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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466303## InstallMethod( ViewString, "for a Normaliz cone", [ IsNormalizCone ], function( r ) # TODO: May print more information when present return "<a Normaliz cone>"; end ); InstallGlobalFunction( NmzConeProperty, function( cone, prop ) local result, t, shift, poly, tmp, denom; result := _NmzConeProperty(cone, prop); if prop = "Grading" then denom := Remove(result); return result / denom; fi; if prop = "HilbertSeries" then t := Indeterminate(Integers, "t"); poly := UnivariatePolynomial(Integers, result[1], t); shift := result[3]; if shift > 0 then poly := poly * t^shift; fi; if shift < 0 then poly := poly / t^(-shift); fi; tmp := Collected(result[2]); return [poly, tmp]; fi; if prop = "HilbertQuasiPolynomial" then t := Indeterminate(Rationals, "t"); denom := Remove(result); poly := List(result, coeffs -> UnivariatePolynomial(Rationals, coeffs, t)); return poly / denom; fi; return result; end ); InstallGlobalFunction("NmzPrintConeProperties", function(cone) local prop, val; if not IsNormalizCone(cone) then Error("First argument must be a Normaliz cone object"); return; fi; for prop in NmzKnownConeProperties(cone) do val := NmzConeProperty(cone, prop); Print(prop," = "); if IsMatrix(val) then Print("\n"); fi; Display(val); od; end); InstallGlobalFunction( NmzBasisChange, function( cone ) local result; result := NmzConeProperty( cone, "Sublattice" ); return rec( Embedding := result[1], Projection := result[2], Annihilator := result[3], ); end ); # # # InstallGlobalFunction("NmzCone", function(arg) local func, opts_rec, opts_list, cone; if Length(arg) = 1 then if IsList(arg[1]) then opts_list := arg[1]; #elif IsRecord(arg[1]) then # TODO else # TODO: better error message Error("Unsupported input"); fi; else opts_list := arg; fi; cone := _NmzCone(opts_list); return cone; end); # TODO: extend NmzCone to allow this syntax: ##cone := NmzCone(rec(integral_closure := M, grading := [ 0, 0, 1 ]));; # # # InstallGlobalFunction("NmzCompute", function(arg) local cone, propsToCompute; if not Length(arg) in [1,2] then Error("Wrong number of arguments, expected 1 or 2"); return fail; fi; cone := arg[1]; if not IsNormalizCone(cone) then Error("First argument must be a Normaliz cone object"); return fail; fi; if Length(arg) = 1 then propsToCompute := []; if ValueOption("dual") = true then Add(propsToCompute, "DualMode"); fi; if ValueOption("DualMode") = true then Add(propsToCompute, "DualMode"); fi; if ValueOption("HilbertBasis") = true then Add(propsToCompute, "HilbertBasis"); fi; # TODO: add more option names? or just support arbitrary ones, by using # iterating over the (undocumented!) OptionsStack??? if Length(propsToCompute) = 0 then propsToCompute := [ "DefaultMode" ]; fi; else if IsString(arg[2]) then propsToCompute := [arg[2]]; else propsToCompute := arg[2]; fi; fi; return _NmzCompute(cone, propsToCompute); end);