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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466324############################################################################# ## #W #W Manuel Delgado <[email protected]> #W Pedro Garcia-Sanchez <[email protected]> ## #Y Copyright 2015-- Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Porto, Portugal and Universidad de Granada, Spain ############################################################################# InstallOtherMethod(PrimitiveElementsOfAffineSemigroup, "Computes the set of primitive elements of an affine semigroup", [IsAffineSemigroup],4, function(a) local dir, filename, exec, filestream, matrix, facs, mat, trunc, ls; ls:=GeneratorsOfAffineSemigroup(a); dir := DirectoryTemporary(); filename := Filename( dir, "gap_4ti2_temp_matrix" ); mat:=TransposedMat(ls); 4ti2Interface_Write_Matrix_To_File( mat, Concatenation( filename, ".mat" ) ); exec := IO_FindExecutable( "graver" ); filestream := IO_Popen2( exec, [ filename ]); while IO_ReadLine( filestream.stdout ) <> "" do od; matrix := 4ti2Interface_Read_Matrix_From_File( Concatenation( filename, ".gra" ) ); trunc:=function(ls) return List(ls, y->Maximum(y,0)); end; matrix:=Set(matrix,trunc); return Union(Set(matrix, x->x*ls),ls); end); InstallOtherMethod(HilbertBasisOfSystemOfHomogeneousEquations, "Computes a Hilbert basiss of a system of linear Diophantine equations, some eventually in congruences.", [IsMatrix,IsHomogeneousList],4, function(ls,md) local homogeneous, withCongruences; homogeneous:= function(l) local dir, filename, exec, filestream, matrix,mat,sign; Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Using 4ti2 for Hilbert."); if not(IsRectangularTable(l)) then Error("The argument must be a matrix."); fi; if not(IsInt(l[1][1])) then Error("The matrix must be of integers."); fi; dir := DirectoryTemporary(); filename := Filename( dir, "gap_4ti2_temp_matrix" ); mat:=l; sign:=[List(l[1],_->1)]; #Print(mat,"\n"); 4ti2Interface_Write_Matrix_To_File( mat, Concatenation( filename, ".mat" ) ); 4ti2Interface_Write_Matrix_To_File( sign, Concatenation( filename, ".sign" ) ); exec := IO_FindExecutable( "zsolve" ); filestream := IO_Popen2( exec, [ filename ]); while IO_ReadLine( filestream.stdout ) <> "" do od; matrix := 4ti2Interface_Read_Matrix_From_File( Concatenation( filename, ".zhom" ) ); return matrix; end; withCongruences:=function(ls,md) local l,n,m,diag,dim,d, hil, zero, leq; leq:= function(v1,v2) local v; v:=v2-v1; return (First(v,n->n<0)=fail); end; if not(IsRectangularTable(ls)) then Error("The first argument must be a matrix."); fi; if not(IsListOfIntegersNS(md)) or ForAny(md, x->not(IsPosInt(x))) then Error("The second argument must be a list of positive integers."); fi; n:=Length(ls); dim:=Length(ls[1]); m:=Length(md); if m>n then Error("There are more modulus than equations."); fi; diag:=Concatenation(md,List([1..n-m],_->0)); d:=DiagonalMat(diag); l:=TransposedMat(Concatenation(TransposedMat(ls),d,-d)); zero:=List([1..dim],_->0); hil:=Difference(List(homogeneous(l), x->x{[1..dim]}),[zero]); return hil; return Filtered(hil, y->Filtered(hil,x->leq(x,y))=[y]); end; ## end of local functions ... #ls := arg[1][1]; #md := arg[1][2]; if md = [] then return homogeneous(ls); else return withCongruences(ls,md); fi; end); InstallOtherMethod(HilbertBasisOfSystemOfHomogeneousInequalities, "Computes a Hilbert basis of l*x>=0, x>=0", [IsMatrix],4, function(l) local dir, filename, exec, filestream, matrix,mat,sign,rel; Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Using 4ti2 for Hilbert."); if not(IsRectangularTable(l)) then Error("The argument must be a matrix."); fi; if not(IsInt(l[1][1])) then Error("The matrix must be of integers."); fi; dir := DirectoryTemporary(); filename := Filename( dir, "gap_4ti2_temp_matrix" ); mat:=l; sign:=[List(l[1],_->1)]; rel:=[List(l[1],_->">")]; #Print(mat,"\n"); 4ti2Interface_Write_Matrix_To_File( mat, Concatenation( filename, ".mat" ) ); 4ti2Interface_Write_Matrix_To_File( sign, Concatenation( filename, ".sign" ) ); 4ti2Interface_Write_Matrix_To_File( rel, Concatenation( filename, ".rel" ) ); exec := IO_FindExecutable( "zsolve" ); filestream := IO_Popen2( exec, [ filename ]); while IO_ReadLine( filestream.stdout ) <> "" do od; matrix := 4ti2Interface_Read_Matrix_From_File( Concatenation( filename, ".zhom" ) ); return matrix; end); InstallOtherMethod(FactorizationsVectorWRTList, "Computes the factorizations of v in terms of the elments in ls", [IsHomogeneousList,IsMatrix],4, function(v,l) local dir, filename, exec, filestream, matrix,mat,rhs,sign; Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Using 4ti2 for factorizations."); if not(IsListOfIntegersNS(v)) then Error("The first argument must be a list of integers."); fi; if not(IsInt(l[1][1])) then Error("The matrix must be of integers."); fi; dir := DirectoryTemporary(); filename := Filename( dir, "gap_4ti2_temp_matrix" ); mat:=TransposedMat(l); sign:=[List(mat[1],_->1)]; rhs:=[v]; #Print(mat,"\n"); 4ti2Interface_Write_Matrix_To_File( mat, Concatenation( filename, ".mat" ) ); 4ti2Interface_Write_Matrix_To_File( sign, Concatenation( filename, ".sign" ) ); 4ti2Interface_Write_Matrix_To_File( rhs, Concatenation( filename, ".rhs" ) ); exec := IO_FindExecutable( "zsolve" ); filestream := IO_Popen2( exec, [ filename ]); while IO_ReadLine( filestream.stdout ) <> "" do od; matrix := 4ti2Interface_Read_Matrix_From_File( Concatenation( filename, ".zinhom" ) ); return matrix; end); InstallOtherMethod(GeneratorsOfKernelCongruence, "Computes a set of generators of the kernel congruence of the monoid morphism associated to a matrix", [IsRectangularTable],7, function(m) local positivenegative, gr; positivenegative:=function(p) local d1, d2; d1:=List(p, i->Maximum(i,0)); d2:=List(p, i->-Minimum(0,i)); return [d1,d2]; end; if not(ForAll(m, l->ForAll(l, x->(x=0) or IsPosInt(x)))) then Error("The argument must be a matrix of nonnegative integer."); fi; gr:=4ti2Interface_groebner_matrix(m); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"4ti output:",gr); return List(gr, x->positivenegative(x)); end); ############################################################ # computes a canonical basis of the kernel congruence # of the monoid morphism associated to the matrix m with # nonnegative integer coefficients wrt the term ordering # the kernel is the pairs (x,y) such that xm=ym ############################################################ InstallMethod(CanonicalBasisOfKernelCongruence, "Computes a canonical basis for the congruence of of the monoid morphism associated to the matrix", [IsRectangularTable, IsMonomialOrdering],7, function(m,ord) local positivenegative, gr, nord, to,dim,ones; positivenegative:=function(p) local d1, d2; d1:=List(p, i->Maximum(i,0)); d2:=List(p, i->-Minimum(0,i)); return [d1,d2]; end; if not(ForAll(m, l->ForAll(l, x->(x=0) or IsPosInt(x)))) then Error("The argument must be a matrix of nonnegative integer."); fi; dim:= Length(m); ones:=List([1..dim],_->1); # trick taken from the package Singular nord := Name( ord ); nord := nord{[ 1 .. Position( nord, '(' ) - 1 ]}; if nord = "MonomialLexOrdering" then to := List([1..dim],_->0); to[1]:=1; Info(InfoNumSgps,1,"Warning using block ordering that discriminates the first variable wrt to the rest (4ti2Interface current release)."); elif nord = "MonomialGrevlexOrdering" then to :=ones; else Error( "the ordering ", ord, " is not yet supported in 4ti2Interface." ); fi; gr:=4ti2Interface_groebner_matrix(m,to); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"4ti output:",gr); return Set(gr, x->positivenegative(x)); end); ############################################################ # computes the Graver basis of matrix with integer entries ############################################################ InstallMethod(GraverBasis, "Computes the Graver basis of the matrix", [IsRectangularTable],7, function(a) #4ti2Interface implementation local gr; if not(IsRectangularTable(a)) then Error("The argument must be a matrix."); fi; if not(IsInt(a[1][1])) then Error("The entries of the matrix must be integers."); fi; Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Using 4ti2Interface for Graver."); gr:=4ti2Interface_graver_equalities_in_positive_orthant(a); return Union(gr,-gr); end); InstallOtherMethod(MinimalPresentationOfAffineSemigroup, "Computes a minimimal presentation of the affine semigroup", [IsAffineSemigroup],3, function(a) local gens, positive, gr, candidates, pres, rclass,exps, c; positive:=function(x) local p,i; p:=[]; for i in [1..Length(x)] do p[i]:=Maximum(x[i],0); od; return p; end; if not(IsAffineSemigroup(a)) then Error("The argument must be an affine semigroup."); fi; gens:=GeneratorsOfAffineSemigroup(a); gr:=4ti2Interface_groebner_matrix(gens); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"4ti output:",gr); candidates:=Set(gr,q->positive(q)); candidates:=Set(candidates,c->c*gens); Info(InfoNumSgps,2, "Candidates to Betti elements",candidates); pres:=[]; for c in candidates do exps:=FactorizationsVectorWRTList(c,gens); rclass:=RClassesOfSetOfFactorizations(exps); if Length(rclass)>1 then pres:=Concatenation(pres,List([2..Length(rclass)], i->[rclass[1][1],rclass[i][1]])); fi; od; return pres; end); ##################################################################### # Computes the omega-primality of v in the affine semigroup a ##################################################################### InstallOtherMethod(OmegaPrimalityOfElementInAffineSemigroup, "Computes the omega-primality of v in the affine semigroup a", [IsHomogeneousList,IsAffineSemigroup],4, function(v,a) local ls, n, mat,extfact,par,tot,le; le:=function(a,b) #ordinary partial order return ForAll(b-a,x-> x>=0); end; if not(IsAffineSemigroup(a)) then Error("The second argument must be an affine semigroup"); fi; if not(IsListOfIntegersNS(v)) then Error("The first argument must be a list of integers."); fi; if not(ForAll(v, x-> x>=0)) then Error("The first argument must be a list of on nonnegative integers."); fi; ls:=GeneratorsOfAffineSemigroup(a); n:=Length(ls); mat:=TransposedMat(Concatenation(ls,-ls,[-v])); if not(IsRectangularTable(mat)) then Error("The first argument has not the dimension of the second."); fi; extfact:=FactorizationsVectorWRTList(v,Concatenation(ls,-ls)); par:=Set(extfact, f->f{[1..n]}); tot:=Filtered(par, f-> Filtered(par, g-> le(g,f))=[f]); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Minimals of v+ls =",tot); if tot=[] then return 0; fi; return Maximum(Set(tot, Sum)); end);