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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it

Views: 418346

The GAP 4 package NumericalSgps to compute with Numerical Semigroups


This is release 1.1.5 of the package NumericalSgps.

The features of this package include

  • defining numerical semigroups;

  • computing several properties of numerical semigroups, namely: multiplicity, Frobenius number, (minimal) system of generators, Apéry set, gaps, fundamental gaps, etc.;

  • perform several operations on numerical semigroups and ideals, namely: intersection, quotient by an integer, decompose into irreducible semigroups, add a special gap, ...; -computing and testing membership to relevant families of numerical semigroups.

There is a manual in the sub-directory 'doc' written using the GAP package gapdoc which describes the available functions in detail. The pdf, html versions of the manual are also available there.

If you have used this package, please let us know by sending us an email. If you have found important features missing or if there is a bug, we would appreciate it very much if you send us an email.

The current maintainers of the package are:

Manuel Delgado [email protected]

Pedro A. García-Sánchez [email protected]