi ) then return Source( ImageObjectEmb( phi ) ); fi; T := Range( phi ); ## this is probably obsolete but clarifies our idea: p := PositionOfTheDefaultSetOfGenerators( T ); ## avoid future possible side effects of the following command(s) ## the image module img := MatrixOfMap( phi ) / T; ## emb is the matrix of the natural embedding ## w.r.t. the first set of relations of img and the p-th set of relations of T emb := MatrixOfGenerators( img, 1 ); emb := HomalgMap( emb, [ img, 1 ], [ T, p ] ); ## check assertion Assert( 5, IsMonomorphism( emb ) ); SetIsMonomorphism( emb, true ); INSTALL_TODO_LIST_ENTRIES_FOR_MORPHISMS_AND_IMAGE_EMBEDDINGS( phi, emb ); ## set the attribute ImageObjectEmb (specific for ImageObject): ## (since ImageObjectEmb is listed below as a natural transformation ## for the functor ImageObject, a method will be automatically installed ## by InstallFunctor to fetch it by first invoking the main operation ImageObject) SetImageObjectEmb( phi, emb ); #=====# end of the core procedure #=====# ## abelian category: [HS, Prop. II.9.6] if HasCokernelEpi( phi ) then coker_epi := CokernelEpi( phi ); SetCokernelEpi( emb, coker_epi ); if not HasKernelEmb( coker_epi ) then SetKernelEmb( coker_epi, emb ); fi; fi; ## at last define the image submodule img_submodule := ImageSubobject( phi ); SetUnderlyingSubobject( img, img_submodule ); SetEmbeddingInSuperObject( img_submodule, emb ); MatchPropertiesAndAttributesOfSubobjectAndUnderlyingObject( img_submodule, img ); ## save the natural embedding in the image (thanks GAP): img!.NaturalGeneralizedEmbedding := emb; return img; end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="functor_ImageObject:code"> ## <Listing Type="Code"><![CDATA[ InstallValue( functor_ImageObject_for_fp_modules, CreateHomalgFunctor( [ "name", "ImageObject for modules" ], [ "category", HOMALG_MODULES.category ], [ "operation", "ImageObject" ], [ "natural_transformation", "ImageObjectEmb" ], [ "number_of_arguments", 1 ], [ "1", [ [ "covariant" ], [ IsMapOfFinitelyGeneratedModulesRep and AdmissibleInputForHomalgFunctors ] ] ], [ "OnObjects", _Functor_ImageObject_OnModules ] ) ); ## ]]></Listing> ## <#/GAPDoc> functor_ImageObject_for_fp_modules!.ContainerForWeakPointersOnComputedBasicMorphisms := true; ## ## Hom ## InstallGlobalFunction( _Functor_Hom_OnModules, ### defines: Hom (object part) function( M, N ) local s, t, dM, dN, P1, l0, l1, _l0, matM, matN, R, HP0N, HP1N, r, c, idN, alpha, hom, gen, proc_to_readjust_generators, proc_to_normalize_generators, p; CheckIfTheyLieInTheSameCategory( M, N ); s := PositionOfTheDefaultSetOfGenerators( M ); t := PositionOfTheDefaultSetOfGenerators( N ); dM := PresentationMorphism( M ); dN := PresentationMorphism( N ); P1 := Source( dM ); l0 := NrGenerators( M ); l1 := NrGenerators( P1 ); _l0 := NrGenerators( N ); matM := MatrixOfMap( dM ); matN := MatrixOfMap( dN ); R := HomalgRing( M ); if l0 = 0 then HP0N := HomalgZeroMatrix( 0, 0, R ); else HP0N := DiagMat( ListWithIdenticalEntries( l0, Involution( matN ) ) ); fi; if l1 = 0 then HP1N := HomalgZeroMatrix( 0, 0, R ); else HP1N := DiagMat( ListWithIdenticalEntries( l1, Involution( matN ) ) ); fi; if IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects( M ) then r := l0; c := _l0; proc_to_normalize_generators := function( mat, M_with_s, N_with_t ) local M, s, N, t, mor, mat_old; ## for better readability of the code: M := M_with_s[1]; s := M_with_s[2]; N := N_with_t[1]; t := N_with_t[2]; ## we assume mat to be a matrix of a morphism ## w.r.t. the CURRENT generators of source and target: mor := HomalgMap( mat, M, N ); mat_old := MatrixOfMap( mor, s, t ); return ConvertMatrixToColumn( mat_old ); end; proc_to_readjust_generators := function( gen, M_with_s, N_with_t ) local c, r, mat_old, mor; ## M_with_s = [ M, s ] ## N_with_t = [ N, t ] r := CallFuncList( NrGenerators, M_with_s ); c := CallFuncList( NrGenerators, N_with_t ); mat_old := ConvertColumnToMatrix( gen, r, c ); ## the matrix of the morphism will be displayed ## w.r.t. the CURRENT generators of source and target mor := HomalgMap( mat_old, M_with_s, N_with_t ); ## check assertion Assert( 3, IsMorphism( mor ) ); SetIsMorphism( mor, true ); return mor; end; HP0N := RightPresentation( HP0N ); HP1N := RightPresentation( HP1N ); else r := _l0; c := l0; proc_to_normalize_generators := function( mat, M_with_s, N_with_t ) local M, s, N, t, mor, mat_old; ## for better readability of the code: M := M_with_s[1]; s := M_with_s[2]; N := N_with_t[1]; t := N_with_t[2]; ## we assume mat to be a matrix of a morphism ## w.r.t. the CURRENT generators of source and target: mor := HomalgMap( mat, M, N ); mat_old := MatrixOfMap( mor, s, t ); return ConvertMatrixToRow( mat_old ); end; proc_to_readjust_generators := function( gen, M_with_s, N_with_t ) local c, r, mat_old, mor; ## M_with_s = [ M, s ] ## N_with_t = [ N, t ] c := CallFuncList( NrGenerators, M_with_s ); r := CallFuncList( NrGenerators, N_with_t ); mat_old := ConvertRowToMatrix( gen, r, c ); ## the matrix of the morphism will be displayed ## w.r.t. the CURRENT generators of source and target mor := HomalgMap( mat_old, M_with_s, N_with_t ); ## check assertion Assert( 3, IsMorphism( mor ) ); SetIsMorphism( mor, true ); return mor; end; HP0N := LeftPresentation( HP0N ); HP1N := LeftPresentation( HP1N ); fi; idN := HomalgIdentityMatrix( _l0, R ); alpha := KroneckerMat( matM, idN ); alpha := HomalgMap( alpha, HP0N, HP1N ); SetIsMorphism( alpha, true ); hom := Kernel( alpha ); #=====# end of the core procedure #=====# SetProcedureToNormalizeGenerators( hom, [ proc_to_normalize_generators, [ M, s ], [ N, t ] ] ); SetProcedureToReadjustGenerators( hom, [ proc_to_readjust_generators, [ M, s, ], [ N, t ] ] ); return hom; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( _Functor_Hom_OnMaps, ### defines: Hom (morphism part) function( F_source, F_target, arg_before_pos, phi, arg_behind_pos ) local R, L, idL, hull_phi, covariant, emb_source, emb_target, mor; R := HomalgRing( phi ); if arg_before_pos = [ ] and Length( arg_behind_pos ) = 1 then ## Hom( phi, L ) L := arg_behind_pos[1]; idL := HomalgIdentityMatrix( NrGenerators( L ), R ); hull_phi := KroneckerMat( MatrixOfMap( phi ), idL ); covariant := false; elif Length( arg_before_pos ) = 1 and arg_behind_pos = [ ] then ## Hom( L, phi ) L := arg_before_pos[1]; idL := HomalgIdentityMatrix( NrGenerators( L ), R ); hull_phi := Involution( KroneckerMat( idL, MatrixOfMap( phi ) ) ); covariant := true; else Error( "wrong input\n" ); fi; emb_source := NaturalGeneralizedEmbedding( F_source ); emb_target := NaturalGeneralizedEmbedding( F_target ); hull_phi := HomalgMap( hull_phi, Range( emb_source ), Range( emb_target ) ); SetIsMorphism( hull_phi, true ); mor := CompleteImageSquare( emb_source, hull_phi, emb_target ); ## HasIsIsomorphism( phi ) and IsIsomorphism( phi ), resp. ## HasIsMorphism( phi ) and IsMorphism( phi ), and ## UpdateObjectsByMorphism( mor ) ## will be taken care of in FunctorMap if covariant then ## Hom( L, - ) if HasIsMonomorphism( phi ) and IsMonomorphism( phi ) then ## check assertion Assert( 3, IsMonomorphism( mor ) ); SetIsMonomorphism( mor, true ); fi; if HasIsEpimorphism( phi ) and IsEpimorphism( phi ) and HasIsProjective( L ) and IsProjective( L ) then ## check assertion Assert( 3, IsEpimorphism( mor ) ); SetIsEpimorphism( mor, true ); fi; else ## Hom( -, L ) if HasIsEpimorphism( phi ) and IsEpimorphism( phi ) then ## check assertion Assert( 3, IsMonomorphism( mor ) ); SetIsMonomorphism( mor, true ); fi; if HasIsMonomorphism( phi ) and IsMonomorphism( phi ) and HasIsInjective( L ) and IsInjective( L ) then ## check assertion Assert( 3, IsEpimorphism( mor ) ); SetIsEpimorphism( mor, true ); fi; fi; return mor; end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="Functor_Hom:code"> ## <Listing Type="Code"><![CDATA[ InstallValue( Functor_Hom_for_fp_modules, CreateHomalgFunctor( [ "name", "Hom" ], [ "category", HOMALG_MODULES.category ], [ "operation", "Hom" ], [ "number_of_arguments", 2 ], [ "1", [ [ "contravariant", "right adjoint", "distinguished" ] ] ], [ "2", [ [ "covariant", "left exact" ] ] ], [ "OnObjects", _Functor_Hom_OnModules ], [ "OnMorphisms", _Functor_Hom_OnMaps ], [ "MorphismConstructor", HOMALG_MODULES.category.MorphismConstructor ] ) ); ## ]]></Listing> ## <#/GAPDoc> Functor_Hom_for_fp_modules!.ContainerForWeakPointersOnComputedBasicObjects := true; Functor_Hom_for_fp_modules!.ContainerForWeakPointersOnComputedBasicMorphisms := true; ## InstallMethod( NatTrIdToHomHom_R, "for homalg modules", [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep ], function( M ) local HM, iota, HHM, bas, epsilon; HM := Hom( M ); iota := MatrixOfGenerators( HM ); HHM := Hom( HM ); bas := MatrixOfGenerators( HHM ); if IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects( M ) then epsilon := RightDivide( iota, bas ); else epsilon := LeftDivide( iota, bas ); fi; epsilon := HomalgMap( epsilon, M, HHM ); SetPropertiesIfKernelIsTorsionObject( epsilon ); return epsilon; end ); ## InstallMethod( LeftDualizingFunctor, "for homalg rings", [ IsHomalgRing, IsString ], function( R, name ) return InsertObjectInMultiFunctor( Functor_Hom_for_fp_modules, 2, 1 * R, name ); end ); ## InstallMethod( LeftDualizingFunctor, "for homalg rings", [ IsHomalgRing ], function( R ) if not IsBound( R!.Functor_R_Hom ) then if IsBound( R!.creation_number ) then R!.Functor_R_Hom := LeftDualizingFunctor( R, Concatenation( "R", String( R!.creation_number ), "_Hom" ) ); else Error( "the homalg ring doesn't have a creation number\n" ); fi; fi; return R!.Functor_R_Hom; end ); ## InstallMethod( RightDualizingFunctor, "for homalg rings", [ IsHomalgRing, IsString ], function( R, name ) return InsertObjectInMultiFunctor( Functor_Hom_for_fp_modules, 2, R * 1, name ); end ); ## InstallMethod( RightDualizingFunctor, "for homalg rings", [ IsHomalgRing ], function( R ) if not IsBound( R!.Functor_Hom_R ) then if IsBound( R!.creation_number ) then R!.Functor_Hom_R := RightDualizingFunctor( R, Concatenation( "Hom_R", String( R!.creation_number ) ) ); else Error( "the homalg ring doesn't have a creation number\n" ); fi; fi; return R!.Functor_Hom_R; end ); ## InstallMethod( Dualize, "for homalg modules or submodules", [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleOrSubmoduleRep ], Hom ); ## InstallMethod( Dualize, "for homalg module maps", [ IsMapOfFinitelyGeneratedModulesRep ], Hom ); ## ## TensorProduct ## InstallGlobalFunction( _Functor_TensorProduct_OnModules, ### defines: TensorProduct (object part) function( M, N ) local R, rl, l0, _l0, matM, matN, idM, idN, MN, F, gen, proc_to_readjust_generators, proc_to_normalize_generators, p; R := HomalgRing( M ); ## do not use CheckIfTheyLieInTheSameCategory here if not IsIdenticalObj( R, HomalgRing( N ) ) then Error( "the rings of the source and target modules are not identical\n" ); fi; if IsHomalgRightObjectOrMorphismOfRightObjects( M ) then if IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects( N ) then rl := [ true, true ]; else rl := [ true, false ]; fi; else if IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects( N ) then rl := [ false, true ]; else rl := [ false, false ]; fi; fi; l0 := NrGenerators( M ); _l0 := NrGenerators( N ); matM := MatrixOfMap( PresentationMorphism( M ) ); matN := MatrixOfMap( PresentationMorphism( N ) ); if rl = [ true, true ] or rl = [ false, false ] then matM := Involution( matM ); ## the first module follows the second fi; idM := HomalgIdentityMatrix( l0, R ); idN := HomalgIdentityMatrix( _l0, R ); matM := KroneckerMat( matM, idN ); matN := KroneckerMat( idM, matN ); ## the result has the parity of the second module if rl[2] then MN := UnionOfRows( matM, matN ); F := HomalgFreeLeftModule( NrGenerators( M ) * NrGenerators( N ), R ); else MN := UnionOfColumns( matM, matN ); F := HomalgFreeRightModule( NrGenerators( M ) * NrGenerators( N ), R ); fi; MN := HomalgMap( MN, "free", F ); return Cokernel( MN ); end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( _Functor_TensorProduct_OnMaps, ### defines: TensorProduct (morphism part) function( F_source, F_target, arg_before_pos, phi, arg_behind_pos ) local R, L, M_or_mor, N_or_mor, rl, idL, hull_phi, emb_source, emb_target, mor; R := HomalgRing( phi ); if arg_before_pos = [ ] and Length( arg_behind_pos ) = 1 then ## phi \tensor L L := arg_behind_pos[1]; M_or_mor := phi; N_or_mor := L; elif Length( arg_before_pos ) = 1 and arg_behind_pos = [ ] then ## L \tensor phi L := arg_before_pos[1]; M_or_mor := L; N_or_mor := phi; else Error( "wrong input\n" ); fi; ## do not use CheckIfTheyLieInTheSameCategory here if not IsIdenticalObj( R, HomalgRing( L ) ) then Error( "the module and the morphism are not defined over identically the same ring\n" ); fi; ## decide whether the output module is left/right depending on the input if IsHomalgRightObjectOrMorphismOfRightObjects( M_or_mor ) then if IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects( N_or_mor ) then rl := [ true, true ]; else rl := [ true, false ]; fi; else if IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects( N_or_mor ) then rl := [ false, true ]; else rl := [ false, false ]; fi; fi; if IsMapOfFinitelyGeneratedModulesRep( M_or_mor ) and IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep( N_or_mor ) then phi := M_or_mor; L := N_or_mor; idL := HomalgIdentityMatrix( NrGenerators( L ), R ); if rl = [ true, true ] or rl = [ false, false ] then phi := Involution( MatrixOfMap( phi ) ); ## the first module follows the second else phi := MatrixOfMap( phi ); fi; hull_phi := KroneckerMat( phi, idL ); elif IsMapOfFinitelyGeneratedModulesRep( N_or_mor ) and IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep( M_or_mor ) then phi := N_or_mor; L := M_or_mor; idL := HomalgIdentityMatrix( NrGenerators( L ), R ); hull_phi := KroneckerMat( idL, MatrixOfMap( phi ) ); fi; emb_source := NaturalGeneralizedEmbedding( F_source ); emb_target := NaturalGeneralizedEmbedding( F_target ); hull_phi := HomalgMap( hull_phi, Range( emb_source ), Range( emb_target ) ); SetIsMorphism( hull_phi, true ); mor := CompleteImageSquare( emb_source, hull_phi, emb_target ); ## HasIsIsomorphism( phi ) and IsIsomorphism( phi ), resp. ## HasIsMorphism( phi ) and IsMorphism( phi ), and ## UpdateObjectsByMorphism( mor ) ## will be taken care of in FunctorMap if HasIsEpimorphism( phi ) and IsEpimorphism( phi ) then ## check assertion Assert( 3, IsEpimorphism( mor ) ); SetIsEpimorphism( mor, true ); fi; if HasIsMonomorphism( phi ) and IsMonomorphism( phi ) and HasIsProjective( L ) and IsProjective( L ) then ## check assertion Assert( 3, IsMonomorphism( mor ) ); SetIsMonomorphism( mor, true ); fi; return mor; end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="Functor_TensorProduct:code"> ## <Listing Type="Code"><![CDATA[ InstallValue( Functor_TensorProduct_for_fp_modules, CreateHomalgFunctor( [ "name", "TensorProduct" ], [ "category", HOMALG_MODULES.category ], [ "operation", "TensorProductOp" ], [ "number_of_arguments", 2 ], [ "1", [ [ "covariant", "left adjoint", "distinguished" ] ] ], [ "2", [ [ "covariant", "left adjoint" ] ] ], [ "OnObjects", _Functor_TensorProduct_OnModules ], [ "OnMorphisms", _Functor_TensorProduct_OnMaps ], [ "MorphismConstructor", HOMALG_MODULES.category.MorphismConstructor ] ) ); ## ]]></Listing> ## <#/GAPDoc> Functor_TensorProduct_for_fp_modules!.ContainerForWeakPointersOnComputedBasicObjects := true; Functor_TensorProduct_for_fp_modules!.ContainerForWeakPointersOnComputedBasicMorphisms := true; ## ## BaseChange ## ## InstallGlobalFunction( _functor_BaseChange_OnModules, ### defines: BaseChange (object part) function( _R, M ) local R, S, lift, mat, left, distinguished, N; R := HomalgRing( _R ); if IsIdenticalObj( HomalgRing( M ), R ) then return M; fi; S := HomalgRing( M ); lift := HasRingRelations( S ) and IsIdenticalObj( R, AmbientRing( S ) ); mat := MatrixOfRelations( M ); left := IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects( M ); distinguished := IsBound( M!.distinguished ) and M!.distinguished = true; distinguished := distinguished and not lift; if not distinguished then if lift then if left then mat := UnionOfRows( mat ); else mat := UnionOfColumns( mat ); fi; else mat := R * mat; if HasRingRelations( R ) then if left then mat := GetRidOfObsoleteRows( mat ); else mat := GetRidOfObsoleteColumns( mat ); fi; fi; fi; fi; if left then if distinguished then if HasIsZero( M ) and IsZero( M ) then N := 0 * R; else N := 1 * R; fi; else N := LeftPresentation( mat ); fi; else if distinguished then if HasIsZero( M ) and IsZero( M ) then N := R * 0; else N := R * 1; fi; else N := RightPresentation( mat ); fi; fi; return N; end ); ## InstallOtherMethod( BaseChange, "for homalg maps", [ IsHomalgRing, IsMapOfFinitelyGeneratedModulesRep ], 1001, function( R, phi ) return HomalgMap( R * MatrixOfMap( phi ), R * Source( phi ), R * Range( phi ) ); end ); ## InstallOtherMethod( BaseChange, "for homalg maps", [ IsHomalgModule, IsMapOfFinitelyGeneratedModulesRep ], 1001, function( _R, phi ) local R; return BaseChange( HomalgRing( _R ), phi ); end ); InstallValue( functor_BaseChange_for_fp_modules, CreateHomalgFunctor( [ "name", "BaseChange" ], [ "category", HOMALG_MODULES.category ], [ "operation", "BaseChange" ], [ "number_of_arguments", 2 ], [ "1", [ [ "covariant" ] ] ], [ "2", [ [ "covariant" ] ] ], [ "OnObjects", _functor_BaseChange_OnModules ] ) ); functor_BaseChange_for_fp_modules!.ContainerForWeakPointersOnComputedBasicObjects := true; #functor_BaseChange_for_fp_modules!.ContainerForWeakPointersOnComputedBasicMorphisms := # ContainerForWeakPointers( TheTypeContainerForWeakPointersOnComputedValuesOfFunctor ); #################################### # # methods for operations & attributes: # #################################### ## ## Cokernel( phi ) and CokernelEpi( phi ) ## ## <#GAPDoc Label="functor_Cokernel"> ## <ManSection> ## <Var Name="functor_Cokernel"/> ## <Description> ## The functor that associates to a map its cokernel. ## <#Include Label="functor_Cokernel:code"> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## <#GAPDoc Label="Cokernel"> ## <ManSection> ## <Oper Arg="phi" Name="Cokernel"/> ## <Description> ## The following example also makes use of the natural transformation <C>CokernelEpi</C>. ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> ZZ := HomalgRingOfIntegers( ); ## Z ## gap> M := HomalgMatrix( "[ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ]", 2, 3, ZZ );; ## gap> M := LeftPresentation( M ); ## <A non-torsion left module presented by 2 relations for 3 generators> ## gap> N := HomalgMatrix( "[ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]", 2, 4, ZZ );; ## gap> N := LeftPresentation( N ); ## <A non-torsion left module presented by 2 relations for 4 generators> ## gap> mat := HomalgMatrix( "[ \ ## > 1, 0, -3, -6, \ ## > 0, 1, 6, 11, \ ## > 1, 0, -3, -6 \ ## > ]", 3, 4, ZZ );; ## gap> phi := HomalgMap( mat, M, N );; ## gap> IsMorphism( phi ); ## true ## gap> phi; ## <A homomorphism of left modules> ## gap> coker := Cokernel( phi ); ## <A left module presented by 5 relations for 4 generators> ## gap> ByASmallerPresentation( coker ); ## <A rank 1 left module presented by 1 relation for 2 generators> ## gap> Display( coker ); ## Z/< 8 > + Z^(1 x 1) ## gap> nu := CokernelEpi( phi ); ## <An epimorphism of left modules> ## gap> Display( nu ); ## [ [ -5, 0 ], ## [ -6, 1 ], ## [ 1, -2 ], ## [ 0, 1 ] ] ## ## the map is currently represented by the above 4 x 2 matrix ## gap> DefectOfExactness( phi, nu ); ## <A zero left module> ## gap> ByASmallerPresentation( nu ); ## <A non-zero epimorphism of left modules> ## gap> Display( nu ); ## [ [ 2, 0 ], ## [ 1, -2 ], ## [ 0, 1 ] ] ## ## the map is currently represented by the above 3 x 2 matrix ## gap> PreInverse( nu ); ## false ## ]]></Example> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallFunctor( functor_Cokernel_for_fp_modules ); ## ## ImageObject( phi ) and ImageObjectEmb( phi ) ## ## <#GAPDoc Label="functor_ImageObject"> ## <ManSection> ## <Var Name="functor_ImageObject"/> ## <Description> ## The functor that associates to a map its image. ## <#Include Label="functor_ImageObject:code"> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## <#GAPDoc Label="ImageObject"> ## <ManSection> ## <Oper Arg="phi" Name="ImageObject"/> ## <Description> ## The following example also makes use of the natural transformations <C>ImageObjectEpi</C> ## and <C>ImageObjectEmb</C>. ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> ZZ := HomalgRingOfIntegers( ); ## Z ## gap> M := HomalgMatrix( "[ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ]", 2, 3, ZZ );; ## gap> M := LeftPresentation( M ); ## <A non-torsion left module presented by 2 relations for 3 generators> ## gap> N := HomalgMatrix( "[ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]", 2, 4, ZZ );; ## gap> N := LeftPresentation( N ); ## <A non-torsion left module presented by 2 relations for 4 generators> ## gap> mat := HomalgMatrix( "[ \ ## > 1, 0, -3, -6, \ ## > 0, 1, 6, 11, \ ## > 1, 0, -3, -6 \ ## > ]", 3, 4, ZZ );; ## gap> phi := HomalgMap( mat, M, N );; ## gap> IsMorphism( phi ); ## true ## gap> phi; ## <A homomorphism of left modules> ## gap> im := ImageObject( phi ); ## <A left module presented by yet unknown relations for 3 generators> ## gap> ByASmallerPresentation( im ); ## <A free left module of rank 1 on a free generator> ## gap> pi := ImageObjectEpi( phi ); ## <A non-zero split epimorphism of left modules> ## gap> epsilon := ImageObjectEmb( phi ); ## <A monomorphism of left modules> ## gap> phi = pi * epsilon; ## true ## ]]></Example> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallFunctorOnObjects( functor_ImageObject_for_fp_modules ); ## ## Kernel( phi ) and KernelEmb( phi ) ## ## <#GAPDoc Label="Kernel:map"> ## <ManSection> ## <Oper Arg="phi" Name="Kernel" Label="for maps"/> ## <Description> ## The following example also makes use of the natural transformation <C>KernelEmb</C>. ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> ZZ := HomalgRingOfIntegers( ); ## Z ## gap> M := HomalgMatrix( "[ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ]", 2, 3, ZZ );; ## gap> M := LeftPresentation( M ); ## <A non-torsion left module presented by 2 relations for 3 generators> ## gap> N := HomalgMatrix( "[ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]", 2, 4, ZZ );; ## gap> N := LeftPresentation( N ); ## <A non-torsion left module presented by 2 relations for 4 generators> ## gap> mat := HomalgMatrix( "[ \ ## > 1, 0, -3, -6, \ ## > 0, 1, 6, 11, \ ## > 1, 0, -3, -6 \ ## > ]", 3, 4, ZZ );; ## gap> phi := HomalgMap( mat, M, N );; ## gap> IsMorphism( phi ); ## true ## gap> phi; ## <A homomorphism of left modules> ## gap> ker := Kernel( phi ); ## <A cyclic left module presented by yet unknown relations for a cyclic generato\ ## r> ## gap> Display( ker ); ## Z/< -3 > ## gap> ByASmallerPresentation( last ); ## <A cyclic torsion left module presented by 1 relation for a cyclic generator> ## gap> Display( ker ); ## Z/< 3 > ## gap> iota := KernelEmb( phi ); ## <A monomorphism of left modules> ## gap> Display( iota ); ## [ [ 0, 2, 4 ] ] ## ## the map is currently represented by the above 1 x 3 matrix ## gap> DefectOfExactness( iota, phi ); ## <A zero left module> ## gap> ByASmallerPresentation( iota ); ## <A non-zero monomorphism of left modules> ## gap> Display( iota ); ## [ [ 2, 0 ] ] ## ## the map is currently represented by the above 1 x 2 matrix ## gap> PostInverse( iota ); ## fail ## ]]></Example> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## ## DefectOfExactness( cpx_post_pre ) ## ## <#GAPDoc Label="DefectOfExactness"> ## <ManSection> ## <Oper Arg="phi, psi" Name="DefectOfExactness"/> ## <Description> ## We follow the associative convention for applying maps. ## For left modules <A>phi</A> is applied first and from the right. ## For right modules <A>psi</A> is applied first and from the left. ## <P/> ## The following example also makes use of the natural transformation <C>KernelEmb</C>. ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> ZZ := HomalgRingOfIntegers( ); ## Z ## gap> M := HomalgMatrix( "[ 2, 3, 4, 0, 5, 6, 7, 0 ]", 2, 4, ZZ );; ## gap> M := LeftPresentation( M ); ## <A non-torsion left module presented by 2 relations for 4 generators> ## gap> N := HomalgMatrix( "[ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]", 2, 4, ZZ );; ## gap> N := LeftPresentation( N ); ## <A non-torsion left module presented by 2 relations for 4 generators> ## gap> mat := HomalgMatrix( "[ \ ## > 1, 3, 3, 3, \ ## > 0, 3, 10, 17, \ ## > 1, 3, 3, 3, \ ## > 0, 0, 0, 0 \ ## > ]", 4, 4, ZZ );; ## gap> phi := HomalgMap( mat, M, N );; ## gap> IsMorphism( phi ); ## true ## gap> phi; ## <A homomorphism of left modules> ## gap> iota := KernelEmb( phi ); ## <A monomorphism of left modules> ## gap> DefectOfExactness( iota, phi ); ## <A zero left module> ## gap> hom_iota := Hom( iota ); ## a shorthand for Hom( iota, ZZ ); ## <A homomorphism of right modules> ## gap> hom_phi := Hom( phi ); ## a shorthand for Hom( phi, ZZ ); ## <A homomorphism of right modules> ## gap> DefectOfExactness( hom_iota, hom_phi ); ## <A cyclic right module on a cyclic generator satisfying yet unknown relations> ## gap> ByASmallerPresentation( last ); ## <A cyclic torsion right module on a cyclic generator satisfying 1 relation> ## gap> Display( last ); ## Z/< 2 > ## ]]></Example> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## ## Hom( M, N ) ## ## <#GAPDoc Label="Functor_Hom"> ## <ManSection> ## <Var Name="Functor_Hom"/> ## <Description> ## The bifunctor <C>Hom</C>. ## <#Include Label="Functor_Hom:code"> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## <#GAPDoc Label="Hom"> ## <ManSection> ## <Oper Arg="o1,o2" Name="Hom"/> ## <Description> ## <A>o1</A> resp. <A>o2</A> could be a module, a map, a complex (of modules or of again of complexes), ## or a chain morphism. ## <P/> ## Each generator of a module of homomorphisms is displayed as a matrix of appropriate dimensions. ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> ZZ := HomalgRingOfIntegers( ); ## Z ## gap> M := HomalgMatrix( "[ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ]", 2, 3, ZZ );; ## gap> M := LeftPresentation( M ); ## <A non-torsion left module presented by 2 relations for 3 generators> ## gap> N := HomalgMatrix( "[ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]", 2, 4, ZZ );; ## gap> N := LeftPresentation( N ); ## <A non-torsion left module presented by 2 relations for 4 generators> ## gap> mat := HomalgMatrix( "[ \ ## > 1, 0, -3, -6, \ ## > 0, 1, 6, 11, \ ## > 1, 0, -3, -6 \ ## > ]", 3, 4, ZZ );; ## gap> phi := HomalgMap( mat, M, N );; ## gap> IsMorphism( phi ); ## true ## gap> phi; ## <A homomorphism of left modules> ## gap> psi := Hom( phi, M ); ## <A homomorphism of right modules> ## gap> ByASmallerPresentation( psi ); ## <A non-zero homomorphism of right modules> ## gap> Display( psi ); ## [ [ 1, 1, 0, 1 ], ## [ 2, 2, 0, 0 ], ## [ 0, 0, 6, 10 ] ] ## ## the map is currently represented by the above 3 x 4 matrix ## gap> homNM := Source( psi ); ## <A rank 2 right module on 4 generators satisfying 2 relations> ## gap> IsIdenticalObj( homNM, Hom( N, M ) ); ## the caching at work ## true ## gap> homMM := Range( psi ); ## <A rank 1 right module on 3 generators satisfying 2 relations> ## gap> IsIdenticalObj( homMM, Hom( M, M ) ); ## the caching at work ## true ## gap> Display( homNM ); ## Z/< 3 > + Z/< 3 > + Z^(2 x 1) ## gap> Display( homMM ); ## Z/< 3 > + Z/< 3 > + Z^(1 x 1) ## gap> IsMonomorphism( psi ); ## false ## gap> IsEpimorphism( psi ); ## false ## gap> GeneratorsOfModule( homMM ); ## <A set of 3 generators of a homalg right module> ## gap> Display( last ); ## [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], ## [ 0, 1, 2 ], ## [ 0, 0, 0 ] ] ## ## the map is currently represented by the above 3 x 3 matrix ## ## [ [ 0, 2, 4 ], ## [ 0, 0, 0 ], ## [ 0, 2, 4 ] ] ## ## the map is currently represented by the above 3 x 3 matrix ## ## [ [ 0, 1, 3 ], ## [ 0, 0, -2 ], ## [ 0, 1, 3 ] ] ## ## the map is currently represented by the above 3 x 3 matrix ## ## a set of 3 generators given by the the above matrices ## gap> GeneratorsOfModule( homNM ); ## <A set of 4 generators of a homalg right module> ## gap> Display( last ); ## [ [ 0, 1, 2 ], ## [ 0, 1, 2 ], ## [ 0, 1, 2 ], ## [ 0, 0, 0 ] ] ## ## the map is currently represented by the above 4 x 3 matrix ## ## [ [ 0, 1, 2 ], ## [ 0, 0, 0 ], ## [ 0, 0, 0 ], ## [ 0, 2, 4 ] ] ## ## the map is currently represented by the above 4 x 3 matrix ## ## [ [ 0, 0, -3 ], ## [ 0, 0, 7 ], ## [ 0, 0, -5 ], ## [ 0, 0, 1 ] ] ## ## the map is currently represented by the above 4 x 3 matrix ## ## [ [ 0, 1, -3 ], ## [ 0, 0, 12 ], ## [ 0, 0, -9 ], ## [ 0, 2, 6 ] ] ## ## the map is currently represented by the above 4 x 3 matrix ## ## a set of 4 generators given by the the above matrices ## ]]></Example> ## If for example the source <M>N</M> gets a new presentation, you will see the effect on the generators: ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> ByASmallerPresentation( N ); ## <A rank 2 left module presented by 1 relation for 3 generators> ## gap> GeneratorsOfModule( homNM ); ## <A set of 4 generators of a homalg right module> ## gap> Display( last ); ## [ [ 0, 3, 6 ], ## [ 0, 1, 2 ], ## [ 0, 0, 0 ] ] ## ## the map is currently represented by the above 3 x 3 matrix ## ## [ [ 0, 9, 18 ], ## [ 0, 0, 0 ], ## [ 0, 2, 4 ] ] ## ## the map is currently represented by the above 3 x 3 matrix ## ## [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], ## [ 0, 0, -5 ], ## [ 0, 0, 1 ] ] ## ## the map is currently represented by the above 3 x 3 matrix ## ## [ [ 0, 9, 18 ], ## [ 0, 0, -9 ], ## [ 0, 2, 6 ] ] ## ## the map is currently represented by the above 3 x 3 matrix ## ## a set of 4 generators given by the the above matrices ## ]]></Example> ## Now we compute a certain natural filtration on <C>Hom</C><M>(M,M)</M>: ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> dM := Resolution( M ); ## <A non-zero right acyclic complex containing a single morphism of left modules\ ## at degrees [ 0 .. 1 ]> ## gap> hMM := Hom( dM, dM ); ## <A non-zero acyclic cocomplex containing a single morphism of right complexes \ ## at degrees [ 0 .. 1 ]> ## gap> BMM := HomalgBicomplex( hMM ); ## <A non-zero bicocomplex containing right modules at bidegrees [ 0 .. 1 ]x ## [ -1 .. 0 ]> ## gap> II_E := SecondSpectralSequenceWithFiltration( BMM ); ## <A stable cohomological spectral sequence with sheets at levels ## [ 0 .. 2 ] each consisting of right modules at bidegrees [ -1 .. 0 ]x ## [ 0 .. 1 ]> ## gap> Display( II_E ); ## The associated transposed spectral sequence: ## ## a cohomological spectral sequence at bidegrees ## [ [ 0 .. 1 ], [ -1 .. 0 ] ] ## --------- ## Level 0: ## ## * * ## * * ## --------- ## Level 1: ## ## * * ## . . ## --------- ## Level 2: ## ## s s ## . . ## ## Now the spectral sequence of the bicomplex: ## ## a cohomological spectral sequence at bidegrees ## [ [ -1 .. 0 ], [ 0 .. 1 ] ] ## --------- ## Level 0: ## ## * * ## * * ## --------- ## Level 1: ## ## * * ## * * ## --------- ## Level 2: ## ## s s ## . s ## gap> filt := FiltrationBySpectralSequence( II_E ); ## <A descending filtration with degrees [ -1 .. 0 ] and graded parts: ## ## -1: <A non-zero cyclic torsion right module on a cyclic generator satisfying ## yet unknown relations> ## 0: <A rank 1 right module on 3 generators satisfying 2 relations> ## of ## <A right module on 4 generators satisfying yet unknown relations>> ## gap> ByASmallerPresentation( filt ); ## <A descending filtration with degrees [ -1 .. 0 ] and graded parts: ## ## -1: <A non-zero cyclic torsion right module on a cyclic generator satisfying 1\ ## relation> ## 0: <A rank 1 right module on 2 generators satisfying 1 relation> ## of ## <A rank 1 right module on 3 generators satisfying 2 relations>> ## gap> Display( filt ); ## Degree -1: ## ## Z/< 3 > ## ---------- ## Degree 0: ## ## Z/< 3 > + Z^(1 x 1) ## gap> Display( homMM ); ## Z/< 3 > + Z/< 3 > + Z^(1 x 1) ## ]]></Example> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallFunctor( Functor_Hom_for_fp_modules ); ## ## TensorProduct( M, N ) ( M * N ) ## ## <#GAPDoc Label="Functor_TensorProduct"> ## <ManSection> ## <Var Name="Functor_TensorProduct"/> ## <Description> ## The tensor product bifunctor. ## <#Include Label="Functor_TensorProduct:code"> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## <#GAPDoc Label="TensorProduct"> ## <ManSection> ## <Oper Arg="o1,o2" Name="TensorProduct"/> ## <Oper Arg="o1,o2" Name="\*" Label="TensorProduct"/> ## <Description> ## <A>o1</A> resp. <A>o2</A> could be a module, a map, a complex (of modules or of again of complexes), ## or a chain morphism. ## <P/> ## The symbol <C>*</C> is a shorthand for several operations associated with the functor <C>Functor_TensorProduct_for_fp_modules</C> ## installed under the name <C>TensorProduct</C>. ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> ZZ := HomalgRingOfIntegers( ); ## Z ## gap> M := HomalgMatrix( "[ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ]", 2, 3, ZZ ); ## <A 2 x 3 matrix over an internal ring> ## gap> M := LeftPresentation( M ); ## <A non-torsion left module presented by 2 relations for 3 generators> ## gap> N := HomalgMatrix( "[ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]", 2, 4, ZZ ); ## <A 2 x 4 matrix over an internal ring> ## gap> N := LeftPresentation( N ); ## <A non-torsion left module presented by 2 relations for 4 generators> ## gap> mat := HomalgMatrix( "[ \ ## > 1, 0, -3, -6, \ ## > 0, 1, 6, 11, \ ## > 1, 0, -3, -6 \ ## > ]", 3, 4, ZZ ); ## <A 3 x 4 matrix over an internal ring> ## gap> phi := HomalgMap( mat, M, N ); ## <A "homomorphism" of left modules> ## gap> IsMorphism( phi ); ## true ## gap> phi; ## <A homomorphism of left modules> ## gap> L := Hom( ZZ, M ); ## <A rank 1 right module on 3 generators satisfying yet unknown relations> ## gap> ByASmallerPresentation( L ); ## <A rank 1 right module on 2 generators satisfying 1 relation> ## gap> Display( L ); ## Z/< 3 > + Z^(1 x 1) ## gap> L; ## <A rank 1 right module on 2 generators satisfying 1 relation> ## gap> psi := phi * L; ## <A homomorphism of right modules> ## gap> ByASmallerPresentation( psi ); ## <A non-zero homomorphism of right modules> ## gap> Display( psi ); ## [ [ 0, 0, 1, 1 ], ## [ 0, 0, 8, 1 ], ## [ 0, 0, 0, -2 ], ## [ 0, 0, 0, 2 ] ] ## ## the map is currently represented by the above 4 x 4 matrix ## gap> ML := Source( psi ); ## <A rank 1 right module on 4 generators satisfying 3 relations> ## gap> IsIdenticalObj( ML, M * L ); ## the caching at work ## true ## gap> NL := Range( psi ); ## <A rank 2 right module on 4 generators satisfying 2 relations> ## gap> IsIdenticalObj( NL, N * L ); ## the caching at work ## true ## gap> Display( ML ); ## Z/< 3 > + Z/< 3 > + Z/< 3 > + Z^(1 x 1) ## gap> Display( NL ); ## Z/< 3 > + Z/< 12 > + Z^(2 x 1) ## ]]></Example> ## Now we compute a certain natural filtration on the tensor product <M>M</M><C>*</C><M>L</M>: ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> P := Resolution( M ); ## <A non-zero right acyclic complex containing a single morphism of left modules\ ## at degrees [ 0 .. 1 ]> ## gap> GP := Hom( P ); ## <A non-zero acyclic cocomplex containing a single morphism of right modules at\ ## degrees [ 0 .. 1 ]> ## gap> CE := Resolution( GP ); ## <An acyclic cocomplex containing a single morphism of right complexes at degre\ ## es [ 0 .. 1 ]> ## gap> FCE := Hom( CE, L ); ## <A non-zero acyclic complex containing a single morphism of left cocomplexes a\ ## t degrees [ 0 .. 1 ]> ## gap> BC := HomalgBicomplex( FCE ); ## <A non-zero bicomplex containing left modules at bidegrees [ 0 .. 1 ]x ## [ -1 .. 0 ]> ## gap> II_E := SecondSpectralSequenceWithFiltration( BC ); ## <A stable homological spectral sequence with sheets at levels ## [ 0 .. 2 ] each consisting of left modules at bidegrees [ -1 .. 0 ]x ## [ 0 .. 1 ]> ## gap> Display( II_E ); ## The associated transposed spectral sequence: ## ## a homological spectral sequence at bidegrees ## [ [ 0 .. 1 ], [ -1 .. 0 ] ] ## --------- ## Level 0: ## ## * * ## * * ## --------- ## Level 1: ## ## * * ## . . ## --------- ## Level 2: ## ## s s ## . . ## ## Now the spectral sequence of the bicomplex: ## ## a homological spectral sequence at bidegrees ## [ [ -1 .. 0 ], [ 0 .. 1 ] ] ## --------- ## Level 0: ## ## * * ## * * ## --------- ## Level 1: ## ## * * ## . s ## --------- ## Level 2: ## ## s s ## . s ## gap> filt := FiltrationBySpectralSequence( II_E ); ## <An ascending filtration with degrees [ -1 .. 0 ] and graded parts: ## 0: <A rank 1 left module presented by 1 relation for 2 generators> ## -1: <A non-zero left module presented by 2 relations for 2 generators> ## of ## <A non-zero left module presented by 10 relations for 6 generators>> ## gap> ByASmallerPresentation( filt ); ## <An ascending filtration with degrees [ -1 .. 0 ] and graded parts: ## 0: <A rank 1 left module presented by 1 relation for 2 generators> ## -1: <A non-zero torsion left module presented by 2 relations ## for 2 generators> ## of ## <A rank 1 left module presented by 3 relations for 4 generators>> ## gap> Display( filt ); ## Degree 0: ## ## Z/< 3 > + Z^(1 x 1) ## ---------- ## Degree -1: ## ## Z/< 3 > + Z/< 3 > ## gap> Display( ML ); ## Z/< 3 > + Z/< 3 > + Z/< 3 > + Z^(1 x 1) ## ]]></Example> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallFunctor( Functor_TensorProduct_for_fp_modules ); ## for convenience InstallOtherMethod( \*, "for homalg modules", [ IsStructureObjectOrObjectOrMorphism, IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep ], function( M, N ) return TensorProduct( M, N ); end ); ## for convenience InstallOtherMethod( \*, "for homalg modules", [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep, IsStructureObjectOrObjectOrMorphism ], function( M, N ) return TensorProduct( M, N ); end ); ## for convenience InstallOtherMethod( \*, "for homalg modules", [ IsHomalgComplex, IsHomalgComplex ], function( M, N ) return TensorProduct( M, N ); end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="\*:ModuleBaseChange"> ## <ManSection> ## <Oper Arg="R, M" Name="\*" Label="transfer a module over a different ring"/> ## <Oper Arg="M, R" Name="\*" Label="transfer a module over a different ring (right)"/> ## <Returns>a &homalg; module</Returns> ## <Description> ## Transfers the <M>S</M>-module <A>M</A> over the &homalg; ring <A>R</A>. This works only in three cases: ## <Enum> ## <Item><M>S</M> is a subring of <A>R</A>.</Item> ## <Item><A>R</A> is a residue class ring of <M>S</M> constructed using <C>/</C>.</Item> ## <Item><A>R</A> is a subring of <M>S</M> and the entries of the current matrix of <M>S</M>-relations of <A>M</A> ## lie in <A>R</A>.</Item> ## </Enum> ## CAUTION: So it is not suited for general base change. ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> ZZ := HomalgRingOfIntegers( ); ## Z ## gap> Display( ZZ ); ## <An internal ring> ## gap> Z4 := ZZ / 4; ## Z/( 4 ) ## gap> Display( Z4 ); ## <A residue class ring> ## gap> M := HomalgDiagonalMatrix( [ 2 .. 4 ], ZZ ); ## <An unevaluated diagonal 3 x 3 matrix over an internal ring> ## gap> M := LeftPresentation( M ); ## <A torsion left module presented by 3 relations for 3 generators> ## gap> Display( M ); ## Z/< 2 > + Z/< 3 > + Z/< 4 > ## gap> M; ## <A torsion left module presented by 3 relations for 3 generators> ## gap> N := Z4 * M; ## or N := M * Z4; ## <A non-torsion left module presented by 2 relations for 3 generators> ## gap> ByASmallerPresentation( N ); ## <A non-torsion left module presented by 1 relation for 2 generators> ## gap> Display( N ); ## Z/( 4 )/< |[ 2 ]| > + Z/( 4 )^(1 x 1) ## gap> N; ## <A non-torsion left module presented by 1 relation for 2 generators> ## ]]></Example> ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> ZZ := HomalgRingOfIntegers( ); ## Z ## gap> M := HomalgMatrix( "[ \ ## > 2, 3, 4, \ ## > 5, 6, 7 \ ## > ]", 2, 3, ZZ ); ## <A 2 x 3 matrix over an internal ring> ## gap> M := LeftPresentation( M ); ## <A non-torsion left module presented by 2 relations for 3 generators> ## gap> Z4 := ZZ / 4; ## Z/( 4 ) ## gap> Display( Z4 ); ## <A residue class ring> ## gap> M4 := Z4 * M; ## <A non-torsion left module presented by 2 relations for 3 generators> ## gap> Display( M4 ); ## [ [ 2, 3, 4 ], ## [ 5, 6, 7 ] ] ## ## modulo [ 4 ] ## ## Cokernel of the map ## ## Z/( 4 )^(1x2) --> Z/( 4 )^(1x3), ## ## currently represented by the above matrix ## gap> d := Resolution( 2, M4 ); ## <A right acyclic complex containing 2 morphisms of left modules at degrees ## [ 0 .. 2 ]> ## gap> dd := Hom( d, Z4 ); ## <A cocomplex containing 2 morphisms of right modules at degrees [ 0 .. 2 ]> ## gap> DD := Resolution( 2, dd ); ## <A cocomplex containing 2 morphisms of right complexes at degrees [ 0 .. 2 ]> ## gap> D := Hom( DD, Z4 ); ## <A complex containing 2 morphisms of left cocomplexes at degrees [ 0 .. 2 ]> ## gap> C := ZZ * D; ## <A "complex" containing 2 morphisms of left cocomplexes at degrees [ 0 .. 2 ]> ## gap> LowestDegreeObject( C ); ## <A "cocomplex" containing 2 morphisms of left modules at degrees [ 0 .. 2 ]> ## gap> Display( last ); ## ------------------------- ## at cohomology degree: 2 ## 0 ## ------------^------------ ## (an empty 1 x 0 matrix) ## ## the map is currently represented by the above 1 x 0 matrix ## ------------------------- ## at cohomology degree: 1 ## Z/< 4 > ## ------------^------------ ## [ [ 0 ], ## [ 1 ], ## [ 2 ], ## [ 1 ] ] ## ## the map is currently represented by the above 4 x 1 matrix ## ------------------------- ## at cohomology degree: 0 ## Z/< 4 > + Z/< 4 > + Z/< 4 > + Z/< 4 > ## ------------------------- ## ]]></Example> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallFunctor( functor_BaseChange_for_fp_modules ); ## ## Ext( c, M, N ) ## ## <#GAPDoc Label="Functor_Ext"> ## <ManSection> ## <Var Name="Functor_Ext"/> ## <Description> ## The bifunctor <C>Ext</C>. ## <P/> ## <#Include Label="Functor_Ext:code"> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## <#GAPDoc Label="Functor_Ext:code"> ## Below is the only <E>specific</E> line of code used to define <C>Functor_Ext_for_fp_modules</C> ## and all the different operations <C>Ext</C> in &homalg;. ## <Listing Type="Code"><![CDATA[ RightSatelliteOfCofunctor( Functor_Hom_for_fp_modules, "Ext" ); ## ]]></Listing> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## <#GAPDoc Label="RightSatelliteOfCofunctor:example"> ## <#Include Label="Functor_Ext:code"> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## <#GAPDoc Label="Ext"> ## <ManSection> ## <Oper Arg="[c,]o1,o2[,str]" Name="Ext"/> ## <Description> ## Compute the <A>c</A>-th extension object of <A>o1</A> with <A>o2</A> where <A>c</A> is a nonnegative integer ## and <A>o1</A> resp. <A>o2</A> could be a module, a map, a complex (of modules or of again of complexes), ## or a chain morphism. If <A>str</A>=<Q>a</Q> then the (cohomologically) graded object ## <M>Ext^i(</M><A>o1</A>,<A>o2</A><M>)</M> for <M>0 \leq i \leq</M><A>c</A> is computed. ## If neither <A>c</A> nor <A>str</A> is specified then the cohomologically graded object ## <M>Ext^i(</M><A>o1</A>,<A>o2</A><M>)</M> for <M>0 \leq i \leq d</M> is computed, ## where <M>d</M> is the length of the internally computed free resolution of <A>o1</A>. ## <P/> ## Each generator of a module of extensions is displayed as a matrix of appropriate dimensions. ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> ZZ := HomalgRingOfIntegers( ); ## Z ## gap> M := HomalgMatrix( "[ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ]", 2, 3, ZZ );; ## gap> M := LeftPresentation( M ); ## <A non-torsion left module presented by 2 relations for 3 generators> ## gap> N := TorsionObject( M ); ## <A cyclic torsion left module presented by yet unknown relations for a cyclic \ ## generator> ## gap> iota := TorsionObjectEmb( M ); ## <A monomorphism of left modules> ## gap> psi := Ext( 1, iota, N ); ## <A homomorphism of right modules> ## gap> ByASmallerPresentation( psi ); ## <A non-zero homomorphism of right modules> ## gap> Display( psi ); ## [ [ 2 ] ] ## ## the map is currently represented by the above 1 x 1 matrix ## gap> extNN := Range( psi ); ## <A non-zero cyclic torsion right module on a cyclic generator satisfying 1 rel\ ## ation> ## gap> IsIdenticalObj( extNN, Ext( 1, N, N ) ); ## the caching at work ## true ## gap> extMN := Source( psi ); ## <A non-zero cyclic torsion right module on a cyclic generator satisfying 1 rel\ ## ation> ## gap> IsIdenticalObj( extMN, Ext( 1, M, N ) ); ## the caching at work ## true ## gap> Display( extNN ); ## Z/< 3 > ## gap> Display( extMN ); ## Z/< 3 > ## ]]></Example> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## ## ## Tor( c, M, N ) ## ## <#GAPDoc Label="Functor_Tor"> ## <ManSection> ## <Var Name="Functor_Tor"/> ## <Description> ## The bifunctor <C>Tor</C>. ## <P/> ## <#Include Label="Functor_Tor:code"> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## <#GAPDoc Label="Functor_Tor:code"> ## Below is the only <E>specific</E> line of code used to define <C>Functor_Tor_for_fp_modules</C> ## and all the different operations <C>Tor</C> in &homalg;. ## <Listing Type="Code"><![CDATA[ LeftSatelliteOfFunctor( Functor_TensorProduct_for_fp_modules, "Tor" ); ## ]]></Listing> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## <#GAPDoc Label="LeftSatelliteOfFunctor:example"> ## <#Include Label="Functor_Tor:code"> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## <#GAPDoc Label="Tor"> ## <ManSection> ## <Oper Arg="[c,]o1,o2[,str]" Name="Tor"/> ## <Description> ## Compute the <A>c</A>-th torsion object of <A>o1</A> with <A>o2</A> where <A>c</A> is a nonnegative integer ## and <A>o1</A> resp. <A>o2</A> could be a module, a map, a complex (of modules or of again of complexes), ## or a chain morphism. If <A>str</A>=<Q>a</Q> then the (cohomologically) graded object ## <M>Tor_i(</M><A>o1</A>,<A>o2</A><M>)</M> for <M>0 \leq i \leq</M><A>c</A> is computed. ## If neither <A>c</A> nor <A>str</A> is specified then the cohomologically graded object ## <M>Tor_i(</M><A>o1</A>,<A>o2</A><M>)</M> for <M>0 \leq i \leq d</M> is computed, ## where <M>d</M> is the length of the internally computed free resolution of <A>o1</A>. ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> ZZ := HomalgRingOfIntegers( ); ## Z ## gap> M := HomalgMatrix( "[ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ]", 2, 3, ZZ );; ## gap> M := LeftPresentation( M ); ## <A non-torsion left module presented by 2 relations for 3 generators> ## gap> N := TorsionObject( M ); ## <A cyclic torsion left module presented by yet unknown relations for a cyclic \ ## generator> ## gap> iota := TorsionObjectEmb( M ); ## <A monomorphism of left modules> ## gap> psi := Tor( 1, iota, N ); ## <A homomorphism of left modules> ## gap> ByASmallerPresentation( psi ); ## <A non-zero homomorphism of left modules> ## gap> Display( psi ); ## [ [ 1 ] ] ## ## the map is currently represented by the above 1 x 1 matrix ## gap> torNN := Source( psi ); ## <A non-zero cyclic torsion left module presented by 1 relation for a cyclic ge\ ## nerator> ## gap> IsIdenticalObj( torNN, Tor( 1, N, N ) ); ## the caching at work ## true ## gap> torMN := Range( psi ); ## <A non-zero cyclic torsion left module presented by 1 relation for a cyclic ge\ ## nerator> ## gap> IsIdenticalObj( torMN, Tor( 1, M, N ) ); ## the caching at work ## true ## gap> Display( torNN ); ## Z/< 3 > ## gap> Display( torMN ); ## Z/< 3 > ## ]]></Example> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## ## ## RHom( c, M, N ) ## ## <#GAPDoc Label="Functor_RHom"> ## <ManSection> ## <Var Name="Functor_RHom"/> ## <Description> ## The bifunctor <C>RHom</C>. ## <P/> ## <#Include Label="Functor_RHom:code"> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## <#GAPDoc Label="Functor_RHom:code"> ## Below is the only <E>specific</E> line of code used to define <C>Functor_RHom_for_fp_modules</C> ## and all the different operations <C>RHom</C> in &homalg;. ## <Listing Type="Code"><![CDATA[ RightDerivedCofunctor( Functor_Hom_for_fp_modules ); ## ]]></Listing> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## <#GAPDoc Label="RightDerivedCofunctor:example"> ## <#Include Label="Functor_RHom:code"> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## <#GAPDoc Label="RHom"> ## <ManSection> ## <Oper Arg="[c,]o1,o2[,str]" Name="RHom"/> ## <Description> ## Compute the <A>c</A>-th extension object of <A>o1</A> with <A>o2</A> where <A>c</A> is a nonnegative integer ## and <A>o1</A> resp. <A>o2</A> could be a module, a map, a complex (of modules or of again of complexes), ## or a chain morphism. The string <A>str</A> may take different values: ## <List> ## <Item>If <A>str</A>=<Q>a</Q> then <M>R^i Hom(</M><A>o1</A>,<A>o2</A><M>)</M> for <M>0 \leq i \leq</M><A>c</A> ## is computed.</Item> ## <Item>If <A>str</A>=<Q>c</Q> then the <A>c</A>-th connecting homomorphism with respect to ## the short exact sequence <A>o1</A> is computed.</Item> ## <Item>If <A>str</A>=<Q>t</Q> then the exact triangle upto cohomological degree <A>c</A> with respect to ## the short exact sequence <A>o1</A> is computed.</Item> ## </List> ## If neither <A>c</A> nor <A>str</A> is specified then the cohomologically graded object ## <M>R^i Hom(</M><A>o1</A>,<A>o2</A><M>)</M> for <M>0 \leq i \leq d</M> is computed, ## where <M>d</M> is the length of the internally computed free resolution of <A>o1</A>. ## <P/> ## Each generator of a module of derived homomorphisms is displayed as a matrix of appropriate dimensions. ## <#Include Label="RHom_Z"> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## ## ## LTensorProduct( c, M, N ) ## ## <#GAPDoc Label="Functor_LTensorProduct"> ## <ManSection> ## <Var Name="Functor_LTensorProduct"/> ## <Description> ## The bifunctor <C>LTensorProduct</C>. ## <P/> ## <#Include Label="Functor_LTensorProduct:code"> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## <#GAPDoc Label="Functor_LTensorProduct:code"> ## Below is the only <E>specific</E> line of code used to define <C>Functor_LTensorProduct_for_fp_modules</C> ## and all the different operations <C>LTensorProduct</C> in &homalg;. ## <Listing Type="Code"><![CDATA[ LeftDerivedFunctor( Functor_TensorProduct_for_fp_modules ); ## ]]></Listing> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## <#GAPDoc Label="LeftDerivedFunctor:example"> ## <#Include Label="Functor_LTensorProduct:code"> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## <#GAPDoc Label="LTensorProduct"> ## <ManSection> ## <Oper Arg="[c,]o1,o2[,str]" Name="LTensorProduct"/> ## <Description> ## Compute the <A>c</A>-th torsion object of <A>o1</A> with <A>o2</A> where <A>c</A> is a nonnegative integer ## and <A>o1</A> resp. <A>o2</A> could be a module, a map, a complex (of modules or of again of complexes), ## or a chain morphism. The string <A>str</A> may take different values: ## <List> ## <Item>If <A>str</A>=<Q>a</Q> then <M>L_i TensorProduct(</M><A>o1</A>,<A>o2</A><M>)</M> for <M>0 \leq i \leq</M><A>c</A> ## is computed.</Item> ## <Item>If <A>str</A>=<Q>c</Q> then the <A>c</A>-th connecting homomorphism with respect to ## the short exact sequence <A>o1</A> is computed.</Item> ## <Item>If <A>str</A>=<Q>t</Q> then the exact triangle upto cohomological degree <A>c</A> with respect to ## the short exact sequence <A>o1</A> is computed.</Item> ## </List> ## If neither <A>c</A> nor <A>str</A> is specified then the cohomologically graded object ## <M>L_i TensorProduct(</M><A>o1</A>,<A>o2</A><M>)</M> for <M>0 \leq i \leq d</M> is computed, ## where <M>d</M> is the length of the internally computed free resolution of <A>o1</A>. ## <P/> ## Each generator of a module of derived homomorphisms is displayed as a matrix of appropriate dimensions. ## <#Include Label="LTensorProduct_Z"> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## ## ## HomHom( M, K, N ) = Hom( Hom( M, K ), N ) ## ## <#GAPDoc Label="Functor_HomHom"> ## <ManSection> ## <Var Name="Functor_HomHom"/> ## <Description> ## The bifunctor <C>HomHom</C>. ## <P/> ## <#Include Label="Functor_HomHom:code"> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## <#GAPDoc Label="Functor_HomHom:code"> ## Below is the only <E>specific</E> line of code used to define <C>Functor_HomHom_for_fp_modules</C> ## and all the different operations <C>HomHom</C> in &homalg;. ## <Listing Type="Code"><![CDATA[ Functor_Hom_for_fp_modules * Functor_Hom_for_fp_modules; ## ]]></Listing> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## <#GAPDoc Label="ComposeFunctors:example"> ## <#Include Label="Functor_HomHom:code"> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## ## LHomHom( M, K, N ) = L(Hom( Hom( -, K ), N ))( M ) ## ## <#GAPDoc Label="Functor_LHomHom"> ## <ManSection> ## <Var Name="Functor_LHomHom"/> ## <Description> ## The bifunctor <C>LHomHom</C>. ## <P/> ## <#Include Label="Functor_LHomHom:code"> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## <#GAPDoc Label="Functor_LHomHom:code"> ## Below is the only <E>specific</E> line of code used to define <C>Functor_LHomHom_for_fp_modules</C> ## and all the different operations <C>LHomHom</C> in &homalg;. ## <Listing Type="Code"><![CDATA[ LeftDerivedFunctor( Functor_HomHom_for_fp_modules ); ## ]]></Listing> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## <#GAPDoc Label="LeftDerivedFunctor:example2"> ## <#Include Label="Functor_LHomHom:code"> ## <#/GAPDoc>