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Views: 466306############################################################################# ## ## PackageInfo.g for the package `NumericalSgps' Manuel Delgado ## Pedro A. Garcia-Sanchez SetPackageInfo( rec( PackageName := "NumericalSgps", Subtitle := "A package for numerical semigroups", Version := "1.1.5", Date := "25/09/2017", # Version := "1.1.5 dev", # Date := "> 25/09/2017", ## Information about authors and maintainers. Persons := [ rec( LastName := "Delgado", FirstNames := "Manuel", IsAuthor := true, IsMaintainer := true, Email := "[email protected]", WWWHome := "", PostalAddress := Concatenation( [ "Departamento de Matemática - Faculdade de Ciências\n", "Rua do Campo Alegre, 687\n", "Porto\n", "Portugal" ] ), Place := "Porto", Institution := "Faculdade de Ciências" ), rec( LastName := "Garcia-Sanchez", FirstNames := "Pedro A.", IsAuthor := true, IsMaintainer := true, Email := "[email protected]", WWWHome := "", PostalAddress := Concatenation( [ "Dpto. de Algebra - Universidad de Granada\n", "Spain\n" ] ), Place := "Granada", Institution := "Universidad de Granada" ), rec( LastName := "Morais", FirstNames := "Jose", IsAuthor := true, IsMaintainer := false, PostalAddress := "No address known" ), # provide such a record for each author and/or maintainer ... rec( LastName := "Heredia", FirstNames := "Benjamín Alarcón", IsAuthor := false, IsMaintainer := false, WWWHome := "" ), rec( LastName := "García-García", FirstNames := "Juan Ignacio", IsAuthor := false, IsMaintainer := false, WWWHome := "" ), rec( LastName := "Gutsche", FirstNames := "Sebastian", IsAuthor := false, IsMaintainer := false, WWWHome := "" ), rec( LastName := "Herrera-Poyatos", FirstNames := "Andrés", IsAuthor := false, IsMaintainer := false, WWWHome := "" ), rec( LastName := "Horn", FirstNames := "Max", IsAuthor := false, IsMaintainer := false, WWWHome := "" ), rec( LastName := "Moreno Ávila", FirstNames := "Carlos Jesús", IsAuthor := false, IsMaintainer := false, PostalAddress := "No address known" ), rec( LastName := "Ojeda", FirstNames := "Ignacio", IsAuthor := false, IsMaintainer := false, WWWHome := "" ), rec( LastName := "O'Neill", FirstNames := "Chris", IsAuthor := false, IsMaintainer := false, WWWHome := "" ), rec( LastName := "Sammartano", FirstNames := "Alessio", IsAuthor := false, IsMaintainer := false, WWWHome := "" ), rec( LastName := "Sánchez-R. Navarro", FirstNames := "Alfredo", IsAuthor := false, IsMaintainer := false, WWWHome := "" ), rec( LastName := "Stokes", FirstNames := "Klara", IsAuthor := false, IsMaintainer := false, WWWHome := "" ), rec( LastName := "Francesco", FirstNames := "Strazzanti", IsAuthor := false, IsMaintainer := false, WWWHome := "" ), rec( LastName := "Zito", FirstNames := "Giuseppe", IsAuthor := false, IsMaintainer := false, PostalAddress := "Università degli Studi di Catania" ) ], Status := "accepted", CommunicatedBy := "Leonard Soicher (QMUL)", AcceptDate := "05/2015", SourceRepository := rec( Type := "git", URL := "" ), IssueTrackerURL := Concatenation( ~.SourceRepository.URL, "/issues" ), PackageWWWHome := "", README_URL := Concatenation( ~.PackageWWWHome, "/README" ), PackageInfoURL := Concatenation( ~.PackageWWWHome, "/PackageInfo.g" ), ArchiveURL := Concatenation( ~.SourceRepository.URL, "/releases/download/v", ~.Version, "/", ~.PackageName, "-", ~.Version ), ArchiveFormats := ".tar.gz", AbstractHTML := "The <span class=\"pkgname\">NumericalSgps</span> package, is a package to compute with numerical semigroups.", PackageDoc := rec( BookName := "NumericalSgps", ArchiveURLSubset := ["doc"], HTMLStart := "doc/chap0.html", PDFFile := "doc/manual.pdf", SixFile := "doc/manual.six", LongTitle := "NumericalSgps, a GAP package for numerical semigroups", ), Dependencies := rec( GAP := "4.7", NeededOtherPackages := [], SuggestedOtherPackages := [], ExternalConditions := [] ), AvailabilityTest := ReturnTrue, BannerString := Concatenation( "----------------------------------------------------------------\n", "Loading NumericalSgps ", ~.Version, "\n", # "by ", ~.Persons[1].FirstNames, " ", ~.Persons[1].LastName, # " (", ~.Persons[1].WWWHome, ")\n", # " ", ~.Persons[2].FirstNames, " ", ~.Persons[2].LastName,"\n", # " (", ~.Persons[2].WWWHome, ")\n", # " ", ~.Persons[3].FirstNames, " ", ~.Persons[3].LastName, # " (", ~.Persons[3].WWWHome, ")\n", "For help, type: ?NumericalSgps: \n", "----------------------------------------------------------------\n" ), TestFile := "tst/testall.tst", Keywords := ["Numerical Semigroups", "Affine semigroups", "Good semigroups"], ));