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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466318############################################################################# ## #W Manuel Delgado <[email protected]> #W Pedro Garcia-Sanchez <[email protected]> ## #Y Copyright 2015-- Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Porto, Portugal and Universidad de Granada, Spain ############################################################################# ## #if not TestPackageAvailability("4ti2Interface") = fail then # LoadPackage("4ti2"); #fi; ## # using the parent InfoNumSgps #InfoAffSgps:=NewInfoClass("InfoAffSgps");; #SetInfoLevel(InfoAffSgps,1);; ###################################################################### # Computes the set of primitive elements of an affine semigroup, that # is, the set of elements whose factorizations are involved in the # minimal generators of the congruence associated to the monod # (generators as a monoid; not to be confused with minimal presentations # to this end, use BettiElementsOfAffineSemigroup) # # REQUERIMENTS: 4ti2Interface ###################################################################### #InstallGlobalFunction(PrimitiveElementsOfAffineSemigroup,function(ls) # local dir, filename, exec, filestream, matrix, # facs, mat, trunc;# ls; #if not(IsAffineSemigroup(a)) then # Error("The argument must be an affine semigroup"); #fi; #ls:=GeneratorsAS(a); # dir := DirectoryTemporary(); # filename := Filename( dir, "gap_4ti2_temp_matrix" ); # # mat:=TransposedMat(ls); # 4ti2Interface_Write_Matrix_To_File( mat, Concatenation( filename, ".mat" ) ); # exec := IO_FindExecutable( "graver" ); # filestream := IO_Popen2( exec, [ filename ]); # while IO_ReadLine( filestream.stdout ) <> "" do od; # matrix := 4ti2Interface_Read_Matrix_From_File( Concatenation( filename, ".gra" ) ); # # trunc:=function(ls) # return List(ls, y->Maximum(y,0)); # end; # matrix:=Set(matrix,trunc); # return Set(matrix, x->x*ls); #end); ######### #InstallGlobalFunction(ElasticityOfAffineSemigroup, # function(ls) # local dir, filename, exec, filestream, matrix, # mat, truncplus, truncminus; # if not(IsHomogeneousList(ls)) then # Error("The argument must be a homogeneous list."); # fi; # if not(ForAll(ls,IsListOfIntegersNS)) then # Error("The argument must be a list of lists of integers."); # fi; # if not(Length(Set(ls, Length))=1) then # Error("All lists in the first argument must have the same length."); # fi; # dir := DirectoryTemporary(); # filename := Filename( dir, "gap_4ti2_temp_matrix" ); # mat:=TransposedMat(ls); # 4ti2Interface_Write_Matrix_To_File( mat, Concatenation( filename, ".mat" ) ); # exec := IO_FindExecutable( "graver" ); # filestream := IO_Popen2( exec, [ filename ]); # while IO_ReadLine( filestream.stdout ) <> "" do od; # matrix := 4ti2Interface_Read_Matrix_From_File( Concatenation( filename, ".gra" ) ); # truncplus:=function(ls) # return Sum(List(ls, y->Maximum(y,0))); # end; # truncminus:=function(ls) # return Sum(List(ls, y->-Minimum(y,0))); # end; # return Maximum(Set(matrix, y->truncplus(y)/truncminus(y))); # end); ##### #################################################################### # Decides if the vector v belongs to the affine semigroup a # #################################################################### InstallMethod( \in, "for affine semigroups", [ IsHomogeneousList, IsAffineSemigroup], function( v, a ) return BelongsToAffineSemigroup(v,a); end); InstallMethod(BelongsToAffineSemigroup, "To test whether an integer belongs to a numerical semigroup", true, [ IsHomogeneousList, IsAffineSemigroup and HasGenerators],50, function(v,a) local belongs, gen; #determines if an element x is in the affine semigroup # spanned by gen belongs:=function(x,gen) if gen=[] then return false; fi; if ForAll(x,i->i=0) then return true; fi; if ForAny(x,i->i<0) then return false; fi; return belongs(x-gen[1],gen) or belongs(x,gen{[2..Length(gen)]}); end; if not(IsAffineSemigroup(a)) then Error("The first argument must be an affine semigroup."); fi; if not(IsListOfIntegersNS(v)) then Error("The first argument must be a list of integers."); fi; gen:=Generators(a); if not(IsRectangularTable(Concatenation(gen,[v]))) then Error("The dimension of the vector and the affine semigroup do not coincide."); fi; return belongs(v,gen); end); InstallMethod(BelongsToAffineSemigroup, "To test whether an integer belongs to a numerical semigroup", true, [ IsHomogeneousList, IsAffineSemigroup and HasEquations],100, function(v,a) local equ,eq,md,ev,i; if not(IsAffineSemigroup(a)) then Error("The first argument must be an affine semigroup."); fi; equ:=Equations(a); if not(IsListOfIntegersNS(v)) then Error("The first argument must be a list of integers."); fi; if ForAny(v,x->x<0) then return false; fi; eq:=equ[1]; md:=equ[2]; if Length(eq[1])<>Length(v) then Error("The dimension of the vector and the affine semigroup do not coincide."); fi; ev:=ShallowCopy(eq*v); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Testing membership with equations."); for i in [1..Length(md)] do ev[i]:=ev[i] mod md[i]; od; return ForAll(ev,x->x=0); end); InstallMethod(BelongsToAffineSemigroup, "To test whether an integer belongs to a numerical semigroup", true, [ IsHomogeneousList, IsAffineSemigroup and HasInequalities],70, function(v,a) local equ,ev; if not(IsAffineSemigroup(a)) then Error("The first argument must be an affine semigroup."); fi; equ:=AffineSemigroupInequalities(a); if not(IsListOfIntegersNS(v)) then Error("The first argument must be a list of integers."); fi; if ForAny(v,x->x<0) then return false; fi; if Length(equ[1])<>Length(v) then Error("The dimension of the vector and the affine semigroup do not coincide."); fi; ev:=equ*v; Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Testing membership with inequalities."); return ForAll(ev,x->x>=0); end); ############################################################# # Computes a basis of a subgroup of Z^n with defining equations # Ax =0 \in Z_m1\times\Z_mt \times Z^k, k is n-length(m), # m=[m1,...,mt] ############################################################# InstallGlobalFunction(BasisOfGroupGivenByEquations,function(A,m) local n,r, AA, i, er, b, homEqToBasis; # Compute a basis of a subgroup of Z^n with defining equations Ax=0 homEqToBasis:=function(A) local snf, b, r, n; snf:= SmithNormalFormIntegerMatTransforms(A); r:=snf.rank; n:=Length(A[1]); b:=TransposedMat(snf.coltrans); return b{[r+1..n]}; end; if not(IsRectangularTable(A)) then Error("The first argument must be a matrix."); fi; if not(IsInt(A[1][1])) then Error("The first argument must be a matrix of integers."); fi; n:=Length(A[1]); r:=Length(A); if m=[] then AA:=ShallowCopy(TransposedMat(A)); else if not(IsListOfIntegersNS(m)) then Error("The second argument must be a lists of integers."); fi; if not(ForAll(m,x->x>0)) then Error("The second argument must be a list of positive integers"); fi; AA:=ShallowCopy(TransposedMat(A)); er:=List([1..r],_->0); for i in [1..Length(m)] do if m[i]<>0 then er[i]:=m[i]; Add(AA,ShallowCopy(er)); er[i]:=0; fi; od; fi; AA:=TransposedMat(AA); b:=TransposedMat(homEqToBasis(AA)); b:=b{[1..n]}; return LLLReducedBasis(TransposedMat(b)).basis; end); ############################################################# # Computes the defining equations of the group of Z^n # generated by M # the output is [A,m] such that Ax=0 mod m are the equations ############################################################ InstallGlobalFunction(EquationsOfGroupGeneratedBy,function(M) local A, m, snf, nones; if not(IsRectangularTable(M)) then Error("The first argument must be a matrix."); fi; if not(IsInt(M[1][1])) then Error("The first argument must be a matrix of integers."); fi; snf:=SmithNormalFormIntegerMatTransforms(M); A:=TransposedMat(snf.coltrans); m:=DiagonalOfMat(snf.normal); nones:=Length(Filtered(m,x->x=1)); m:=Filtered(DiagonalOfMat(snf.normal),x->x<>0); A:=A{[nones+1..Length(A)]}; m:=m{[nones+1..Length(m)]}; return [A,m]; end); ############################################################## # Determines if there is a gluing of the two affine semigroups, # and if so, returns the gluing of them; fail otherwise ############################################################## InstallGlobalFunction(GluingOfAffineSemigroups,function(a1,a2) local int, d, intersectionOfSubgroups, g1, g2; #computes the intersection of two groups of Z^n # given by generators intersectionOfSubgroups:=function(g1,g2) local eq1, eq2, A, m; eq1:=EquationsOfGroupGeneratedBy(g1); eq2:=EquationsOfGroupGeneratedBy(g2); A:=Concatenation(eq1[1],eq2[1]); m:=Concatenation(eq1[2],eq2[2]); return BasisOfGroupGivenByEquations(A,m); end; if not(IsAffineSemigroup(a1)) or not(IsAffineSemigroup(a2)) then Error("The arguments must be affine semigroups."); fi; g1:=GeneratorsOfAffineSemigroup(a1); g2:=GeneratorsOfAffineSemigroup(a2); if not(IsRectangularTable(Concatenation(g1,g2)))then Error("The semigroups must have the same dimension."); fi; int:=intersectionOfSubgroups(g1,g2); if Length(int)<> 1 then return false; fi; d:=int[1]; if ForAny(d, i->i<0) then d:=-d; fi; if BelongsToAffineSemigroup(d,a1) and BelongsToAffineSemigroup(d,a2) then return AffineSemigroup(Concatenation(g1,g2)); fi; return fail; end); ###################### ContejeanDevieAlgorithm ############################################################################################# # l contains the list of coefficients of a system of linear equations. forten gives the # set of minimal generators of the affine semigroup of nonnegative soultions of this equation ############################################################################################## InstallMethod(HilbertBasisOfSystemOfHomogeneousEquations, "Computes the Hilbert basis of a system of linear Diophantine equations, some evetually in congruences.",[IsMatrix,IsHomogeneousList],1, function(ls,md) local contejeanDevieAlgorithm, contejeanDevieAlgorithmWithCongruences, leq; ## local functions ... #less than or equal to with the usual partial order leq:= function(v1,v2) local v; v:=v2-v1; return (First(v,n->n<0)=fail); end; contejeanDevieAlgorithm:= function(l) local solutions, m, x, explored, candidates, tmp, k,zero, lx; Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Using Contejean and Devie algorithm."); solutions:=[]; explored:=[]; if not(IsRectangularTable(l)) then Error("The argument must be a matrix."); fi; if not(IsInt(l[1][1])) then Error("The matrix must be of integers."); fi; m:=IdentityMat(Length(l[1])); zero:=List([1..Length(l)],_->0); candidates:=m; while (not(candidates=[])) do x:=candidates[1]; explored:=Union([x],explored); candidates:=candidates{[2..Length(candidates)]}; lx:=l*x; if(lx=zero) then solutions:=Union([x],solutions); # Print(x); else tmp:=Set(Filtered(m,n->(lx*(l*n)<0)),y->y+x); tmp:=Difference(tmp,explored); tmp:=Filtered(tmp,n->(First(solutions,y->leq(y,n))=fail)); candidates:=Union(candidates,tmp); fi; od; return solutions; end; contejeanDevieAlgorithmWithCongruences:=function(ls,md) local l,n,m,diag,dim,d, hil, zero; if not(IsRectangularTable(ls)) then Error("The first argument must be a matrix."); fi; if not(IsListOfIntegersNS(md)) or ForAny(md, x->not(IsPosInt(x))) then Error("The second argument must be a list of positive integers."); fi; n:=Length(ls); dim:=Length(ls[1]); m:=Length(md); if m>n then Error("There are more modulus than equations."); fi; diag:=Concatenation(md,List([1..n-m],_->0)); d:=DiagonalMat(diag); l:=TransposedMat(Concatenation(TransposedMat(ls),d,-d)); zero:=List([1..dim],_->0); hil:=Difference(List(contejeanDevieAlgorithm(l), x->x{[1..dim]}),[zero]); return hil; #return Filtered(hil, y->Filtered(hil,x->leq(x,y))=[y]); end; ## end of local functions ... Info(InfoNumSgps,1,"Using contejeanDevieAlgorithm for Hilbert Basis. Please, consider using NormalizInterface, 4ti2Interface or 4ti2gap."); #ls := arg[1][1]; #md := arg[1][2]; if md = [] then return contejeanDevieAlgorithm(ls); else return contejeanDevieAlgorithmWithCongruences(ls,md); fi; end); ############################################################################################## # # ls is a matrix of integers. It computes the set minimal nonzero nonnegative integer solutions # of ls*x>=0 # InstallMethod(HilbertBasisOfSystemOfHomogeneousInequalities, "Computes the Hilbert basis of a set of inequalities", [IsMatrix],1, function(ls) local mat, neq, dim, id, hil,zero ; if not(IsRectangularTable(ls)) then Error("The argument must be a matrix."); fi; if not(IsInt(ls[1][1])) then Error("The matrix must be of integers."); fi; neq:=Length(ls); dim:=Length(ls[1]); zero:=List([1..dim],_->0); id:=IdentityMat(neq); mat:=TransposedMat(Concatenation(TransposedMat(ls),-id)); hil:=HilbertBasisOfSystemOfHomogeneousEquations(mat,[]); return List(hil,x->x{[1..dim]}); end); ######################################################################## # Computes the set of factorizations of v in terms of the elements of ls # That is, a Hilbert basis for ls*X=v # If ls contains vectors that generate a nonreduced monoid, then it # may enter in an infinite loop ######################################################################## InstallMethod(FactorizationsVectorWRTList, "Computes the set of factorizations of the first argument in terms of the elements of the second", [IsHomogeneousList, IsMatrix],1, function(v,ls) local len, e1, opt1, opt2, i, mat, dim; # REQUERIMENTS: NormalizInterface #if NumSgpsCanUseNI then # TryNextMethod(); #fi; mat:=TransposedMat(Concatenation(ls,[-v])); if not(IsListOfIntegersNS(v)) then Error("The first argument must be a list of integers."); fi; if not(ForAll(ls,IsListOfIntegersNS)) then Error("The second argument must be a list of lists of integers."); fi; if not(IsRectangularTable(mat)) then Error("The list in the second argument must have the same length as the lists in the first argument."); fi; len:=Length(ls); if ls=[] then return []; fi; if ForAll(v,x->x=0) then return [List([1..len],_->0)]; fi; if ForAny(v,x->x<0) then return []; fi; if Length(ls)=1 then dim:=Length(ls[1]); i:=First([1..dim],x->ls[1][x]<>0); if i=fail then Error("The second argument cannot contain the zero vector."); fi; if (v[i] mod ls[1][i]=0) and v=v[i]/ls[1][i]*ls[1] then return [ [v[i]/ls[1][i]] ]; fi; return []; fi; e1:=List([1..len-1],_->0); e1:=Concatenation([1],e1); opt1:=[]; if ForAll(v-ls[1],x->x>=0) then opt1:=List(FactorizationsVectorWRTList(v-ls[1],ls), x->x+e1); fi; opt2:=List(FactorizationsVectorWRTList(v,ls{[2..len]}), x->Concatenation([0],x)); return Concatenation(opt1,opt2); end); ############################################################ # computes a set of generators of the kernel congruence # of the monoid morphism associated to the matrix m with # nonnegative integer coefficients ############################################################ InstallMethod(GeneratorsOfKernelCongruence, "Computes a set of generators of the kernel congruence of the monoid morphism associated to a matrix", [IsRectangularTable],1, function( m ) local i, p, rel, rgb, msg, pol, ed, sdegree, monomial, candidates, mp, R,id, ie, vars, mingen, exps, bintopair, dim, zero, gen, pres,c, rclass; # REQUERIMENTS: SingularInterface or Singular #if NumSgpsCanUseSI or NumSgpsCanUseSingular then # TryNextMethod(); #fi; ##computes the s degree of a monomial in the semigroup ideal sdegree:=function(m) local exp; exp:=List([1..ed], i->DegreeIndeterminate(m,i)); return exp*msg; end; bintopair:=function(p) local m1,m2, d1, d2; m1:=LeadingMonomialOfPolynomial(p, MonomialLexOrdering()); m2:=m1-p; d1:=List([1..ed], i->DegreeIndeterminate(m1,i));; d2:=List([1..ed], i->DegreeIndeterminate(m2,i));; return [d1,d2]; end; if not(ForAll(m, l->ForAll(l, x->(x=0) or IsPosInt(x)))) then Error("The argument must be a matrix of nonnegative integer."); fi; msg:=ShallowCopy(m); ed:=Length(msg); if ed=0 then return []; fi; zero:=List([1..ed],_->0); dim:=Length(msg[1]); vars:=List([1..ed+dim],i->X(Rationals,i)); R:=PolynomialRing(Rationals,vars); p:=List([1..ed], i->X(Rationals,i)- Product(List([1..dim], j->X(Rationals,j+ed)^msg[i][j]))); rgb:=ReducedGroebnerBasis( p, EliminationOrdering(List([1..dim],i->X(Rationals,i+ed)))); rgb:=Filtered(rgb, q->ForAll([1..dim], i->DegreeIndeterminate(q,i+ed)=0)); candidates:=Set(rgb,q->bintopair(q)); return candidates; end); ############################################################ # computes a canonical basis of the kernel congruence # of the monoid morphism associated to the matrix m with # nonnegative integer coefficients wrt the term ordering # the kernel is the pairs (x,y) such that xm=ym ############################################################ InstallMethod(CanonicalBasisOfKernelCongruence, "Computes a canonical basis for the congruence of of the monoid morphism associated to the matrix", [IsRectangularTable, IsMonomialOrdering],1, function( m, ord ) local i, p, rel, rgb, msg, pol, ed, sdegree, monomial, candidates, mp, R,id, ie, vars, mingen, exps, bintopair, dim, zero, gen, pres,c, rclass; ##computes the s degree of a monomial in the semigroup ideal sdegree:=function(m) local exp; exp:=List([1..ed], i->DegreeIndeterminate(m,i)); return exp*msg; end; bintopair:=function(p) local m1,m2, d1, d2; m1:=LeadingMonomialOfPolynomial(p, ord); m2:=m1-p; d1:=List([1..ed], i->DegreeIndeterminate(m1,i));; d2:=List([1..ed], i->DegreeIndeterminate(m2,i));; return [d1,d2]; end; if not(ForAll(m, l->ForAll(l, x->(x=0) or IsPosInt(x)))) then Error("The argument must be a matrix of nonnegative integers."); fi; msg:=ShallowCopy(m); ed:=Length(msg); if ed=0 then return []; fi; zero:=List([1..ed],_->0); dim:=Length(msg[1]); vars:=List([1..ed+dim],i->X(Rationals,i)); R:=PolynomialRing(Rationals,vars); p:=List([1..ed], i->X(Rationals,i)- Product(List([1..dim], j->X(Rationals,j+ed)^msg[i][j]))); rgb:=ReducedGroebnerBasis( p, EliminationOrdering(List([1..dim],i->X(Rationals,i+ed)))); rgb:=Filtered(rgb, q->ForAll([1..dim], i->DegreeIndeterminate(q,i+ed)=0)); if rgb = [] then return []; fi; rgb:=ReducedGroebnerBasis(rgb,ord); candidates:=Set(rgb,q->bintopair(q)); return candidates; end); ############################################################ # computes the Graver basis of matrix with integer entries ############################################################ InstallMethod(GraverBasis, "Computes the Graver basis of the matrix", [IsRectangularTable],1, function(a) #PLAIN implementation local msg, mgs, ed, dim, prlft, lft,zero, zeroes, id, aid, zeroid; if not(IsRectangularTable(a)) then Error("The argument must be a matrix."); fi; if not(IsInt(a[1][1])) then Error("The entries of the matrix must be integers."); fi; Info(InfoNumSgps,1,"Using Lawrence lifting for computing Graver Basis. Please, consider using NormalizInterface, 4ti2Interface or 4ti2gap."); mgs:=TransposedMat(a); ed:=Length(mgs); dim:=Length(mgs[1]); #lft:=LawrenceLiftingOfAffineSemigroup(a); #prlft:=MinimalPresentationOfAffineSemigroup(lft); id:=IdentityMat(ed); zero:=List([1..ed],_->0); zeroes:=List([1..dim],_->zero); msg:=TransposedMat(mgs); aid:=TransposedMat(Concatenation(msg,id)); zeroid:=TransposedMat(Concatenation(zeroes,id)); lft:=(Concatenation(aid,zeroid)); prlft:=GeneratorsOfKernelCongruence(lft); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"The kernel congruence is ", prlft); prlft:=Filtered(prlft, p->p[1]<>p[2]); return Set(Union(prlft), p->p{[1..ed]}-p{[ed+1..ed+ed]}); end); ############################################################ # computes a minimal presentation of a ############################################################ InstallMethod(MinimalPresentationOfAffineSemigroup, "Computes the minimal presentation of an affine semigroup", [IsAffineSemigroup],1, function( a ) local i, p, rel, rgb, msg, pol, ed, sdegree, monomial, candidates, mp, R,id, ie, vars, mingen, exps, bintopair, dim, zero, gen, pres,c, rclass; if not(IsAffineSemigroup(a)) then Error("The argument must be an affine semigroup."); fi; msg:=GeneratorsOfAffineSemigroup(a); #for now we do not check minimality of the generators ed:=Length(msg); if ed=0 then return []; fi; dim:=Length(msg[1]); candidates:=GeneratorsOfKernelCongruence(msg); candidates:=Set(candidates,c->c[1]*msg); Info(InfoNumSgps,2, "Candidates to Betti elements",candidates); pres:=[]; for c in candidates do exps:=FactorizationsVectorWRTList(c,msg); rclass:=RClassesOfSetOfFactorizations(exps); if Length(rclass)>1 then pres:=Concatenation(pres,List([2..Length(rclass)], i->[rclass[1][1],rclass[i][1]])); fi; od; return pres; end); InstallMethod(MinimalPresentation, "Computes the minimal presentation of an affine semigroup", [IsAffineSemigroup], MinimalPresentationOfAffineSemigroup ); ################################################################### # Betti elements of the affine semigroup a ################################################################### InstallMethod(BettiElements, "Computes the Betti elements of an affine semigroup", [IsAffineSemigroup],1, function(a) local msg, pr; if not(IsAffineSemigroup(a)) then Error("The argument must be an affine semigroup."); fi; msg:=GeneratorsOfAffineSemigroup(a); pr:=MinimalPresentationOfAffineSemigroup(a); return Set(pr, p->p[1]*msg); end); ############################################################################# ## #P IsUniquelyPresentedAffineSemigroup(a) ## ## For an affine semigroup a, checks it it has a unique minimal presentation ## Based in GS-O ## ############################################################################# InstallMethod(IsUniquelyPresentedAffineSemigroup, "Tests if the affine semigroup S has a unique minimal presentation", [IsAffineSemigroup],1, function(a) local gs; if not IsAffineSemigroup(a) then Error("The second argument must be an affine semigroup.\n"); fi; gs:=GeneratorsOfAffineSemigroup(a); return ForAll(BettiElementsOfAffineSemigroup(a), b->Length(FactorizationsVectorWRTList(b,gs))=2); end); ############################################################################# ## #P IsGenericAffineSemigroup(a) ## ## For an affine semigroup a, checks it it has a generic presentation, ## that is, in every relation all generators appear. ## These semigroups are uniquely presented; see B-GS-G. ## ############################################################################# InstallMethod(IsGenericAffineSemigroup, "Tests if the affine semigroup S has a generic presentation", [IsAffineSemigroup],1, function(a) local mp; if not IsAffineSemigroup(a) then Error("The second argument must be an affine semigroup.\n"); fi; mp:=MinimalPresentationOfAffineSemigroup(a); return ForAll(mp,p->Product(p[1]+p[2])<>0); end); InstallTrueMethod(IsUniquelyPresentedAffineSemigroup, IsGenericAffineSemigroup); ############################################################################# ## #F ShadedSetOfElementInAffineSemigroup(x,a) ## computes the shading set of x in a as defined in ## - Székely, L. A.; Wormald, N. C. Generating functions for the Frobenius problem ## with 2 and 3 generators. Math. Chronicle 15 (1986), 49–57. ############################################################################# InstallGlobalFunction(ShadedSetOfElementInAffineSemigroup, function(x,a) local msg; if not IsAffineSemigroup(a) then Error("The second argument must be an affine semigroup.\n"); fi; if not ( x in a ) then Error("The first argument must be an element of the second.\n"); fi; msg:=GeneratorsOfAffineSemigroup(a); return Filtered(Combinations(msg), c-> (x-Sum(c)) in a); end); ############################################################################### #F DeltaSetOfAffineSemigroup # Computes the Delta set of the affine semigroup a # uses the algorithm presented in [GSONW] ########################################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(DeltaSetOfAffineSemigroup, function(a) local p, msg, candidates, zero, hgens, m; if not(IsAffineSemigroup(a)) then Error("The argument must be an affine semigroup"); fi; m:=GeneratorsOfAffineSemigroup(a); if Length(m)=0 then return []; fi; zero:=List([1..Length(m[1])],_->0); msg:=List(Union(m,[zero]), x->Concatenation([1],x)); candidates:=Set(CanonicalBasisOfKernelCongruence(msg, MonomialLexOrdering()), l->l[1][1]); RemoveSet(candidates,0); return candidates; end); ###################################################################### # Computes the catenary degree of the affine semigroup a ###################################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(CatenaryDegreeOfAffineSemigroup, function(a) local betti, b, max, c, ls; if not(IsAffineSemigroup(a)) then Error("The argument must be an affine semigroup"); fi; ls:=GeneratorsOfAffineSemigroup(a); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Computing the Betti elements of the affine semigroup."); betti:=BettiElementsOfAffineSemigroup(a); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"The Betti elements are ",betti); max:=0; for b in betti do Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Computing the catenary degree of ",b); c:=CatenaryDegreeOfSetOfFactorizations( FactorizationsVectorWRTList(b,ls)); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"which equals ",c); if c>max then max:=c; fi; od; return max; end); ###################################################################### # Computes the equal catenary degree of the affine semigroup a # uses [GSOSN] ###################################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(EqualCatenaryDegreeOfAffineSemigroup, function(a) local ls, lsh, ah, primeq; if not(IsAffineSemigroup(a)) then Error("The argument must be an affine semigroup"); fi; ls:=GeneratorsOfAffineSemigroup(a); lsh:=List(ls, x-> Concatenation(x,[1])); ah:=AffineSemigroup(lsh); primeq:=BettiElementsOfAffineSemigroup(ah); return Maximum(Set(primeq, x->CatenaryDegreeOfSetOfFactorizations( FactorizationsVectorWRTList(x,lsh)))); end); ###################################################################### # Computes the homogeneous catenary degree of the affine semigroup a # uses [GSOSN] ###################################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(HomogeneousCatenaryDegreeOfAffineSemigroup, function(a) local ls, lsh, ah, primeq, one; if not(IsAffineSemigroup(a)) then Error("The argument must be an affine semigroup"); fi; ls:=GeneratorsOfAffineSemigroup(a); if ls=[] then return 0; fi; lsh:=List(ls, x-> Concatenation(x,[1])); one:=List(ls[1],_->0); Add(one,1); Add(lsh,one); ah:=AffineSemigroup(lsh); primeq:=BettiElementsOfAffineSemigroup(ah); return Maximum(Set(primeq, x->CatenaryDegreeOfSetOfFactorizations( FactorizationsVectorWRTList(x,lsh)))); end); ###################################################################### # Computes the monotone catenary degree of the affine semigroup a # uses [PH] and Alfredo Sanchez-R.-Navarro thesis ###################################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(MonotoneCatenaryDegreeOfAffineSemigroup, function(a) local ls, lsh, ah, primeq, one, dim; if not(IsAffineSemigroup(a)) then Error("The argument must be an affine semigroup"); fi; ls:=GeneratorsOfAffineSemigroup(a); if ls=[] then return 0; fi; dim:=Length(ls[1]); lsh:=List(ls, x-> Concatenation(x,[1])); one:=List(ls[1],_->0); Add(one,1); Add(lsh,one); ah:=AffineSemigroup(lsh); primeq:=PrimitiveElementsOfAffineSemigroup(ah); primeq:=Set(primeq, x->x{[1..dim]}); return Maximum(Set(primeq, x->MonotoneCatenaryDegreeOfSetOfFactorizations( FactorizationsVectorWRTList(x,ls)))); end); ############################################################################### ## #O OmegaPrimalityOfElementInAffineSemigroup # # Computes the omega-primality of v in the monoid a ########################################################################### InstallMethod(OmegaPrimalityOfElementInAffineSemigroup, "Computes the omega-primality of x in the monoid s", [IsHomogeneousList,IsAffineSemigroup],1, function(x,s) local i, j, p, rel, rgb, msg, pol, ed, degree, monomial, facts, fact, mp,id, reduce, nonnegative, mu1,A,B,C, lt, tl, exp, new; msg:=GeneratorsOfAffineSemigroup(s); ed:=Length(msg); mp:=MinimalPresentationOfAffineSemigroup(s); p := []; # list of exponents to monomial monomial:=function(l) local i; pol:=1; for i in [1..ed] do pol:=pol*Indeterminate(Rationals,i)^l[i]; od; return pol; end; ## monomial to exponents exp:=function(mon) return List([1..ed],i-> DegreeIndeterminate(mon,i)); end; ##computes the degree of a monomial degree:=function(mon) return Sum(exp(mon)); end; ##nonnegative nonnegative:=function(l) return ForAll(l, x-> x>=0); end; for rel in mp do Add( p, monomial(rel[1])-monomial(rel[2])); od; facts:=FactorizationsVectorWRTList(x,msg); if facts=[] then return 0; fi; Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Factorizations of the element :", facts); fact:=facts[Length(facts)]; id:=IdentityMat(ed); for i in [1..ed] do Add(p,monomial(fact+id[i])-monomial(fact)); od; # for j in [2..Length(facts)] do # for i in [1..ed] do # Add(p,monomial(facts[j]+id[i])-monomial(facts[j])); # od; # od; Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Computing a Groebner basis"); #a canonical system of generators of sigma_I rgb := ReducedGroebnerBasis( p, MonomialGrevlexOrdering() ); #normal form wrt rgb reduce:=function(r) return PolynomialReducedRemainder(r,rgb, MonomialGrevlexOrdering()); end; #leading term lt:=function(r) return LeadingMonomialOfPolynomial(r,MonomialGrevlexOrdering()); end; #tail tl:=function(r) return lt(r)-r; end; mu1:=reduce(monomial(fact)); #A:=Set([mu1]); A:=Union(Set([mu1]),Set(facts,monomial)); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Computing minimal elements of the ideal."); while true do B:=[]; for i in A do for rel in rgb do new:=Lcm(i,tl(rel))/tl(rel)*lt(rel); if First(A, a->nonnegative(exp(new)-exp(a)))=fail then AddSet(B,new); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"New possible minimal element: ",exp(new)); fi; od; od; if IsSubset(A,B) then A:=Filtered(A, i->First(Difference(A,[i]), j-> nonnegative(exp(i)-exp(j)))=fail); return Maximum(Set(Set(A,exp),Sum)); fi; A:=Union(A,B); od; end); ###################################################################### # Computes the omega primality of the affine semigroup a ###################################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(OmegaPrimalityOfAffineSemigroup, function(a) local ls; if not(IsAffineSemigroup(a)) then Error("The argument must be an affine semigroup"); fi; ls:=GeneratorsOfAffineSemigroup(a); return Maximum(Set(ls, v-> OmegaPrimalityOfElementInAffineSemigroup(v,a))); end); ##################################################################### # Computes the elasticity of the affine semigroup a ##################################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(ElasticityOfAffineSemigroup, function(a) local circuits, gens, positive, negative, cir, el; #computes the circuits as explained in Eisenbud-Sturmfels Lemma 8.8 circuits:=function(a) local cols,rows, e, comb, c, i, circ,mat, matt, sum; rows:=Length(a); cols:=Length(a[1]); e:=IdentityMat(cols); comb:=Combinations([1..cols],rows+1); #Print("Combinations ",comb,"\n"); circ:=[]; for c in comb do sum:=0; for i in [1..rows+1] do mat:=TransposedMat(a); matt:=mat{Difference(c,[c[i]])}; #Print("c ",c," da ",matt,"\n"); sum:=sum+(-1)^(i+1)*DeterminantIntMat(matt)*e[c[i]]; od; if ForAny(sum, x->x<>0) then Add(circ,sum/Gcd(sum)); fi; od; return circ; end; # computes x^+ positive:=function(x) local p,i; p:=[]; for i in [1..Length(x)] do p[i]:=Maximum(x[i],0); od; return p; end; # computes x^- negative:=function(x) local p,i; p:=[]; for i in [1..Length(x)] do p[i]:=-Minimum(x[i],0); od; return p; end; if not(IsAffineSemigroup(a)) then Error("The argument must be an affine semigroup."); fi; gens:=GeneratorsOfAffineSemigroup(a); cir:=circuits(TransposedMat(gens)); cir:=Union(cir,-cir); return Maximum(Set(cir, c->Sum(positive(c))/Sum(negative(c)))); end); ################################################################### #lawrence Lifting ################################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(LawrenceLiftingOfAffineSemigroup,function(a) local dim,ed, msg, id, lft, zero, zeroes, aid, zeroid; if not(IsAffineSemigroup(a)) then Error("The argument must be an affine semigroup."); fi; msg:=GeneratorsOfAffineSemigroup(a); ed:=Length(msg); dim:=Length(msg[1]); id:=IdentityMat(ed); zero:=List([1..ed],_->0); zeroes:=List([1..dim],_->zero); msg:=TransposedMat(msg); aid:=TransposedMat(Concatenation(msg,id)); zeroid:=TransposedMat(Concatenation(zeroes,id)); lft:=(Concatenation(aid,zeroid)); return AffineSemigroup(lft); end); ##################################################### # primitiveElements with Lawrence lifting ##################################################### InstallMethod(PrimitiveElementsOfAffineSemigroup, "Computes the set of primitive elements of an affine semigroup", [IsAffineSemigroup],1, function(a) local msg, mgs, ed, dim, prlft, lft,zero, zeroes, id, aid, zeroid; if not(IsAffineSemigroup(a)) then Error("The argument must be an affine semigroup."); fi; Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Using Lawrence lifting for computing primitive elements."); mgs:=GeneratorsOfAffineSemigroup(a); ed:=Length(mgs); dim:=Length(mgs[1]); #lft:=LawrenceLiftingOfAffineSemigroup(a); #prlft:=MinimalPresentationOfAffineSemigroup(lft); id:=IdentityMat(ed); zero:=List([1..ed],_->0); zeroes:=List([1..dim],_->zero); msg:=TransposedMat(mgs); aid:=TransposedMat(Concatenation(msg,id)); zeroid:=TransposedMat(Concatenation(zeroes,id)); lft:=(Concatenation(aid,zeroid)); prlft:=GeneratorsOfKernelCongruence(lft); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"The kernel congruence is ", prlft); return Union(Set(prlft, p->(p[1]{[ed+1..ed+ed]})*mgs),mgs); end); ##################################################################### # Computes the tame degree of the affine semigroup a ##################################################################### InstallMethod(TameDegreeOfAffineSemigroup, "Computes the tame degree of an affine semigroup", [IsAffineSemigroup],1, function(a) local prim, tams, p, max, ls; if not(IsAffineSemigroup(a)) then Error("The argument must be an affine semigroup"); fi; ls:=GeneratorsOfAffineSemigroup(a); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Computing primitive elements of ", ls); prim:=PrimitiveElementsOfAffineSemigroup(a); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Primitive elements of ", ls, ": ",prim); max:=0; for p in prim do Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Computing the tame degree of ",p); tams:=TameDegreeOfSetOfFactorizations( FactorizationsVectorWRTList(p,ls)); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"The tame degree of ",p, " is ",tams); if tams>max then max:=tams; fi; od; return max; end); ############################################################################### ## ############################################################################### ############################################################################### ## #F RandomAffineSemigroup(n,d[,m]) # Returns an affine semigroup generated by a n'*d' matrix where d' (the dimension) is randomly choosen from [1..d] and n' (the number of generators) is randomly choosen from [1..n]. The entries of the matrix are randomly choosen from [0..m] (when the third argument is not present, m is taken as n'*d') ########################################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(RandomAffineSemigroup,function(arg) local rn, rd, max; rn := Random([1..arg[1]]); rd := Random([1..arg[2]]); if Length(arg) = 3 then max := arg[3]; else max := rn*rd; fi; return AffineSemigroup("generators",RandomMat(rn,rd,[0..max])); end); ############################################################################### ## #F RandomFullAffineSemigroup(n,d[,m, string]) # Returns a full affine semigroup either given by equations or inequalities (when no string is given, one is choosen at random). The matrix is an n'*d' matrix where d' (the dimension) is randomly choosen from [1..d] and n' is randomly choosen from [1..n]. When it is given by equations, the moduli are choosen at random. The entries of the matrix (and moduli) are randomly choosen from [0..m] (when the third integer is not present, m is taken as n'*d') ########################################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(RandomFullAffineSemigroup,function(arg) local type, nums, rn, rd, max; if First(arg, IsString) <> fail then type := First(arg, IsString); else type := RandomList(["equations","inequalities"]); fi; nums := Filtered(arg,IsInt); rn := Random([1..nums[1]]); rd := Random([1..nums[2]]); if Length(nums) = 3 then max := nums[3]; else max := rn*rd; fi; if type = "equations" then return AffineSemigroup(type,[RandomMat(rn,rd,[0..max]),RandomMat(1,rd,[0..max])[1]]); fi; return AffineSemigroup(type,RandomMat(rn,rd,[0..max])); end); ########################################################################## ## #F NumSgpsUseNormaliz # Loads the package NormalizInterface and reads affine-extra-ni ########################################################################## InstallGlobalFunction(NumSgpsUseNormaliz, function() if LoadPackage("NormalizInterface")=true then ReadPackage("numericalsgps", "gap/"); NumSgpsCanUseNI:=true; return true; else return fail; fi; end); ########################################################################## ## #F NumSgpsUseSingular # Loads the package singular and reads affine-extra-s ########################################################################## InstallGlobalFunction(NumSgpsUseSingular, function() if IsPackageMarkedForLoading("SingularInterface","0.0") then Print("SingularInterface is already loaded and it is incompatible with Singular.\n"); return fail; fi; if LoadPackage("singular")=true then ReadPackage("numericalsgps", "gap/"); ReadPackage("numericalsgps", "gap/"); ReadPackage("numericalsgps", "gap/"); NumSgpsCanUseSingular:=true; if NumSgpsCanUse4ti2 then ReadPackage("numericalsgps","gap/"); fi; return true; else return fail; fi; end); ########################################################################## ## #F NumSgpsUseSingularInterface # Loads the package SingularInterface and reads affine-extra-si ########################################################################## InstallGlobalFunction(NumSgpsUseSingularInterface, function() if IsPackageMarkedForLoading("Singular","0.0") then Print("Singular is already loaded and it is incompatible with SingularInterface.\n"); return fail; fi; if LoadPackage("SingularInterface")=true then ReadPackage("numericalsgps", "gap/"); NumSgpsCanUseSI:=true; return true; else return fail; fi; end); ########################################################################## ## #F NumSgpsUse4ti2 # Loads the package 4ti2Interface and reads affine-extra-4ti2 ########################################################################## InstallGlobalFunction(NumSgpsUse4ti2, function() if LoadPackage("4ti2Interface")=true then ReadPackage("numericalsgps", "gap/"); ReadPackage("numericalsgps", "gap/"); if NumSgpsCanUseSingular then ReadPackage("numericalsgps","gap/"); fi; NumSgpsCanUse4ti2:=true; return true; else return fail; fi; end); ########################################################################## ## #F NumSgpsUse4ti2gap # Loads the package 4ti2gap and reads affine-extra-4ti2gap ########################################################################## InstallGlobalFunction(NumSgpsUse4ti2gap, function() if LoadPackage("4ti2gap")=true then ReadPackage("numericalsgps", "gap/"); ReadPackage("numericalsgps", "gap/"); NumSgpsCanUse4ti2gap:=true; return true; else return fail; fi; end); ########################################################################## ## #F NumSgpsUseGradedModules # Loads the package GradedModules and reads affine-extra-gm ########################################################################## InstallGlobalFunction(NumSgpsUseGradedModules, function() if LoadPackage("GradedModules")=true then ReadPackage("numericalsgps", "gap/"); NumSgpsCanUseGradedModules:=true; return true; else return fail; fi; end);