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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it

Views: 466324
#W               Manuel Delgado <[email protected]>
#W                          Pedro A. Garcia-Sanchez <[email protected]>
#Y  Copyright 2015-- Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Porto, Portugal and Universidad de Granada, Spain

#O BelongsToAffineSemigroup
# Determines if the vector v is in the affine semigroup a

#F BasisOfGroupGivenByEquations
# Computes a basis of a subgroup of Z^n with defining equations
# Ax =0 \in Z_m1\times\Z_mt \times Z^k, k is n-length(m),
# m=[m1,...,mt]

#F EquationsOfGroupGeneratedBy
# Computes the defining equations of the group of Z^n
# generated by M
# the output is [A,m] such that Ax=0 mod m are the equations

#F GluingOfAffineSemigroups
# Determines if there is a gluing of the two affine semigroups
# if so, returns the gluin of them, and fail otherwise

#F IsFullAffineSemigroup
# Detects if the affine semigroup is full: the nonnegative
# of the the group spanned by it coincides with the semigroup
# itself; or in other words, if a,b\in S and a-b\in \mathbb N^n,
# then a-b\in S
## moved to affine-def

###################### ContejeanDevieAlgorithm

#O FactorizationsVectorWRTList
# Computes the set of factorizations of v in terms of the elements of ls
# That is, a Hilbert basis for ls*X=v
# While using normaliz:
# If ls contains vectors that generate a nonreduced monoid, then it
# deprecates the infinite part of the solutions, or in other words, it
# returns only the minimal solutions of the above system of equations
# If not using nomaliz: then the above can cause an infinite loop

#O BettiElementsOfAffineSemigroup
# Computes the Betti elements of the affine semigroup a

#O GeneratorsOfKernelCongruence
# computes a set of generators of the kernel congruence
# of the monoid morphism associated to the matrix m

#O CanonicalBasisOfKernelCongruence
# computes a canonical basis of the kernel congruence
# of the monoid morphism associated to the matrix m with
# nonnegative integer coefficients wrt the term ordering
# the kernel is the pairs (x,y) such that xm=ym
DeclareOperation("CanonicalBasisOfKernelCongruence",[IsRectangularTable, IsMonomialOrdering]);

#O GraverBasis
# computes the Graver basis of matrix with integer entries

#O MinimalPresentationOfAffineSemigroup
# Computes a minimal presentation of the affine semigroup a

#P  IsUniquelyPresentedAffineSemigroup(a)
##  For an affine semigroup s, checks it it has a unique minimal presentation
##  Basado en GS-O
DeclareProperty("IsUniquelyPresentedAffineSemigroup", IsAffineSemigroup);

#P  IsGenericAffineSemigroup(a)
##  For an affine semigroup a, checks it it has a generic presentation,
##  that is, in every relation all minimal generators appear. These semigroups are uniquely
##  presented véase B-GS-G.
DeclareProperty("IsGeneric", IsAffineSemigroup);
DeclareSynonymAttr("IsGenericAffineSemigroup", IsGeneric);

#F ShadedSetOfElementInAffineSemigroup(x,a)
## computes the shading set of x in a as defined in
##  -Székely, L. A.; Wormald, N. C. Generating functions for the Frobenius
##    problem with 2 and 3 generators. Math. Chronicle 15 (1986), 49–57.

#F CatenaryDegreeOfAffineSemigroup
# Computes the catenary degree of the affine semigroup a

#F DeltaSetOfAffineSemigroup
# Computes the Delta set of the affine semigroup a

#F EqualCatenaryDegreeOfAffineSemigroup
# Computes the equal catenary degree of the affine semigroup a
# uses [GSOSN]

#F HomogeneousCatenaryDegreeOfAffineSemigroup
# Computes the homogeneous catenary degree of the affine semigroup a
# uses [GSOSN]

#F MonotoneCatenaryDegreeOfAffineSemigroup
# Computes the monotone catenary degree of the affine semigroup a
# uses [PH]

#O  HilbertBasisOfSystemOfHomogeneousEquations
# Computes the Hilbert basis of the system A X=0 mod md, where the rows
# of A are the elements of ls.
# md can be empty of have some modulus, if the length of md is smaller than
# the lengths of the elements of ls, then the rest of equations are considered
# to be homogeneous linear Diophantine equations

#O  HilbertBasisOfSystemOfHomogeneousInequalities
# Computes the Hilbert basis of the system ls*X>=0 over the nonnegative
# integers

#O OmegaPrimalityOfElementInAffineSemigroup
# Computes the omega-primality of v in the monoid a

#F OmegaPrimalityOfAffineSemigroup
# Computes the omega primality of the affine semigroup a

#F ElasticityOfAffineSemigroup
# Computes the elasticity of the affine semigroup a

#F Lawrence lifting of an affine semigroup

#O PrimitiveElementsOfAffineSemigroup_Normaliz
# An implementation of PrimitiveElementsOfAffineSemigroup using
# Normaliz

#O TameDegreeOfAffineSemigroup
# Computes the tame degree of the affine semigroup a

#F RandomAffineSemigroup
# Returns an affine semigroup generated by a random n'*d' matrix where d' (the dimension) is randomly choosen from [1..d] and n' (the number of generators) is randomly choosen from [1..n]

#F RandomFullAffineSemigroup
# Computes the tame degree of the affine semigroup a

#F NumSgpsUseNormaliz
#  Loads the package NormalizInterface and reads affine-extra-ni

#F NumSgpsUseSingular
#  Loads the package singular and reads affine-extra-s

#F NumSgpsUseSingularInterface
#  Loads the package SingularInterface and reads affine-extra-si

#F NumSgpsUse4ti2
#  Loads the package 4ti2Interface and reads affine-extra-4ti2

#F NumSgpsUse4ti2gap
#  Loads the package 4ti2Interface and reads affine-extra-4ti2gap

#F NumSgpsUseGradedModules
#  Loads the package GradedModules and reads affine-extra-gm