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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it

Views: 466317
#W           Manuel Delgado <[email protected]>
#W                          Pedro A. Garcia-Sanchez <[email protected]>
#Y  Copyright 2015-- Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Porto, Portugal and Universidad de Granada, Spain

#R  IsAffineSemigroupRep
##  The representation of an affine semigroup.
DeclareRepresentation( "IsAffineSemigroupRep", IsAttributeStoringRep, [] );

#C  IsAffineSemigroup
##  The category of affine semigroups.
DeclareCategory( "IsAffineSemigroup", IsAdditiveMagma and IsAffineSemigroupRep) ;

# Elements of affine semigroups are collections of integers, so affine
# semigroups are collections of collections of integers.
BindGlobal( "AffineSemigroupsType",
        NewType( CollectionsFamily(CollectionsFamily(CyclotomicsFamily)),

#F  AffineSemigroupByGenerators(arg)
##  Returns the affine semigroup generated by arg.
DeclareGlobalFunction( "AffineSemigroupByGenerators" );
DeclareAttribute( "Generators", IsAffineSemigroup);
DeclareSynonymAttr( "GeneratorsOfAffineSemigroup", Generators);
DeclareSynonymAttr( "IsAffineSemigroupByGenerators", HasGenerators);
DeclareAttribute( "Dimension", IsAffineSemigroup);
DeclareSynonymAttr( "DimensionOfAffineSemigroup", Dimension);

#F  AffineSemigroupByMinimalGenerators(arg)
##  Returns the affine semigroup minimally generated by arg.
##  If the generators given are not minimal, the minimal ones
##  are computed and used.
# DeclareGlobalFunction( "AffineSemigroupByMinimalGenerators" );
DeclareAttribute( "MinimalGenerators", IsAffineSemigroup);
DeclareSynonymAttr( "IsAffineSemigroupByMinimalGenerators", HasMinimalGenerators);

#F  AffineSemigroupByMinimalGeneratorsNC(arg)
##  Returns the affine semigroup minimally generated by arg.
##  No test is made about args' minimality.
# DeclareGlobalFunction( "AffineSemigroupByMinimalGeneratorsNC" );

#O  Generators(S)
##  Computes a set of generators of the affine semigroup S.
##  If a set of generators has already been computed, this
##  is the set returned.
# #A
# DeclareAttribute( "Generators", IsAffineSemigroup);
# DeclareSynonymAttr( "IsAffineSemigroupByGenerators", HasGenerators);

## Full ffine semigroups
#F  AffineSemigroupByEquations(ls,md)
##  Returns the (full) affine semigroup defined by the system A X=0 mod md, where the rows
## of A are the elements of ls.
DeclareGlobalFunction( "AffineSemigroupByEquations" );
DeclareAttribute( "Equations", IsAffineSemigroup);
DeclareSynonymAttr( "IsAffineSemigroupByEquations", HasEquations);
#F  AffineSemigroupByInequalities(ls)
##  Returns the (full) affine semigroup defined by the system  ls*X>=0 over the nonnegative
## integers
DeclareGlobalFunction( "AffineSemigroupByInequalities" );
# collission with MatricesForHomalg
#DeclareAttribute( "Inequalities", IsAffineSemigroup);
#DeclareSynonymAttr( "IsAffineSemigroupByInequalities", HasInequalities);
DeclareAttribute( "AffineSemigroupInequalities", IsAffineSemigroup);
DeclareSynonymAttr( "HasInequalities", HasAffineSemigroupInequalities);
DeclareOperation("Inequalities", [IsAffineSemigroup and HasInequalities]);

#F  AffineSemigroup(arg)
##  This function's first argument may be one of:
##  "generators", "minimalgenerators",
## : equations...
##  The following arguments must conform to the arguments of
##  the corresponding function defined above.
##  By default, the option "generators" is used, so,
##  gap> AffineSemigroup([1,3],[7,2],[1,5]);
##  <Affine semigroup in 3-dimensional space, with 3 generators>
DeclareGlobalFunction( "AffineSemigroup" );

#P  IsFullAffineSemigroup(S)
##  Tests if the affine semigroup S has the property of being full.
DeclareProperty( "IsFull", IsAffineSemigroup);

#F AsAffineSemigroup(S)
## Takes a numerical semigroup as argument and returns it as affine semigroup