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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it

Views: 466294
#W                          Manuel Delgado <[email protected]>
#W                          Pedro Garcia-Sanchez <[email protected]>
#Y  Copyright 2015-- Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Porto, Portugal and Universidad de Granada, Spain
#F  HilbertBasisOfSystemOfHomogeneousEquations
# Computes the Hilbert basis of the system A X=0 mod md, where the rows
# of A are the elements of ls.
# md can be empty of have some modulus, if the length of md is smaller than 
# the lengths of the elements of ls, then the rest of equations are considered
# to be homogeneous linear Diophantine equations
#moved to

#F  HilbertBasisOfSystemOfHomogeneousInequalities
# Computes the Hilbert basis of the system ls*X>=0 over the nonnegative 
# integers
#moved to affine.df

#F OmegaPrimalityOfElementInAffineSemigroup
# Computes the omega-primality of v in the monoid a
#F OmegaPrimalityOfAffineSemigroup
# Computes the omega primality of the affine semigroup a
# moved to

#F PrimitiveElementsOfAffineSemigroup_Normaliz
# Computes the primitive elements of the affine semigroup a
# #####################################################################
# DeclareGlobalFunction("PrimitiveElementsOfAffineSemigroup");
# moved to

#F PrimitiveElementsOfAffineSemigroup_Normaliz
# An implementation of PrimitiveElementsOfAffineSemigroup using 
# Normaliz

#F TameDegreeOfAffineSemigroup
# Computes the tame degree of the affine semigroup a
# moved to

#F ElasticityOfAffineSemigroup_Normaliz
# Computes the elasticity of the affine semigroup a

#F ElasticityOfAffineSemigroup
# Computes the elasticity of the affine semigroup a
#moved to