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Views: 466315############################################################################# ## ## Modules package ## ## Copyright 2011, Florian Diebold, University of Kaiserslautern ## ## Some stuff for calculating with exterior powers of free modules. ## ############################################################################# ## <#GAPDoc Label="ExteriorAlgebra:intro"> ## What follows are several operations related to the exterior algebra ## of a free module: ## <List> ## <Item>A constructor for the graded parts of the exterior algebra ## (<Q>exterior powers</Q>)</Item> ## <Item>Several Operations on elements of these exterior powers</Item> ## <Item>A constructor for the <Q>Koszul complex</Q></Item> ## <Item>An implementation of the <Q>Cayley determinant</Q> as defined in ## <Cite Key="CQ11" />, which allows calculating greatest common ## divisors from finite free resolutions.</Item> ## </List> ## <#/GAPDoc> #################################### # # methods for operations: # #################################### InstallMethod( ExteriorPower, "for free modules", [ IsInt, IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep and IsFree ], function( k, M ) local R, r, P, powers; if HasExteriorPowers( M ) then powers := ExteriorPowers( M ); if IsBound( powers!.( k ) ) then return powers!.( k ); fi; else powers := rec( ); fi; R := HomalgRing( M ); r := Rank( M ); if IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects( M ) then P := HomalgFreeLeftModule( Binomial( r, k ), R ); else P := HomalgFreeRightModule( Binomial( r, k ), R ); fi; SetIsExteriorPower( P, true ); SetExteriorPowerExponent( P, k ); SetExteriorPowerBaseModule( P, M ); powers!.( k ) := P; SetExteriorPowers( M, powers ); return P; end ); ## InstallMethod( ExteriorPower, "for free modules", [ IsInt, IsHomalgModule and IsStaticFinitelyPresentedSubobjectRep ], function( k, M ) return ExteriorPower( k, UnderlyingObject( M ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( ExteriorPower, "for a homalg matrix", [ IsInt, IsHomalgMatrix ], function( k, mat ) local R, r, c, br, bc, power, rr, cc, i, j, m; R := HomalgRing( mat ); if k = 0 then return HomalgZeroMatrix( 1, 1, R ); elif k = 1 then return mat; fi; r := NrRows( mat ); c := NrColumns( mat ); br := Binomial( r, k ); bc := Binomial( c, k ); power := HomalgInitialMatrix( br, bc, R ); if br > 0 and bc > 0 then rr := Combinations( [ 1 .. r ], k ); cc := Combinations( [ 1 .. c ], k ); for i in [ 1 .. br ] do for j in [ 1 .. bc ] do m := CertainRows( mat, rr[i] ); m := CertainColumns( m, cc[j] ); SetMatElm( power, i, j, Determinant( m ) ); od; od; fi; MakeImmutable( power ); return power; end ); ## InstallMethod( ExteriorPower, "for a homalg map", [ IsInt, IsMapOfFinitelyGeneratedModulesRep ], function( k, phi ) local S, T, mat; S := Source( phi ); T := Range( phi ); mat := MatrixOfMap( phi ); S := ExteriorPower( k, S ); T := ExteriorPower( k, T ); mat := ExteriorPower( k, mat ); return HomalgMap( mat, S, T ); end ); ## InstallMethod( ExteriorPowerOfPresentationMorphism, "for a homalg maps", [ IsInt, IsHomalgMap ], function( k, phi ) local T, mat, R, one, g, r, bg, power, z0, z1, union_of_gens, certain_gens, union_of_rels, g_range, rr, power_rr, gg, pos; T := Range( phi ); if k = 0 then return MatrixOfMap( PresentationMorphism( One( T ) ) ); elif k = 1 then return MatrixOfMap( phi ); elif not k in [ 2 .. NrGenerators( T ) ] then return MatrixOfMap( PresentationMorphism( Zero( T ) ) ); fi; mat := MatrixOfMap( phi ); R := HomalgRing( mat ); one := One( R ); if IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects( T ) then g := NrColumns( mat ); r := NrRows( mat ); bg := Binomial( g, k ); power := HomalgZeroMatrix( 0, bg, R ); z0 := HomalgZeroMatrix( r, 0, R ); z1 := HomalgZeroMatrix( r, 1, R ); union_of_gens := UnionOfColumns; certain_gens := CertainColumns; union_of_rels := UnionOfRows; else g := NrRows( mat ); r := NrColumns( mat ); bg := Binomial( g, k ); power := HomalgZeroMatrix( bg, 0, R ); z0 := HomalgZeroMatrix( 0, r, R ); z1 := HomalgZeroMatrix( 1, r, R ); union_of_gens := UnionOfRows; certain_gens := CertainRows; union_of_rels := UnionOfColumns; fi; g_range := [ 1 .. g ]; for rr in Combinations( g_range, k - 1 ) do power_rr := z0; for gg in Combinations( g_range, k ) do if IsSubset( gg, rr ) then pos := Difference( gg, rr ); power_rr := union_of_gens( power_rr, ( (-1)^Position( gg, pos[1] ) * one ) * certain_gens( mat, pos ) ); else power_rr := union_of_gens( power_rr, z1 ); fi; od; power := union_of_rels( power, power_rr ); od; return power; end ); ## InstallMethod( ExteriorPower, "for homalg modules", [ IsInt, IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep ], function( k, M ) local phi, T; if k = 0 then return One( M ); elif k = 1 then return M; elif not k in [ 2 .. NrGenerators( M ) ] then return Zero( M ); fi; phi := PresentationMorphism( M ); T := ExteriorPower( k, Range( phi ) ); phi := ExteriorPowerOfPresentationMorphism( k, phi ); phi := HomalgMap( phi, "free", T ); return Cokernel( phi ); end ); InstallImmediateMethod( IsExteriorPowerElement, IsHomalgModuleElement, 0, function( elem ) local M; M := Range( UnderlyingMorphism( elem ) ); if HasIsExteriorPower( M ) and IsExteriorPower( M ) then return true; else TryNextMethod( ); fi; end ); # A few helper functions InstallGlobalFunction( "_Homalg_CombinationIndex", function( n, s ) local ind, i, j, k, last; ind := 1; last := 0; for i in [ 1 .. Length( s ) ] do k := s[ i ]; for j in [ last + 1 .. k - 1 ] do ind := ind + Binomial( n - j, Length( s ) - i ); od; last := k; od; return ind; end ); InstallGlobalFunction( "_Homalg_IndexCombination", function( n, k, ind ) local s, i, c; s := [ ]; i := 1; while ind > 0 and Length( s ) < k and i <= n do c := Binomial( n - i, k - Length( s ) - 1 ); if ind <= c then Append( s, [ i ] ); else ind := ind - c; fi; i := i + 1; od; return s; end ); InstallGlobalFunction( "_Homalg_FreeModuleElementFromList", function( a, M ) if IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects( M ) then return HomalgElement( HomalgMap( HomalgMatrix( a, 1, Size( a ), HomalgRing( M ) ), "free", M ) ); else return HomalgElement( HomalgMap( HomalgMatrix( a, Size( a ), 1, HomalgRing( M ) ), "free", M ) ); fi; end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="Wedge"> ## <ManSection> ## <Oper Arg="x, y" Name="Wedge" Label="for elements of exterior powers of free modules"/> ## <Returns>an element of an exterior power</Returns> ## <Description> ## Calculate <M><A>x</A> \wedge <A>y</A></M>. ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallMethod( Wedge, "for elements of exterior powers of free modules", [ IsExteriorPowerElement, IsExteriorPowerElement ], function( x, y ) local M, M1, M2, BasisVectorWedgeSign, i, j, result, zero, a, b, c, I, J, sign, k, a1, a2, k1, k2, n; BasisVectorWedgeSign := function( I, J ) local i, j, sign; sign := 1; for i in I do for j in J do if i = j then return 0; elif i > j then sign := -sign; fi; od; od; return sign; end; M1 := Range( UnderlyingMorphism( x ) ); k1 := ExteriorPowerExponent( M1 ); a1 := EntriesOfHomalgMatrix( MatrixOfMap( UnderlyingMorphism( x ) ) ); M2 := Range( UnderlyingMorphism( y ) ); k2 := ExteriorPowerExponent( M2 ); a2 := EntriesOfHomalgMatrix( MatrixOfMap( UnderlyingMorphism( y ) ) ); M := ExteriorPowerBaseModule( M1 ); n := Rank( M ); zero := Zero( HomalgRing( M1 ) ); result := List( [ 1 .. Binomial( n, k1 + k2 ) ], x -> zero ); for i in [ 1 .. Length( a1 ) ] do a := a1[ i ]; if a = zero then continue; fi; for j in [ 1 .. Length( a2 ) ] do b := a2[ j ]; if b = zero then continue; fi; I := _Homalg_IndexCombination( n, k1, i ); J := _Homalg_IndexCombination( n, k2, j ); sign := BasisVectorWedgeSign( I, J ); if sign = 0 then continue; fi; k := _Homalg_CombinationIndex( n, Union( I, J ) ); c := a * b; if sign < 0 then c := -c; fi; result[ k ] := result[ k ] + c; od; od; return _Homalg_FreeModuleElementFromList( result, ExteriorPower( k1 + k2, M ) ); end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="SingleValueOfExteriorPowerElement"> ## <ManSection> ## <Oper Arg="x" Name="SingleValueOfExteriorPowerElement" /> ## <Returns>a ring element</Returns> ## <Description> ## For <A>x</A> in a highest exterior power, returns its single ## coordinate in the canonical basis; i.e. <M>[<A>x</A>]</M> as ## defined in <Cite Key="CQ11" />. ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallMethod( SingleValueOfExteriorPowerElement, "for elements of exterior powers of free modules", [ IsExteriorPowerElement ], function( a ) local elems; elems := EntriesOfHomalgMatrix( MatrixOfMap( UnderlyingMorphism( a ) ) ); if Length( elems ) <> 1 then Error( "Expected an element from the highest exterior power!\n" ); fi; return elems[ 1 ]; end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="ExteriorPowerElementDual"> ## <ManSection> ## <Oper Arg="x" Name="ExteriorPowerElementDual" /> ## <Returns>an element of an exterior power</Returns> ## <Description> ## For <A>x</A> in a q-th exterior power of a free module of rank n, ## return <M><A>x</A>*</M> in the (n-q)-th exterior power, as defined ## in <Cite Key="CQ11" />. ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallMethod( ExteriorPowerElementDual, "for elements of exterior powers of free modules", [ IsExteriorPowerElement ], function( a ) local result, P, M, M2; P := Range( UnderlyingMorphism( a ) ); M := ExteriorPowerBaseModule( P ); M2 := ExteriorPower( Rank( M ) - ExteriorPowerExponent( P ), M ); result := List( GeneratingElements( M2 ), e -> SingleValueOfExteriorPowerElement( Wedge( a, e ) ) ); return _Homalg_FreeModuleElementFromList( result, M2 ); end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="KoszulCocomplex"> ## <ManSection> ## <Oper Arg="a, E" Name="KoszulCocomplex" /> ## <Returns>a &homalg; cocomplex</Returns> ## <Description> ## Calculate the <A>E</A>-valued Koszul complex of <A>a</A>. ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallMethod( KoszulCocomplex, "for sequences of ring elements", [ IsList, IsHomalgModule ], function( a, E ) local n, M, C, d, phi, source, target, R, mat, a_elem, e, mat2; R := HomalgRing( E ); n := Length( a ); M := n * R; source := ExteriorPower( 0, M ); C := HomalgCocomplex( source, 0 ); a_elem := _Homalg_FreeModuleElementFromList( a, ExteriorPower( 1, M ) ); for d in [ 1 .. n ] do Unbind( mat ); for e in GeneratingElements( source ) do mat2 := MatrixOfMap( UnderlyingMorphism( Wedge( a_elem, e ) ) ); if IsBound( mat ) then mat := UnionOfRows( mat, mat2 ); else mat := mat2; fi; od; target := ExteriorPower( d, M ); phi := HomalgMap( mat, source, target ); source := target; Add( C, phi ); od; return TensorProduct( C, E ); end ); InstallMethod( GradeList, "for a list of ring elements and a module", [ IsList, IsHomalgModule ], function( a, E ) local R, C, grade; R := HomalgRing( E ); C := KoszulCocomplex( a, E ); grade := 0; while IsZero( Cohomology( C, grade ) ) do grade := grade + 1; if grade > Length( a ) then return infinity; fi; od; return grade; end ); InstallMethod( GradeList, "for a list of ring elements and a ring", [ IsList, IsHomalgRing ], function( a, R ) return GradeList( a, 1 * R ); end ); InstallMethod( GradeIdeal, "for ideals", [ IsFinitelyPresentedSubmoduleRep and ConstructedAsAnIdeal ], function( I ) local R, generators; R := HomalgRing( I ); generators := EntriesOfHomalgMatrix( MatrixOfSubobjectGenerators( I ) ); return GradeList( generators, 1 * R ); end ); InstallMethod( GradeIdealOnModule, "for an ideal and a module", [ IsFinitelyPresentedSubmoduleRep and ConstructedAsAnIdeal, IsHomalgModule ], function( I, E ) local R, generators; generators := EntriesOfHomalgMatrix( MatrixOfSubobjectGenerators( I ) ); return GradeList( generators, E ); end ); InstallMethod( GradeIdealOnModule, "for an ideal and a ring", [ IsFinitelyPresentedSubmoduleRep and ConstructedAsAnIdeal, IsHomalgRing ], function( I, R ) return GradeIdealOnModule( I, 1 * R ); end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="Grade_UsingKoszulCocomplex"> ## <ManSection> ## <Func Arg="a[, E]" Name="Grade_UsingKoszulCocomplex" /> ## <Returns>a positive integer or infinity</Returns> ## <Description> ## Calculate the Grade of <A>a</A> (on <A>E</A>, if given), as defined in ## <Cite Key="CQ11" />. <A>a</A> can be either a list of module elements ## or an ideal. ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallGlobalFunction( Grade_UsingKoszulCocomplex, function( arg ) local E; if IsList( arg[ 1 ] ) then if Length( arg ) = 1 then E := 1 * HomalgRing( arg[ 1 ][ 1 ] ); else E := arg[ 2 ]; fi; return GradeList( arg[ 1 ], E ); else if Length( arg ) = 1 then return GradeIdeal( arg[ 1 ] ); else return GradeIdealOnModule( arg[ 1 ], arg[ 2 ] ); fi; fi; end ); #InstallMethod( Grade, # "for an ideal and a module", # [ IsFinitelyPresentedSubmoduleRep and ConstructedAsAnIdeal, IsHomalgModule ], # Grade_UsingKoszulCocomplex ); #InstallMethod( Grade, # "for an ideal", # [ IsFinitelyPresentedSubmoduleRep and ConstructedAsAnIdeal ], # Grade_UsingKoszulCocomplex ); InstallGlobalFunction( WedgeMatrixBaseImages, function( A, J, M ) local v, CertainX, i; if IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects( M ) then CertainX := CertainRows; else CertainX := CertainColumns; fi; v := GeneratingElements( ExteriorPower( 0, M ) )[ 1 ]; for i in [1 .. Length( J )] do v := Wedge( v, HomalgElement( HomalgMap( CertainX( A, [ J[ i ] ] ), "free", ExteriorPower( 1, M ) ) ) ); od; return v; end ); InstallGlobalFunction( CayleyDeterminant_Step, function( beta, d, p, q, s ) # This is the inductive step of the algorithm (i.e. Lemma 7.4). # β in Λ^p(R^(p+q)) # returns γ such that ᴧ^q(B) = γ * β^T # (γ in Λ^q(R^(q+s))) # Also, Grade(γ) >= 2 # beta is passed as a list local v, B, v_J_elems; B := Involution( MatrixOfMap( d ) ); return List( Combinations( [ 1 .. q+s ], q ), function( J ) local v_J, i, gamma_J; # Wedge together the columns of the matrix of d indicated by J v_J := WedgeMatrixBaseImages( B, J, Source( d ) ); # Take v_J* v_J := ExteriorPowerElementDual( v_J ); # Now v_J* and beta should be proportional # Find the factor v_J_elems := EntriesOfHomalgMatrix( MatrixOfMap( UnderlyingMorphism( v_J ) ) ); for i in [ 1 .. Length( v_J_elems ) ] do if not IsZero( beta[ i ] ) then gamma_J := v_J_elems[ i ] / beta[ i ]; break; fi; od; # Test this, if the assertion level is high enough Assert( 3, ForAll( [ 1 .. Length( v_J_elems ) ], i -> beta[ i ] * gamma_J = v_J_elems[ i ])); return gamma_J; end ); end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="CayleyDeterminant"> ## <ManSection> ## <Oper Arg="C" Name="CayleyDeterminant" /> ## <Returns>a ring element</Returns> ## <Description> ## Calculate the Cayley determinant of the complex <A>C</A>, as ## defined in <Cite Key="CQ11" />. ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallMethod( CayleyDeterminant, "for complexes of free modules", [ IsHomalgComplex ], function( C ) local beta, d, R, morphisms, A, i, p, q, s, first_step; R := HomalgRing( C ); morphisms := MorphismsOfComplex( C ); p := 0; q := 0; first_step := true; for d in morphisms{ Reversed( [ 1 .. Length( morphisms ) ] ) } do if ( HasIsFree( Source( d ) ) and not IsFree( Source( d ) ) ) or ( HasIsFree( Range( d ) ) and not IsFree( Range( d ) ) ) then TryNextMethod( ); fi; p := q; q := Rank( Source( d ) ) - p; s := Rank( Range( d ) ) - q; if first_step then # Wedge together all the rows resp. cols of the matrix of d A := MatrixOfMap( d ); beta := WedgeMatrixBaseImages( A, [ 1 .. q ], Range( d ) ); beta := EntriesOfHomalgMatrix( MatrixOfMap( UnderlyingMorphism( beta ) ) ); first_step := false; else # If d is d_m, calculate beta_m beta := CayleyDeterminant_Step( beta, d, p, q, s ); fi; od; Assert( 0, Length( beta ) = 1 ); return beta[ 1 ]; end ); InstallGlobalFunction( Gcd_UsingCayleyDeterminant, function ( arg ) local M, C; if Length( arg ) = 1 then arg := arg[ 1 ]; fi; M := FactorObject( LeftSubmodule( arg ) ); C := FiniteFreeResolution( M ); if C = fail then return fail; fi; return CayleyDeterminant( C ); end ); ## InstallMethod( GcdOp, "for homalg ring elements", [ IsHomalgRingElement, IsHomalgRingElement ], Gcd_UsingCayleyDeterminant ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( Lcm_UsingCayleyDeterminant, function ( arg ) local nargs; nargs := Length( arg ); if nargs = 0 then Error( "<arg> must be nonempty" ); elif Length( arg ) = 1 and IsList( arg[1] ) then if IsEmpty( arg[1] ) then Error( "<arg>[1] must be nonempty" ); fi; arg := arg[1]; fi; return LcmOp( arg, arg[1] ); end );