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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466305############################################################################# ## #W #W Manuel Delgado <[email protected]> #W Pedro Garcia-Sanchez <[email protected]> ## #Y Copyright 2015-- Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Porto, Portugal and Universidad de Granada, Spain ############################################################################# #if not TestPackageAvailability("NormalizInterface") = fail then # LoadPackage("NormalizInterface"); #fi; ########################################################################## # Computes the Hilbert basis of the system A X=0 mod md, where the rows # of A are the elements of ls. # md can be empty of have some modulus, if the length of md is smaller than # the lengths of the elements of ls, then the rest of equations are considered # to be homogeneous linear Diophantine equations # REQUERIMENTS: NormalizInterface ########################################################################## InstallOtherMethod(HilbertBasisOfSystemOfHomogeneousEquations, "Computes the Hilbert basis of a system of linear Diophantine equations, some of them can be in congruences",[IsMatrix,IsHomogeneousList],5, function(ls,md) local matcong, cone, ncong, ncoord, nequ, matfree; Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Using normaliz to find the Hilbert basis."); if not(IsHomogeneousList(ls)) or not(IsHomogeneousList(md)) then Error("The arguments must be homogeneous lists."); fi; if not(ForAll(ls,IsListOfIntegersNS)) then Error("The first argument must be a list of lists of integers."); fi; ncong:=Length(md); if ncong>0 and not(IsListOfIntegersNS(md)) then Error("The second argument must be a lists of integers."); fi; if not(ForAll(md,x->x>0)) then Error("The second argument must be a list of positive integers"); fi; nequ:=Length(ls); ncoord:=Length(ls[1]); matcong:=[]; matfree:=[]; if ncoord=0 then return []; fi; if ncong>0 and not(IsListOfIntegersNS(md)) then Error("The second argument must be either an empty list or a list of integers"); fi; if ncong>nequ then Error("More mudulus than equations"); fi; if nequ>ncong and ncong>0 then matcong:=ls{[1..ncong]}; matcong:=TransposedMat( Concatenation(TransposedMat(matcong),[md])); matfree:=ls{[ncong+1..nequ]}; cone:=NmzCone(["congruences",matcong,"equations",matfree]); fi; if nequ=ncong then matcong:=TransposedMat(Concatenation( TransposedMat(ls),[md])); cone:=NmzCone(["congruences",matcong]); fi; if ncong=0 then matfree:=ls; cone:=NmzCone(["equations",matfree]); fi; NmzCompute(cone,"DualMode"); return NmzHilbertBasis(cone); end); ########################################################################## # Computes the Hilbert basis of the system ls*X>=0 over the nonnegative # integers # REQUERIMENTS: NormalizInterface ########################################################################## InstallOtherMethod(HilbertBasisOfSystemOfHomogeneousInequalities, "Computes the Hilbert basis of a system of inequalities", [IsMatrix],5, function(ls) local cone, ncoord; Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Using normaliz to find the Hilbert basis."); if not(IsHomogeneousList(ls)) then Error("The argument must be a homogeneous lists."); fi; if not(ForAll(ls,IsListOfIntegersNS)) then Error("The argument must be a list of lists of integers."); fi; if not(Length(Set(ls, Length))=1) then Error("The first argument must be a list of lists all with the same length."); fi; ncoord:=Length(ls[1]); if ncoord=0 then return []; fi; cone:=NmzCone(["inequalities",ls,"signs",[List([1..ncoord],_->1)]]); NmzCompute(cone,"DualMode"); return NmzHilbertBasis(cone); end); ######################################################################## # Computes the set of factorizations of v in terms of the elements of ls # That is, a Hilbert basis for ls*X=v # If ls contains vectors that generate a nonreduced monoid, then it # deprecates the infinite part of the solutions, or in other words, it # returns only the minimal solutions of the above system of equations # REQUERIMENTS: NormalizInterface ######################################################################## InstallOtherMethod(FactorizationsVectorWRTList, "Computes the set of factorizations of the first argument in terms of the elements of the second", [IsHomogeneousList, IsMatrix],5, function(v,ls) local mat, cone, n, facs; Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Using NormalizInterface to compute minimal factorization."); n:=Length(ls); mat:=TransposedMat(Concatenation(ls,[-v])); if not(IsListOfIntegersNS(v)) then Error("The first argument must be a list of integers."); fi; if not(ForAll(ls,IsListOfIntegersNS)) then Error("The second argument must be a list of lists of integers."); fi; if not(IsRectangularTable(mat)) then Error("All lists must in the second argument have the same length as the first argument."); fi; cone:=NmzCone(["inhom_equations",mat]); NmzCompute(cone,"DualMode"); facs:=List(NmzConeProperty(cone,"ModuleGenerators"), f->f{[1..n]}); return facs; end); ##################################################################### # Computes the omega-primality of v in the affine semigroup a # REQUERIMENTS: NormalizInterface ##################################################################### InstallOtherMethod(OmegaPrimalityOfElementInAffineSemigroup, "Computes the omega-primality of v in the affine semigroup a", [IsHomogeneousList,IsAffineSemigroup],5, function(v,a) local mat, cone, n, hom, par, tot, le, ls; le:=function(a,b) #ordinary partial order return ForAll(b-a,x-> x>=0); end; if not(IsAffineSemigroup(a)) then Error("The second argument must be an affine semigroup"); fi; if not(IsListOfIntegersNS(v)) then Error("The first argument must be a list of integers."); fi; if not(ForAll(v, x-> x>=0)) then Error("The first argument must be a list of on nonnegative integers."); fi; ls:=GeneratorsOfAffineSemigroup(a); n:=Length(ls); mat:=TransposedMat(Concatenation(ls,-ls,[-v])); if not(IsRectangularTable(mat)) then Error("The first argument has not the dimension of the second."); fi; cone:=NmzCone(["inhom_equations",mat]); NmzCompute(cone,"DualMode"); par:=Set(NmzModuleGenerators(cone), f->f{[1..n]}); tot:=Filtered(par, f-> Filtered(par, g-> le(g,f))=[f]); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Minimals of v+ls =",tot); if tot=[] then return 0; fi; return Maximum(Set(tot, Sum)); end); ############################################ # Omega primality for full affine semigroups ########################################### InstallMethod(OmegaPrimalityOfElementInAffineSemigroup, "Computes the omega-primality of v in the affine semigroup a", [IsHomogeneousList,IsAffineSemigroup and HasEquations],3, function(v,a) local mat, cone, n, hom, par, tot, le, ls, one; le:=function(a,b) #ordinary partial order return ForAll(b-a,x-> x>=0); end; Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Using that the semigroup is full."); ls:=Generators(a); n:=Length(ls); one:=[List([1..n],_->1)]; mat:=TransposedMat(Concatenation(ls,[-v])); cone:=NmzCone(["inhom_inequalities",mat,"signs",one]); NmzCompute(cone,"DualMode"); par:=Set(NmzModuleGenerators(cone), f->f{[1..n]}); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Minimals =",par); return Maximum(Set(par, Sum)); end); ############################################################ # computes the Graver basis of matrix with integer entries ############################################################ InstallMethod(GraverBasis, "Computes the Graver basis of the matrix", [IsRectangularTable],8, function(a) #normaliz implementation local n, mat, cone, facs; if not(IsRectangularTable(a)) then Error("The argument must be a matrix."); fi; if not(IsInt(a[1][1])) then Error("The entries of the matrix must be integers."); fi; Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Using normaliz for Graver."); n:=Length(a[1]); mat:=TransposedMat(Concatenation(TransposedMat(a),TransposedMat(-a))); cone:=NmzCone(["equations",mat]); NmzCompute(cone,"DualMode"); facs:=Set(NmzHilbertBasis(cone), f->f{[1..n]}-f{[n+1..2*n]}); return Difference(facs,[List([1..n],_->0)]); end); ###################################################################### # Computes the set of primitive elements of an affine semigroup, that # is, the set of elements whose factorizations are involved in the # minimal generators of the congruence associated to the monod # (generators as a monoid; not to be confused with minimal presentations # to this end, use BettiElementsOfAffineSemigroup) ##################################################################### # An implementation of PrimitiveElementsOfAffineSemigroup using # Normaliz # REQUERIMENTS: NormalizInterface ##################################################################### InstallOtherMethod(PrimitiveElementsOfAffineSemigroup, "Computes the primitive elements of an affine semigroup", [IsAffineSemigroup],5, function(a) local mat, n, cone, facs, ls; if not(IsAffineSemigroup(a)) then Error("The argument must be an affine semigroup"); fi; ls:=GeneratorsOfAffineSemigroup(a); n:=Length(ls); mat:=TransposedMat(Concatenation(ls,-ls)); cone:=NmzCone(["equations",mat]); NmzCompute(cone,"DualMode"); facs:=Set(NmzHilbertBasis(cone), f->f{[1..n]}); return Union(Set(facs, f->f*ls),ls); end); ######## # Tame degree for full affine semigroups ######## InstallMethod(TameDegreeOfAffineSemigroup, "Computes the tame degree of the full affine semigroup a", [IsAffineSemigroup and HasEquations],3, function(a) local ls, min, tame, gen,m, facts, t, minimalElementsPrincipalIdealOfAffineSemigroup; # uses the procedure of arXiv:1504.02998 minimalElementsPrincipalIdealOfAffineSemigroup:=function(v,a) local mat, cone, n, hom, par, tot, le, ls, one; le:=function(a,b) #ordinary partial order return ForAll(b-a,x-> x>=0); end; ls:=Generators(a); n:=Length(ls); one:=[List([1..n],_->1)]; mat:=TransposedMat(Concatenation(ls,[-v])); cone:=NmzCone(["inhom_inequalities",mat,"signs",one]); NmzCompute(cone,"DualMode"); par:=Set(NmzModuleGenerators(cone), f->f{[1..n]}); #tot:=Filtered(par, f-> Filtered(par, g-> le(g,f))=[f]); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Minimals Z(v+a)=",par); return List(par,x->x*ls); end; Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Using NormalizInterface with full affine semigroup"); ls:=GeneratorsOfAffineSemigroup(a); tame:=0; for gen in ls do min:=minimalElementsPrincipalIdealOfAffineSemigroup(gen,a); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Minimal elements of ",gen,"+a=",min); for m in min do facts:=FactorizationsVectorWRTList(m,ls); t:=TameDegreeOfSetOfFactorizations(facts); if t> tame then tame:=t; Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Tame degree updated to ",tame); fi; od; od; return tame; end); ##################################################################### # Computes the tame degree of the affine semigroup a # REQUERIMENTS: NormalizInterface ##################################################################### #moved to # InstallGlobalFunction(TameDegreeOfAffineSemigroup, # function(a) # local prim, tams, p, max, ls; # if not(IsAffineSemigroup(a)) then # Error("The argument must be an affine semigroup"); # fi; # ls:=GeneratorsOfAffineSemigroup(a); # Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Computing primitive elements of ", ls); # prim:=PrimitiveElementsOfAffineSemigroup(a); # Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Primitive elements of ", ls, ": ",prim); # max:=0; # for p in prim do # Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Computing the tame degree of ",p); # tams:=TameDegreeOfSetOfFactorizations( # FactorizationsVectorWRTList(p,ls)); # Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"The tame degree of ",p, " is ",tams); # if tams>max then # max:=tams; # fi; # od; # return max; # end); ##################################################################### # Computes the elasticity of the affine semigroup a # REQUERIMENTS: NormalizInterface ##################################################################### # InstallGlobalFunction(ElasticityOfAffineSemigroup, # function(a) # local mat, n, cone, facs, ls; # if not(IsAffineSemigroup(a)) then # Error("The argument must be an affine semigroup"); # fi; # ls:=GeneratorsOfAffineSemigroup(a); # n:=Length(ls); # mat:=TransposedMat(Concatenation(ls,-ls)); # cone:=NmzCone(["equations",mat]); # NmzCompute(cone,"DualMode"); # facs:=Set(NmzHilbertBasis(cone), f->[f{[1..n]},f{[n+1..2*n]}]); # return Maximum(Set(facs, y->Sum(y[1])/Sum(y[2]))); # end); #Elasticity now done with circuits: much faster ############################################################# ############################################################################################################################# ### #M IsFullAffineSemigroup # Detects if the affine semigroup is full: the nonnegative # of the the group spanned by it coincides with the semigroup # itself; or in other words, if a,b\in S and a-b\in \mathbb N^n, # then a-b\in S ################################################################ ## moved to affine-def # InstallGlobalFunction(IsFullAffineSemigroup,function(a) # local eq, h, gens; # if not(IsAffineSemigroup(a)) then # Error("The argument must be an affine semigroup."); # fi; # gens:=Generators(a); # eq:=EquationsOfGroupGeneratedBy(gens); # h:=HilbertBasisOfSystemOfHomogeneousEquations(eq[1],eq[2]); # return ForAll(h, x->BelongsToAffineSemigroup(x,a)); # end); ## # InstallMethod(IsFullAffineSemigroup, # "Tests if the affine semigroup S has the property of being full", # [IsAffineSemigroup],2, # function( S ) # local gens, eq, h; # gens := GeneratorsOfAffineSemigroup(S); # eq:=EquationsOfGroupGeneratedBy(gens); # h:=HilbertBasisOfSystemOfHomogeneousEquations(eq[1],eq[2]); # if ForAll(h, x->BelongsToAffineSemigroup(x,S)) then # SetEquationsAS(eq); # Setter(IsAffineSemigroupByEquations)(S,true); # Setter(IsFullAffineSemigroup)(S,true); # return true; # fi; # return false; # end); ############################################################################# ## #O GeneratorsOfAffineSemigroup(S) ## ## Computes a set of generators of the affine semigroup S. ## If a set of generators has already been computed, this ## is the set returned. ############################################################################ #InstallOtherMethod(GeneratorsOfAffineSemigroup, # "Computes a set of generators of the affine semigroup", # [IsAffineSemigroup],2, # function(S) # local basis, eq; # if HasGenerators(S) then # return Generators(S); # fi; # # REQUERIMENTS: NormalizInterface # if IsAffineSemigroupByEquations(S) then # eq:=EquationsAS(S); # basis := HilbertBasisOfSystemOfHomogeneousEquations(eq[1],eq[2]); # SetGenerators(S,basis); # return basis; # elif IsAffineSemigroupByInequalities(S) then # basis := HilbertBasisOfSystemOfHomogeneousInequalities(InequalitiesAS(S)); # SetGenerators(S,basis); # return basis; # fi; # end);